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关于”成分的划分“的英语句子60个,句子主体:Division of components。以下是关于成分的划分的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Division of components

正式来讲,对数据集 D 的 P(D) 进行水平 分区 或划分就是将 D 分解成相互不相交的 N 个集 Di 且

1、Formally, horizontal partitioning or sharding P(D) of a dataset D is a decomposition of D into N mutually disjoint sets Di such that


2、We divide the behavior production module into three layers: control layer, tactic planning layer and decision layer.


3、Republicans involved in redistricting this time around say they cannot be too aggressive if their handiwork is to have any hope of surviving.

SIMM 划分为七个成熟度阶段或级别。

4、The SIMM is grouped into seven maturity stages or levels.


5、But, despite the wide range of possibilities represented by the low cost.


6、The sections are graded which means that the level increases as you progress through the test.


7、Image thresholding segmentation method based on fuzzy partition entropy has good segmentation performance and becomes a kind of extensive application method in image segmentation field.


8、Soil and water conservation planning is based on the data the of regionalization of soil and water conservation, and the data of soil erosion classification and regionalization.


9、Think of two rules for dividing a list of numbers into blocks.


10、Each of the eras is a collection of less-grand divisions called periods based.


11、Thus the process is divided into three parts: producing coal gas , producing methanol and synthesizing anhydride acetic acid.


12、Finally, the floorplan and part of layout design was presented.


13、Mineralization is divided into two periods: the hydrothermal period and the supergene period.


14、The cave development in diwas involves five cave-forming phases.


15、The "Affluent Middle Class Farmer" Social Class : It was one of the social classes classified in Chinese countryside in 1950s.


16、It's part of a bigger plan to build tourism in Chengdu.


17、The Domain Model divides into three portions: A presentation tier, an application tier, and a data tier.


18、Different planning purposes, leads to different criteria for the classification of land use.

Mambo 的开发划分成几个解决方案。

19、Mambo's development track is divided into several solutions.


20、Under the Tetrarchy , this was divided into two provinces, called Osrhoene (around Edessa;

21、The result indicates that the watered-out conditions in the residual oil zone can be classified as waterflooded area and weak (non-) waterflooded area.根据研究成果,剩余油区的水淹状况可划分为水庵区分布型和弱(未)水淹区分布型。

22、The formation of ore zone can be divided into hydrothermal stage and supergene stage.矿带的形成可划分为热液期和表生期。

23、It mainly fulfills the function of decomposing the planning into batch ordering.此子系统主要功能是完成生产计划分解成批生产指令。

24、Secondly, the technique of adaptive clutter estimation and suppression based on quasi-stationary sub-image partition is discussed and its computer simulations are completed.针对基于四叉树分割的准平稳区域划分方法精度不高的问题,给出了一种基于分水岭分割的准平稳子域划分方法。

25、These lines divide each road into separate lanes.这些线也把每条路划分成单独的路段。

英文句子26:,26、Similarly, when the cohort was divided into propensity score quintiles, we did not find a difference in survival between the two groups.同样,当将队列划分成倾向分数五分数时,研究并未发现两组间生存率的差异。

27、The page allocator, which is the manager of all the pages, allocates and frees physical pages.物理内存被划分成大小相同的页帧,页面分配器管理所有的页帧,负责分配和释放物理页面。

28、This is an integral part of the training in the Medical Radiography Program.这是在放射医学培训计划的一个组成部分。

29、We’ve perfected Malcolm Gladwell’s “blink”—the reflexive, addictive and tragically accurate placement of other Indians into bullock carts, scooters, airplanes and who knows what else.我们完善了麦尔坎.葛拉威尔的“光环”——自反性、让人赞叹、悲剧而精确的划分,把别的印度人划分成牛车阶层、汽车阶层和飞机飞机,谁知道还有没有别的划分呢!

30、Each shard in an MMOG is divided into three primary layers.MMOG 中的每个片划分成三个主要的层。

31、By functionality, market has been segmented into four segments, namely stand alone, real time, networked and mobile.在功能上,市场可以划分成四大块,分别是单机、实时、网络和移动。

32、From now until the end of the year 2000, my projects are 3-fold.从现在一直到xx年底,我的计划可分成三层。

33、Research for the diagenetic lithofacies is based on sedimentary facies, which stress on the observation of diagenetic characteristics in sedimentary rock.经镜下成岩特征分析,哈得逊地区石炭系含油气储集层,可划分为六种成岩岩相。

34、Graduation precision;分划精度;

35、Appropriations are actually segregations of retained earnings .分拨,它实际上是保留盈利的划分。

36、Plan to conclude your talk at about one-third of your time allocation.计划用三分之一的会议时间完成你的演讲。

37、And a volume group can be logically partitioned into logical volumes.卷组 可以在逻辑上划分成多个逻辑卷。

38、Abbas could also try to cut a new power-sharing deal with Hamas.阿巴斯也试着与哈马斯达成权利分享的计划。

39、The arch ring was divided into several arch ribs, and each rib was longitudinally divided into several precast concrete hollow blocks.拱圈被划分成几个拱肋,和每个肋纵向划分成几个预制混凝土空心砌块。 通过横向设置的竖立中央肋支持竖起了一面肋骨。

40、Seismic data are already distinguishing between temperature and compositional effects, painting an even more complex picture of mantle structure.地震数据已经区分成温度和成分效果,已刻划出一个更加复杂的地幔结构图像。

41、That does not divide my love and your love.不会划分成你的爱和我的爱。

42、The compound was subdivided into four living areas.那个区域被划分成四块居住小区。

43、Thirdly, based on the recognition and division of cycles of short base level, the high-resolution sequence formation is recognized.基于短期基准面旋回的识别与划分,进行了研究区高分辨率层序地层划分。

44、The shared space is divided into sections without the use of a single wall; it is a smart design approach.这一空间没有使用单一墙面的隔断法,而是划分成几个部分,这是空间规划的明智方法。

45、Tang Chang'an city was divided into 108 blocks (Li Fang), then into houses. However, it has been a mystery for a long time that how the blocks being divided into houses.唐长安的城市用地被划分为里坊,然后划分成若干宅基地,可里坊内如何被分割为若干块宅基地分配给居民却一直不明。

46、The diagenesis phase is divided into early B phase and late A phase.成岩阶段划分为早成岩B期和晚成岩A期。

47、Through level division of the predict result which favorable for mineralize district in the studied areas . We put up a graduate method which is used to divide graduations of statistical result .通过对研究区成矿有利区预测成果的级别划分,提出用结果分布统计图辅助分段的方法对结果值进行分段。

48、Within direct costs, expenses are divided into material, subcontract, temporary work and machinery costs.在直接成本里面,又将支出划分为材料费、合同分包费、临时工作费和机械费。

49、Splitting a complex and heavily departmentalized enterprise into a number of separate domains may make things much easier.将复杂的深入划分的企业分割成一些单独的域,事情可能会变得容易很多。

50、Memory, already divided into a castle of chambers , balkanizes into a terrifying labyrinth of tiny closets.已经被划分为套间的记忆堡垒,又分割为极小的秘室组成的巨大迷宫。

经典英文句子51:成分的划分,51、These shells were divided internally into gas-filled chambers.这些壳的内部划分成许多充气室。

52、An OSPF network can be broken up into smaller networks.一个OSPF 网络可以被划分成更小的网络。

53、The old farm has been split up into house lots.这古老的农场已被划分成为一块块的宅地。

54、Note-taking, cataloging, and bookmarking service Evernote divides people.集笔记,分类和书签功能于一身的服务Evernote将人划分成两类。

55、In order to get a clear idea, the twenty years is divided into three periods by 1847 and 1853.这一部分的讨论以xx年、xx年为节点,划分成三个时间段分别展开。

56、Listing 清单

1. How access plan components appear in db2exfmt output

1. db2exfmt 输出中的访问计划成分

57、The ecological tour programming is very important part of the ecological sample region programming.生态旅游规划是生态示范区规划的重要组成部分。

58、The twist drill may be divided into three principal parts:shank, body and point.麻花钻也许可以被划分成三个主要的部分:钻柄、钻体和钻尖。

59、Every group can be partitioned into equivalence classes called conjugacy classes.所有群都可以划分成叫做共轭类的等价类。

60、In AIX, disks—known as PVs—are divided into smaller homogeneous blocks of storage called physical partitions.在 AIX 中,磁盘也称为 PV,可划分成更小的同源存储块,即物理分区。

61、If, in the 1-to-10 zone of expressiveness, you are naturally a 假如按照1-10的打分划定每个人的表现力,而你的分数是3分或4分,那就不要突然试图装成8分、9分的那种人。

3 or a

4, don't suddenly try to be an

8 or


62、A new division method based on anomalous region is proposed, in which the determination of the region border is of enough evidence.针对原有矩形区域划分的弊端,采用基于一种不规则区域划分法,使区域划分中边线的确定有理有据;

63、These activities become part of my test plans; their results become part of my iteration exit criteria.这些活动成为我测试计划的一部分,它们的结果成为迭代退出标准的一部分。

64、3.I’m playing the football in the playground 。(对划线部分进行提问) _____没有划线的____________________________________________________________

65、By using different beam grid divided methods to divide the box girder and comparing the calculating results, the influence of beam lattice division method has been obtained.采用不同的梁格划分方法对箱梁进行划分,并对计算结果进行比较,得出梁格法的划分对计算结果的影响。

66、The instructor canceled most of verbose expressions in his composition.老师把他的作文里重复啰嗦的成分都划掉了。

67、Memory, already divided into a castle of chambers, balkanizes into a terrifying labyrinth of tiny closets.已经被划分为单间堡垒的记忆,分割为巨大的由极小的秘室组成的迷宫。

68、For non-0/1 data block it used dimidiation technique, and for 0/1 data block it used some mark-bits to represent the times of partitioning.首先将整个测试集划分成若干定长块,对非全0/1块,使用折半的方法划分;对全0/1块,使用标记位来表示划分的次数。

69、Our headteacher divided our class into eight groups.我们班主任把我们班划分成八个小组。

70、A sculling stroke consists of the following elements: catch, drive/pull, through, finish, and recovery.双桨艇划桨由以下动作成分组成:提桨,拉桨,划桨,结束和回桨。

71、ASTR belongs to hierarchical routing protocol: it divides the whole network into many subareas logically through establishing subarea trees and each subarea is composed of a tree.ASTR 属于分级路由协议,通过建立分区树,在逻辑上将网络划分为多个分区,每个分区由一棵树组成。

72、I wonder if there are further classifications of igneous rocks.我想知道火成岩还有进一步的类型划分吗?。

73、The characteristics of the 油细胞和粘液细胞(腔)4种分布类型的划分支持樟科两个亚科的划分。

4 distribution types of oil cells and mucilage cells support the division of two subfamilies in the Lauraceae.

74、High-tech exports, then, will necessarily become a vital component of its plans.高新技术产品出口,一定会成为其计划的重要组成部分。

75、After classifying multi-pose images to different pose space, Primary Component Analysis (PCA) was used to get eigenfaces in the given pose space.对多姿态二维图像进行姿态空间划分,利用主成分分析方法(PCA)形成多姿态特征脸。

英文句子模板76:Division of components,76、Strategy (STRAT) A Strategy is one component of the plan for the Mission.战略(STRAT) 战略是任务规划的一个组成部分。

77、Be the person that jumps in and takes on a new project (just don't over-commit).成为那个新计划的所有者(但别做过分)。

78、Contexts - break your to-do list into several lists based on the context you’re in and what you can actually do right now.环境——将你的计划表根据你现在所处的情况和你目前正在做的事情,划分成几个小部分。

79、Besides, the authors inquire into subjects such as dividing survey area, doing map grid, linking between maps and drawing base.此外,对机助成图的其它问题诸如划分测区、分幅、截幅、接边及图库进行了分析说明。

80、The whole district is divided administratively into 全区划分成11个行政驻地军分区和1个镇。

11 resident subdistricts and

1 town.



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