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关于”跟学习有关“的英语句子54个,句子主体:related to learning。以下是关于跟学习有关的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:related to learning


1、So Felix went to a three-day course and learned about problem solving, time management, and effective communication - but nothing about flying.


2、How does it feel to learn from really famous professors?


3、It depends a lot on the school administration and the teachers.


4、Boarding have learning atmosphere, others learn, you also learn accordingly, and no TV, computer, won't be distracted.


5、I started out in food science, and then became a trainee flavorist in London.


6、We were learning about tithing at the time.


7、The main focus of the related studies in SLA field is on PAL of individual words, but few studies have been conducted on the multiword units like idioms in PAL context.


8、Methods:Professor LiuZaiPeng was followed, finishing the copy cases.


9、Went online and found some tutorials to get the basic idea of what I should be doing.


10、One of the concerns out of the gate for students in this course, particularly those we dub less comfortable is that you're already starting off at a disadvantage.


11、Even if listening and reading work best for you, treat yourself to the odd video lecture, or get together with otherlearners.


12、Even if listening and reading work best for you, treat yourself to the odd video lecture, or get-together .


13、The study focused on a protein called alpha-CaMKII involved in learning and memory.


14、Small class size-more attention and practice.


15、Among these

11 exercises ,

7 of them are as to elementary theory of physics , the other

5 are those of cosmology related.


16、But further study is what brought him to Paris in 1934, where he studied composition with Nadia Boulanger and Paul Dukas, piano with Cortot and conducting with Charles Munch.


17、Then will come advanced studies in ichthyology, oceanography, ethology, and other scientific subjects.


18、The practitioner begins to operate outside the temporal zone as he begins to control the issues associated with timing and spacing.

下步是学习有关SOAP 和网页服务。

19、The next step is to learn about SOAP and Web Services.


20、It is closely related with population genetic structure, environment heterogeneity and song learning.

21、Numbers are hard. That's why we teach whole semesters worth of courses in number theory.因此我们整个学期关于数学理论,的学习也是物有所值。

22、They are learning a dragon dance with my grandpa.他们正在跟我祖父学习舞龙。

23、The difference seems linked to a region of the brain called the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.这种差别好象跟大脑中一个叫做“前额叶背外侧皮层”的区域相关,以前该区域被认为跟学习和记忆相关。

24、And that it suggests that the acoustics environment that people life, work or study in must be more cared.因此建议有关方面应关心人们的生活、工作和学习的声学环境。

25、His parents arranged for the young Chopin to take piano instruction from Wojciech Zywny.不久后,他进入了父亲在的学校学习,并在父母的安排下,跟随捷克音乐家W。日夫尼学习钢琴。

英文句子26:,26、It then clarifies the meaning of the learning-oriented TRG, studies the theories of its construction, and probes into its characteristics and functions.接着理清了学习型教研组的内涵,学习了相关教研组建设的理论,探寻学习型教研组具有的特点和功能;

27、But piano learning needs technology and personality. The student's conscious learning ability is the key to learn the piano well.钢琴学习具有技术性强及个性化强的特点,学生的自觉学习能力是学好钢琴的关键。

28、When he started to study music nie fee.就在这时他开始正式跟聂费学习音乐。

29、Can you tell us about some interesting classes fashion-wise?能跟我们讲讲时尚专业学习的内容吗?

30、Don't forget that you can read more about the language in today's programme on the How To webpage on BBC Learning English dot com.记者你可以在BBC学习频道的网页上看到更多跟今天节目有关的东西。

31、Do exactly the same as the one which, about one hundred years ago, I had tried to give to the people I was speaking to a Sainte-Anne concerning the first scene of Act I of Athaliah.请做跟一百年前确实相同的练习。这个练习,我在圣安娜大学演讲有关阿萨里亚的第一幕第一场景时,我跟人们提到过。

32、My daughter learned three conversations about three pictures in lesson 68 this evening.今天晚上,我女儿学习了跟第六十八课中的三幅图画有关的三个对话。

33、All the students studied hard lest they should fail the examinations this term.所有的学生都努力学习,他们怕他们这学期考试过不了关。

34、This learning machine is closed.这个学习机已关闭。

35、Learn more about the vCard protocol.学习有关 vCard 协议的更多知识。

36、Talk with your classmates about their study techniques .跟你的同学对他们的学习技巧。

37、It has to do with the way things should be because of issues of pollution and sin.它跟规矩有关,它跟亵渎和罪孽有关。

38、I don't wear contact lens. I'd rather buy a pair of good looking eyeglasses.你xx年级开始就戴眼镜了。 (中国人都是爱学习的好孩子… 怎么又跟眼镜有关?)

39、First, the correct definition of bullying and conflict is necessary before the plan of "Cooling Conflict" and the issues of "Peer Teaching" should be chosen carefully.研究结果发现,学生在进行此计画后不论在「学习有关戏剧概念」、「学习有关冲突、霸凌相关议题」以及「透过戏剧认识自己」的能力皆有成长。

40、Each week, he meets with a private tutor to learn Mandarin.每周他都要跟家教学习普通话。

41、2004 "Fun and Game" - let's learn from gaming.xx年 「游戏人间系列」跟读者一起从游戏中学习。

42、You want to... you're not sure if you're going to read something that's related to literature, or to science,你想要……你不确定是读点跟文学相关的还是读点跟科学相关的内容。

43、Download Scala: Start learning it with this series!下载 Scala:跟随本系列学习 Scala!

44、My daughter learned other six conversations about the six pictures in lesson 60 this evening. She came with me to my learning place tonight. I also taught her several math problems.今天晚上,我女儿学习了跟第六十课的六幅图片相关的另外六个对话。今天晚上,她跟我一起到我的学习坊去了。我还教了她几道数学题。

45、But, I also make up my mind that I need to continue my language study. I want to make foreigners understand me better. The best way to reach it is using their mother tongue.但是,我还是要继续学习语言,继续学习是为了更好的跟别人交流,用他们的母语跟他们交流。

46、D. from Harvard. By 到了xx岁,他开始跟随罗素学习元数学。

19 he was studying metamathematics with Bertrand Russell.

47、Li Fen wants to learn English from Jim's father.李芬想跟吉姆的父亲学习英语。

48、There is a column in China Daily concerning language study.《中国日报》上有一个关于语言学习的专栏。

49、Concerning learning English, there's been lots of different voices over whether learning grammar or not.关于学习英语“该不该学文法”, 最近有许多网友提出了不同的想法跟坚持。

50、This person will work full time on the simulation, pairing with with inductees and running learning discussions.他会在这个仿真项目上全职工作,跟新手结对,并组织开展相关讨论,帮助大家学习。

经典英文句子51:跟学习有关,51、It feels good to learn English with World teachers.跟沃尔得老师一起学习英语真是开心!

52、Trend-Following Indicators and Oscillators Learning to use indicators is like learning a foreign language.趋势跟踪指标和振荡指标学习使用指标就像是学习外语。

53、All these questions relate to philosophy.这些问题都跟哲学有关。

54、Take a time-management course to help you learn tips and tricks for coping with your workload学习一个有关时间管理的课程来帮助你学习减轻工作负荷的方法和诀窍

55、Among a subset of smokers with colorectal cancer, which is not strongly associated with tobacco use, 一部分患有结肠直肠癌的吸烟者中,由于这跟吸烟没有多大关系,所以12%的病人继续吸烟。来源:恒星英语学习网。

12 percent of the patients continued smoking.

56、This consists of an endless schedule of school, school related activities, afterschool programs, tutors, and countless hours of study.这包括了无数跟学业有关的课程表和活动、课后辅导、家教及不停的温习。

57、'I don't want to end up with a job that is totally irrelevant to what I have been studying so hard over the past four years in college,' said Liu, who still hopes to find a job related to his major.刘凯说,我不希望最后找到的是一个跟我的专业毫不相关的工作,毕竟我过去xx年大学期间学习很刻苦。 他现在仍希望能找到一个跟专业有关的工作。

58、I wanted to share something with you.在这里想跟大家分享一下我的学习心得。

59、Teachers'adoption of new teaching patterns can directly help students form scientific and efficient learning methods and improve their learning ability as well.教师课堂采用新型教学模式对学生形成科学、高效的学习方法和学习能力的发展有直接的关系。

60、Then I knew that Mr. Qian's wide knowledge and tremendous memory was in proportion to sometimes he reviewed these notebooks.我这才知道 , 钱先生的博闻强记 , 是跟他有时也复习这些笔记本有关系。

61、Even if listening and reading work best for they, treat themselves to the odd video lecture, or get-together with other learners.即便听和读是他们习惯的学习方式,也要让他们试着去听听看视频的演讲、或是跟其他学习者交流。

62、My English is poor but i want to use spare time to learn English, and want to find a job related with English .我的英语不好,但是很想利用工作之余多学习英语,所有想找一份跟英语相关的工作。

63、There is much still to be learned about the biology associated with cloning.还有许多与克隆有关的生物学知识需要我们学习。

64、Justin embarks on a crash course to learn about the pharmaceutical industry.于是贾斯汀挑战学习有关制药业的相关知识。

65、Even though we were doing in Japan, we're still doing language act, we're still doing writing.即使我们是在看跟日本有关的书,仍然是在学习语言,和写作。

66、There's a lot of people who probably need a lot of help with their dating strategies, right?看来有那么多同学需要跟我,学习约会策略啊

67、The vocabulary is very important in studying languages, studying words is relevant to the learners' memory ability, however, the ability is relevant to a lot of factors.在语言习得中,词汇量至关重要。词汇的习得与学习者的记忆能力有关,而记忆能力又与许多因素有关。

68、It also relates to behavioral finance.这也与跟行为金融学有关

69、Evaluation of professional division, the whole track is the English language learning consultant you achieve the desired learning outcomes at an early date a strong guarantee.专业的测评师、全程跟踪的英语学习顾问是您早日达到理想学习效果的强有力保证。

70、People around Lao Liu often urge him, 'If my child cannotstudy well, I will send him to learn painting from you.周围经常有人对老刘说,我家孩子学习不好就送来跟您学画吧。

71、Besides, Shadowing not only increased the students' interests and self-confidence in English listening and speaking but also exposed them to more opportunities to speak.此外,跟述不但提升学生的学习兴趣及自信,同时也使学生有大量的听说练习。

72、But as with all computer languages, XPath comes with a learning curve.但是跟所有计算机语言一样,XPath 也有学习曲线。

73、But, yeah, people here, all sorts of internships, people will intern with their local congressman这里的学生会找各种各样的实习。有的学生会跟着当地的议员实习,

74、Hope to learn SMPS students some help.希望对学习开关电源的同学有所帮助。

75、He talked with me about his study this morning.上午他和我谈了有关他的学习情 况。

英文句子模板76:related to learning,76、Manufacturer: I learned the craft from my father.我跟我父亲学习陶艺。

77、No exact date can be found in historical documents, but scholars assume that it is related to 目前古籍资料上还没有找到确切时间,但学者们认为他跟中国的两个习俗有关。

2 customs in China.

78、That's not always easy if you've been learning on your own and no one around you speaks your new language.如果你在自学一门语言,周围也没有人能跟你一起练习这门语言,这样学习就没那么容易了。

79、These results are a combination of father's efforts. 爸爸不但关心我的学习,还关心我的生活,为我提供了良好的学习环境。



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