安慰别人用英语怎么说 安慰别人英语翻译

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安慰别人用英语怎么说 安慰别人英语翻译

安慰别人用英语翻译为"console others",还网络中常译为"comfort others",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到79个与安慰别人相关的短语释义和例句。


1. console others

安慰别人翻译为console others。

示例:并非那么多人被安慰所以才去安慰别人。 Not so much to be consoled as to console.


2. comfort others

安慰别人翻译为comfort others。

示例:我是有多么佩服我自己,自己流着泪在电脑前安慰别人。 Is how much I admire myself, yourself in front of the computer with tears to comfort others.


3. Comfort others

安慰别人翻译为 Comfort others 。

示例:爱是和他一起安慰别人。 Love is comforting someone.



1. consolation(安慰


2. solace(安慰


3. soothe(安慰

4. give comfort to(安慰)

5. somebody else(别人)


1. They promise a future. We'll be dead bythen.

译文:就像神父用彼岸安慰别人一样 他们用未来安慰别人,到时你早死了。

2. Jesus, go hold his hand if you want to.


3. - Some balm. - i don't want any balm. - Drops...


4. i need consoling too, Phyllis. Have you ever thought of that?

译文:我也需要别人的安慰 费列丝你从来没想过吗?。

5. Lord let me seek not to be consoled but to console.

译文:主让我不要寻求安慰 而是去安慰别人。

6. We must know hardships ourselves before we know how to comfort others

译文:我们要亲身经历艰难 然后才懂得怎样去安慰别人。

7. They stroke the boss. The boss strokes them.

译文:他们安慰老板 老板安慰他们。

8. Please comfort her, Reverend. She's so afraid.

译文:请你安慰安慰她,牧师 她很害怕。

9. You are giving him comfort, who's gonna give me comfort?


10. We must stem the tide of malice, and pour into each other's wounded bosoms the balm of sisterly consolation.

译文:但我们得遏止别人恶意中伤 以姐妹亲情 安慰彼此受伤的心灵。

11. Stroke themselves. They stroke each other.

译文:自我安慰 互相安慰。

12. i had to reassure him that crying was just my standard reaction... to tremendous pleasure.

译文:我也哭着安慰他 因为那是我 看到别人哭时的标准反应。

13. i've never gone out of my way to propitiate people.

译文:我从未违心安慰过别人。 。

14. - To pluck you up - To pluck you up


15. Show some care, you know, calm her down.



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