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关于”正能量“的英语句子29个,句子主体:positive energy。以下是关于正能量的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:positive energy


1、Positive vacuum energy, however, acts like antigravity : according to Einstein's equation, it causes the three dimensions that we see to grow more and more rapidly.


2、Basically I'm going to prove that this is a fine statement to make, as long as you can write the energy as a sum of component energies.


3、In Toulouse, France, city officials are investigating the use of energy-absorbing sidewalk panels that harvest pedestrian power.


4、At this moment, I see a very strong positive energy.


5、Business innovation and optimization services - Monitoring capabilities to ensure proper functioning and measure execution.


6、The ICD will continually monitor your heart rhythm. The device also will deliver high- or low-energy electrical pulses or shocks to the heart when it beats irregularly .


7、You should able to see the tremendous improvement on quality, productivities and cost saving if you do it right in this phase.


8、Volume of on-going business: planned executive state is going on.


9、We separate position information from energy information by position correction. Scatter photon can make disto…


10、So that we can, a little more quantitatively, see what's going on.


11、As you can see from above, I find it unlikely that the differences between the high and low energy limit will have such a huge effect.


12、If you start your first infestors when your Pathogen Glands is at or above 30/80, they will spawn with 75 energy (which is faster than if you built them before 30/80).


13、The quality of community correction depends on the community correction workers comprehensive abilities.

我们几年前第一次认识了马斯达尔的总部大厦 ,当时它的目标是成为世界上第一个正能量建筑(也就是产生的能量大于消耗的能量)。

14、We first saw Masdar HQ a couple of years ago, when it was aiming to be the world's first positive energy building.


15、“It all comes down to energy balance, ” or, as you might have guessed, calories in and calories out.


16、And the research and development of motor energy management and thrust vector control (TVC) technique are being carried out.


17、The new algorithm had less computation than orthogonal projection algorithm with the similar performance.


18、By contrast, brown adipose tissue consumes energy to generate body heat.


19、Is this is the legend of the people in order to move the positive energy?


20、You are not a failure, those who say you fail, because they don't love you.

21、Indeed there is a new energy on this planet, and this energy seeks to now further activate your awareness and light quotient.确实地球上有一股新能量,且此能量正设法更深入地激活你们的觉知和光商。

22、But it was never about energy conservation as it was normally known and used," Feng said.但按其正常所知和使用,它决不能用于能量守恒,”冯说。

23、You are not a failure, those who say you fail, because they don't love you. 难过只会吞噬你的正能量。

24、To release it, just allow an antiparticle to come into contact with normal matter, and then capture the energy released.而且只需要将反物质和它所对应的正常物质进行接触就能帮助它释放能量并进行能量收集。

25、Batteries are good at storing large amounts of charge but slow at delivering it; for capacitors the reverse is the case.电池能够很好地储存大量电能,但传导很慢;电容器却正好相反。

英文句子26:,26、For one Earth is entering a new energy flow of another sector of creation that she once existed within that hosts no electrical energy whatsoever.因为地球正在进入所在造物另一部分的新能量流,那是不带有电流能量的。

27、Auto cunt device to properly contol production volume.装置自动计数装置,能正确控制生产数量。

28、The heat resources can fully ensure the normal growth and development of autumn crops and their yield formation.热量资源能够保证秋作物的正常生长发育和产量的形成;

29、Since the top of the drillstring is moving up, this means that the drillstring itself is stretching and storing energy.因为钻柱的上部正在运动,这意味着钻柱自身正被拉长并开始储存能量。

30、In all, they might consume about twice as many calories as a normal-weight monkey.总之,它们可能摄入了两倍于正常体重猴子的热量。

31、ICW and ECW retrieved by ideal body weight may be sensitive parameters to determine the dry weight in patients with MHD.理想体质量纠正的ICW 和ECW可能是评判干体质量的敏感指标。

32、The caloric content of leaf and stolon increased while that of inflorescence decreased with the rising of QAP.叶片和匍匐茎的能量与土壤速效磷浓度呈正比。花序的能量则随著有效磷浓度的增加而减少。

33、Perhaps she knew the real "magic" was the nascent power within her.可能她知道真正的“魔法”是她里面所蕴含的稚嫩的力量。

34、If the total energy is positive, the orbit is not bound.如果总能量为正,轨道就不规则了。

35、Milly is fighting poverty with a fierce, indignant energy.米莉正在以凶猛、愤怒的能量与贫困作斗争。

36、Some slogans of the advertisements are quite funny and full of positive energy.它们的广告语一般都很有趣且充满正能量。

37、If you surround yourself with positive people, their energy will rub off onto you.如果你和积极的人相处,他们的正能量也会传递给你。

38、Lowest bid with good number of positive feedbacks from GAF users wins.最低投标价与正反馈从功能大体相当数量的用户获胜。

39、This energy is something like positive and negative electrical charges pulsating throughout.这种能量就像正负电荷一样脉动着流遍全身。

40、If it's positive, that means energetically speaking, the mixture is unfavorable.如果它是正的,那意味着从能量的角度说,混合是不利的。

41、When we poems praising chanting of prayers, it can help us to purify the negative energy as we nowadays the so-called detoxification, filled with positive energy.当我们诵咏梵呗时它能帮助我们净化消极能量,一如我们时下所谓的排毒,重新充以积极正面的能量。

42、But computer makers are pushing the limits of weight and power.但电脑制造者正在突破电脑重量和能力的极限。

43、These energies are slowly being transmuted, and eventually will have been completely removed.这些能量正在慢慢地被转,最终将被彻底清除。

44、The treatment dimension and social function of the existence quality scale of the patients with visual functional lesion were positive correlation (P< 0.05).治疗维度与视功能损害眼病患者生存质量量表的社会功能正相关(P<0.05)。

45、According to Kurzweil, “the cost per watt of solar energy is coming down rapidly and the total amount of solar energy is growing exponentially.据库兹威尔说:“太阳能的每瓦成本正在迅速下降,而太阳能总量正在成倍增长。

46、As is best shown in the equation E=MC2, energy and matter are fundamentally connected.正如著名的方程式 E=MC2 所示,能量与物质紧密相连。

47、Only when the positive energy regain ground that this crash can be avoid.只有当正能量重新积聚反弹,才能避免此次的市场崩溃。

48、Proposition: can test score evaluate a student's success in the future?正方论论点:考试分数能衡量一个学生未来有没有出席。

49、Your nausea should be tapering off and your energy should be returning.你的恶心症状正逐渐减少,你的能量也会逐步恢复。

50、By choosing her weighings carefully, Sally is able to ensure that she will find the counterfeit coin with exactly three weighings .选择她仔细称量,莎莉是能够确保她会找到伪造硬币与正是三称量。

经典英文句子51:正能量,51、Taking the wrong medicine may delay correct treatment and allow bacteria to multiply.用错了药可能延误正确的治疗同时导致细菌大量繁殖。

52、Fusing heavy hydrogen isotopes requires lots of energy, partly because the nuclei are positively charged and repel each other.融合重氢同位素需要大量能量,部分原因是因为原子核带正电并相互排斥。

53、Ultracapacitors capture waste energy from the brakes and reuse it for accelerating, meaning the fuel cell only needs to provide the smaller amount of power for cruising.超级电容将在刹车和加速过程中收集产生的能量,这就意味着在正常行驶过程中燃料电池只需要提供少量的能量就可以了。

54、They rightly refer to this result as a low-energy limit.他们正确地参考此结果作为一个低能量极限。

55、If you measure these very exactly, then you know very early you should change your lifestyle.他说:“如果你能够正确估量这些因素,你就能很早知道应该改变生活方式。

56、This calorimeter is no-contact, accurate, and has functions of low power consumption, auto-compensation for temperature and pressure.这种热量测量系统采用嵌入系统,具有耗能低、非接触、对温度与压力等各项参数能进行自动校正等功能。

57、Therefore, the only skills worth formally vouching for are those that require substantial effort to learn.因此值得做正规证明的技能,是那些需要花费大量精力去学习才能获得的技能。

58、If you are being quantitative about it, I’m not so sure what this proves.如果你正在对云计算进行定量分析,我不能确定这究竟能够证明一些什么。

59、Be able to design the correct SPC chart type, rational sub-grouping, and sampling frequency.能够设计正确的制程能力图的种类,明确抽样数量和抽样频率。

60、Because of its distinctive structure, bacteria cannot utilize Xylitol for energy.正因为这样特殊的结构,细菌不能利用木糖醇取得能量。

61、In energy formula, it is indeed correct to use the reduced mass.而在有关能量与里德伯常数的表达式中,采用折合质量确实是正确的。

62、As such, all of you on the earth-plane are now within the field immersion of an incredible crystalline energy.如此,你们地球上所有地球层面上的人正置身于浸润着惊人水晶能量的能量场里。

63、New life keeps the energy flowing, like the breath of the world.新的生命将持续着能量的流动,世界正在吐故纳新。

64、Fixed Human Phoenix Auto Super Nova after Dive and Low HP;修正了人控制凤凰在1技能后自动超新星和低血量的问题;

65、Body mass index was significantly positively associated with high energy food knowledge scores .身体质量指数亦与高能量食物营养知识分数呈正相关性。

66、ConclusionsBoth routine-subtraction and dual-energy subtraction CTA can clearly display normal and stenotic vessels. The radiation exposure dose is relatively lower in dual-energy CTA.结论“常规减影法与双能量减影法CT血管成像均能够清晰显示正常颅外颈动脉及狭窄血管,双能量减影法患者受到的辐射剂量更低。

67、The greatest of all gifts is the power to estimate things at their true worth.最了不起的天赋,莫过与能够估量事物的真正价值。

68、Just as the rate of the flow of water can be measured in gallons per second, so is the rate of the flow of electricity measured in amperes.电流的流量用安培来计算,正像水的流量能够用每秒加仑数来计量一样。

69、Converted-wave static correction is composed of the P-wave static correction of the focal points and S-wave static correction of the reception point.转换波静校正量是由震源点的P波静校正量和接收点S波的静校正量组成。

70、Thus, the recoverable potential of the CBM can be reasonably reflected by the CBM resources calculated through the emendation of the desorption coefficient and isothermal adsorption curve.因为此通过吸系数法校正、等量吸附曲线法校正后,计算的煤层气资源量更能反映煤层气的可采潜力。

71、CONCLUSION: Positive energy balance should be kept in the training in bodybuilders so as to keep more energy joining the anabolism of muscle.结论:健美运动员在训练期间应保持正能量平衡,以便有更多的能量参与肌肉的合成代谢。

72、Incorrect inputs can lead here to faulty measurements or to fail functionings.不正确的输入将导致测量出错或者机能失败。

73、It cannot hold good as the Light reveals what has been happening, and is transmuting the lower energies.当光揭示什么事情正在发生,并正在转变较低的能量的时候,它就失效了。

74、The dual-energy digital X-ray image (88) is corrected for scatter (46).因为散射(46)而 校正双能量数字X射线图像(88);

75、The dead time, counting rate plateau curves, X-ray energy linearity, energy resolution and window transparency of the FGPC have been measured.得到了正比计数管的死时间、计数率坪曲线、能量线性、能量分辨、窗材料透过比曲线;

英文句子模板76:positive energy,76、So what we're saying here is the incident energy, so the energy coming in, is just equal to the minimum energy that's required to eject an electron.这里我们来讨论一下,入射能量正好等于,发射出一个电子所需要的最低能量的情况。

77、Does High Dose Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate Really Improve Neurological Status in Patient With Acute Cervical Cord Injury?大剂量甲基强的松龙是否真正能改善急性颈髓损伤患者神经功能?

78、Lastly, ANN is adopted to correct the transition state energy for hydroamination reaction.最后,采用ANN方法对氢胺化反应过渡态能量进行校正。

79、True power comes from serving and helping others. It is positive and authentic.真正的力量来自助人之心,这力量是正面与真实的。



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