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关于”形容春天“的英语句子48个,句子主体:Describe Spring。以下是关于形容春天的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Describe Spring


1、Every spring, melting snow in various parts of Kazakhstan, rainfall increases, often leading to flash floods, the formation of waterlogging.


2、Natural vegetations distributed far from the main course form the strip and ellipse as well as other irregular communities, which have improved the contents of landscape.


3、It's easy to understand and the minimalist approach keeps the whimsicality in check.

versatile 多才多艺的

4、The youth was fortunate in having understanding parents.


5、Adjectives overlap in the book-style format is very active, Generally speaking this has been closed to the sophisticated modern Chinese adjectives overlap in the format.

学会天然风雅地笑容准绳,眼中浅笑、真城笑容、安康笑容 、天天笑容,养成杰出习气。

6、Learn to be smiling, smiling eyes principle, smiling, smiling, city health every smile, the good habit.


7、Nande" is an adjective."


8、Early autumn season, and sooner or later cooler daytime heat, temperature larger, local becomes strong convective weather.


9、Its contribution is increasingly significant as people currently expect to return Nature and favor the green beauty.


10、Spring dryness syndrome in Yunan is different from inland, because of high altitude and low latitude cause climate character of summer and autumn most rain, winter and spring dryness.


11、You like a soft cloud drifting in front of my eyes, you are beautiful fair face rippling spring beautiful smile.


12、This thesis is to probe into the book for God character of "The Spring and Autumn Annals" and its shift to the book for human beings in three aspects: its content, form and the rewriting by Confucius.


13、Mercds turned her eyes with an ineffable look towards heaven.


14、"Lost dog woman beautiful spring, " the main content Description: leaf to the wing, one was over thirty years, the typical cause of lost dogs Xiaocheng women.



15、Because many spring birds are in their breeding plumage, it can be easier to identify them based on colors and feather patterns.


16、Are you happy when it's cold or do you plague yourself until the arrival of spring?


17、As with the original, Torchlight

2 is planned initially as a digital release in spring, 2011.


18、She runs up the stairs with a light graceful step.

imaginative 具/富有想象力的

19、China is very large and its people are quite hospitable.

“第二天我起床时,我感觉就像给车碰散架了的似的。” Carr这么形容说。

20、“The following morning I woke up feeling like I was hit by a truck, ” Carr says.

21、The emotion on that day, of being at mid-day and of dreaming of midnight is indescribable.这一天,在中午去梦想午夜的情景是一种无法形容的激动情绪。

22、She and her boyfriend made a cute couple.devoted 忠诚的,忠实的;深爱的

23、A versatile person is often good at a number of different things.wellbehaved 行为端正的,彬彬有礼的

24、" Gorgeous vernal scenery" : describes the warm spring breeze, sunshine.“春和景明”:形容春风和煦,阳光明媚。

25、The farmer is planted grain enthusiasm rises, situation of production of spring ploughing spring sowing is better.农民种粮积极性提高,春耕春播生产形势较好。

英文句子26:,26、He looks gloomy today. gloomy 常用来形容“(天气等的)阴沉沉的”,在此表示“烦闷、忧郁的感觉”。

27、I find her a very agreeable,sensible woman.alert 机敏的,(思维)敏捷的

28、The captain remained composed throughout the raging storm.creative 有创造力的

29、Roger is a very sociable person.understanding 善于理解人的,通情达理的

30、My son is a quick student and always has high grade.resourceful 足智多谋的

31、Each spring, Mother Nature gives part of Mars a facelift using tools not available on Earth.每个春天,大自然母亲会用一些在地球上无法使用到的工具,来给火星做部分“整容”。

32、The media uses words like beautiful, soulful, talented and prodigy when they talk about Alicia Keys. So which of these words best describes this 25-year-old singer?媒体通常会用“美丽”、“深情”、“天才”、“奇才”等来形容凯斯。艾丽西娅,用那个词语才能最贴切地形容这位xx岁的年青歌首呢?

33、Thanks to social media, there’s been a dramatic shift in how we interact with content.多亏了社会化媒体,我们与内容交互的形式发生了翻天覆地的变化。

34、He is never illhe is so robustsociable 善于交际的

35、He asked himself if May's face was doomed to thicken into the same middle-aged image of invincible innocence.他不禁自问道,梅的面容是否有一天也注定会变粗,成为中年人不可改变的天真形象呢?

36、Human beings are prone to catching colds under the changeable weather in early spring, so are chimps.初春天气忽冷忽热,人容易感冒,黑猩猩也一样。

37、She may not have been the cleverest candidate but she is certainly the most enterprising.exacting 严格要求的

38、In contrast to the sadness of the tomb sweepers, people also enjoy hopes of spring on the same day.和扫墓者的悲伤形成鲜明对比的是,人们在同一个日子里也满怀着春天的憧憬。

39、One spring I planted corn too early in a bottomland so flood-prone that neighbors laughed.有xx年春天,我在一片容易被淹的低洼地过早种下了玉米,邻居们都为此嘲笑我。

40、He is so facetious that he turn everything into a joke.gentle 温和优雅的

41、It can be quite windy there, especially in spring.那里有时容易刮风,特别在春季。

42、Chinese New Year is a form unique to China in the form of ever-changing content, it will always have a different form.春节是一种形式,中国特有的形式,千变万化的内容,总得有一种形式。

43、The pain was indescribable.难以形容的痛。

44、Of, relating to, or being an attributive, as an adjective.修饰性的,形容的属于、关于或作修饰语的,如形容词。

45、Wide sea, blue sky, endless, change…all these are not sufficient to describe the infinite beauty of the sea and the sky.海阔天高,碧海蓝天,一望无际,风云变幻……这些都不足以形容海上天空的无穷美妙。

46、People born in Prisoner the autumn live longer than those born in the spring and are less likelyqto fall chronically fll when they are older, according to an Austrian scientist.一位奥地利科学家认为,秋天出生的人比生在春天的人活得长,在上了年纪的时候也更不容易得慢性病。

47、There was a place up at the pond where in the spring the water came tumbling over the dam and formed a deep pool.池塘上有一块地方,到了春天,水便哗哗地流过大坝,形成了一个深水池。

48、The evil environment has distorted Chunmei's character, which led to the abnormal development of her talent and pursuit and the formation of her sadism.丑恶的环境扭曲了人性,是春梅施虐性格形成的基础,使其美好的天赋和正当的追求朝着畸形的方向发展。

49、Affected buds swell, form dried rosettes , and fail to break during following spring.影响花蕾涨满,形成干花环,并未能打破在第xx年春天。

50、"Xixi" is an adjective.“习习”是个形容词。

经典英文句子51:形容春天,51、It's cold today, the lowest temperature was 今天的天气可以用冷来形容了,最低气温2℃。

2 degrees Celsius with strong wind.

52、From there its easy to see how the melting of snow can be seen as advance notice of the coming of spring and so be called a harbinger.至此,很容易看出为什么学的消融会被看成是春天到来的先期标志——harbinger。

53、I cannot emphasize how amazing body and soul is.我简直无法形容魂体合一有多逆天。

54、He was easygoing,humorous,and agreeable in his daily living.enterprising 有事业心的,有进取心的

55、The situation allows of no delay .形势不容许延误(刻不容缓)。

56、也叫“林檎”或“沙果” [reward]∶赏金 花红柳绿 huāhóngliǔlǜ [red flower and green willow] 形容春天的景色 你看那花红柳绿,绕着这舍南舍北。

57、He was also a precise and even calculating artist.他也是一位精确甚至精打细算的艺术家。

58、A glass container made by casting or core-forming could take a few days to make.铸造或核心形成一个玻璃容器,可能需要几天。

59、The showy peach flowers bathing in the dew.云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓。

60、It's not just video that is being refashioned in the Internet age, but words, too, through blogs and other widely democratized forms of expression.在互联网时代焕发青春的不只是视频而已,还有以博客等民意形式表达出来的文字内容。

61、For you this year, cheers for you today, tomorrow for your blessing: appearance and youth beautiful mood!为你的今年欢呼,为你的今天喝彩,为你的明天祈福:永葆青春的容颜和美丽的心情!

62、You like a soft cloud piaoqu floated in front of me, you Qingli Su-face waves spring beautiful smile.你像一片轻柔的云在我眼前飘来飘去,你清丽秀雅的脸上荡漾着春天般美丽的笑容。

63、It is too strong , be like the floating cloud in the sky, can't describe.实在是太强大了,就像天上的浮云一样,没办法去形容。

64、Lucy is devoted to her cat.discipilned 训练有素的;

65、His collection includes the ball-like birch pollen - the main causeof hay fever in the spring.他的收集包括球形桦树花粉——春天引发花粉热的主要原因。

66、形容一个女孩活泼好动的英文是什么 形容一个女孩活泼好动 Describe a girl active and active

67、Pregnant women early in pregnancy if the lack of folic acid, it is easy to cause fetal malformation.孕妇如果在怀孕早期缺乏叶酸,就容易导致胎儿先天畸形。

68、No details of the wedding were released, although the spokesman said a spring ceremony was likely.这位发言人表示婚礼可能订在明年春天举行,但没有透露任何有关婚礼的具体内容。

69、一个英俊的高大的中国的年轻的男人 a featurely,tall and young Chinese man. handsome用于洋人金发碧眼的人。

70、Cloud like clothes look, the spring breeze blows sill Revlon.云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓。

71、Only a truly magnanimous man could forgive such an insult.observant 爱观察的,留心的

72、Sometimes , his smile could appear in her dream. in the dream, Cheng said:"Spring, i hope you are happy."有时候城的笑容会出现在梦里,梦中的北城对她说春天我希望你快乐。

73、It is difficult to describe in words the warmth I had when I saw the kids' innocent and lively smiles.能参与其中,看到孩子们天真活泼的笑容,是多麽难以形容的温暖。

74、He is an affable man, always willing to stop and talk.amiable 和蔼可亲的

75、As long as being with hope, solidarity and fraternity , mutual tolerance , we always accompany with the spring;只要胸怀希望,团结友爱,互相包容,就总能与春天相伴;

英文句子模板76:Describe Spring,76、He was quiet and clever with his hands.competent 有能力胜任的,称职的

77、Victims there were known as “April fish,” possibly due to the ease with which newborn fish could be caught in the spring.在那儿恶作剧的受害者被称为“xx月鱼”,也许这与春天刚出生的幼鱼容易被捕捉有关。

78、during Spring Festival but organizers are adding more color and dimension to the events to keep pace with the times.春节期间,中国人还是喜欢去逛逛庙会。不过今年的庙会的形式和内容都扩展了很多,紧跟时代步伐。



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