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成语的英语可以这样说: Dog Idiom,还经常被译作idiom,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到41个与成语相关的释义和例句。


1. Dog Idiom

成语翻译为 Dog Idiom 。

示例:你们可能听过一个成语“物以类聚,人以群分”,恋爱就是这样。 You've probably heard the phrase "Birds of a feather flock together"and that's true when it comes to romance.


2. idiom


示例:有时你不能从字面上理解一些汉语成语,因为它们有更深的含义。 Sometimes you can't take some Chinese idioms literally because they have deeper meanings.


3. 427 Idioms can be said to be the core of a language.

成语翻译为 427 Idioms can be said to be the core of a language. 。

示例:我们再看一个成语:一举两得/一箭双雕。 Let us look at an idiom: kill two birds with double-edged sword.


4. phrase

成语翻译为 phrase 。

示例:The entire phrase, my phrase. 一整句话 我的话



1. idiography( 成语)

2. idiomat( 成语)

3. idiomatics(成语学)

4. idiomats( 成语)

5. idiomeres( 成语)

英语短语&俚语, generative linguistics ( 生成语言学 )

Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language Synchronous Multimedia Integrate Language Synchroni ze( 同步多媒体集成语言 )

Generative Semantics ( 生成语义学 语 )

Chinese idiom ( 汉语成语 )

GenerateStatement generate ( 生成语句 )

synthetic speech sound assembled phonology synthesized speech ( 合成语音 )

transformational generative grammar TG grammar transformational grammar ( 转换生成语法 )


1. Hence the Chinese idiom for priceless,


2. This idiom excoriates those who show off their slight accomplishments in front of experts.

译文:“班门弄斧”这个成语,用来批评那些在专家面前炫耀小小成就的人。 。

3. Like the saying, "A rat can't see past her nose."Consider that a freebie.

译文:成语叫: 鼠目寸光 这句成语算我免费送你了。

4. This idiom, do not praise to do not devaluate apparently, just spoke a kind of phenomenon.

译文:这个成语,似乎不褒不贬,只是说出了一种现象而已。 。

5. - There's another big word.

译文:会说成语啦! 我怪?。

6. "Half-empty, half-full"is an expression i have never cared for.


7. it's based on a story where the Seal was stolen, and a hero brings it home unharmed.

译文:该成语出自 和氏璧被偷 蔺相如原物带回国的典故。

8. with trying to impress others with her newly quiet Chinese idioms.


9. thoughts become words, words become deeds. thoughts become words, words become deeds. We're going to get you out of here.

译文:想法变成文字, 文字变成语言。 我们要把你弄出来。

10. Drilled in idiom idiosyncrasy and ideology.

译文:熟悉成语 文化特质,还有 意识型态。

11. Take the phrase "unable to do it"


12. Oh, you know, i'm really into speech work, words.

译文:哦,你知道,我米真 成语音工作的话。。

13. The two countries'idiom-adages both have concretion and pay attention to emotional description.


14. Then her call waiting beeped, and she was gone.

译文:然后她的电话就变成语音留言 她离开了我。

15. - Well, it's definitely a phrase.

译文:- 我确定这是一句成语。


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