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1、A marked change, as in appearance or character, usually for the better.


2、Do we calculate, you know, delta S, delta u, delta H?

造成 干燥 度变化的主要原因是降水量的变化,其次是积温的变化。

3、The first reason of dryness index variation is the rainfall change, the second is the chang of accumulated temperature.


4、As relative orientations change, the brightness of reflections may also change, sometimes suddenly.


5、In the different area, the trends of change are similar, but the degree of charging is maximum in the north altiplano.


6、Record method about propagation of function-requirement change is addressed based on trace-matrix of change-source, of change-object and of change component.


7、This change has brought with it consumptive habit changes.


8、The coefficient between the annual variation of groundwater table and annual variation of precipitation is 0.482 from 2002 to 2003.


9、Alternating stress not only varies in magnitude but also in direction.


10、The wind in this area changes with the seasons.


11、This is the condition for really the lion's share of chemistry, biology, and other kinds of changes we'll be concerned with.


12、Similarly, forested wetland soils can vary from mineral soils to deep organic soils, and their occurrence often co-varies with the hydro-geomorphology.


13、Ob-serve the changes of EKG and microcirculation of auricle.


14、But we are forever changing with our lives.


15、As the change of media, our cerebra also is changing.


16、For Z direction, the principal periods are annual, semi-annual, 51-day and 609-day periods.

不随荷载的增加而变化, 不随支盘位置的变化而变化。

17、The stress field does not change with the load and the position of the dish.

模型还预测了汽氧比变化、 碳氧比变化以及粒度变化对气化过程的影响。

18、It is also used to predict the influence of steam-oxygen ratio, carbon-oxygen ratio and particle size on gasification.


19、Inflection often change by a process of rule-generalization.

脱氯化氢降解过程中的主要性能变化是: 释出氯化氢, 变色和变脆。

20、The main property changes occurring during dehydrochlorination are: hydrogen chloride evolution , coloration , and embrittlement.

21、The value of gravimeter surveys for gravity change detection lies in the fact that gravity change indicates elevation change.用重力测量检测重力变化的意义在于,重力变化表示高程变化。

22、And like the real world, plans always change and reprioritise with situations.现实世界中,计划总是随着变化而变化,变化也改变计划中任务的优先级。

23、English has change shape, such as plural noun and verb tenses change, change, and Chinese basically do not have.英语无形态变化,如名词单数变化、动词时态变化等,而汉语根本上没有。

24、This change is regular with the change of micro-habitat, climate, vegetation and so on.这种变化是随着微生境,气候,植被等因素的变化而进行有规律的变化。

25、Is this a chemical change or a physical change when wood becomes desks?木材变成桌子是物理变化还是化学变化?

英文句子26:,26、The main influence factors leading to the changes of rivers and lakes include air temperature change, precipitation change, glacier change and climatic snow line change.导致河流、湖泊演变的主要影响因素有气温变化、降水变化及冰川变化、气候雪线变化等。

27、That's taking note of shades and inflexions.这样做就是留意变化的色调和细微的变化。

28、Burial and increase in temperature bring about physical and chemical changes called coalification.埋藏和温度增高导致的物理变化和化学变化称为煤化作用。

29、Namely, it's delta S is greater than zero.变化过程中熵的变化总是大于零的。

30、Well, it will change in part because theta changes, and in part because b changes. But, we want to know how it depends on theta in this situation.因为θ变化,所以它会在某种程度上变化,又因为b变化,所以它也跟着变化,但我们想知道的是,在这种情形下,它是怎样依赖θ而变化的?

31、The changes of amino acids in grape wine during wine brewing covered N compounds change in brewing, N compounds change in half-anaerobic aging, and N compounds change in half-aerobic aging.酿造过程中葡萄酒氨基酸的变化包括:酿造过程中含N 化合物的变化、半厌氧老熟过程中含N化合物的变化和半需氧老熟过程中含N化合物的变化。

32、As is mentioned above , substances are constantly undergoing physical and chemical changes.如上所述,物质总是在进行着物理变化和化学变化。

33、In this fast-changing global world, everything is moving.在当今飞速变化的全球,万事都在变化。

34、The semi-monthly changes of the mud fluid are controlled by the amount of fine sediments supply.半月周期的变化受潮流半月周期变化引起的泥沙供给量的变化控制;

35、And now, if I change x at this rate, how does that have to change?现在如果以这种变化率改变x,它将怎样变化?

36、Some of the changes took place in the hippocampi.这些变化也包括海马体的变化。

37、The dipper is gradually changing, and when this change becomes noticeable - as might be calculated from the Pyramid - there will be the beginning of the change in the races.北斗七星逐渐地正在变化,并且当这个变化变得显著时-通过金字塔能计算出这种变化-将是物种变化的开始。

38、Change trend of alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen content was similar to total nitrogen content change, with no significant change.含量变化趋势与全氮含量的变化趋势相似,无显著变化。

39、Second level of change -- Implementing a change initiative变化的第二层次——执行变化开端

40、Reinforcement should be given to the diversity of sores, longitude, three dimensions, season, color and vertical greening, and so on.应加强植物的种类变化、层次变化、空间变化、季相变化、色彩变化、垂直绿化等。

41、Fish are poikilotherm whose body temperature changes as the ambient water temperature changes.鱼类是变温动物,其体温随环境的水温变化而变化。

42、The change of environment in Jiangnan region during 1820-1953 can be divided into the slow, structural and radical changes.1820-xx年江南地区环境的变化可以分为缓慢变化、较大变化和剧烈变化三种。

43、All things will be change except change!万事都在变,不变的只有变化!

44、The difference in your physique will become more apparent with every passing month.你体格的变化会随着时间的变化而变得越来越明显。

45、Chapter three studies the geographical variation and change of Xuanhua dialect.第三章,宣化方言地理的变异与变化。

46、Language co-varies with the development of the society.性别语言会随着社会的变化而变化。

47、Results The change of temperature of ewes is faster than the one of fetuses. The former is active.结果孕羊温度变化快于胎羊温度变化,前者的变化是主动的;

48、It is also used to predict the influence of steam-oxygen ratio, carbon-oxygen ratio and part…模型还预测了汽氧比变化、碳氧比变化以及粒度变化对气化过程的影响。

49、When the driving voltage changed in a special range , the EL spectrum nearly didn't change, just with the CIE coordinates from (0.34, 0.33) to (0.33, 0.32) .当电压在一定范围内变化时候,电致发光光谱几乎没有变化,CIE色坐标从(0.34,0.33)变化到(0.33,0.32),变化很小。

50、The integration between PSV and MSV was proposed, and the strategy and method to implement variety were researched as well.提出了产品结构变化性和制造结构变化性集成化的思想,以及实施变化性的策略和方法。

经典英文句子51:变化,51、According to the theory of wave movement, parameters of wave caused by speed are determined, and the total variation in freeboard is finally obtained.由此得到了由于航速变化引起的干舷变化量,并结合由于兴波影响而产生的干舷变化,求得总的干舷变化量。

52、The situation has begun to change ? somewhat.情况已经开始变化? 有些变化。



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