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关于”激励人学习“的英语句子34个,句子主体:motivating people to learn。以下是关于激励人学习的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:motivating people to learn


1、The mechanism in peer learning mainly includes social comparison, feedback, modeling, activating inert knowledge, cognitive conflict and co-construction.

二是建立平等的师生观 ,激发学生潜在的学习动力。

2、It is to set up the concept that teacher and student are equal and to stimulate students' potential study ability.


3、Economic calculation is the vital power that animates all manifestations of human action and cooperation in matters commonly called economic.


4、The language just needs to be reactivated and aspects of it relearned.


5、I would describe being part of the Glion London community as exciting, professional and intercultural.


6、Launching native soil history teaching is to excite students' curiosity learning and to open the rich device of the interest in history;


7、Devide the students into four groups , if the group does a good job, it can get a star.


8、Each moment in life, "lucky" or "unlucky", is to be savored, learned from, and appreciated.


9、Based on Hostile working environment and effective incentive mechanism, the company appeals a group of young, knowledge and practical talented people.


10、Using virtual reality simulation (VRS) to organize experiment teaching is an effective way to promote the students learning interest.


11、Logistics enterprises in employee recruitment, staff collocating, motivational three aspects should take scientific measures, to the human resources management "leverage" positive effects.


12、I have been learning English for two years in Sunshine, all the teachers and English teaching environment stimulated my enthusiasm, I love here.


13、Traditional Middle School Moral outdated teaching methods, forms a single, unable to stimulate students interest in learning.


14、This meeting is vital to bring participants up-to-date on current events and new trends in Rotary International as well as in motivating all involved to greater service.


15、The essence of teaching is to make learning contagions and to have one idea spark another.


16、BP algorithm is often used to correct weights of neural network because number of hidden nodes, studying speed and generation ability of neural network are related to activation function.


17、Objective To apply and practice problem-based learning(PBL) in clinical care, so as to enhance the interaction and enthusiasm of nursing undergraduates and to train practical and creative nurses.


18、In the last year of his life, he studied a book of paintings by Mark Rothko, an artist he hadn’t known about before, thinking of what could inspire people on the walls of a future Apple campus.


19、When the Technos is enlivened by Bios we get artifacts that can adapt, learn, and evolve.


20、In ancient China, people encouraged scholars by saying, "Golden houses can be found through study. " At FFTS, "luncheon meat can be found through study ".

21、The seminar should be informative and motivational, with the topics linked to the district's Foundation- related goals.研习会的内容必须是资讯性和激励性的且其主题必须与地区基金的相关目标相关连的。

22、Metrics can be an invaluable tool when you use them for honest discussions, to learn, and to reward people.当您将度量标准用于诚实的讨论,用于学习,及用于奖励人们时,它是无价的工具。

23、Q school mission: to help more people enjoy learning to inspire potentiality, reveal goodness, and realize their dreams.问学堂使命:帮助更多人享受学习,激发潜能,彰显美善,实现梦想。

24、One of the most difficult tasks facing today's teachers is motivating students to learn.今天面对老师最艰苦的任务之一就是激发学生踊跃性的学习。

25、This desire, it was once a learning self-consciousness and power.这种欲望一旦被激发,它就会成为一种学习的自觉性和内动力。

英文句子26:,26、The new position challenged him to study still harder during his spare time.那个新职位激发他在业馀时间更加努力学习。

27、This article discussed how suitably using class questions to evoke students study interest, to edify students thinking and to improve education effect.科学、合理的课堂提问,有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,启发学生思维,改善教学效果。

28、By creating an exciting and fun-loving on-air learning environment, Patrick and Michelle hoped to heighten people's interest in English and learning.张士柏和姐姐张士梅想通过这种令人激动充满乐趣的空中学习环境来提高人们的英语学习兴趣。

29、In the classroom teaching, value development student of study interest, establish easy delectation, vivid classroom atmosphere, is stir up a student study motive of key.在课堂教学中,重视培养学生的学习兴趣,创设轻松愉快、生动活泼的课堂气氛,是激发学生学习动力的关键。

30、The university is is arrogant it the origin in the Birmingham city and its 1100th year takes one exciting study center, teaches and the research.大学是骄傲它的起源在伯明翰城市和它的第一一百岁月作为一个激动人心的学习中心, 教和研究。

31、How to activate writing interest and improve writing skill?如何激活习作兴趣,提高习作技能?。

32、Piquing students' interest seems to be the most common concern, Clark and McDaniel said.如何激发学生的学习兴趣似乎是一个最常见的问题,Clark和McDaniel说。

33、Today, the older I get, the more I appreciate what I was taught in those early days, because, when I got to the Menuhin School, the atmosphere changed.今天,我越来越感激我在这里学习的那段早期岁月,因为,当我去梅纽因学校时,(学习)气氛完全改变了。

34、By stimulating the students' study motives, cultivating their study interests, strengthening their self-awareness, optimizing their moral characters structure, we can achieve a better teaching result.可以通过激发学生的学习动机,培养他们的学习兴趣,强化其自我意识,优化其品德结构,让他们体验鉴赏数学美等措施培养学生积极情感。

35、In order to stimulate the students' interest, the part of combined body's three views in course was taught ahead of schedule;将课程中组合体三视图提前讲授,以激发学生学习兴趣;

36、The fourth chapter indicated in the raise the duty to live mathematics study interest the concrete implementation strategy: obtains from the sentiment, to stimulate the student to study the interest;第四章指明了培养中职生数学学习兴趣的具体的实施策略:从感情入手,激发学生学习兴趣;

37、令人惊奇的 bsc中国英语学习网 ☆ she has a wonderful memory. bsc中国英语学习网 她的记忆力惊人。

38、I have read the notes to applicants overleaf and understand the terms of application for SCE Lifelong Learning Reward Scheme.本人已详阅此申请表背页之申请须知并瞭解SCE终身学习奖励计划之申请条款。

39、Arousing students' interest, appealing to their emotions, guiding them to think and enlightening their wisdom are the effective ways of developing the students' learning psychology.激趣、悦情、导想、启智是开发学生学习心理的有效方法。

40、From then on, this maxim has been inspiring generations of Tsinghua students to strive constantly to be excellent both morally and academically.从此,这一校训激励了一代又一代清华人自强不息,朝着品学兼优的方向发展。

41、I appreciate having been given the cha nce to study abroad two years ago.我很感激两年前给我出国学习的机会。

42、How can we help young people to learn -- and older people to keep learning?我们应如何帮助年轻人学习,帮助年长的人继续学习?

43、Most of us have no desire to forswear energy use entirely, like No Impact Man. But we all have the incentive of basic home economics.大多数人都不愿断然放弃对能源的使用,就像No Impact Man(一个blog) 但我们都有基本家政学的激励。

44、Application of cooperative learning theory can change teaching model of traditional class, stimulate students' motive to study actively, and train students' mutual aid and cooperation spirit.合作学习理论在高职高专英语口语教学中的运用,能改变传统班级的授课方式,能激发学生主动学习的动力,能培养学生的互助合作精神。

45、Therefore, raises and stimulates student's study motive have become the problem people pay attention to increasingly in the teaching.因此,在教学中培养和激发学生的学习动机成为人们日益关注的问题。

46、He found the Werner Trotschke Gymnasium school rather less inspiring and did not shine at his studies.他认为沃纳·特罗史克高级中学不太能激发灵感,因此他的学习并不出色。

47、The dethronement of learning is one of the most exciting intellectual frontiers we are now crossing.将学习行为拉下神坛,是我们正在跨越的最激动人心的知识前沿之

48、The experiment was conducted in three stages: re-orienting the classroom teaching to arouse interest of the students;实验具体分为三个阶段:调整课堂教学模式,激发学生的学习兴趣;

49、On the contrary , others believe that it can not only arouse children 's interest in math , but can also develop their way of thinking and the habit of being patient.相反, 另一些人认为奥数可以激发孩子对数学学习的兴趣,开拓孩子的思维,还可以培养一个人的耐心。

50、Astronomy, which has always stimulated curiosity, can be a rallying point for a strong learning culture.天文学总是能激发好奇心,它可以成为一种强有力的学习文化的汇合点。

经典英文句子51:激励人学习,51、令人惊讶的 bsc中国英语学习网 ☆ your english is amazing. bsc中国英语学习网 你的英语太让人吃惊了。

52、To counter the troubles that the students which in the higher normal college of physics go in for middle school class practice teaching .为了更好地发挥病理学在现代医学教育中桥梁课的作用,激发学生的学习积极性,我们在病理实习课中运用了环境音乐。

53、As to theexcellenct students who were united with students , obey the laws as well as the regulations of the university and respect for teachers and labors, will be honored and awarded.学校对学习成绩优秀,遵守我国法规和我校校纪校规,尊重教师和学校工作人员,团结同学,品学兼优,各方面表现突出的优秀留学生给予表彰和奖励。

54、The investigating engineers termed this process “synchronous lateral excitation, ” and came up with a mathematical formula to describe it.参与调查的工程师把这一现象称为“人群同步侧向激励”,并提出一个数学公式来描述它。

55、The right incentives can excite a human potential, which is equally important in the education and management of military academy students.正确的激励手段可以发挥人的潜能,这在军校学员教育管理工作中同样重要。

56、Measures are proposed to reasonably develop this Authorware Multimedia Slides teaching method and properly apply it to the teaching of "Human Anatomy and Physiology".从教学方法、多媒体教学手段、实验教学、考试评分制度等方面的改革来讨论人体组织解剖学教学中激发学生学习动机的策略。



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