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关于”给出建议的句型“的英语句子29个,句子主体:Suggest sentence patterns。以下是关于给出建议的句型的雅思英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Suggest sentence patterns


1、I will provide relevant tips about developing a globally-recognized school brand.


2、He watched how I skied and offered advice.


3、Mr. Brown knows little about China and therefore he can't advise you about it.


4、Relevant suggestions on reducing radio interference caused by converter station are given.


5、In the fall, I ask our writers, editors and correspondents to send in suggestions.


6、All too often, these promises yield little but generic advice and platitudes.


7、What kind of advices could you give to people who are just starting up their business?


8、Finally the process of establishing a label switch path(LSP)using RSVP is provided.


9、But her advice to others is to pride yourself on saying no.


10、Here are some tips to help navigate the collaboration process


11、What advice do the callers give Erin?


12、To address this problem, I would like to lodger several suggestions.

洛杉矶时代华纳在线人力资源副总监保罗·法尔肯(Paul Falcone)是《绩效考评实用2,600句》一书的作者,对此他给出了更为具体的建议。

13、Paul Falcone, vice president of human resources at Time Warner Cable in Los Angeles and author of 2600 Phrases for Effective Performance Reviews, has more concrete advice to offer.


14、Suggestions on ore matching by complementing sinter and pelletizing is advanced.


15、Now when I want to advise Evgeni I'm thinking about it 100 times.


16、I then asked each friend for one piece of advice he would convey to my girls.


17、Zhang's mother, Chen Chen, said she could see the point of the teacher's advice but suggested a different approach.


18、And then advice on choosing the methods of deoxygenation of boiler supply water is given .


19、I haven’t even gotten halfway through the list of ideas yet!


20、They may also post advice on how to prepare for written tests and job interviews.

21、I would suggest that you specifically sell your soul to the demon king Mammon.我会特别建议你将你的灵魂出卖给恶魔之王财神。

22、You will give your boss the opportunity to suggest improvements if you ask for advice.如果你向老板问建议,你会给你老板机会提出改进的方法。

23、The measures of replenishment of Hefei city cultivated land can be popularized and control method the conversion of cultivated land into non-agricultural is put forward.指出该模型适用的广泛性,合肥市耕地补给措施可推广,然后对控制耕地非农化的约束机制提出建议。

24、In this chapter, the author introduces some ideas of the implementation of the strategy.本章主要是笔者给出村镇银行战略实施的个人建议。

25、This article elaborates on the different encryption types supported by IBM NAS and IBM NFS V4, and the importance of these encryption types and recommendation on their usage.本文详细描述了 IBM NAS 和 IBM NFS V4 支持的不同加密类型,强调了这些加密类型的重要性,给出了使用建议。

英文句子26:,26、A few months later, Airbus sent a recommendation to replace the monitors.几个月后,空中巴士给出了替换监视器的建议。

27、The best advice Brady said is to devise a plan B.布拉迪给出的最好建议就是准备一套备选方案。

28、But this year, the association also made recommendations in regards to parents’ viewing habits.但今年,该协会也给出关于了父母的观看电视习惯方面的建议。

29、The improvement in the slippery rise template construction technique is put forward.对滑升模板技术的改进给出了具体建议。

30、I highly recommend that you try out the examples in this tutorial.强烈建议您试验本教程中给出的例子。

31、I hope we can be reconciled, as before希望我们能和好,像以前一样

32、So here are a few ideas to help you snack more healthfully.因此本文给出了一些建议,帮你从零食中吃出健康的。

33、And according to schoolmates own situation, will give correspondingly selects the school suggestion.并将根据同学们自身的情况,给出相应的择校建议。

34、Put forward the necessity of developing the green maintenance in vehicle maintenance industry, and preliminary recommendations are given.提出了发展绿色汽车维修业的必要性,并初步给出相关建议。

35、They can bark and they can giv advise! !他们可以狺狺狂吠,他们可以给出建议!!

36、Andy always listened, he'd asked the questions and then he given advise.安迪总是倾听、问些问题,然后给出建议。

37、or "i find it helpful to ? can take away the blame while still leaving an impact: "next time you might want to give a little more attention to the audience. i find it helpful to look people in the eyes while i am speaking." 给出建议 记住:有建设性的建议的目标不是让对方难受,而是帮助人成长。

38、Maybe it would even make polite suggestions for you in a British accent.也许它甚至用英国口音给你提出了有礼貌的建议。

39、Let's make up, don't let some unpleasant affect our feelings.我们和好吧,不要让一些不愉快影响了我们的感情

40、I'm sorry, I should not quarrel with you对不起,我不应该和你吵架

41、Mr. Burson is the only dealer (that) we know who gives good advice.Burson先生是我们所知能给出最好建议的人。

42、The author suggests ways in which one can elicit fair and constructive feedback, and outlines key factors that companies typically apply in such selection decisions.作者给出了可以探出公正而建设性的反馈意见的建议并概括出公司在这样的选择决策中典型地采用的重要因素。

43、The president's wife was always at his elbow whenever an important decision had to be taken.凡要做出重大决定时,总统夫人总是不离左右,随时给他提出建议。

44、Mr Shankman, who racks up 200,000 miles a year, suggests a number of ploys .每年旅行20万英里的尚可曼给出了大量建议。

45、In an RDR approach, the domain experts process the cases, make a recommendation, and provide some features, if necessary, to justify their recommendation.在 RDR 方法中,领域专家会处理各种案例,给出相关建议,并在必要时提供一些功能来证明其建议的合理性。

46、What advice do you have for Erin?你有什么建议给艾金呢?

47、As well as, some suggested values of mechanical parameters and details of the landslide remediation program recommendations of YaDu landslide are given.给出了雅都滑坡的一些物理力学参数建议值及该滑坡的详细整治方案建议。

48、or I find it helpfulto ? can take away the blame while still leaving an impact: Next time you might want to give a littlemore attention to the audience. I find it helpful to look people in the eyes while I am speaking. 给出建议记住:有建设性的建议的目标不是让对方难受,而是帮助人成长。

49、Marilyn Monroe dished up lighthearted advice in the 1953 comedy,”How to Marry a Millionaire.玛丽莲·梦露在xx年的喜剧片《如何嫁给百万富翁》中给出了轻松幽默的建议。

50、Evaluate and advise on alternative corporate re-organisation strategies.在企业重组战略上进行评估和给出建议。

经典英文句子51:给出建议的句型,51、Can give some information on metering pump pump head selection recommendations?能否给出一些关于计量泵泵头选择方面的建议?

52、Give some contact information on this page in case users have questions, or perhaps have useful improvements to suggest.请在此页给出联系信息以防用户存在任何疑问或想要给出如何改进的建议。

53、They're usually addressed to groups of people, and they deal with sort of philosophical sounding issues, and they give advice on group problems.通常是写给一群人的,讨论哲学问题,给团体问题提出一些建议。

54、The commission will offer specific recommendations for reform in its full report next Tuesday.委员会将在下周二公布报告的全文并给出改革的具体建议。

55、You will always be my best friend, no matter what happens你永远是我最好的朋友,不管发生什么

56、Some comments on the symposium and suggestions on the China's VTS are also presented.给出了作者参会的简评与我国VTS工作的建议。

57、The following is a recommendation from the personnel director to the president of Acme Publishing Company.下文是人事部主任给阿克默出版公司总裁的建议信。

58、Marilyn Monroe dished up lighthearted advice in the 1953 comedy, ”How to Marry a Millionaire.玛丽莲·梦露在xx年的喜剧片《如何嫁给百万富翁》中给出了轻松幽默的建议。

59、For example, FIPS makes recommendations on password policies.例如,FIPS 在密码策略上给出了建议。

60、My mother’s bank manager gave her appalling advice, " said one well-connected woman.我母亲的银行经理给出的建议骇人听闻。


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