关于”优美的短句“的英语句子21个,句子主体:a beautiful short sentence。以下是关于优美的短句的初中英语句子。
英文句子模板1:a beautiful short sentence
1、Among the advantages of numerical control are more flexibility, higher accuracy, quicker changes, and less machine down time .
2、The primary objective of this study was to investigate the regrowth dynamics of different plants in Stipa brevifloria steppe.
《枝子和第五件宝物》的优点是 文章篇幅非常短。
3、What's great about "Mieko and the Fifth Treasure" is that it's short.
4、Fen-flavor liquor has the following advantages:①short production cycle and low production cost;
5、At the same time, optimize the combination prediction results according to the shortest distance.
6、The application on FDI results indicated that QGA was characterized by rapid convergence, good global search capability.
7、The monthly fee for the American version of eHarmony is between $19.95 and $59.95, depending on the length of a subscription.
8、But the advantage possessed by career-oriented majors may be short-lived.
9、The results show the optimized BP neural network can effectively avoid converging on local optimum and reduce training time greatly.
10、Therefore, short-term advantages are not considered as a subject matter of strategic investigation.
11、Ryunosuke Akutagawa is one of the excellent short story writers in Japanese modern literary history.
12、We must overcome shortcomings, fully exert our own strength, thereby to give our best performance.
13、You support the short-period limited food premium in McDonald's.
14、Life still is, but you got a big role!
15、That I think is a real virtue but it can come at the price of demanding short term accountability.
16、Perhaps it would be worth trying to make a formal language for proofs in which those considered more elegant consistently came out shorter (perhaps after being macroexpanded or compiled).
17、Professinal software, make process path shortest, greatly promote work efficiency.
若优化目标为 ALLIO,则可以以最短的时间完成整个查询。
18、ALLIO optimizes with the goal of running the entire query to completion in the shortest amount of elapsed time.
19、This section lists and describes the steps required to identify, tune, and optimize high-load SQL statements.
20、You support the short-period limited cash premium in McDonald's.
21、It can improve the precision of the efficiency coefficient and STOD, at the same time it do not increase the computational complexity, so there are some use value.该方法能提高出力系数的精度,从而达到改善短期优化调度精度的目的,同时它不会增加短期优化调度的计算量,因此具有一定的实用价值。
22、The foundry process design and the optimization of short and thick type housings have been described in this article.介绍了短厚型机架的铸造工艺设计及其优化。
23、S. non-extraction tooth, no pain, time is short, strong teeth, the gums will not appear for years after the black line and so on.不仅具有美牙不拔牙,无痛苦,时间短,牙齿坚固,多年后牙龈不会出现黑线等优点。
24、Being its representative, Matsuo Basho not only carried forward fully the advantages of Haiku but exalted it to an unprecedented position as well.其代表人物松尾芭蕉不仅充分发扬了俳句的优势,更以其探索性的创作把俳句带到了一个前所未有的高度。
25、The single-source shortest path problem as to the main optimal routing problem is the basis of the most optimal problems in many social application areas.以单源最短路径为主的最优路径问题是众多社会应用领域内选择最优问题的基础。
英文句子26:,26、On the basis of CPU management mechanism, and according to the characteristic of active network, a Multi-priority Shortest Packet First (MSPF) algorithm is put forward.在CPU管理机制的基础上,根据主动网络的特点,提出一种多优先级短信包优先算法。
27、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world对于世界而言,你是一个人;
28、After years of not talking to each other-and say a few words Yasmin, Yasmin toilet, but do not have the courage to tell her she missed Jade.经过多年的不互相交谈玉和优思明讲几句话,优思明厕所,但不具备的勇气告诉她错过翡翠她。
29、GSM users can enjoy cornet monthly 全球通用户通过短号可享受10元包月省内互拨的资费优惠,其余品牌用户通过短号可享受5元包月市内互拨的资费优惠。
10 yuan allocated among the province's preferential tariff, and the remaining brands users can enjoy cornet
5 yuan monthly charges allocated among the city offers.
30、It has such advantages as light structure, aesthetic shape, less land requisition and simplified cofferdams and pit drainage, thus shortening the construction period and reducing the cost.这种结构的优越性是;结构轻巧,造型美观,占地较少,简免施工围堰和基坑排水,从而能缩短工期,降低工程造价。
31、One study of elite sprinters found that 95% of them had this gene variant.一项研究发现95%优秀的短跑选手身上有这种基因。
32、I used to find notes left in the collection basket, beautiful notes about my homilies and about the writer's thoughts on the daily scriptural readings.我常常在教堂的心意篮里面优美的小短文,有些是关于我的布道,有些是作者日常读《圣经》的感想。
33、The chart in Figure 而图
13 shows there were no statement discards after tuning the cache size.
11 显示,调优缓存大小后再也没有出现丢弃语句的情况。
34、You have been given a high priority task that needs to be completed within a short time frame.你刚获得高优先级的任务需要在很短的时间完成。
35、The short run-time job first and the big job first strategy can be effective among all space-sharing strategy.同时在空间共享调度策略中,短作业优先策略和大作业优先策略具有较好的性能。
36、You can go as far as you want to go.心有多远,你就能走多远。
37、Do not look only at your child's mistakes and blame and punish him. As a parent, look on the bright side and give praise to your child so that he develops an active and positive attitude.不要只是看到孩子的短处而责备和处罚,应时时发现其优点与长处来赞美他,让孩子的身心得以积极且正向的发展。
38、It curtails the teaching time and improves the teaching quality.缩短了教学时间,优化和提高了教学质量;
39、Refine your draft headline to make it brief, to the point, and more informative.优化你的标题,使他简短明了、一语中的、信息丰富。
40、With a lithium shortage forecast for 2015, Bolivia may also have the upper hand.鉴于预测到xx年锂将发生短缺,玻利维亚或许也有优势。
41、The therapy had high efficacy, short therapeutic course and left very …具有疗效高、效程短、愈后疤痕少等优点。
42、Just a few years, the company not only produced a large number of excellent works, but also a small industry emerged dozen famous creative people.短短几年,该公司不仅出品大批优秀作品,还涌现出十余位业内小有名气的创意者。
43、Until all is over one's ambition never dies. 不到黄河心不死。
44、It wasn’t only that this writing seemed beautiful to Madeleine. It wasn’t only that these opening sentences of Barthes’s made immediate sense, were readable, digestible.不仅是因为这些文字在玛德琳看来颇为优美,也不仅是因为巴特所做的这几句开场白让她立刻就能理解,能读懂,能消化。
45、Moody's also downgraded the country's short-term issuer rating to not-prime from Prime-1.穆迪还将希腊的短期发债评等由"Prime-1"下调至"非优质"(not-prime).
46、Based on reasonable construction plan, shorten construction time 131 days.通过合理优化施工方案,缩短建井总工期131天。
47、Short rod bacteria and spirillum were dominant in the denitrifying reactor. While cocci were the dominant bacteria in the nitrifying reactor.于脱硝槽中是以短杆菌和弯曲杆菌为优势菌,而于硝化槽中则是以球菌为主要的优势菌。
48、PROS Good navigation, voice-activated search and the ability to send texts and emails from your wrist make this a handy digital companion on the road.优点: 导航优良,能声控激活搜索,能发送短信和邮件,这些优点让它成为旅行途中的便捷数码伴侣。
49、Start is an important part of short track speed skating and important factor to achieve outstanding results.起跑是短道速滑的重要组成部分,是取得优异成绩的重要因素。
50、In DB2, performance optimization is targeted to large databases, such as SAP Business Information Warehouse (BIW), while SQL optimization aims to improve query times.在 DB2 中,性能优化主要针对大型数据库,如 SAP Business Information Warehouse (BIW);而 SQL 优化的目标则是为了缩短查询时间。
经典英文句子51:优美的短句,51、In a short time, he had become one of the horsemanship program's star pupils.在很短时间里, 马丁成了马术项目成绩优异的学生之
52、The algorithm uses a population of points at a time in contrast to the single point approach by traditional optimization methods. The convergence is monotonic and a global solution is obtained.与单点最优算法相比,该方法为多点寻优,单调收敛,可获得全局最优解和用于长、短期或实时优化调度。
53、Huida set up since 2004, the company quality, fine workmanship, in a short span of a few years to win the majority of merchants praise and credibility.自金辉达成立开始,公司以品质优良、工艺精湛、在短短几年间赢得了广大客商的赞扬和信誉。
54、Counting-back Contract by Xiao Yaquan received the best short film award of Golden Harvest Award .萧雅全《倒数契约》获得“金穗奖”优等短片奖。
55、Conclusions :The advantages of subtemporal-presigmoidal approach include:(结论 :此入路的优点有:(
1)direct approach with a short distance;
56、You can go as far as you want to go. 心有多远,你就能走多远。
57、A relaxed evening of socialising, informative short talks and networking hosted by Hutchison Whampoa Properties (SH) all enjoyed to the backdrop of the elegant Binjiang One.这将是一个轻松的社交活动夜,简短但却信息丰富的交谈,你可以在环境优雅的滨江一号享受由和记黄埔地产(上海)主办的美妙的社交之夜。
58、I love you, love can not my world without you. 我爱你,爱到我的世界不能没有你。
59、At the present time, improving the precision and the speed of STOD has become the primary content of study, however the rationality and the veracity of the STOD model are ignored.目前,短期优化研究常侧重于提高算法的精度和计算速度,而忽略了短期优化调度模型本身的合理性和准确性。
60、Let's look at the advantages of puckering: in my opinion the only reason to use the puckering technique is when sometimes dealing with very short staccato passages.让我们来看看单孔奏法的优点,我认为单孔奏法唯一的优势就是演奏快而短促的断音。
61、Achieve the optimization of the injection process conditions, shorten production time and improve part quality.可以达到对注塑工艺条件的优化,缩短生产时间,提高制件质量。
62、Fabric mainly uses high-quality short plush, custom-made products according to customer's request materials.布料主要采用优质短毛绒,定做产品按客户要求用料。
63、If man can in a short time give beauty and an elegant carriage to his bantams , I can see no good reason to doubt.如果人类能使班塔母矮鸡在短时期内获得美丽的颜色和优雅的姿态,我们就没有充足的理由来怀疑。
64、It has so many advantages that I can't list all in a short time.阅读有很多的优点,在短时间内我都不能一一列举我不能列举。
65、I love you, love can not my world without you.我爱你,爱到我的世界不能没有你。
66、Shorten the design period has been proved by computer practice.通过上机实践表明本方法能大幅度缩短优化设计的时间。
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