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关于”表示倍数的句型“的英语句子20个,句子主体:Sentence patterns representing multiples。以下是关于表示倍数的句型的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentence patterns representing multiples


1、To convert(data) from fixed-point notation to floating-point notation.

要将数据文件 /data/americascust.dat(此前已创建)中的数据加载到基表 customer,可以使用 INSERT 语句(如下所示)

2、To load data from the data file /data/americascust.dat (created above) into the base table customer, use the INSERT statement as follows


3、MSCI Europe carries a one-year forward P/E of

10.27, versus its 20-year average of

14.98, according to Thomson Reuters DataStream.


14.98倍.标准普尔500指数 .SPX的xx年期未来市盈率为



本 实用新型可进行多段式高倍数调整。

4、The handheld digital microscopic device can perform multi-section high-multiple adjustment.


5、Numerals with decimal points or exponents denote reals , while other numerals denote integers.



1,187 dealers, Lincoln has more than five times more showrooms than Lexus, which has 230, Grant Thornton’s Melville said.



7、Capabilities dictate what kind of data can flow through a pad.


8、A form's data model (how it behaves when data is submitted, initial values, and more) is separated from its presentation.


9、CD34 expression and DNA aneuploid in AL can't anticipate the short-peroid clinical outcome.


10、This error indicates that the compiler found more than one function that matches the arguments with the same number of data type coercions.


11、It renders the form, submits the form data to a relational update feed, and displays the update status.


12、Digit, Display Low-Cost, Subminiature Digital Panel Voltmeters.


13、The model represents any kind of data relevant to the component instance and defines its behavior.


14、However, the vagaries of representing non-integral numbers do occasionally sneak into otherwise integer-centric programs.


15、Portal models represent the data that the portal uses to produce a portal page.


16、A figure above 50 denotes expansion; a reading below 50 indicates that business has contracted from the month before.


17、F-SHOIQ(G)can support not only the representation of fuzzy knowledge, but also the representation of fuzzy data information with customized fuzzy data types and customized fuzzy data type predicates.



1, 187 dealers, Lincoln has more than five times more showrooms than Lexus, which has 230, Grant Thornton’s Melville said.


例如,下面的二进制数可以表示,就像十进制数1206 ,作为每一个值密码倍其各自的权的常数。

19、For example, the following binary number can be expressed, just like the decimal number 1206, as a sum of each cipher value times its respective weight constant.


20、Mintel's research found that nearly half of people (41 per cent) said they will be spending less this year--almost double the 22 per cent who said that last year.

21、A similar increase is typical in representing EDI data (such as for ebXML projects).类似的增长在表示 EDI 数据中是很典型的(例如对于 ebXML 项目)。

22、Mathematical model of space robots based on twist denotations is deduced.推导了旋量表示的空间机器人数学模型。

23、DNA index ( DI ) and DNA ploidy did not correlate with histological type of tumours.DNA指数(DI)和倍性与肿瘤的分型无关。

24、SQL-92 includes a DECIMAL data type, which is an exact numeric type for representing fixed point decimal numbers and performs basic arithmetic operation on decimal numbers.SQL-92 包括 DECIMAL 数据类型,它是用于表示定点小数的精确数字类型,它可以对小数进行基本的算术运算。

25、double And now this is getting pretty big.类型占64位。,And,a,double,is,64,bits。,现在这个可以表示的数值是相当大的了。

英文句子26:,26、Magnitude labels are displayed in units of 100th of a magnitude with no decimal point - eg "875" indicates a magnitude of 星等标签按照星等的100倍单位显示也就是没有小数点——例如“875”表示



27、Like XForms, Flex also keeps data model, data presentation, data validators, and data services separate (similar to the MVC style).与 XForms 一样,Flex 保持数据模型、数据表示、数据验证器和数据服务分离(类似于 MVC 样式)。

28、A digital watch shows the time by electronically lit up numbers e. g. 1021.数字手表是用电子显示数字来表示时间的,例如1021。

29、BULK INSERT supports string-to-decimal type conversion for strings representing numeric values that use scientific notation.BULK INSERT支持将使用科学计数法表示数值的字符串从字符串类型转换为十进制类型。

30、Mapping a data representation from an object model to a relational data model with a SQL-based schema.用来把对象模型表示的对象映射到 基于SQL的关系模型数据结构中去。

31、The following table lists the metadata token types, the abstraction that each token type represents, and the name of the metadata table that contains the abstraction's metadata.下表列出了元数据标记类型、每个标记类型表示的抽象以及包含该抽象元数据的元数据表的名称。

32、Whenever you score a critical hit with this weapon, it deals an amount of extra untyped damage depending on its critical multiplier: x2 - 1d6. x3 - 2d6. x4 - 3d6.当用这种武器打出重击时,会造成额外的不属于任何伤害类型的伤害,重击倍数为x2时,造成1D6伤害;重击倍数为x3时,造成2D6伤害;重击倍数为x4时,造成3D6伤害。

33、Tom now associates the domain models with the specific columns in the physical data model that represent the GSDB schema.现在,Tom 将域模型与表示 GSDB 模式的物理数据模型中的特定列关联起来。

34、Similarly, k (for kilobytes) multiplies the given number by 1024, and m (for megabytes) multiplies the given number by 1048576 bytes.类似地,跟有 k (表示千字节(kilobyte))表示用 1024 去乘给定的数字,而跟有 m (表示兆字节(megabyte))表示用 1048576 字节去乘给定的数字。

35、A delegate type represents references to methods with a particular parameter list and return type.委托类型表示方法引用,这些方法可以带有特定参数表和返回类型。

36、The agency said about 欧洲航行安全组织代表表示,在星期五,平时欧洲每天28000次的航班中将有16000次取消,2倍于前一天取消的航班数。

16, 000 of usual 28, 000 daily flights were canceled Friday -- twice as many as were canceled a day earlier.

37、The Stoxx 600 is trading at about 根据彭博社采集数据显示,斯托克600指数中企业的估值倍数为11倍,接近xx年xx月以来最低水平。

11 times the estimated profits of its companies, near the cheapest valuation since April 2009, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

38、That is, semantic services translate the physical data into a logical representation of the data that conforms to the agreed-upon business view of the data (the information model).也就是说,语义服务将物理数据转换为数据的逻辑表示形式,该逻辑表示形式符合数据的达成一致的业务视图(信息模型)。

39、The advance width is expressed in fractional pixels, and isn't necessarily an integer.步进宽度表示成小数形式的象素,没有必要是整型。

40、Emerging market indexes historically recorded a beta of roughly 历史数据显示,新兴市场指数的贝塔值是标普500指数的

1.8 times that of the S&P 500.


41、The representation of digital models is the key to farther processing digital media.数字模型的表示方法是对数字媒体进行进一步处理的基础。

42、To see how to use static data APIs, consider a data model that is represented by the complex type defined in an XSD, as shown in Listing 为了说明如何使用静态数据 API,让我们以使用 XSD 中定义的复杂类型表示的数据模型为例,如清单


1 中所示。

43、The Service Data Object (SDO) provides the technology to represent a universal model for data.服务数据对象 (SDO) 提供了一种用通用模型来表示数据的方法。

44、Barnett said Chinese firms were welcome to invest in the state of Western Australia. They could take a minority stake in major projects and a larger stake in small projects, he said.巴奈特表示,欢迎中国企业赴西澳投资,并表示中国公司可以持有当地大型项目少数股权,对小型项目可持有多数股权.

45、Now, I've not given you any other example besides the displacement vector, but at the moment, we'll define a vector to be any object which looks like some multiple of i plus some multiple of j.除了位移矢量之外,我就不再举其他的例子了,但是现在我们要定义一个矢量,可以表示为 i 的倍数加上 j 的倍数

46、The array dimensions must be specified and they must be positive constant integer expressions.必须指定数组维数,并且它们必须为正的整型常量来表示。

47、To achieve this, the models may include, for example, representations of the persistent and non-persistent data, business logic, and presentation elements.为了实现这一点,模型也许应该包括,比如持久数据和非持久数据、业务逻辑和表示层元素的表示法。

48、To double down means to double the initial wager and receive exactly one more card.加倍押注表示本来的押注会加倍,而且庄家一定会派刚好一张牌给您。

49、Expansion multiple was 30-200, which can be selected according to the actual.膨胀倍数在30-200倍,也可根据实际选择合适的膨胀倍数。

50、Variations in length for string data or in precision and scale for numeric data also point to potential issues in data presentation, validation, and usage.字符串数据长度的变化或数值型数据精度和等级的变化也表明在数据的表示、验证和使用上存在潜在的问题。

经典英文句子51:表示倍数的句型,51、The basic data model of transportation network is represented by node-arc model.传统的交通网络数据模型是用结点-弧段模型来表示的。

52、The fourth column shows the index type (as defined in the schema in Listing 第四列将显示用于表示数据的索引类型(按照 清单

5) used to represent the datum.

5 的模式中的定义)。

53、Models in Django can be seen as descriptions of the database table schemas, represented in Python code.Django 中的模型可以看作是对用 Python 代码表示的数据库表架构的描述。

54、A data type can be expressed with the colon notation shown in listing 数据类型可以采用冒号标记来表达,如清单


7 所示。

55、At 25℃ the reproduction rates of macropterous and braehypterous females feeding on the booting-stage plants are 在25℃条件下,取食孕穗期水稻的褐飞虱长、短翅型成虫繁殖倍数分别为

9.8 and

13.3-fold respectively.



56、The examples in this article have demonstrated some of the power of representing data as RDF models, and the flexibility of RDQL in extracting data from them.本文中的示例已经说明了将数据表示为 RDF 模型的一些效果,以及 RDQL 从这些模型中提取数据的灵活性。

57、That measure is at 据汤森路透数据显示,该P/E指标现为

20.6 times, up from

11 times in early March, according to Thomson Reuters data. That figure implies total trailing S&P 500 earnings of $51.97 per share.


58、A complex geometric model can be expressed with finite terms of the V-series accurately.对复杂的几何造型,可以用V级数的有限项精确表示。

59、Physical data models are database-specific models that represent relational data objects (for example, tables, columns, primary and foreign keys) and their relationships.物理数据模型是特定于数据库的模型,表示关系数据对象(例如表、列、主键和外键)以及它们的关系。

60、The angle brackets assign a specific type (that is, the parameterized type) to the generic type represented by the "T" argument types.尖括号为由 “T” 参数类型表示的泛型指定具体类型。

61、Flow cytometer detection:Lots of sub-diploid nuclear peak appeared (apoptotic peak) and diploid cells peak reduced.流式细胞仪检测显示出大量亚二倍体细胞核型峰(凋亡峰),二倍体细胞峰减少。

62、The results showed that the resistance ratios to endosulfan and deltamethrin were 结果表明,筛选后新疆棉铃虫对硫丹和溴氰菊酯产生的抗性倍数分别为13倍和66倍。

13 and 66 folds in Xinjiang cotton bollworm after selection.

63、Valentin said the rise in delinquencies at some companies was double or triple the levels expected.Valentin表示,一些公司违约率的升幅,是预估水准的两倍或三倍.

64、The type char is used to represent character data and is covered in Chapter char类型被用来表示字符数据,在第8章会讲到。


65、An IEEE floating point number dedicates IEEE 浮点数用

1 bit to the sign of the number,

8 bits to the exponent, and 23 bits to the mantissa, or fractional part.

1 位表示数字的符号,用

8 位来表示指数,用 23 位来表示尾数,即小数部分。

66、An event data represents a unique combination of type, situation, and condition.事件数据表示唯一的类型、情况和条件的组合。

67、Gross hedge fund leverage globally fell to 根据花旗数据,xx月全球对冲基金总的杠杆倍数从xx月的

1.81 times in November from

1.93 times in August, according to Citi, also a sign the managers have become more wary.



68、It has demonstrated that, toward the measured data which have some errors or can't be simulated by the model, this approach is robust to estimate the parameters.结果显示,针对具有一定误差或模型不能完全表示的观测数据,本文采用的分阶段方法可以对模型参数鲁棒地反演。

69、"U, " in a logarithmic way, means about 30 times louder than the ordinary noise of deep space.用对数表示,这一信号强度相当于外太空的普通声音的30倍。

70、Sampling rate conversion methods of integral ratio, fractional ratio, and NCO controlled positive real ratio are investigated.文中分析了整数倍、分数倍和NCO控制的正实数倍的采样率变换方法。

71、As Whitney shows, these off-balance sheet numbers are an incredible three times the size of all on-balance sheet debt, totaling $2 trillion.正如惠特尼所示,这些表外数据难以置信地达到了所有表内总负债的三倍,总计2万亿美元。

72、There's nothing you can throw at me that I cannot handle with some multiple of i and some multiple of j.你们找不出任何一个我无法,用 i 和 j 的倍数来表示的矢量

73、But this code does not work -- you cannot instantiate an array of a type represented by a type parameter.但是这段代码不能工作 —— 不能实例化用类型参数表示的类型数组。



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