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关于”方法步骤“的英语句子48个,句子主体:Method steps。以下是关于方法步骤的四级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Method steps


1、Repeat steps

2 through

5 to mark those methods in the TransactionHistory CMP bean that use stored procedures as pushdown methods.

2 到步骤 5,给 TransactionHistory CMP bean 中的那些将存储过程作为叠加方法的方法做上标记。

说下一个步骤就是寻找对付变异的微型RNA 的方法。

2、Roce says the next step is to find treatments that counter the effects of the altered microRNA.


3、Since task commands also contain steps, it should also provide methods to create and load steps.


4、This method should be implemented by all steps.


5、I think I labeled this one two,

3 ionization I labeled three,

4 electron affinity I labeled four

5 and crystallization I labeled five.

所述方法包括一延伸固定步骤,该步骤 是将鞋面延伸部固定设置在所述具有凸部的大底底部。

6、The method comprises a step of extending fixation, wherein extending parts of the vamps are fixedly arranged at the bottoms of the outsoles provided with the convex part.


7、At the same time, it also introduces the implementation steps and method in CTS TJ.


8、Login is actually a sub-step of Step

1, and discount codes are a sub-step of Step


1 的一个子步骤,而折扣编号则是步骤

4 的子步骤。

演算法包含四个不同的步骤,与 MD4 设计的方法有些不同。

9、The algorithm consists of four distinct rounds, which has a slightly different design from that of MD4.


10、The approach and method of design on project and headstock are introduced in this thesis.


11、The calculation procedure of electric-simulation method for the solution of boundary-layer equation is proposed.


12、The principle, step and testing method of dynamic balance are introduced.


13、A procedure for extracting amino acid from oil residue of cottonseed was introduced.


14、A step-by-step procedure for solving a problem, for example, the procedure for finding the square root of a number.


15、The general methods and steps for the design of new gun-projectile …


16、The storage method comprises the following steps:

11, calculating the number of strokes of a Chinese character;

这些页面被创建后,它们将被链接到适当的步骤,具体方法是为对应的步骤定义一个步骤处理器并将这个 UI 页面的 URL 分配给它。

17、Once these pages are created, they are linked to the appropriate step by defining a step processor for that step and assigning the URL of the UI page to it.


18、This method includes two steps, starting under constant torque and freely stopping.


19、A method in which a defective semiconductor crystal material is subjected to an amorphization step followed by a thermal treatment step is provided.


20、From my experience, I'd like to talk about the importance and steps of review.

21、Putting together some very technical or complex set of steps, and trying to force the team to follow them, is probably not going to be very effective.堆砌一些技术步骤或复杂步骤,并试图强制团队遵循这些步骤,这样的做法可能并不会非常有效。

22、The key to solve the second-order linear differential equation with constant coefficients is to find the particular integral.就求解二阶线性常系数非齐次微分方程的关键步骤求特积分给出了一种新方法,该方法较之传统方法更简便。

23、The method and step of economic evaluation of environment impact was introduced.概述了环境影响经济评价的方法和具体步骤。

24、Though each of these steps is required, who performs the step, when the step is performed, and how many times the same step is performed varies with each automation solution.尽管每一种自动化解决方案都需要涉及这三个步骤,但是由谁执行这些步骤、何时执行步骤以及同一个步骤执行多少次,这些问题都因具体的解决方案而异。

25、The invention relates to a preparative method for isatin, including the procedures as follows: compounding hydroxylamine sulphate;本发明涉及一种靛红的制备方法,该方法包括如下步骤:合成硫酸羟胺;

英文句子26:,26、This approach also frees up half the compute nodes at each step.这种方法在每个步骤中都可以释放一半的计算节点。

27、Alternatively, you can perform this same step via the manual method in Appendix 手动方法:也可以手动执行相同的步骤(参见 “附录 3”)。


28、The basic method is given in Voices into Choices Step R16.在“从心声到选择,步骤R16”中已提供所需的基本方法。

29、To accomplish this, the process includes (该方法包括以下几个步骤:(

1)data preparation, (

2)vegetation indices (Veg.


30、Methods and steps of reading assembly drawings.看装配图的方法和步骤。

31、The method comprises the steps of: vibrationally isolating a section of the pressure tube;该方法包括以下步骤:振动地隔离压力管的区段;

32、Fixed and restricted step Push Hands can be described in the following way.定步推手用以下的步骤和方法。

33、The method comprises the following steps: 该方法包括如下步骤:

1) crashing the oplopanax elatus nakai leaves into coarse powder;


34、The present invention relates to a deleting member method by LCAS originating from sink source.本发明涉及一种实现LCAS 从宿端发起删除成员的方法。该方法包括如下步骤:a。

35、The elemental view and method design methodology are described by the methods and steps in designing overload protection. And this is a pratical example introducing design methodology.本文通过过载保护装置的设计方法和步骤扼要阐述了“设计方法学”的基本观点与方法。

36、The method for realizing broad spectral bandwidth single-mode fiber couplers and the related design procedure are also proposed.文中也初步提出了实现宽带单模光纤定向耦合器的方法和设计步骤。

37、The second procedure is to state the manner and method for constructing the embankment.第二个步骤是叙述铺筑路堤的方式和方法。

38、The procedures are similar to thesis flow rate-time method.其步骤与常用泰斯流量—时间配线法的步骤相似;

39、The principles, methods and procedures of design of laser optics areconcluded briefly.对激光光路的设计原理、方法和步骤进行了初步的总结。

40、Provided the detailed solution procedure to the Taylor's series iteration method of" The datuming of the potential fields " method;给出了泰勒级数迭代法“曲化平”方法的详细求解步骤;

41、The method comprises the following steps of: capturing data packets at a message sink end;该方法包括步骤:在信宿端捕获数据包;

42、The proof may be written informally, but you need to tell me all the steps, or at least the key steps, in your solution.求解过程可以写得不那么正式 但是你要告诉我你的解决方法中每一个步骤 或最起码要告诉我关键步骤.

43、The prepartion method includes steps: 该制备方 法,包括步骤:(

1, mixing;


44、Methods To treat the phobia patients according to the methods of Professor Zhong Youbin.方法按照钟友彬教授认识领悟疗法的原理、方法和步骤,对来访者实施认识领悟治疗。

45、This passage mainly deal with the method and the step of establishing laboratory in metallurgical business.论述了冶金企业组建化验室的方法,步骤。

46、Then, the identifying method and process of knowledge gaps is studied by using VENN diagram.提出基于VENN图解法的企业知识缺口识别方法,并给出应用该方法的步骤。

47、A method where a process signals its predecessor that more material is needed.一个步骤会发出信号给上家说需要更多原料的方法。

48、The last three steps (Steps 21, 22, and 23) are the same regardless of authentication method.不论使用何种身份验证方法,最后三个步骤是相同的(步骤21、21 和 23)。

49、Step 步骤

5: The final step in the decryption process is to call either the decryptInPlace or decrypt method on the Decryptor object.

5:解密过程的最后一个步骤是在 Decryptor 对象中调用 decryptInPlace 或者 decrypt 方法。

50、ALGORITHM, A step-by-step procedure for solving a problem, for example, the procedure for finding the square root of a number.演算法, 一步一步的解题方法。例如,计算一个数的平方根的步骤。

经典英文句子51:方法步骤,51、Many methods can be studied flow units, but among these methods, there are many similarities, and processes are similar.流动单元的研究方法很多,但各种方法之间互有借鉴,研究步骤也有类似,这些分类方法多有交叉性。

52、Title Technical Memorandum on Procedures and Methods for Sampling and Analysis of Trade Effluents .工商业污水采样与分析的步骤及方法技术备忘录。

53、In the process for steel material production, process annealing (在所述用于钢材制造的方法中,在前步骤热加工(

3) is conducted between preceding-step hot working (

1) and subsequent-step hot working.

1) 和后步骤热加工之间进行中间退火(


54、Chapter iii indicates the establishment of R&D competency model approach and the steps.第三章为建立研发人员胜任特征模型的方法和步骤等。

55、Finally in Step 最后,在步骤

19, you call DirContext.rebind() method.

19 中调用 DirContext.rebind() 方法。

56、A completive algorithm is presented to implement this idea.文章给出了算法的完整步骤。

57、Powerless etching A method of etching letterpress printing plates in one step.无粉腐蚀只需一个步骤就制成活版的腐蚀方法。

58、It has introduced the calculation procedure and the method of design emphatically.着重介绍了设计计算书的各个计算步骤及其计算方法。

59、Well if you think about these steps, here's an easy way to do it. Let's start at 如果你要考虑步骤的话,这里有个简单的方法,让我们从第一步开始。


60、It's all about teaching a new habit and stopping the bad behavior.这就是关于培养新习惯,改掉不良行为的方法与步骤.

61、The basic steps for FMECA and method of mathematic processing are introduced.介绍开展FMECA工作的基本步骤和冗余设计的数学处理方法。

62、A method for manufacturing a shock-absorbing raw material comprises the following steps: the step of material preparation: preparing the preset materials;一种吸震原料制造方法,包括下列步骤:备料步骤:制备预定的材 料;

63、Methods According to the methods of Professor Zhong Youbin to treat the hysteria patient and do not use any drugs.方法按照钟友彬教授创立的认识领悟疗法的原理、方法和步骤,对癔症患者实施认识领悟治疗。

64、The five-step methodology consists of这种方法由下面五个步骤组成

65、Methods the particular saree functions of procedure-oriented prograreming.方法与面向进程的步骤打算中的函数肖似。

66、Then, Steps 2-4 of the bottom-up method are used.然后,请遵循自底向上方法中的步骤 2-4。

67、Metrics should be gathered around the amount of reusable test steps and the quantity of monolithic non-repeatable test steps.评价方法应该来自于可重复使用测试步骤的数量,以及不可重新使用测试步骤的数量。

68、From my experience, I'd like to talk about the importance and ste of review.我愿意从我的经验谈复习的重要性和步骤方法。

69、Third, it delineates the research approach and procedures of the present dissertation.再次,阐述了笔者对本文研究方法、步骤的设想。

70、You do this by adding elements and attributes to the data instance.执行这个步骤的方法是将元素和属性添加到数据实例中。

71、The procedures are similar to the linear graphic method.其步骤与常用雅各布直线图解法步骤相似;

72、Maceration in Schulze's reagent is the most common procedure and it is the most critical step in the methods.舒氏液浸解是最常用的方法,也是几种方法共用时最关键的步骤。

73、Finally, the general steps and basic methods for safety policy evaluation are elementarily explored.最后,对安全政策评估的步骤和基本方法进行了初步的探讨。

74、Here is an example of the steps that would be needed to catalog and access the database using the methodology described.下面是一个步骤示例,这些是使用描述的方法编目和访问数据库所需的步骤。

75、Determination of gold in alloy gold of low fineness by means of fire assaying with supplemental gold;本文说明了用火试金法测定金块矿中金和银量的方法、步骤。

英文句子模板76:Method steps,76、These methods must use the DTOs from Step 这些方法必须使用步骤

1 as the input and output arguments.

1 中的 DTO 作为输入和输出参数。

77、Eliminate redundant steps from tests in these three ways您有三种方法从测试中消除冗余性的步骤

78、The quick dry-hang method comprises the following steps: 快速干挂方法包括如下步骤:

1) manufacturing the dry-hang stone slab;

1) 制作干挂式石板材;

79、The construction, encode and decode method of the RLL(给出RLL(4,

4,18) code are discussed.


80、Step 3b from top-down is skipped because the WSDL from Step 跳过自顶向下方法中的步骤 3b 是因为自底向上方法中步骤

3 of bottom-up is used for the client-side.

3 生成的 WSDL 用于客户端。


标签: 翻译 方法

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