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关于”描写农场“的英语句子47个,句子主体:Describe the farm.。以下是关于描写农场的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Describe the farm.

他的母亲是农民的女儿。 托马斯后来在一首题为《蕨山》(1964)的名诗中曾写到他在外祖父的农场时的欢快景象。

1、His mother was a farmer’s daughter; Thomas later celebrated the joy he felt at his maternal grandparents’ farm in a famous poem entitled “Fern Hill” (1946).


2、She was appointed vice-director of the farm.


3、so like city farming basically. Yeah, like farms,



3 presents the issue of pesticide market, plant protection equipment market, agri-product quality market and pesticide enterprises.


5、We're on a farm.


6、Outlet of farm well.


7、White writes to his stepson in 1964 from his farm in Maine.


8、This bucolic smallholding provides organic vegetables to the farmers' markets of Seattle.

你都写了什么? - 篮球,或者“蚂蚁农场”

9、Yeah, what'd you put on there? - A basketball or an ant farm.


10、The diary of one young woman described the scene at her cousin’s farm.


11、The drawing of fighting tigers in Tang Dynasty is true source of the drawing of Wu Song 's fighting tigers.


12、There were questions about farm size, additional farm activities, density of broilers in the house, and labour time for the different farm activities.


13、Proceed to Mushroom Farm.


14、That farmer is an agriculturist.


15、In the last twodecades, he has written several books on the emotional lives ofanimals: elephants, farm animals, cats and dogs.


16、The depth of Chinese economic reform can be described by marketization level, while the progress of economic development by non-agriculturalization level.


17、A farm or plantation;


18、One is the kibbutzim in Israel, which were communities that shared everything.


19、Former State farms, tree plantations, crops plantation workers, still non-agricultural accounts nature relocation;


20、The basic farm level is how good at farming this province is. The higher the basic farm level, the more money you will get from building farming buildings.

21、Buck’s account of a farming family in “The Good Earth” was widely attacked for its frankness when it came out in 1931.赛珍珠在其xx年的小说《大地》中对农村家庭的描写,因其坦率而广受攻击。

22、The family farm has Herbst反问到:“家庭农场拥有20到100亩的农田,如何同拥有50,000亩农田的企业农场竞争?

20 acres or 100 acres.

23、Riding down the Mississippi Valley was like traveling through lyrics written by both Arlo and Woody Guthrie – past houses, farms and fields;坐在沿密西西比河行驶的火车上就好像在由阿洛和伍迪·加索里写的歌词里遨游一般——古老的房屋,农场以及农田;

24、Many farms, such as Jenny Jack Sun Farm, invite the community to their farm for a hands-on experience;在很多农场中,如珍妮杰克的太阳农场,他们请一些消费者到农产去亲身体验农产的生活以 及生产过程。

25、Now the basic way lo rdsolove the problem is building ecological farm.建设生态农场是恢复生态环境,实现农场持续发展的根本途径。

英文句子26:,26、In Holcomb, there is River Valley farm that still looks on the exterior largely as he described it.在霍尔科姆,河谷农场看上去跟卡波特描述的仍然大致相同。

27、ninth help Later less little 的比较极 quickly farm n.农场,农庄 v.耕种;

28、The farm engages in animal-breeding and agriculture.这个农场农牧业都搞。

29、Keshan Farm is one of drought farms in northeast China.克山农场是我国东北部比较干旱的农场之

30、A description of the farmer's daughter. The author carried to a market-town, and then to the metropolis. The particulars of his journey.关于农场主女儿的描写;旅途中的详情。


31、During 1999, an additional 年内,再有19家蔬菜农场加入由渔农处及蔬菜统营处合办的信誉农场计划。

19 vegetable farmers joined the Accredited Farm Scheme implemented by the department and the Vegetable Marketing Organisation.

32、Piper the hep cat is throwing a party at the end of the month. It's your job to make this farm funkier than ever.农场正在筹备一个派对,现在是你来好好经营农场的时候了,把农场经营的前所未有的繁荣多趣哦!

33、"Sixty farmers have been removed from their farms since Saturday evening and of those 60, two are black commercial farmers and the remainder are white commercial farmers," he said.吉福德说:“从星期六晚间以来有60名农场主被赶出他们的农场。 在这60人中,两人是黑人商业农场主,其他都是白人商业农场主。”

34、The exemption covers farms of a certain size that sell within a limited distance of their operation.该法豁免了某些规模的农场,这些农场的产品只销往农场周围不远的地方。

35、“I can see the farm yet, with perfect clearness, ” he writes.“现在我脑中还是能浮现农场的景象,清晰异常,”他写道。

36、The most popular theme of this time was "new people and new stories", as well as national achievements in agriculture, industry and social construction.描写社会主义社会的新人新事以及工农业生产建设的成就,是版画创作的主要内容。

37、The farmer has a farm, he works on the farmland every day.这个农民有一农场,他每天在农田工作。

38、If the supermarket you use doesn’t stock welfare friendly foods, write to them requesting that they do.如果你常去的超级市场不卖善待动物的农场出品的食物,那就写信要求他们进货吧。

39、Historical scenes and objective third-person description make her approach male-oriented literary stream.《他们》中宏大的历史场面,客观的叙述描写,使这部作品具有强烈的历史凝重感。

40、The old farm workers' cottages are being prettified as holiday homes.那位农场主雇佣很多农场工人。

41、Joel Salatin is not interested in having "organic" as a label describing his farm.Joel Salatin对用“有机”这个标签来描述他的农场不感兴趣。

42、This farm engages in animal-breeding and agriculture.这个农场农牧业都搞。

43、He told the farmer he wanted to apply for a job as a farmhand.年轻人告诉农场主他想在农场里当一个帮手。

44、He describes himself as a grass farmer because grass is the base of the food chain of his farm animals.他将他自己描述成一个“草农”,因为草是他农场动物食物链中最基础的原料。

45、Farmer group includes peasant association, fishing cooperation of meeting, agriculture, cooperative farm, irrigation and water conservancy is met.农民团体包括农会、渔会、农业合作社、合作农场、农田水利会。

46、Check out pick-your-own farms and local farmers markets.不要再去自采农场和当地的农民市场。

47、Their farm abuts upon ours.他们的农场和我们的农场相毗连。

48、“Are you a good farmhand?”the farmer asked him.“你是个干农活的好手吗?” 农场主问他。

49、You know what he was? he was a streetcar motorman first, and the he was a farmer, and then he had a lemon ranch.一开始,他是一个电车司机,后来他是个农民,然后他自己有了一个种柠檬的大农场。 那个农场是加州最差的种柠檬的农场。

50、His descriptions of rural Sindh and the troubled feudal landowner he finds there are unforgettable.他对农村信德省人的描写,以及在那儿他看到的烦恼的封建地主形象都令人难忘。

经典英文句子51:描写农场,51、Large-scale corporate farms are typically slightly less productive than well-managed smaller farms, but they are much more productive than the average productivity of smaller farms.大规模合作型农场的生产率要比一些管理特别好的小农场的低,但是却比小农场的平均生产率高的多,所以大型的农场很适应时代的发展需要。

52、The authorities dragooned the peasants into leaving their farms.当局迫使农民离开他们的农场。

53、Thousands of family farms fell into foreclosure and scores of farm banks collapsed.成千个家庭农场土地被银行收回,几十家农场银行崩溃。

54、The Blithedale Romance (1852) is interesting for its portrait of the socialist, utopian Brook Farm community.《福谷传奇》(The Blithedale Romance,1852) 颇引人入胜,因为作品描绘了布鲁克农场(Brook Farm)邻里间的社会主义乌托邦生活。

55、That uneasy alliance between the new and the old could describe today's farm, as well.这种新与旧之间奇怪的交汇也同样可以用来描述今天的农场。

56、Ali Baba, he has a little farm, on his farm he has some litt.阿里巴巴有个农场,农场里面有些小羊羔。

57、Ginger: There is no farm.金杰:没有农场。

58、In addition to the total number of farms accounted for 16% of large farms in agriculture-based income, the remaining 84% of small farm income sources are non-agricultural income-based.除了占农场总数16%的大农场以农业收入为主外,其余84%的中小农场收人来源均以非农业收入为主。

59、The human cases are: farmers, veterinarians and farm workers.病人是农场主、兽医和农场工人。

60、Ali Ba-ba, he has a little farm, On his farm he has some little pigs, "Oink, Oink"cry his little pigs, On the farm of Ali Ba-ba.阿里巴巴,他有一个小农场, 在他的农场有一些小猪, “哼,哼”他的小猪 在阿里巴巴的农场叫到。

61、This farm is some times than that one.这个农场比那个农场大几倍。

62、I grew up on a farm, helping my parents.我在农场长大,帮我父母亲分担农务。

63、So it is extensively applied to countryside, farm, livestock farm, animal feed processing plant and etc.广泛适用于农村、农场、牧场、畜牧场(站)、县、乡、镇饲料加工厂及农村专业户。

64、His description of the Shebaa farms, a disputed enclave on Lebanon's border with the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, is inaccurate.罗根关于舍巴农场的描述有失准确。舍巴农场位于黎巴嫩和以占戈兰高地的边界上,被两国领土包围,至今就其归属仍有争议。

65、Pollutants from such agricultural sources as farms, pastures, feedlots, and ranches contribute animal wastes, agricultural chemicals, and sediment from erosion.牧草场、饲育场和大农场等农业源头的污染物有动物粪便、农业化学制品以及腐蚀过程中产生的沉淀物。

66、Salt pits, ranges, pastures, forest and tea plantations shall submit registration certificates.三盐场、农场、牧场、林场、茶场,应检附登记证书。

67、The farmer has some carts on his farm.这个农夫在农场里有几台木板车。

68、She was now on her way to an upland farm in the centre of the county, to which she had been recommended by a wandering letter which had reached her from Marian.现在,她正在向本都中部一个高地农场走去。她收到玛丽安写给她的一封信,那封信几经辗转才送到她的手上,推荐她到那个农场去。

69、The significance of this description shows itself first in its truthfulness of farmers' description, which exceeds all attempt of its sort since the May4th Movement.这种意义首先在于它对农民描写的真实性,是对五四乡土文学、左翼文学的农村叙事和以赵树理为代表的解放区文学的超越。

70、Farms, however, are small. Often three generations share both a home and the farm chores.农场的面积很小,农民常常三代同堂,共同在农场上劳作。

71、Two thousand farms there can each house an average of seventy-five thousand chickens.哪里的两千个农场平均每个农场都能养殖七万五千只鸡。

72、The farmer sank fence posts along the farm boundary .农场主把他的农场都埋下木柱子围了起来。



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