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关于”进行时态“的英语句子46个,句子主体:progressive tense。以下是关于进行时态的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:progressive tense

每次在将充电状态数据存储到非易失性 存储器中时,对所述充电状态数据进行一次计数。

1、The charged state data is counted each time it is stored in the nonvolatile memory.


2、At the same time, the forming mechanism of semi-solid structure prepared by the novel machine was…


3、The roller table should run continuously without load for over

2 hours , so that the inner temperature of bearings can reach.

端点引用将在运行时进行动态组合,从而不需要预先存在的 SCA 导入。

4、The endpoint reference is dynamically composed at runtime, without requiring a pre-existing SCA import.


5、Not only static test, but also dynamic test of accelerometer can be done onJML-1 centrifuge manufactured by HIT.


6、It is the precondition for the rill flow hydraulic calculation to confirm the rill flow pattern.


7、Finally avoidance method of working in pseudo-resonant state during the inverter's switching frequency tracing control is suggested.


8、The specimens of the welded joints were treated with ultrasonic impact treatment(UIT)and compared with the as-welded ones.


9、Second, they spend a lot of time fussing with the form they use for status reporting.


10、This is an aqueous process, and is sometimes done under pressure at the boil.

而分离因子下降。 同时从膜材料的聚集态结构出发对相关的渗透蒸发行为进行了讨论。

11、The pervaporation properties observed could be explained by the aggregation state structure of the membrane.


12、Behavior, Ecology, Evolution and Systematics.


13、At the end of experiment, invasive cardiac function was measured and morphologic examinations were done.


14、We can view selectors as methods which themselves are not dynamically linked but still behave like polymorphic functions because they let dynamically linked functions do their real work.


15、The static composting test of night soil sludge was performed under the conditions of pile height of



16、As the input to neural networks, the estimated states and time-delay states are used to approximate the faults.


17、In addition, it explains some aspects which are easy to be used incorrectly, such as articles, prepositions, numerals, singular and plural forms of nouns and punctuation marks.


18、Not shown here is the ability for the component to do per-instance customisation when it's brought on-line.


19、This SHT/PB apparatus can be used for both compress tests and tensile tests of materials at high strain rate.


20、Implications of local adaptation and some affecting evolutionary factors, such as selection and gene flow, were also discussed.

21、The JACC provider has the autonomy and information necessary to also make dynamic, run time-based access decisions.JACC 提供程序还具有进行动态的基于运行时的访问决策所必需的自主性和信息。

22、Dynamic endpoint-look up from within the ESB Gateway for incoming service requests, at run time.在运行时从 ESB 网关中为传入服务请求进行动态端点查找。

23、enqueue_task: When a task enters a runnable state, this function is called.enqueue_task:当某个任务进入可运行状态时,该函数将得到调用。

24、Here, the HMM is employed to produce a best speech state sequence which is warped to a fixed dimension vector and the RBF neural network is used as classifier.该方法首先利用HMM生成最佳语音状态序列,然后用函数逼近技术产生对最佳状态序列进行时间规正,最后通过RBF神经网络进行分类识别。

25、Have you ever wanted to compare previous versions of a value to the current value dynamically at runtime?您有没有想过在运行时间将先前版本的值与当前的值动态地进行比较?

英文句子26:,26、In the initial state, no process is assigned to the program. The process is in the idle state.在初始状态时,没有进程赋给程序,这时的进程就处于空闲状态。

27、During the third week of treatment, he developed status epilepticusandprogressive abdominal distention simultaneously.在治疗的第二个星期,他出现癫癎持续状态同时有腹部进行性膨胀。

28、The timeslice, in effect, gives each runnable process a slice of the processor's time.事实上,时间片是为每一个运行态的进程分配处理器的时间的一片。

29、Meanwhile, the morphological changes of leaf, fruit and seed were observed, and its classification was conducted based on the above morphological characters.对朱砂根叶、果等形态变异进行了观测,并根据形态特徵进行了类型划分。

30、When I walked into his office and introduced myself, Barbieri was cordial but business-like.当我走进巴比里的办公室进行自我介绍的时候,他的态度非常热情,却打着官腔。

31、Moreover, the morphologic characters and the growth curve of A. foetidus were studied.同时,对菌落的生长规律及形态特征进行了观察与分析。

32、This article proposes two modes of qualifying Web services: statically for initial selection and then dynamically as part of the on-going provider/consumer relationship.本文提出了两种对 Web 服务进行鉴定的方式:对初始化选择进行静态鉴定,然后对正在进行的提供者/消费者关系进行动态鉴定。

33、When stemming an inflected word, the rule based neutralized vowel detecting has a low precision about 40%.但对已有形态变化的单词进行形态还原时,使用规则识别弱化央音的原音的效率一般在40%左右。

34、While walking I would go into deep thought and enter a kind of wu wei state of mind, similiar to what you’d experience while surfing or creating.步行不仅改善了我的身体,而且也改变了我的心态。 当我步行时,我喜欢思考,然后进入一种无为的状态,这种状态和你冲浪或创作时很相似。

35、The experiment method was developed to study the input output character, static and dynamic stiffness, vibration models and the static error under acting force.另外,对工作台输入输出特性、静动态刚度和模态振型、以及受外力作用时产生的静态位移误差进行了试验研究。

36、Dynamic evolution is divided into two categories; and only the task-switch based dynamic evolution is focused on.将可进化硬件动态进化分为两类,并针对基于任务切换的动态进化进行研究。

37、The next step, then, is to look at the problem again, but this time from the perspective of dynamic (i.e. runtime) behavior.然后,下一步就是再一次研究问题,但这次是从动态(例如,运行时)行为的角度来进行研究。

38、Meanwhile, in order to scan virus in real time way, the virus database need dynamic update.同时,病毒特征码数据库也要能进行动态的更新,以求能实时的进行邮件扫描。

39、Generally Speaking, only dynamic verbs not stative ones are used in the progressive aspect.运用进行体通常是动态动词,而静态动词一般不用于进行体。

40、Meanwhile restores the fund aspect to the coal resource mining area's ecology to carry on the explanation.同时对煤炭资源开采区的生态恢复资金方面进行说明。

41、A study on variations of acoustic radiation modes of a damaged stiffened panel;以简支矩形板为例,提出了利用时域声辐射模态进行声辐射研究。

42、The design criterion of space-time code(STC) for quasistatic Rayleigh fading channels is investigated.对准静态瑞利衰落信道的空时码设计准则进行了研究。

43、All these gaits have been studied independently, but the transition motion between these gaits have never been addressed.所有这些步态都被单独进行研究,如何在这些不同的步态之间进行切换却从未被研究过。

44、Explicit linking is sometimes referred to as dynamic load or run-time dynamic linking.显式链接有时称为动态加载或运行时动态链接。

45、And mode experiment was done too, frequency response function and mode parameter were obtained by adopting fast frequency response testing of transient impulse and mode identifying.同时进行模态试验,采用瞬态脉冲的快速频响测试技术和模态识别方法,得到系统的频响函数和模态参数。

46、At this state condensation and evaporation are at an equilibrium and take place at the same rate.在这种状态时水的凝结和蒸发达到平衡状态并且以相同的速度进行。

47、The optimization of smoke density under a certain operating condition is calculated.同时对某一工况稳态烟度参数进行了优化计算。

48、Short circuit fault simulation has been studied according to time-domain model and dynamic phasor model.并分别对时域模型和时变动态相量模型进行了短路故障仿真。

49、Tint : The circle of colors next to the hues represent the tint of each hue. A tint is the hue mixed with white.纯色 :纯色是一种颜色最纯最亮的形态,是还没和白、灰或黑色进行混合时的形态。

50、Standard mechanism to use WS-Notification to subscribe in the event of state change.在状态更改时使用 WS-Notification 来进行订阅的标准机制。

经典英文句子51:进行时态,51、NET technology to dynamically visit the real-time data based on ASP. NET and inquiry the history data from RTDB.NET 技术对实时数据库进行动态数据访问以及对历史数据进行实时查询。

52、When the existed dynamic bit rate allocation algorithms is working, the video data bit rate and the audio data bit rate are changed.已有的动态速率调整算法在进行动态速率调整时,音、视频的位速率都要改变。

53、The pretreatment method of soil required for carrying out speci…同时对形态分析的土壤样品的前处理方式进行了简要概述。

54、Meanwhile a modal test on real BIW structure is also conducted using multi-input multi-output method with experimental modes obtained through processing.同时采用多输入多输出方法对实际白车身结构进行模态实验并经处理得到实验模态。

55、Hue : A hue is the purest or brightest form of a color. Hues are colors that have not been mixed with white, gray, or black.纯色 :纯色是一种颜色最纯最亮的形态,是还没和白、灰或黑色进行混合时的形态。

56、The future value of traffic flow can be quickly predicted with the real-time traffic data by means of pattern matching technique to identify the current traffic pattern.实时采集的交通数据进行模式匹配,识别当前交通状态,进行交通流参数的快速预测。

57、Meanwhile, degration dynamics, relations between degradation to temperature were studied.同时对多菌灵和噻菌灵在水果中的降解动态进行了研究。

58、The line was bad, we could not hear each other clearly。 hear 的意思是听见,强调听的结果,一般不用于进行时态;

59、This prevents static-type checking by the compiler and introduces new classes of runtime errors.这避免了由编译器进行静态的检查,并且引入了新的运行时错误类。

60、This process is long running so that it manages persistence of the state of the state machine.此进程可以长时间运行,因此它可以管理状态机状态的持久性。

61、The biochemical dynamics of physical and chemical equilibrium equations and simultaneous equations, thereby establishing a complete dynamic model of ASBR reactor.进而利用该模型及获取的参数对ASBR反应器的实际运行状态进行动态模拟。

62、It is based on the measuring the difference between the input and autput of the pipeline and by using the combination of the WSV and the SRDA to locate the leakage.针对此问题,采用了输差法进行泄漏的检测与报警、瞬态负压波法与稳态相关时延分析法相结合进行泄漏点的实时定位技术。

63、For example, dynamic screens are differentiated from static screens.例如,对动态屏幕与静态屏幕进行了区分。

64、Then, the denotation of temporal elements and a group of temporal data calculations was defined, and some primary elements in Temporal Workflow were formalized.定义了时态信息的规范表示和一组时态数据演算,并对时态工作流中主要元素进行了形式化描述;

65、A bigger issue is the repainting of the widgets when states change.一个更大的问题是当状态改变时对组件进行重新绘制。

66、A decision to deploy for static execution obtains the universal benefits of static SQL: security, performance, monitoring, and pre-runtime optimization选择针对静态执行进行部署可以获得静态 SQL 的全部好处:安全、性能、监控和预运行时优化。



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