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关于”端午节“的英语句子49个,句子主体:Dragon Boat Festival。以下是关于端午节的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Dragon Boat Festival


1、This mother's day, I prepared lunch for my family. I went to the local street market to buy my ingredients.


2、We are proficient at wholesale supply for large enterprises, festival group purchase and high-end food and beverage venues.


3、2 p.m. - Lunch. Looking for something other than meat?


4、Hence, it appears to be advisable to improve the fixation of the proximal part of the prosthesis to the femur.


5、The visiting hours are from 8am to

7 pm.


6、In addition to eat dumplings, and leave old Hangzhou traditional habits, the Dragon Boat Festival to be food realgar wine, eel, yellow croaker, cucumber, salted egg yolk, known as "eat yellows."


7、Weld two ends of an electric wire to a battery's positive and negative poles respectively, like a necklace.


8、Which cloudy morning was followed by a sunny afternoon?


9、Reads request data from the client (when not preloaded) by using the specified buffer to read from, byte offset, and maximum bytes.


10、But you balance the world on the tip of your nose-you're a Sealion with a ball, at the carnival.


11、The basic concept is to use passive optical components to connect remote nodes to form a ring topology, and use the ring as protection path. We design three kinds of protection structures for DWA PON.

例如,由追加文本 节点计算的值被作为输入传递给输出到日志 节点,因为我们将追加文本 终端连接到了该节点。

12、For example, the value computed by the append text node is then passed to the print to log node as input because we connected the append text terminal to it.


13、An adequate closure of the appendiceal stump is vital to minimize intra-abdominal and surgical site infections.

典型 NMS 必须管理数千、数万,或者甚至数十万个端点(节点)。

14、A typical NMS must manage thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of endpoints (nodes).



2 pm, the nap group took a 90-minute siesta while the no-nap group stayed awake.


16、A feature of this guide vane was existence of a long inlet duct with big meridional divergent angle in order to fulfill the requirements of the structure.


17、Remember to hung up these laundry to dry.


18、And weary, sought at noon with him the shade;


19、For example, working hours might be from

8:30 a.m. to

5:15 p.m., Monday through Friday, with an exception period from

11:30 a.m. to

12:15 p.m. for lunch.

8:30 到下午


11:30 到下午

12:15 则是进行午餐的例外时间段。


20、She works from

11 a. m. to

4 p. m. (

21、Additionally seismic anchorage and lap splices schemes are presented for the longitudinal in the top story knee joint .然后对顶层端节点内钢筋的锚固要求和搭接方案提出了建议。

22、That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience.劝老年人要有节制、端庄、自守,在信心、爱心、忍耐上都要纯全无疵。

23、WS-PolicyAttachments defines the attachment points for WSDL1.1 for Endpoint Policy Subject as portType, binding, and port.WS-PolicyAttachments 为 WSDL1.1 定义了附件节点,对于端点策略主题来讲,就好比 portType、 binding 和 port。

24、VB offers a high and quality backend of user administration and pm box capabilities, hence our request to have VB4 as a barebone for this project.VB中提供了用户管理能力和下午箱高品质的后端,因此,我们要求把该项目作为一个准系统维生素B4。

25、Yes, madam. There are two flights available that day:one at 4pm, the other one at 9pm.好的,女士。那天下午有两个航班,一个是下午4点,另一个是下午9点。

英文句子26:,26、Several hundred more are scheduled to see it Sunday afternoon when the film has its international premiere at the New York Film Festival.现在“废城”将在纽约电影节作国际首映,数百人将在星期日下午观看它。

27、Findings include soft-tissue calcification, acro-osteolysis, skin atrophy, and interphalangeal joint erosions.主要表现包括软组织钙化、肢端骨质溶解、皮肤萎缩、指间关节受侵。

28、Good afternoon, Chen Jiamin. Good afternoon, Miss White.下午好,陈家明。 下午好,怀特老师。

29、By using of numerical simulation, the effect of applying boundary layer suction on end-wall to the aerodynamic performance for a van with a high-turning angle and meridional divergence was discussed.针对某大折转角子午扩张型导叶,通过数值模拟,讨论了端壁附面层抽吸对叶栅性能的影响。

30、Installation services will be provided between 安装服务将在当地时间周一到周五的早上9点至下午5点予以提供,节假日除外。

9.00 am to

5.00 pm, local time, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.

31、Just as the name Upright, the conduct norm of the company is to behave and work upright.正如名字“端正”,本公司的行事准则是:端端正正做人,端端正正做事。

32、The noon-sky high; noon-rain washed by…what comes next after noon goes by?中午的太阳越挂越高,中午的雨水不断冲刷着……中午过后,还会迎来什么呢?

33、Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things.女执事(原文作女人)也是如此,必须端庄,不说谗言,有节制,凡事忠心。

34、But I am on duty this noon and I supervise five classes of students for self-learning at the last class time this afternoon.但是我今天中午值日,最后一节课又监督五个班的同学上自习。

35、AO clavicular hook plate is a good tool for treatment of acromioclavicular joint dislocation and distal clavicular fracture.AO锁骨钩钢板是治疗锁骨远端骨折和肩锁关节脱位的良好方法。

36、He introduced the working arrangements during the Dragon Boat Festival and made some suggestions to the citizens of Nantong about traveling safety during the festival.南通汽车站副站长接受了我们的采访,介绍了端午期间的工作安排,并对南通市民的出行提出了一些建议。

37、At noon the men came to shore for lunch.在中午时,河工们开始在岸边吃午饭。

38、There are different viewpoints about the wave source in the experiment of vibration of string.在弦振动“驻波”实验中,对于起振端是波节还是波腹,存在不同的认识。

39、Like right now, it is offering 'Teppanyaki Business Lunch' and 'All You Can Eat' Dinner.如日前正热推有“铁板烧商务自选午餐”和“任点任食”晚餐,节日期间还有赠送,千万不要错过。

40、In this section you'll create an Android project in which you create the JAX-RS client for Android.在本节中,您将创建一个 Android 项目,在其中将为 Android 创建 JAX-RS 客户端。

41、The earlier part of the show had problems with the original tape which was impossible to fix, hope that is forgivable.节目的前端因录影带出现问题而未能正常播放,敬希体谅。

42、Yes, madam. . There are two flights available that day:one at 4pm, the other one at 9pm.好的,女士。那天下午有两个航班,一个是下午4点,另一个是下午9点。 翕。

43、Dedicated receive buffers for receiving non-data frames are provided for each port of a two-port node in a fibre-channel arbitrated-loop serial communications channel design.专用接收缓冲区接收非数据帧的每一个端口提供两个在一个光纤端口节点通道仲裁环串行通信信道的设计。

44、Objective To evaluate the effects of treatment of acromioclavicular dislocation and distal clavicular fracture with hook plate.目的探讨锁骨钩钢板治疗肩锁关节脱位和锁骨外侧端骨折的疗效。

45、This conserves memory by permitting fewer DB2 "back end" connections to service the application connections.该功能只允许较少的 DB2 “后端” 连接为应用程序连接服务,从而节省了内存。

46、For more details about JAX-RPC DII, refer to Build an RPC service and client using JAX-RPC.关于 JAX-RPC DII 的更多细节,参考 使用 JAX-RPC 构建一个 RPC 服务和客户端。

47、Participating families can also enjoy a sumptuous lunch buffet at Coffee Mill to celebrate an unforgettable Father's Day.小朋友及家长也可于磨坊咖啡室享用丰富的自助午餐, 一同欢度开心难忘的父亲节。

48、This section describes the steps needed to configure DB2 本节描述配置 DB2

9 client to use the port-forwarding mechanism of SSH.

9 客户机以使用 SSH 端口转发机制所需的步骤。

49、Then, at 然后,在下午2时,午睡组给予90分钟的午休机会,无午睡组被研究人员要求保持清醒。

2 p.m., the nap group was given the chance for a 90-minute siesta; the no-nap group was asked to stay awake.

50、And his interview on Tuesday morning's BBC Today programme was a reminder of just how spectacularly unsuited for such a role he really is.周二上午《今日BBC》节目对他的访谈提醒人们他的特使角色极不合适。

经典英文句子51:端午节,51、Events begin at 11am; banquet at 活动从上午盛宴在下午




52、The rotary adjusting, personalized air conditioning air blast end device belongs to the heat air conditioning field.一种旋转调节型个性化空调送风末端装置,属于暖通空调技术领域。

53、During the page load, the client-detailed bean instance should be kept in the session object.在页面加载过程中,包含客户端细节的 bean 实例应该保存在会话对象中。

54、On July 31, the midday News in 30 minutes was revamped, following the lead of the Morning News program.继《朝闻天下》改版后,央视午间重磅新闻节目《新闻30分》xx月xx日也悄然"变脸"。

55、We’ll have lunch about 我们中午12点左右吃午饭。

12 mid-day.

56、The city library to read a book this afternoon.下午到市图书馆看了一下午的书。

57、But one of them was on a Nashville, Tennessee radio station, on a program at 但在田纳西州那什维尔电台下午五点半的,"驾车时刻"节目中,主持人这么问我

5:30 p.M. Called "Drive Time."

58、It's going to rain, hurry up to collect the clothes on the balcony把这几件湿衣服 拧一下

59、Valentines day, variety group, senior vice President of eu non-success received boyfriend SMS can have lunch together, very happy.情人节这天,综艺组高级副总裁薇芸接到男友短信能一起吃午餐了,十分开心。

60、The only funny stuff we Listend these evening arrived since the advertiser at the beginning of the programme.那天晚上一个有趣的事件是节目开端时这个报幕员的开场白。

61、Each exam includes morning and afternoon sessions.每场考试包括上午和下午两时段。

62、When do you usually knock off work for lunch?你们中午一般什么时候歇工吃午饭?。

63、Objective To evaluate the curative effect of retrograde interlocking intramedullary nails under arthroscopy on distal femoral fractures.目的探讨在关节镜监视下逆行交锁髓内钉治疗股骨远端骨折疗效。

64、They return at 2pm for lunch and a siesta, then train from 5pm to 他们2点回来吃午饭睡午觉,然后从下午5点训练到6点半。


65、Different joint pose trajectories influence to the end-effector is found with the trajectory simulation.从机器人轨迹仿真中可以发现不同关节位姿对末端执行器轨迹的影响。

66、Teatime takes place between the hours of two and five.下午茶时间是午后两点到五点。

67、Today is National Day, a major day, I and my friends on tourism, the morning we went to East Lake Park, at noon in the picnic under the trees, postprandial Boat Tour East Lake, we were very pleased.今天是国庆节,一个重大日子,我和朋友们外出旅游,我们上午去了东湖公园,中午在树下野餐,餐后划船游览东湖,我们非常高兴。

68、MILANELLO – These are the words of Massimo Oddo during the 'Segni Particolari' program, which was live at 1pm on Milan Channel.以下是奥多针对提问作出的一一解答,节目于下午一点在米兰频道播出。

69、Objective To examine the potential roles of estrogen in rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM) on visceral nociception.目的 探讨雌激素在延髓头端腹内侧部(RVM)对内脏痛的潜在调节作用。

70、One Sunday afternoon last December, Ann Sutton happily watched over a holiday cooking spree in her kitchen.去年xx月某周日下午,安·萨顿愉快地看着孩子们,在厨房里为节日大餐忙得热火朝天。

71、"Steering" knuckle tie rod, steering damper and track the "impact" of the final bar and rod end of the tube.转向节拉杆,转向减振器的冲击最终与跟踪条和拉杆管端。

72、Open a db2cmd window and catalog the CNS node to access localhost on port 1527, as shown below打开 db2cmd 窗口并编目 CNS 节点,以访问 localhost、端口 1527,如下所示

73、Watch every Thursday at 注意每星期四下午8点/下午。

8 p. m. E/P.

74、The Dragon Boat Festival holiday, ranging from June 中央气象台预计,端午假期期间(xx月14-xx日),中国无大范围持续性高温天气,气温适宜。

14 to June

16, will see moderate temperatures, with most of China free from long-lasting hot weather, National Meteorological Center forecast.

75、14It was the day of Preparation of Passover Week, about the sixth hour. "Here is your king," Pilate said to the Jews.那日是预备逾越节的日子。约有午正,彼拉多对犹太人说:“看哪,这是你们的王!”

英文句子模板76:Dragon Boat Festival,76、The noon hour was blacker than midnight.正午时刻比午夜更加漆黑。



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