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关于”网课“的英语句子46个,句子主体:Online Course。以下是关于网课的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Online Course


1、Analysis of course characteristic is not enough, on-line teaching ways and learners characteristics are incompatible with on-line course content.


2、On-line course design is patterned, and it trivializes or ignores differences among courses.


3、Results: the instructor in the platform can be established network course, students on-demand select the course content;


4、Available online collaborative editing of web course development tools, the network curriculum development mainstream.


5、E-learning course design of Chinese Food Culture is so important that it determines the success of it.


6、It can improve the quality of the classroom network, and enhance classroom interaction network.


7、Multimedia network collects the information material in the bioloical classroom instruction optimize the classroom instruction feedback the advantages such as teaching result etd ;


8、Surf the Internet for more information about Beijing Opera and share it in the next period.


9、You may want to take an online class during the semester to lighten your actual physical class load.


10、Balakrishnan, H. "Wide-area Unicast Routing. "

6.829 Computer Networks Lecture Notes, Fall 2002. ( PDF)



11、Even after the physical class ends, the online class goes on;


12、The weekly on-line class schedule will be updated every Monday morning. Please book the class at least ONE day beforehand (except classes on Mondays).


13、The design and the development of quality web-based course is of much importance in the nowaday distance education.


14、This article introduces the column design of the web-based course of 'History of Chinese Legal System", including the design of the key column and auxiliary columns from the angle of realizing the …


15、With the development of technologies of Internet and computer , web-page design becomes more and more important in the construction of select courses.


16、The required readings for this course are available for downloading.


17、It enhanced the consultative function by introducing the Agricultural Expert System into network courseware.


18、The pre-course is Computer Networks which must be learned before entering the course.


19、The syllabus is posted online.


20、Internet chat has been brought into EFL classrooms, as internet becomes prevailing in teaching.

21、UCAS has also linked with all universities for postgraduate courses.UCAS也与研究生课程申请联网。

22、Q: Can I take on-line courses?我能参加网上课程吗?

23、Online open classes became popular after MIT published the first OpenCourseWare site in 2002.自xx年麻省理工学院首次启动网络课件开放工程以来,网络公开课日渐风行。

24、You can find these on the 你可以在该课程(

3.00 website.


25、The aim of this thesis is to build a virtual networks classroom on campus network. By which, students and teachers in different places can join in the teaching activity at the same time.系统的设计目标是在校园网上建立虚拟的网络课堂,使地理上分散的学生和教师能在同一时间里加入虚拟网络课堂,进行教学活动。

英文句子26:,26、Julias:Croris, you can have class in internet now, do you know…你现在就可以在因特网上课,你知道…

27、The content of automatic control principle includes teacher-centered teaching, course experiment, course design, independent experiment and network interactive teaching.将《自动控制原理》课程优化设计为五部分:教师课堂讲授、学生课程实验、学生课程设计、学生自主实验、网络互动教学。

28、All course material is online, along with assignments and due dates.所有的课程材料和课堂作业以及完成日期等信息都登在网上。

29、Notes: Your permission for downloading Course Videos Package won't be opened until 网校规定,课件下载权限需等到听课权限开通满七天后才能够开通!(提供下载的课件上传时间请关注“ 课件更新记录”)

7 days after the course is available to you. (Check Course Updating Records for downloading.

30、Don't forget you can review this lesson on the web.别忘了,你可以上网来复习教过的课程。

31、There days, websites not only offer instant email box, but on-line markets, magazines, interviews, courses, and movie-watching as well.目前,网页不仅提供即时电子邮箱,而且还提供网上市场,网上杂志,网上面试,网络课程,网上电影。

32、This page concludes this lesson. The next lesson will discuss Internet addressing. The first page covers IP addressing.此页结束此课。下一课将讨论网际网路定址,第一页将涵盖IP定址。

33、The researching topic is improvement of digital security protection network, further shorten reaction period of alarm and treatment.本课题研究的主要课题:数字安防网络的组网优化,进一步缩短报警处警的反应时间。

34、On the basis of the second part relevant knowledge, the third part elaborates the type of on-line course.第三部分在第二部分网络课程有关知识的基础上,对网络课程的分类进行详细阐述。

35、Our dummies’ guide will help you make full use of free online lectures.网络学习“傻瓜入门指南”,可以帮助你充分利用免费的网络课程资源。

36、Not with an online education.但是网络课堂就不会这样。

37、This course features a complete set of readings from the class, including links to online readings, and the assignments from the class.本课程特备一套课堂所用的完整指定阅读材料,内有网上文章,以及课堂作业的连结。

38、With the development of internet, network classrooms are gaining more and more popularity.因特网访问的流行,网络课堂也越来越流行。

39、Anyone with an Internet connection can follow a $50,000-a-year course for free, and get the lecture notes and course assignments.只要有互联网,任何人都能免费学习一门5万美金xx年的课程,网上也有讲义和课程作业可供下载。

40、Multime dia program and network courseware need well-designed instructional plan a nd also need integrating network re-sources with other media.多媒体课件和网络课程需要精心的教学设计,要注意网上资源与其它媒体的配合。

41、Practice indicates this method is easy to dynamic maintenance in network, and can enhance expansion ability and development quality of courseware effectively.实践表明,该方法便于网络动态的维护,有效地提高了网络课件的可扩充性和课件的开发质量。

42、Internet Higher Education also bases on a series of micro-models, which are internet teaching model, internet learning model, and internet curriculum model.在微观维度上,国际网络高等教育模式主要有网络教学模式、网络学习模式和网络课程模式。

43、But online course still needs some improvements to totally replace the traditional course.但是网络课程还学要一些改进才能完全替代传统课程。

44、Also, all materials presented in class will be posted on the site.课堂上介绍的资料也将发布在网上。

45、During the fall of 2004, four sessions of 21F. 224 were recorded especially for OpenCourseWare.在本开放式课程网页提供视频分享四堂xx年秋季的课程。

46、We can also take free courses on the Internet.我们还可以免费在因特网上选修课程。

47、You may want take an online course at your local community college or state university. Or you can look to a traditional onlinebased college (all of their courses are internet based).你可能想在家附近的大学或国立大学上网课,还可以去看看老牌的网络学校,他们全部的课程都是以网络为依托的。

48、To preview the contents beforehand, then enter into the online class with problems.网上课堂的学生要提前进行预习,带着问题进入网络课堂。

49、The results showed that students using curriculum-based intranet made greater progress when followed by the teacher's class teaching than when preceded by the teacher's class teaching.结果表明学生通过先使用课程内联网学习后参加教师课堂教学比先听课后用内联网学习的进步更大;

50、Humanization of E-Learning courses, cultivation of creative thinking and security of education network have become the focus of hope to excellent E-Learning courses.网络课程人性化、创造性思维培养和教育网络安全成为人们对优质网络课程期望的焦点。

经典英文句子51:网课,51、Chinese Architecture History; Web-based Courseware;中国建筑史; 网络课件;

52、Web-based Course, the quality of which will influence the effect of Web-basedEducation, is the core of Web-based Education.网络课程是网络教育的核心,其质量的优劣直接影响网络教育后果的好坏。

53、The web-based course has abundant resources, such as lessons plans, animation resources library and related internet resources links .在《数字电子技术》网络课程中建立了丰富的授课讲义、电子教案、动画资源和网络资源链接等相关资源。

54、Make the Internet your own high-level English textbook!让网络成为你高水平英语课本!

55、In the climax of network courseware construction, the research of non-linear network courseware is hopeless.在我国网络课件建设的热潮中,涉足非线性网络课件的研究比较少;

56、With E-learning rapidly developing, the quality of its main carrier, web-based course attracts extensive interest.随着网络教育的迅速发展,其质量受到普遍关注,而网络课程又是网络教育的主体。

57、Web - based curriculum development was a new form of curriculum development with the progress of web technology and diversification of types.网络课程开发是随着网络技术的进步和课程类型的多元化而出现的新型课程开发形式。

58、Some unique services include online applications support, web-based curriculum development, student counseling, candidate placement and of course, the technical support to provide a web classroom.它独有的服务包括网络软件支持、基于web的课程开发、学生咨询、求职介绍,当然还有搭建网络课堂的技术支持。

59、Network of free classroom, on-line real-time Jiepan listen to the experts and training courses.免费网络课堂,在线收听专家实时解盘和培训课程。

60、A course library page supports student work on class assignments .有课程图书馆网页支持学生的课堂作业。

61、The network course will become the better teaching mode than traditional classroom teaching environment, but now just to complement of the traditional classroom course.网上课堂最终会形成比传统课堂更好的教学环境,但目前只是对传统课堂教学的补充。

62、Online course, with the development of information technology and network technology generated a Web-based teaching and learning platform, e-courses.网络课程是随着信息技术和网络技术发展而产生的一种基于网络平台教学和学习的电子课程。

63、I bought videos from the Internet. The classes are hosted by top teachers of the two courses.我从网上买了视频资料,这些课程都是由这两门课的名师讲解的。

64、Online Course Development Tools Web course development tool is primarily to complete the network of academic content, supporting the teaching of basic logic design.网络课程开荒工具网络课程开发工具严重完毕网络课程内容的制造,支持根基教学逻辑的策画。

65、And it is necessary to study the key technology for constructing the basic Web-oriented mechanical courses to guarantee teaching quality and realize the Web-oriented education .为了保证教学质量,实现机械基础系列课程的网上教学,必须对网络课程建设关键技术进行研究。

66、He had a few lessons, and then played for a few months.他上了几堂网球课,然后打了几个月的网球。

67、This article describes the design and the implementation of Doing English Digital, Web- based hypermedia courseware developed for a new College English curriculum at Peking University.本文描述了为北京大学新开发的大学英语课程设计的网络课件—“网上做英语”的设计与实践。

68、I'm going to talk about some class logistics and I'll talk about the course website which you're welcome to visit.我会介绍一下课程的流程,我会谈谈课程网页,欢迎大家登录访问

69、Make the Internet your high-level English textbook!让网络成为你的高水平英语课本!

70、This course will cover topics of fundamental importance concerning the computer networks and Internets.在这个课程中,我们将学习电脑网路及网际网路如何运作。

71、This is the first course in a two-part sequence on Calculus 这是微积分两项接续课程网页包含习题、 考试及课堂讲稿。

18.01 and

18.02. The website features problem sets, exams, and course notes.



72、Taking data structure as an example , the article describes the implementation method of domain model and user model and design of adaptive feature of the adaptive web-based course.文章以《数据结构》网络课程为例,着重描述了自适应网络课程领域模型和用户模型的构建方法以及课程自适应特征设计。

73、So it will be available within a day or two after.所以会在课后一两天内放到网上。

74、We can also attend the net school, read many books and even teach ourselves English.我们可以去网络学校上课,阅读教材,网络甚至可以教我们学习英语。

75、With the application of mesh network topology in the next generation optical transport network, the survivability of mesh-based next generation optical transport network will be a desirable project.随着网格状网拓扑在新一代光传送网中的应用,基于网格状网的光传送网生存性成为一个值得研究的课题。



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