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1、That the advanced materials substitutes low grade materials has become the trend of machine products upgrading and profit improving. It can facilitate sustainable development of whole society.


2、The first

3 Advanced Communicators and Advanced Leaders will receive a gift from the District.


3、He had top lawyers in his employ.


4、Highly polished stainless steel four-way swivel.


5、GF also have levels. The higher their levels, the stronger their attacks.


6、High purity phosphoric acid means food grade, semiconductor grade and other high purity and high concentration phosphoric acid.


7、Indian High Commissioner to U.K.


8、Include all 2007 Primary 1A & Primary 2A Normal and Higher Chinese Textbook vocabularies.


9、High class Tibetan spear with gold inlaid .


10、High-risk high-yield bonds, which are rated below investment grade by credit agencies. Also known as speculative grade bonds.


11、High fashion meets high tech.


12、So here, you have an attempt to distinguish higher from lower pleasures.


13、How about the five-star hotel's? Are there occupancy rate high?


14、At present the high-level taking bribes already become the main forms which the high-ranking official was bribed.

眼底动脉硬化程在度1级与2级高血压患者间无统计学差异, 在2级与3级高血压患者间有统计学差异(P<0.05 )。

15、There was no significant difference between arteriosclerosis in hypertension grade

1 and grade

2. There was significant difference between arteriosclerosis in hypertension grade

2 and grade 3(P<0.05).


16、Primary education ran from grades one through six; grades seven, eight, and nine were handled in intermediate or junior high schools.


17、Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Services. (2010, March 22).


18、Senior Business Assistant both in post A and B report to the Business Director (securities brokerage). III.


19、The rare plants of the community had both a relatively high tree species number and individual number.


20、High-density foam solid silicon rubber sealing ring, high level of dustproof and waterproof, IP65, electrical insulation protection is

1 degree.

21、Yes, I am a senior student.是的,我是高年级学生。

22、As the third-generation dynamic air classification equipment, turbo air classifier has high classification precision and good classification performance.作为第三代动态空气分级设备,涡流空气分级机具有分级精度高、分级性能好的特点。

23、Colonel Jones outranks everyone here.上校的级别高于少校。

24、What's a half step above G?比G高半音级是什么

25、Russia’s foreign-currency debt is rated eight levels higher than Ukraine.俄罗斯外币债务评级比乌克兰的高出8个级别。

英文句子26:,26、Advanced syntax coloring.高级语法着色。

27、Both the navy and the air force should have higher-level schools, as should the various special and technical arms.海军、空军也有高级的学校,各特种兵、 技术兵种也有高级的学校;

28、Intermediate and Intermediate High Levels will be available, starting from the summer 2006.华语中级及中高级班将于夏季陆续开课。

29、Likes a good cigar.喜欢抽高级雪茄烟。

30、He knew upperclassmen could have a big effect on younger students.他知道高年级学生对低年级的学生影响很大。

31、High-class cabinet door lock with revolving handle.高级旋把机柜门锁。

32、As an industry we need to continue to raise the level of quality and productivity even higher.作为一个行业,我们需要不断提高质量和生产率等级到更高级别。

33、Results The injury happening rate was 24.38%, and the rates of the boys and higher grades were higher than the girls and lower grades.结果 伤害年发生率为24.38%,且男生高于女生,高年级段学生高于低年级段学生;

34、This is topnotch.这个东西真高级.

35、Becoming a freshman in college is very different from being a high-school freshman.大学xx年级和高中xx年级可不一样。

36、Advanced queueing of Ajax requests高级的Ajax请求队列支持。

37、More than 40 employees work for the company, and among them there are 22 senior engineers with professorships , 公司拥有40余名员工,其中教授级高级工程师22名,高级工程师14名、工程师3名。

14 senior engineers and

3 engineers.

38、Employees are able to sign up for the basic or advanced levels of the course according to their present computer skills.每个员工都可以根据自己目前的计算和举行机水平选择初级或高级课程。 请于xx月日之前到公机水平选择初级或高级课程。

39、Welcome to the Premium Outlets?欢迎高级奥特莱斯?。

40、In many class-based societies, the lower classes were subject to the rule of classes above them.在许多阶级社会里,下等阶级的人受高于其阶级的人的统治。

41、Programming languages can be classified as either low-level languages or high-level languages.编程语言可以分为高级语言和低级语言。

42、The medium-priority thread is prevented from delaying the high-priority thread.中等优先级线程禁止延迟高优先级线程。

43、风雨哈佛路 Homeless to Harvard 高级 ★★★★★

44、The school was advanced as a Comprehensive High School in 2003, which covers both High School and Vocational School categories.本校于xx年全面改制为综合高中,使本校兼具普通高级中学教育及职业高级中学教育学制。

45、These levels refer to the different levels in the model of Taiji symbol.这个层级较高,是指太极图模式的层级性。

46、Because if you consider the Ritcher Scale ranges from nought to 如果你试想下,里氏等级的最高值还不到9,你就会发现很显然那里发生的

9, obvious

7.8 is fairly high up there. It is as you're saying


47、Impulse sound pressure level and sound power level and sound power increase along with the increasing of detonation frequency.脉冲声压级、声功率级、声功率随爆震频率的提高而提高。

48、In addition, it was surprising that those nursing students of low grade had higher scores on the factor "professional values and skills" than those of high grade.此外,低年级护生「专业价值与技能」的动机较高年级强,而其馀各因素高、低年级并无太大差异。

49、That is, thread-dispatch logic should be run either at high priority or within a high-priority thread.即,线程调度逻辑应该以高优先级运行,或在高优先级的线程中运行。

50、Anti-seismic grade of super high-rise buildings is always grade I or extra grade I.超限高层的抗震等级往往取为一级或特一级。

经典英文句子51:高级,51、Stir in such lightweight high-level language bindings as Perl/Tk or Tkinter.请使用轻量级高级语言绑定(例如 Perl/Tk 或 Tkinter)。

52、There are three access levels in DCUO: Free, Premium and Legendary.在DCUO有三个访问级别:免费,高级和传奇。

53、Senior lawyer authorized in 1994.xx年被评审为高级律师。

54、International Communities, High-level Apartments, Villas, Old houses, Hotels, Retails, Offices, Factories, Developing Buildings, etc.高级国际社区、高级公寓、别墅、老洋房、办公楼、酒店、商铺、厂房、研发楼等。

55、Students'self honesty of grade two of senior middle school is lower than that of grade one.高xx年级学生的诚实自我不升反降,低于高xx年级。

56、AOO; assistant senior officer staff duties;参谋事务助理高级军官;

57、M:Yeah. My new advanced exercise class.对了,我新参加的高级班。

58、The President shall be an ex-officio member of the Officers in the event of any Officers' meeting.若是在任何高级官员会议中,依照职权,总裁可以是高级职员的一员。

59、Professor level senior engineer with two, engineers, accountants eight intermediate title of technical personnel.具有教授级高级工程师二名、工程师、会计师中级职称技术人员八名。

60、This is a superior car, Sir. Drive it and you will see why.这是一种高级轿车,先生。试驾一下你就会知道为什么高级了。

61、High grade angiosarcoma.高级别血管肉瘤。

62、Generally speaking, to high level official, promotion showed the special favor; to low level official, it can heighten their level.总体来看,对高级官员加官,有对其以示朝廷优宠的意味,对低级官员则还有提高品级的意义。

63、Silver and Gold levels were also introduced with higher efficiencies.而80Plus白银级/黄金级则要求更高。

64、Hello. There are classes for beginner, intermediate and advanced. Which one do you want?您好。这儿一共有三个减肥班,初级,中级,高级。你想报哪个呢?

65、The Bishop of London, a senior bishop in the Church of England , serves as the Order's Prelate.勋章的高级教士由英国圣公会内高级别的伦敦主教担任;

66、This is an advanced feature.这是一个高级特性。

67、The first element ranks higher than the second element, and the second higher than the third.第

1 个元素比第

2 个元素的级别高,第

2 个元素比第

3 个元素的级别高。

68、They also use two levels of formality: basic and advanced.搜索的正式程度分为两个级别:基础和高级。

69、Full Added Fix Level Master.全加修复级别的高手。

70、Are you a senior student?你是高年级学生吗?

71、The company's research team includes professorial senior engineers, experimenters, and engineers, who are specializing in products developing and quality control.公司具备教授级高级工程师,高级实验师, 工程师等一批专业研发人员,从事产品领域的开发与质量保证工作。

72、An abnormally low level of glucose in the blood.是低级语言与高级语言的一种密切结合。

73、Coaching level from beginner to advance player, Individual or Group Coaching is available.教球对象从初级到高级球员,单对单及团体。

74、There are over 300 employees working in the company, among which over 30 are technicians, executives and engineers.现有员工300余人,工程技术人员、高级管理人员、高级技师30余人。

75、The owners of two-level senior engineer, and other designers.拥有两名总工级机高级工程师、及其他设计人员。

英文句子模板76:Advanced,76、It use premium unleaded gas.它使用高级无铅汽油。

77、燃情岁月 Legends of the Fall 高级 ★★★



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