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关于”问路“的英语句子58个,句子主体:Asking for directions。以下是关于问路的托福英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Asking for directions


1、The most recent problem faced by the chiru is the new Tibet-Qinghairailway, which cuts right through their traditional migration routes.


2、For diagnosing problems, HSSI offe four loopback tests.

xx年, 路德出版了大小教理问答。

3、Luther published the Large and Small Catechisms in 1529.


4、Don't ask strangers on the street for directions.


5、May I ask if the site has the wired or WAP (Wireless Access Point) internet connection?


6、Which is the way to the North Street Hospital?


7、She worried me to lose the way, I had no full confidence, in case I got lost, it would be evry troubles, I didn't known English, no way to ask how to go mome.


8、The numerical experiment has proved the value of Inventory Routing Problem whose total cost is much less than that of general Vehicle Routing Problem.


9、Don’t ask which one, though; we’ve lost track.

10、 I lost my way. 我迷路了 Say hello to everybody for me. 替我向大家问好。


11、Say hello to your wife for me.


12、I'm serious -- this problem ain't going away anytime soon.


13、The VRP was changed into a quasi-continuous problem by designing a new real coding. Constrained terms in VRP were processed by the penalty function.


14、The old age insurance is the only way to solve problems and contradiction and construct harmonious society.


15、How do I get to the metro station?


16、Luke, the beloved physician, and Demas, greet you.


17、But we just asked someone the direction,


18、Is there a shortcut I can take to the zoo?


19、Railway officials don't know how to handle problems when passengers ask them.


20、so if you need to ask for directions,

21、Excuse me, does this road lead to the railway station?请问, 这条路通向火车站吗?

22、I lost my way. 我迷路了 Say hello to everybody for me. 替我向大家问好。

23、By the way, which bus should I get?顺便问下,我该搭哪路车?

24、how do i get to the metro station? 请问如何前往地下铁路站?

25、Excuse me. Which is the way to East Park, please ?请问,哪条路是去东方公园的?

英文句子26:,26、MSR extends DSR′ s Route Discovery and Route Maintenance mechanism to deal with multipath routing.MSR对DSR中的路由搜索和路由维护机制进行了扩展,用来解决多径路由问题。

27、Hello! Which bus should Itake to railway station?你好!请问到火车站,我该做哪路车?。

28、The question is:Do I wish to walk this path consciously, or unconsciously?问题是:我是希望有意识地走这条路,还是无意识地走这条路?

29、The single-source shortest path problem as to the main optimal routing problem is the basis of the most optimal problems in many social application areas.以单源最短路径为主的最优路径问题是众多社会应用领域内选择最优问题的基础。

30、Thin soft soil road bed is a common existing engineering geological problem in road projects.薄层软土路基是公路工程普遍存在的工程地质问题。

31、The king asked, "Where does this road lead?"国王问:「这条路通向哪里?」

32、Better to ask the way than to astray.与其闭口迷路,不如开口问道。

33、How do I get to the subway station? 请问如何前往地下铁路站?

34、Excuse me, where is No. 518 bus stop?你问518路公共汽车站在哪儿?

35、Which way will the world's most straight?中文的意思是:“请问世界上哪条路最直?

36、Electronic Business: amalgamating for long or short time?问路电子商务:融合是一时还是一势?。

37、The Routing and Remote Access snap-in is open.路由和远程访问管理单元已打开。

38、Wei :Oh! I forgot! We were lost. We just wanted to ask you for directions.小薇:噢!我忘了!我们迷路了。我们原本只是要来向你问路。

39、Look… question two: When are roadways most slippery?看…,问题


40、Urinary tract infection. Recurrent urinary tract infections are a problem for many postmenopausal women.尿路感染。复发性尿路感染是许多绝经后妇女的一个问题。

41、All passers-by can ask: You want that?所有的路人都会问:你想要去那?

42、A tourist walked up to me to ask the way .他走到交通警那里问路。

43、Excuse me, ____ ____ the way to the library?汉译英:请问,去图书馆的路怎么走?。

44、Can you tell me the way to king street please?请问去金街的路怎么走?

45、He inquired the way of a local person.他向当地人询问道路。

46、RWA (Routing and Wavelength Assignment) is the critical problem in the design of a WRON.路由与波长分配问题(RWA)是其核心问题;

47、Man with foreign accents interrupts to ask for information.一名带有外国口音的男子在问路。

48、Flag issue is radical, and route issue is relating to overall phase.旗帜问题至关重要,道路问题事关全局。

49、Passing bums will ask, Can I come in?路过的流浪者会问,我可以进来吗?

50、D. Configure UDLD to prevent one-way link conditions.配置UDLD来防止单向链路的问题。

经典英文句子51:问路,51、Question of the Month: Why Is the Dead Sea Dying?每月一问:死海,只有死路一条?

52、He breezed up to the police officer and asked for directions.他信步走到警官跟前问路。

53、Why won't you ask for my advice?你购房时为什么不能问问的建议呢? (婆婆过的桥比你走的路还多!)

54、I see a question about a subnet mask .我看到一个关于子网路遮罩的问题。

55、Which bus should I take to get to railway station?请问到火车站该搭哪路车?

56、I say the railroading problem is insurmountable.我说铁路运输问题是克服不了的。

57、Excuse me. Where's No. 打扰一下,请问西湖路二号在哪里?

2, West Lake Road, please?

58、Even the people on the street, if you ask them, they will tell you.甚至你问问路人,他们也可以告诉你。

59、Which is the way to the station, please?对不起,请问去车站的路怎么走?

60、The gentleman raised the issue very sharp, presumably to testing the waters, right?呢位阿生提嘅问题好尖锐,大概系想投石问路啩?

61、The optimization of wartime transportation paths is a multi-objective and multi-restriction problem, the solution of which can greatly help optimize paths in STD traffic networks.战时运输最优路径问题是一个多目标多约束随机动态路网寻优问题。

62、We'd better stop and ask for directions.我们最好停下来问个路吧。

63、—— thomas middleton 密都尔顿 there is no royal road to learning. 学问之路无捷径。

64、Sophie said, as the car lurched down the road.汽车东歪西斜地开上公路,索菲问。

65、Malone asked road in the mountains, but the defendant of road is destroyed.马龙询问进山的路,却又被告之山路已然被炸毁之事。

66、Put forward to settle the strategy of the problem next: Accept of Huang emperor apology remonstrates with quite?然后提出了解决问题的策略 :其一是改善内山公路路况 ;

67、The highway program I proposed was designed to deal with the deterioration of our state highways, county roads, and city streets, and the need for new construction.我所提出的公路建设计划是为了解决州里公路、县里马路和城市街道路况变差还有需要修建新的公路的问题。

68、He asked the way to the Hot Springs Hotel.他向我们询问去温泉饭店的路。

69、As one crucial research directions of security, attacks against routing layer of WSNs may cause the whole networks disabled. So it is significant to study secure routing issues of WSNs.安全路由是安全问题的重要研究方向,针对路由层的攻击可能导致整个网络瘫痪,因此研究安全路由问题有重要意义。

70、Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops.主机没有有效路径。这可能是路由器配置的问题,或者是192.168.10。

71、Questioner : I have come a long way to see you.发问者:我走了很长的路来见你。

72、G2: Say, which way is room 524?客人


73、What's mainly wrong with society today is that too many Dirt Roads have been paved.当今社会的主要问题都出在太多的土路被铺成了公路这上面。

74、The VRP can be regarded as an extension of the TSP and it is NP-complete.车辆路径问题可以看作是旅行售货员问题的推广,它是NP-完备的问题。

75、Issue 961: -Source flag supports relative paths.问题961:“-source”选项支持相对路径了。

英文句子模板76:Asking for directions,76、How do I get to the underground station? 请问如何前往地下铁路站?

77、In Lk. 路

1:41, Luke says John jumped in his mother's womb when he heard Mary's greeting!


78、The police asked some awkward questions about where the money had come from.警方对这笔钱的来路问了好几个令人发窘的问题。

79、'Is this the right way to Weatherbury?'asked Gabriel.“这是去威瑟伯里的路吗?”他问。

80、As to multicast routing, the matter is to find a tree from the network covering the multicast source node and all destination nodes.多播路由问题实质上就是构建覆盖源端和接收端,并满足应用服务质量要求的路由树的问题。



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