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大学学位在英语中的翻译是" college degree",其次还可以说成"university degree",在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到84个与大学学位相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. college degree

大学学位翻译为 college degree 。

示例:这些课程旨在与大学学位接轨。 These courses are designed to articulate with university degrees.


2. university degree

大学学位翻译为university degree。

示例:我为了获得大学学位付出了很多努力。 I struggled a lot to get the college degree.


3. college degree

大学学位翻译为college degree。

示例:大学学位已经成为在大多数行业谋职的必要条件。 A university degree has become a requisite for entry into most professions.


4. university degree

大学学位翻译为 university degree 。

示例:That you are charged with first-degree murder -degree murder



1. university degree(大学学位)

2. law degrees(法学学位)

3. in the schools(接受/主持牛津大学学位考试)

4. supplicats((英国)大学学位正式申请书)

5. take one's degree((大学)获得学位)

英语短语&俚语, granting university admission to ( 授予大学学位 )

Degree Thesis of Sichuan Uninversity ( 四川大学学位论文 )

do a university degree ( 攻读大学学位 )

German Diploma ( 大学学位文凭 )

I am college degree ( 我的大学学位 )


1. i have a Master's Degree in chemistry from UCLA.


2. And so they pleaded with me to get a degree in something.

译文:(笑声) 于是他们请求我完成某个大学学位。

3. She's reading for a law degree.

译文:她在攻读法学学位。 。

4. You have a college degree, and you're 30.


5. Polina was the first person in the family to receive a university degree.


6. Well, i'm sorry. i've been working my ass off so you can get your degree.

译文:嗯,对不起,我那时正没命地干活 好让你拿到大学学位。

7. i have a degree in criminology.


8. Look, at Hopkins you can't be a technician without a college degree.

译文:我明白 在霍普金斯医学院, 没有大学学位你做不了技师。

9. Michael, i don't care about some silly college degree.

译文:迈克尔,我不关心 一些无聊的大学学位。。

10. "Hillside Strangler gets his college degree in prison."

译文:"山坡扼杀者 在监狱里获得他的大学学位"。

11. i'm hoping to do a chemistry degree.

译文:我希望攻读化学学位课程。 。

12. BA from Stanford Journalism from Northwestern.

译文:斯坦福大学文学学位 西北大学新闻学学位。

13. (Laughter) And so they pleaded with me to get a degree in something.

译文:(笑声) 于是他们请求我完成某个大学学位 。

14. Basically, you've no experience, no college degree...

译文:基本上 你没有经验大学学位和证书 以及工作技能。

15. A college degree is a nice thing, sure, but not at the sake of emotional well-being.

译文:-有大学学位当然很棒 但它不比情感完整重要。


标签: 大学 学位

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