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关于”三大类型“的英语句子56个,句子主体:three types。以下是关于三大类型的雅思英语句子。

英文句子模板1:three types


1、There are three different CV models that including the two-parameter hyperbolic model, the three-parameter hyperbolic model and the three-parameter exponential model.


2、According to body shapes, fishes of Luzhi River can be divided into three types, i. e. compressed, cylindrical and flatted.


3、The data must be ordinal response , enough sample size and not too low event rate for the cumulative models.


4、This mode can be divided into three types: leader type, general type, and counselor type.


5、Permian body types mainly include Permian and Triassic.


6、There are three types of coffee grinders.


7、So I'm going to suggest that we've looked at three different kinds of things.


8、As for the types of thought experiment, there are three types: critical mode, revolution mode and comprehensive mode.


9、It can be classified into three types; wandering of soul, revival after death and love between man and ghost.


10、The multi-campus universities can be divided into three types by different sources, they are joint multi-campus , extended multi-campus and mixed multi-campus.


11、On the basis of structure and compounding, Russian idiom can be classified into three types:syncretic idioms, comprehensive idioms and compounding idioms.

它最初是在猴体内发现的,由于它被误诊为良性的xx日疟原虫,这类病例的数量被大量低估了(参见 致命疟疾类型“被误诊为良性类型”)。

12、Originally identified in monkeys, the number of cases has been grossly underestimated due to its misdiagnosis as the benign P. malariae


13、This article gives an overview of three types of objective tests.


14、Objective To set up a rat model of human trigeminal neuropathic pain.

三菱也有类似的车型 —— MiEV概念车(三菱创新型电动车的简称)。

15、Mitsubishi has a similar model, the MiEV prototype (short for Mitsubishi Innovative Electric Vehicle).


16、Forty -three percent belonged to the New Breed .


17、The mystery deepens: Why only three types?


18、A classical latitude clinal variation pattern was found for seedling growth of long-leaf type provenances. Compared with the northern provenances, the southern ones had higher seedling growth rate.


19、Their tremata are all three-bore sulcus type.

有三种文档类型(strict、transitional 和 frameset)。

20、There are three document types (strict, transitional, and frameset).

21、Some typical shopping malls in Tianjin city are selected as the samples, according to the characteristics and the sizes of construction of the shopping malls, they are divided into three categories.以天津市几个大型商场为代表,按照商场的经营性质、建筑规模将大型商场分为三类,分别选取节假日、双休日、正常工作日为调查时间,得到各类大型商场疏散人数的原始数据。

22、LOBs include three data types: BLOBs (binary large objects), CLOBs (character large objects) and DBCLOBs (double-byte character large objects).LOB 包括三种数据类型:BLOB(二进制大型对象)、CLOB(字符大型对象)和 DBCLOB(双字节字符大型对象)。

23、It was added Mixed-use center and became three kinds and eight sub-kinds In 2006.年又加上混合型中心,使分类成为三类八亚类。

24、A model is a person who is learnt from and imitated by others. There are three kinds of models: elite-model, typical-model and common-model.榜样是指被别人作为学习、模仿对象的人物,包括“精英”型榜样、“典型”型榜样、“大众”型榜样等三种类型。

25、Mounting series, light profile series and so on eight more than 3000 exhibition of advertising material.装裱系列,灯箱型材系列等等八大类三千余种广告材料展览。

英文句子26:,26、The data gridding techniques can be divided into three types: traverse type data gridding, contour type data gridding and discrete point type data gridding.数据网格化通常包括三大类:测线型数据网格化、等值线型数据网格化和离散点型数据网格化。

27、In the method of the typology, "trinity big mediation" may be divided into: "the loose trinity big mediation", "the essential trinity big mediation" and "the complete trinity big mediation".采用类型学的方法,可以把“三位一体”大调解分为“松散型三位一体”大调解、“实质型三位一体”大调解和“完全型三位一体”大调解。

28、The talc deposits in Hunan can be classified into three types:metamorphic type, residual by weathering sedimentary type and meso-epi-thermal metasomatic type.湖南滑石矿床类型可分为变质型、沉积风化残余型、中低温热液交代型三类。

29、According to Reiss' text typology, tourism signs can be categorized into three types: informative , expressive and appellative.根据莱斯的文本类型学,旅游景点公示语可分为三大类:信息型、表情型和呼吁型。

30、Three types of lesion of Drechslera sacchari responded three phenotypes of R S mechanism, which are conditioned by different sources of heredity.眼斑病三种不同类型的病斑反映三种不同类型的抗感机制,受不同的遗传组成源的控制。

31、As a typical geologic disaster in the Three Gorges Reservoir, unstable rock is classified into falling unstable rock, sliding unstable rock and toppling unstable rock in view of unstable modes.危岩是三峡库区典型的地质灾害类型之

一 ,根据失稳类型本文将危岩分为坠落式危岩、滑塌式危岩和倾倒式危岩三类。

32、There exists three kinds of moving patterns and people, economical, operational and environmental at present.目前在中国存在经济型、事业型、环境型三类流迁人口和三种流迁方式。

33、Higher institutes should develop respectively, achieve its own characteristics and strive for leading position in each type and level.高等学校可分为三种类型,不同类型的学校应合理定位,办出特色,在各自层次和类型中争创一流。

34、I have said in the above three categories of Chinese medicine is, plants, animals, mineral category this three categories.在上面我已说过中药是三大类,植物类, 动物类,矿物类这三大类。

35、Counties can be divided by object names shy of Taboo, taboo, taboo, and hate the three categories, these three types can be further divided.郡县地名避讳按对象可以分为敬讳、忌讳和憎讳三大类,这三种类型又可以细分。

36、There are three different types of parvovirus which affects dogs, but all three of these strains cause the same types of symptoms to develop.有三种不同类型的犬细小病毒影响,但所有这三个株引起的症状相同类型的发展。

37、The subject of culture may be divided into three bands: the individual body, the community body and the human body. And they are dialectically unified.文化主体可分为个人主体、群体主体、人类主体三大类型,三者是辩证统一的。

38、So on the basis of three principles of creating three types of steam traps : classified as mechanical type, thermal static type, thermal power-based. 于是就根据三个原理制造出三种类型的疏水阀:分类为机械型、热静力型、热动力型。


39、From the angle of function of expression, Qu Dajun's poetic imagery can be classified as three types: the metaphorical type, the symbolic type and the descriptive type.从表现功能角度着眼,屈大均诗歌意象可分为三种类型:比喻型意象、象征型意象和描叙型意象。

40、So if its customer intimacy , then we reengineer our customer.第三种价值类型我们称之为亲密顾客型。

41、Since transaction types are identified by two- or three-bit numerical or character code, a large company or small business needs to associate a business transaction category for each type.由于事务类型由两位或三位数值或字母代码标识,因此大公司或小公司需要关联每种类型的业务事务类别。

42、These car models can fall into three categories.这些汽车模型可分为三类。

43、GA and GAA are the most frequent motifs, accounting fo 71.5% and 37.5% in dinucleotide and trinucleotide repeats respectively.GA和GAA是



44、Registry and Repository supports three types of service semantic metadata types: Properties, Relationships and Classifiers.Registry and Repository 支持三种类型的服务语义元数据类型:属性、关系 和 分类器。

45、A type (sprint, half iron man, and so on)类型(短跑、半程铁人三项赛等)

46、Third, complexity depends greatly on what type of data we are talking about.第三,复杂性在很大程度上依赖于要处理的数据类型。

47、There are three main types of rimless eyeglass frames.有三种主要类型的帧无框眼镜。

48、Doctors classify amyloidosis into three major forms医生将淀粉样变性分为三种主要类型

49、Sodium carbonate deposits may be classified into three major types, Quaternary salt lake, Quaternarysand-covered playa and Tertiary continental detrital rock, all three having been found in China.碳酸钠矿床有三大类型:第四纪盐湖型、第四纪砂下湖型及第三纪陆相碎屑岩型,在中国均有发现。

50、In Chapter III , the images of the children aresummed up three types of "wisdom", "kindness", and "consideration".第三部分论述的是《世说新语》中的儿童形象,我将他们归纳为“智慧型”、“善良型”、“思考型”三种类型。

经典英文句子51:三大类型,51、Consequently, the prospecting type of Jiangcang is "the third kind and the third type".确定江仓勘探类型为“三类三型”。

52、The areas where are liable to waterlogging in Guangxi are divided into three types:low lands along the rivers, low lands in the river mouth areas and the karst valleys and depressions.本文将广西易涝区分为沿江低地型,河口区低地型及喀斯特谷洼地型三大类。

53、The branch cuttage of Akebia trifoliate Koidz belongs to the type of integrated rooting.三叶木通枝条扦插属于综合型生根类型。

54、The exact presentation of the three list types depends on the user agent.三种类表类型的可视化效果依赖于用户代理。

55、Three types of decision points for Fan In are supported支持三种类型的扇入判定点

56、Universities can be divided into three types: investigative universities, didactical universities and community universities.大学可以分为研究型大学、教学型大学和社区服务型大学三种类型。

57、This article induces to three big kinds of the synoptic situation in which it appearpollution easily: The high pressure class, the low pressure class, presses the kind.本文归纳出易出现污染的天气形势类型有三大类:高压类、低压类、均压类。

58、In 在三大类型中,目前只有中国移动的G3笔记本正式上市。

3 big kinds, china's only at present mobile G3 jotter appears on the market formally.

59、Haskell has a powerful typing model.Haskell 拥有强大的类型模型。

60、Use Create - Field to create three fields of name subject and type Text; name number and type Number; name body and type Rich Text.使用 Create - Field 创建三个字段:名称为 subject,类型为 Text;

1、名称为 number,类型为 Number;

2、名称为 body,类型为 Rich Text。


标签: 类型

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