石林在英语中的翻译是" [地理] Stone Forest",还经常被译作stone forest -,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到16个与石林相关的短语释义和例句。
1. [地理] Stone Forest
石林翻译为 [地理] Stone Forest 。
示例:今祭祀所用灯笼,笼壁均有“石林世家”字样(注:叶梦得,号石林居士)。 This sacrifice used lanterns, cage walls are "Stone Forest family"words Note: Ye Mengde, No.
2. stone forest -
石林翻译为 stone forest - 。
示例:石林是岩溶地形的佼佼者。 The Shilin (Chinese for stone forest) is an impressive example of karst topography.
3. Hoodoos
石林翻译为 Hoodoos 。
示例:今祭祀所用灯笼,笼壁均有“石林世家”字样(注:叶梦得,号石林居士)。 With this ritual lanterns, cage wall were "Shilin family"words Note: ye Meng, No.
4. stone forest -
石林翻译为 stone forest - 。
示例:in the north, a petrified forest trees turned to stone. 正是大灾难之前生命存在的证据 {\3cH202020}before the apocalypse swept over the land. 树木变成了石头 {\3cH202020}trees turned to stone.
1. pinnacle karst(石林)
2. stone forest(石林)
3. stone pinacles(石林)
4. Shilin(石林(中国地名))
5. Pilea elegantissima( 石林冷水花)
英语短语&俚语, Shilin Yi Autonomous County Shilin Yi Nationality ( 石林彝族自治县 )
carnac stones Alignements de Carnac ( 卡纳克巨石林 )
Thousand Needles Mille pointes Thousand Needles - Speed Barge ( 千针石林 )
Stone forest hotel ( 石林大酒店 )
Thousand Needles ( 地区千针石林 )
thousand needles ( 千石林 )
Stone Forest of Lunan Lunan Stone Forest ( 路南石林 )
Howling Stones Charasis ( 嚎叫石林 )
1. The world-famousStone Forest lies within Lunan County.
2. is in the world one of grand mountain hoodoos.
译文:是世界上壮丽的高山石林之 。
3. Tourist Attractions: Stone Forest Nature Reserve is bifurcated.
译文:旅游景点: 则岔石林自然保护区。 。
4. Reach "Shi Ling", turn left, then there is a "Wu Liang Mountain"
5. The limestone towers of Vietnam's Ha Long Bay are a reminder of this link with the sea.
译文:越南下龙湾的石林 能说明石灰岩与海洋的关系。
6. There is something about this dry, rocky island and its people that unexpectedly enchants, no matter why or how you first arrived.
7. "Ashima"not only represents the hoodoo the image, also has represented the image whichYunnan Province travels.
8. The world-famous Stone Forest lies within Lunan County.
译文:举世闻名的石林胜景位于路南县境内。 。
9. into the night as the stars collide, across the borders that divide forests of stone standing petrified, to be by your side.
10. Explanation: The strange-looking rock formations in the foreground of this skyscape are called hoodoos.
11. Accolades for courses at Mission Hills Hainan, Stone Forest international C. C. and Siam C. C. cemented Schmidt-Curley's stellar showing.
12. Lunan Stone Forest Ashima Tourism Articles Development Co. Ltd.
13. Stone forest is a kind of tall clints in geomorphologic structure.
译文:石林在地貌上是一种高大的石芽。 。
14. Soil physical and chemical properties and their relationship with the doline development in Lunan Stone Forest National Park
15. Around 2000 BC these Stone Age people started to erect huge monuments, or henges, of giant rock slabs, possibly for religious purposes.
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