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关于”简单常用“的英语句子34个,句子主体:simple and commonly used。以下是关于简单常用的考研英语句子。

英文句子模板1:simple and commonly used


1、One advantage of the use of standard components and protocols is that they can be replaced fairly easily.


2、Easy-access hot keys make accessing frequently used applications and Web sites as easy as the push of a button.

使用 IVM 执行所有 SEA 配置,这非常简单(稍后就会看到)。

3、All of the SEA configuration was performed using the IVM and was very straightforward (which you will see in a moment).

我们首先建立一个非常简单的应用程序,然后再添加一点 DOM 魔法。

4、Let's start out by putting together a very basic application, and then adding a little DOM magic.


5、Some of the dishes (the crumble, notably) have the advantage of being bloody easy as well as bloody good.


6、Eary to use , simply peel off the top layer to dirty;

事实证明,使用 Enum 和 EnumSet 代替自定义位向量来创建 EAz 非常简单。

7、Creating EAz using Enums and EnumSets in lieu of custom bit vectors turned out to be quite straightforward.


8、In the case of equally spaced data, this method degenerates to the usual K-point sliding averaging.


9、For non-Chinese readers, frequency of use is indicated for each requirement.


10、Simply put, dead link refers to the original normal, then the link failure.


11、That’s why navigation options aren’t often listed simply one after another using appropriate keywords (i.e. using “silent” navigation).


12、This concept is really quite easy, because it just requires a matrix and some constants.


13、For consistency and simplicity, you can use any of these common images in your technical figures.


14、It is much easier to use these sheets to pick up the grease and control your diet.

ESB 中的逻辑通常非常简单,而 WS-BPEL 可以处理更复杂的情形。

15、The logic in an ESB is normally straightforward, while WS-BPEL can handle more complex cases.


16、Punishment, it is said, is simply vindictiveness institutionalized.


17、Anomalous photovoltaic effect (APVE) in ferroelectrics and its microcosmic theories are briefly reviewed.

早期的 Web 服务都是非常简单的 ― 发出一个 SOAP 调用就会得到一个响应。

18、The early Web services are very straightforward -- you make a SOAP call and get a response.


19、Installing the framework involved little more than unzipping a file.


20、They provide so single load metric and load balancing policy that they cannot be used in deferent environments.

21、Everybody…is a little off the hooks…in plain words, a little crazy or so.人人都有点失常,……简单地说,就是有点疯疯。

22、In this way, collision detection and response in the Irrlicht engine is really easy.如此以来,在Irrlicht引擎中使用冲突检测与响应就非常、非常地简单。

23、Enumerating-search method is easy to program, but the searching efficiency is very low because of vast calculating amount.采用枚举搜索法具有方法简单、编程容易的优点,但计算量非常大、搜索效率非常低。

24、The idea is similar, too: players use resources (money in Monopoly;游戏理念非常简单:玩家使用资源(强手棋里用的钱;

25、Though there's a lot of detail, setting up authentication on PostgreSQL using SSL certificates is straightforward尽管涉及许多细节,但是在 PostgreSQL 上使用 SSL 证书设置身份验证非常简单

英文句子26:,26、From here, turning this into a Scala parser is insultingly straightforward, as shown in Listing 5在这里,将它转换成一个 Scala 解析器非常简单,如清单

5 所示

27、Just patch it on the ground in front of the door. Both installation and removal are very easy.揭掉保护膜后直接贴在门前的地面上即可使用,安装拆卸非常简单。

28、The methods discussed simplify computation compared with the methods of substitution commonly used.所讨论的方法比常用的代入法计算简单。

29、This script header is pretty basic, but it does the trick.这个脚本标头非常简单,但它应用了上述的技巧。

30、This is possible simply because I can do everything I want inside my application where it is instantly accessible and customisable.这样做就非常简单,因为我可以在应用中做任何事,可以随时访问和定制。

31、When a player misses an easy chance to score.当运动员错过一个非常简单的破门良机时。

32、Many experienced DBAs use this method to retrieve health-related information because it is fast and easy.很多有经验的 DBA 使用这一方法获取与健康有关的信息,因为它非常简单快速。

33、For demonstration purposes, the code in Listing 出于演示的目的,清单

11 simply displays an exception message when a GAE exception is thrown.

11 的代码只是在出现 GAE 异常时简单地显示一个异常消息。

34、RIP is widely used because of its reliability, briefness and easy configuration.RIP使用非常广泛,它简单、可靠,便于配置。

35、Merge. Now this is pretty easy, this one, but let's use the same heuristics.合并,现在这个非常简单,但我们用同样的试探法。

36、Because of their simplicity, key-value stores are useful for a smaller set of jobs but can do those jobs very quickly.由于其简单,键值存储对于较小系列的作业非常有用,而且可以非常快速地执行那些作业。

37、But you can modify the bean just a bit with a more common and well-known assertion.但您可以使用更常见和熟知的断言对 bean 进行简单地修改。

38、So often, we have come to view these documents as simply numbers on a page or laundry lists of programs. I see this document differently.我们常常把这些文件视为纸页上简单的几个数据或一串计划清单,我就不这么看。

39、This script looks long and complicated, but it's really straightforward.这段脚本看起来又长又复杂,但实际上非常简单。

40、But the big play in geothermal energy has always been to simply use the hot rocks down there and create your own reservoir.但要将地热资源大加利用,通常就是简单地利用下面的热岩建立自己的贮藏库。

41、I have a very basic question for you, is this fair?我有一个非常简单的问题想问你,这公平吗?

42、Coding this non-J2EE message consumer is straightforward, using a mix of JMS API and ActiveMQ support library.通过混合使用 JMS API 和 ActiveMQ 支持库,对这个非 J2EE 消息消费者进行编码非常简单。

43、Jacquard fabrics, we usually use basic structure and Variety structure.大提花组织,多用常规简单变化组织。

44、I believe that ActiveRecord strikes an effective set of compromises, usually erring on the side of simplicity.我认为 ActiveRecord 实现了一组有效的妥协,常常选择了简单性。

45、This makes it easy to use SSL by simply configuring or specifying a few JVM properties.这使得通过简单配置或指定一些 JVM 属性来使用 SSL 变得非常容易。

46、This makes splicing the tapes in the machines easy, fast and reliable.这使得胶带的插接非常的简单、快速和可靠。

47、Creating meals and living the caveman diet is SIMPLE.创作膳食,遵循穴居人的饮食法是非常简单的。

48、It is implemented as a thin layer on top of the power-of-two allocator .这是非常简单的代码,它不调用分配器。

49、The construction of a golden rectangle is very easy and straightforward.黄金矩形的作图是非常容易和简单的。

50、When I was done I simply unmounted, detached, and then finally deleted them.当我使用完成后,就将它们卸载、解除连接,最后删除它们。 这一切都非常简单。

经典英文句子51:简单常用,51、Methods of changing are often unnecessarily complicated and frenetic. Through simplicity, clarity arises.改变的方法常常是过度不必要的复杂和狂热。要简单、清晰地提高。

52、Working on large enterprise applications, it was very difficult to come up with Simple Design which was easy to Test.开发大型企业应用,要想产生“简单设计”并易于测试,是非常困难的。

53、If you're comfortable using the command line, PMD is straightforward to install and run.如果您习惯使用命令行,那么 PMD 的安装和运行会非常简单。

54、The investment cost of compensation equipment is imprecisely simplified as the function of the capacity in traditional methods.在确定补偿装置的投资费用时,通常将其简单表示为电容器组容量的函数。

55、The simplicity with which AIX allows you to configure networking is very clear.AIX 提供的连网配置方法非常简单。

56、The navigation-based object recognition method is quite lightweight and efficient.基于导航对象识别方法非常有效和简单。

57、This makes it very easy to develop a graphical KDE application.这使图形 KDE 应用程序的开发变得非常简单。

58、Putting SaaS financing on an old product is simply the ASP model and that is terrible economics.在旧产品上使用软件即服务营利模式是简单的ASP模式,这非常可怕。


标签: 简单

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