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关于”简单的及“的英语句子41个,句子主体:Simple and。以下是关于简单的及的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Simple and


1、The situation regarding graduate programs is more complicated due to the nature of graduate education.


2、The chapter one introduces the ERP Project, and profile of NPPC ERP project and its risk management.


3、In addition, contents of corresponding agreements made by IATA are also discussed in brief.


4、Simple features which come as standard with 3CX such as adds and moves and conferencing proved too difficult to set up.


5、The circulation process and the characteristic of "The Analects of Confucius Variorums" in this part.


6、In the first chapter, the theory of "literature on power" is traced and clarified.


7、She writes about women's idealisation of men, touching briefly on the topic of women's fantasy life.


8、Sometimes I serve fish simply, with fresh herbs, lemon and its own cooking juices.


9、At present, short (stubby) suspender exists many problems to study, such as measuring its force, cauterization and fatigue.


10、This is a one-stage procedure with advantages of simplicity and rapidity.


11、In this article, the application of radiation processing technology in chitosan degradation was particularly introduced.


12、Such is the allure of exclusivity, and the appeal of simplicity.


13、The second section reviews Kenzaburo Oe's life and literature career simply.


14、The clothing and accessories created by Mandarin & General emphasize comfort, simplicity, high functionality and versatility.


15、The first chapter introduces the Life, academic activities and academic heritage of Liu Yi-ming in brief.


16、Expound the finite element method about elasticity buckle and the method about how to judge critical state.


17、For me, their exchange had a message: in a complex world, to insist upon simplicity is foolish.


18、A brief description of TZM alloy fabrication method as well as case of the research and application is given.


19、Chapter II briefly introduces the nature of GPD and thickness of the end of the division;


20、The construction technology and application of rubberized asphalt concrete are introduced.

21、Solution: Strong project maintainers and a culture of simplicity.解决方案:强有力的项目管理者以及简单易用文化。

22、The preparation and application of FRP casing for three-foot centrifuge are introduced briefly in this article.本文简单介绍了三足式离心机玻璃钢机壳的制作及使用情况。

23、Finally, proved the word-building characteristic of the new born color word and social phenomenon which it reflect briefly.最后,简单谈了一下新生色彩词的成词特点及其所影射的社会现象。

24、The characteristic, property and application of lysozyme are introduced briefly.就溶菌酶的特点、性质以及用途作了简单介绍。

25、Hill regularly sees JDs which simply mention the duties of a role and nothing else.Hill一般看到的职位描述只是简单说明了日常的工作内容及角色就了事。

英文句子26:,26、Characteristics and types of mantle plumes and their roles in the mineralization of Co-rich crusts are briefly introduced.简单介绍了地幔柱特征、类型及其在富钴结壳成矿作用中的地位。

27、Simple properties are all non-string properties, such as integer, boolean, and enum properties, and only hold a single value.简单属性全都是非字符串属性(如整数、布尔值及枚举属性),并且只包含单个值。

28、We discuss the diagnosis and management of leiomyoma of the bladder and briefly review the literature.内文中讨论膀胱平滑肌瘤的诊断及处置并对文献作一简单回顾。

29、PKI and its microstructure are introduced in brief, also the signification of cross-certification.简单介绍了PKI及其微观体系结构、交叉认证的含义。

30、You have already told us about yourself in the Common Application, with its list of activities, the Short Answer, and the Personal Essay.你已经在普通申请里告诉我们关天你自己的活动清单,简单的答案,以及个人随笔。

31、The arts and crafts of Cz growth, the production and actuality of dislocation-free Ge crystals, and the application and development of single crystal germanium are briefly introduced.简要介绍了直拉生长的工艺及特点,无位错直拉锗单晶的生长与现状,以及锗单晶材料在不同领域的应用和发展。

32、To put it simply, IK allows us to adjust the aim points and direction of a player's arm.简单来说就是,我们可以调整防守球员伸胳膊的方向及盖点。

33、I was there simply to give people directions, hand them a 我在那儿只是简单地给人指示方向、发传单以及引路。

1)flyer and send them on their way.

34、E. Forwarder's cargo receipt, third and charter party, short form, stale and bland backed bill of lading not acceptable.运输人的收据、第三方或租船合约提单、简式提单、过期出运及提单背后没有条款的都不可接受。

35、So if it's so easy to imagine that for the rat, why not for us?即然能简单地想老鼠,为何不能推及人?

36、The application of QFD and the electrostatic oiler were introduced.对QFD技术及静电涂油机进行了简单介绍。

37、The method is easy to use in dimension and tolerance design and has a high accuracy .在尺寸及公差设计中,该方法简单、易行,而且可以获得高的计算精度。

38、Input is simply a list of propellant ingredients, as well as chamber pressure and nozzle exit pressure.投入,简直是名单推进剂成分,以及商会的压力和喷嘴出口的压力。

39、For simplicity, in the sample code in Listing 为了简化起见, 清单

1, we use an XML document (po.xml) that describes a purchase order and the purchase order schema (po.xsd).

1 的示例代码中使用了一个描述订单的 XML 文档(po.xml),以及一个订单模式(po.xsd)。

40、Providing them with easy to understand information about projects and relief and compensation entitlements.向他们提供有关方案、救济以及救济金的简单易懂的数据和信息

41、The genome will make it easier to target different qualities and develop improved crops.基因组会使挑出不同的质量及发展改良版作物更为简单。

42、Chapter three briefly introduces the bestselling novel used in the case study as well as its author and the two Chinese versions.第三章简单介绍了在个案研究中使用的畅销小说及其作者,以及相应的两个中文译本;

43、Composition, functions and characters of building-intellectualizing project in Nanjing CITIC Mansion were introduced.简单介绍了南京中信 大厦建筑 智能化工程的系统组成、功能及特点。

44、He invented thermograph and uncomplicated telescope and microscope.他发明了温度计以及简单的望远镜和显微镜。

45、Working principle of RIT-15, its performance, parameter calculation and its experiments are presented briefly in the article.本文简单介绍了“RIT—15”的工作原理,性能参数计算及实验结果。

46、The results show that the epoxy coating with high toughness can improve the interlaminate shear, tensile and impact properties of composites.结果表明:高韧性环氧涂层能提高单向复合材料的层剪、拉伸及冲击等性能,且处理工艺简单;

47、Inaccessible technology interferes with an individual's ability to obtain and use information quickly and easily.不易访问的技术妨碍个人快速并简单地获取及使用信息的能力。

48、This article introduces the preparation and property of TM - 38 spray gel coat for bathtub .本文简单介绍了浴缸用TM-38喷涂胶衣的研制过程及其主要性能。

49、Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing . Party A agrees to lease and Party B agrees to rent the Premises.甲方合法拥有北京市朝阳区楼单元房屋(以下简称“该单元”),甲方愿意出租以及乙方愿意承租该单元。

50、The adjustment method of the centre of a circle coordinate by using four-point or more points is discussed.并对四点及多点求解圆心的平差问题进行了简单的探讨。

经典英文句子51:简单的及,51、The products are storage-stable and have lower toxicity than that of naphthenate driers.其制备工艺简单,产品具有毒性小,粘度低及贮存稳定性好等特点。

52、It is apparent that easier and cheaper healthcare service will improve the living standards of poor residents.显然简单及便宜的医疗服务但堤高穷人生活水准。

53、We start this chapter with a brief history of menus and then discuss some problems with menus and how to use them appropriately.我们本章先简要地讲解菜单的历史,然后讨论关于菜单的一些问题,以及如何正确地运用菜单。

54、A new method for the simultaneous dissolution and determination of tin and silver in copper solder was reported.提出了简单、快速地同时溶解及测定铜基锡银焊料中锡银的新方法。

55、Chapter 首章主要是对本文研究的主要内容和理论框架以及背景作了一个简单介绍。

1 serves as a brief introduction to the general framework of the present study.

56、Chapter One briefly introduces L/C and B/L, and the importance to show correct date on B/L.第一章简要介绍信用证和提单,以及信用证项下提单日期的重要性。

57、Edit service business training materials and courseware, design and make the teaching aids.编辑业务培训资料、课件,简单教具的设计及制作。

58、Zhanzhuang is easy to study, does not need the deep basic training, but the popularization is high.站桩功入门简单,浅显易学,不需要深厚的入门功夫,可普及性非常高。

59、To study the preparation and release of metronidazole from oneway sustained release films of compound metronidazole.目的:研究复方甲峭吐单向缓释药膜(以下简称药膜)的制法及其释放特性。

60、The mathematic model of GPS dual-frequency precise point positioning and the corresponding program named "GPS-PPP" recently developed by the author were presented.简要介绍了GPS双频精密单点定位数学模型及自主研制的精密单点定位软件。

61、Cast-in-place tubular pile and its driving technology ware introduced;简单介绍了沉管灌注筒桩及其沉桩施工工艺;

62、You should know what an orthonormal matrix is and a shortcut to compute its inverse.你应该知道什么是正交矩阵以及求它的逆的简单方法。

63、She writes about women's idealisation of men, touching briefly on the topic of women's fantasy life.她写女人心目中理想化的男人,其中简单涉及了女人所幻想的生活的话题。 羝。

64、It is much easier to use these sheets to pick up the grease and control your diet.因此,用烹调吸油纸可以更简单地除去油脂,以及控制你的日常饮食。

65、This study introduce the history of Koln sports institute of Germany, and the school management, subject construction, education and science research of the school.对德国科隆体育学院的简史、学院管理、学科建设、教学及科研等进行简单介绍。

66、Put simply, the prefrontal cortex is at the heart of our most flexible and forward-looking thoughts.简单地说,前额叶皮层就是我们产生最灵活及最具前瞻性思想的核心。

67、This article is for reference only. Please refer to the Policy contract for the definitions of capitalized terms, and the exact and complete terms and conditions of coverage.此简介只供参考,有关保单契约条款之定义及契约条款及条件之原文及完整述,请参阅保单契约。

68、Aceording to the imaging formulas, the influence of the illuminating wavelength on the reconstruction image was discussed. The monochromaticity and color blur of the image were also discussed briefly.根据成象公式讨论了再现光波波长对再现象的影响,还简单讨论了象的单色性及色模糊。

69、I have selected OpenNMS for its wide open availability and simplicity in design.我之所以选择 OpenNMS 是因为它具有广泛开放的可用性,以及它在设计上的简单性。

70、To simply and economically determine the stretch and recovery of textile fabrics, both knitted and woven.织物伸长计,用途:可简单、经济地检测针织及机织物的拉伸及回复性能。

71、One of the main functions of politicians – and journalists – is to simplify the world for us.将我们眼前的世界简单化,这是政客以及记者主要的干活之


标签: 翻译 简单

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