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关于”提建议的句型“的英语句子56个,句子主体:Suggest sentence patterns。以下是关于提建议的句型的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Suggest sentence patterns


1、Finally, put forward the suggestion of protecting the typical halophyte landscapes, studying the halophyte succession and increasing the woody halophyte .


2、You can also suggest better Webpages for a particular search.


3、Gener. ate, . prioritize, and make recommendations for new product acquisi. tion ideas.


4、It also sets out proposals for post-project review of the project's products.


5、This Recommendation provides a profile of Recommendation?M. 3208.1 for customer administration of leased circuit services using pre-provisioned resources (link connections).


6、We can't take your advice. Nevertheless, thank you for putting it.


7、Is there someone to whom you can turn to for advice?


8、Meanwhile this article gives the suggestions on marketing channels integrating to China transceiver enterprises.


9、Based on the results of the models and second development, the thesis gives policy recommendations for upgrading the high-tech zones in Suzhou industrial at the last part.


10、Hence, we advanced several suggestions aimed at smoothening grain production fluctuation.


11、The clinic provides free counseling, legal advice and safe accommodation, if needed.


12、Then it puts forward the improved suggestions and notable problems regarding expert's deliberation, contractor selection and equipment procurement.


13、The agencies are proposing different standards for three categories of heavy trucks: tractor-trailers, heavy-duty pickup trucks and vans, and “vocational” trucks such as school buses and fire trucks.


14、Boeing Submits Proposals to India for Attack and Heavy-Lift Helicopters


15、Finally it discusses the countermeasures of accelerating town construction and development for Longhui.


16、Suggested actions. Clear recommendations, offered with some caution because you would of course need more detail before implementing any of them.


17、And the suggestion on design construction and supervise of planted bar are brought up.


18、Several solution to the problem was adviced at last.

记住提出建议的简单方法是用Let’s . /让我们 .

19、Remember the easy way to make a suggestion, using Let’s . . . / Let’s . . . e.g.


20、In the last, we give some suggestions to raise their continuation property.

21、At last, it puts forward some suggestions for it…最后,提出了进一步扩大甘肃省劳务输转的建议。

22、Alec also offers advice for when relationships don’t work out so well.亚历克对于相处不顺的情况也提出了建议。

23、The following are general recommendations that can improve software test management.下面是可以提高软件测试管理的一般建议。

24、Results: The suggestion of consultation was accepted by physician.结果:药师提出的会诊意见和建议被临床医师接受。

25、My music teacher -------- that I should ------- the national -------- -------- next year.我的音乐老师建议我参加明年的全国小提琴比赛。

英文句子26:,26、Now, he must translate that report's recommendations for a more creative economy - and his own lofty rhetoric - into action.现在,他必须实施报告中提出的打造创造型经济的建议,用他自己爱唱高调的话说——不要只是耍嘴皮子。

27、) Why don't we go and have lunch together?(像提建议一样:我们为什么不一起去吃午餐呢?

28、Finally, they created the Witan(council/meeting of wisemen)to advise the king, the basis of the Privy Council which still exists today.最后他们还创立了议会(贤人会议),向国王提供建议,这是现存的枢密院的基础。

29、Besides, it brings forward some suggestion to the further research on diesel lubricity.并对柴油润滑性的研究方向提出了建议。

30、A doctor, for example, can recommend a course of treatment for an illness;a lawyer can advise us on a course of legal action.比如,医生会针对一种疾病建议我们进行一个疗程的治疗;律师为我们的法律诉讼提供建议。

31、Then the proposal of safty measure for fire work of oil tanks repairing.对储油罐动火维修的安全控制提出建议。

32、A recruiter can give you insider pointers and advice.一个招聘人可以为你提供内行人的观点与建议。

33、It guides the user retrieval and inquiries, provides constructive suggestions for further improvement of CNKI.指导用户的检索和查询,为CNKI的进一步改进提供建设性的建议。

34、Abstract: In order to do fast reconstruction for ancient architectures, an example-based method for fast reconstruction of Ancient Architectures was proposed.摘要:针对古建模型的快速重建,提出了一种基于样例的古建模型快速重建方法。

35、When do you start to know gooood? Any recommends?什么时候开始看谷德网的?欢迎你提出建议哦,谢谢。

36、The author probed into strengthening the construction and management of the city flood protection and waterlogging drainage project and proposed on the exist problems.探讨了如何加强城市防洪排涝工程的建设管理,提高建管水平,并就存在的问题提出了建议。

37、You can leave a message with your measurements, I can suggest some styling tips. This webspace will be improved to meet buyers needs. Suggestions are always welcomed.也可以留言提供详细身材资料,我可以帮忙建议造型。 空间也会随着买家便利而改进,希望大家多提意见!

38、The success of a large free bed net campaign in Kenya led the W.H.O. to announce this recommendation last August.一个大型免费蚊帐赞助活动的成功促使了世界卫生组织在去年xx月提出了这个建议。

39、Furthermore, some worthful advise is offered for the further development of Hebeis tourist.对河北省旅游业的发展提出若干建议。

40、This article offers some practical suggestions for improving an organisation's service development capability.本文为提高机构的服务开发能力提供了一些实践性建议。

41、Monitors and investigates spoilage and recommends appropriate actions to reduce.监督和调查损坏的物品并提供减少损坏的建议。

42、Some suggestions concerning the super-vision and administration are offered.提出了抓好矿产品运销环节的监督管理的建议。

43、It also concludes the problems existing in the expansion of built-up area and gives some reasonable suggestions.并针对建成区扩展中存在的问题,提出了合理化建议。

44、Proposals are made for improvement on the design of a new type of intersection, i. e. the multi-phased channelized intersection.多相位渠化路口是一种新型的城市道路平面交叉路口,本文对这种路口的设计提出某些改进和建议。

45、The big health care push is officially on.大型的医疗改革已经箭在弦上,正式提上议事日程。

46、The proposed plant will be built by the French company Areva.被提议的核电站将由法国公司阿海珐建立。

47、The fourth part is mainly aim at the problems before-mentioned, put forward some suggestions in further improve the newly-established undergraduate colleges'specialized subject construction.第四部分主要针对广西新建本科院校学科专业建设存在的问题,提出进一步提高新建本科院校学科专业建设的建议。

48、The suggestions were also made to the development of fiber machinery industry.文章还对化纤机械工业的发展提出建议。

49、In the end we give some suggestion to the establishment of the new-type rural social pension insurance in the basic of above study.最后,在总结各章研究成果的基础上提出了完善我国新型农村社会养老保险制度的政策建议。

50、The installed version of at least one of your modules or themes has been revoked and is no longer available for download. Upgrading or disabling is strongly recommended!您所安装的模组或版型的版本已经过时、不再提供下载。强烈建议您进行升级、或是关闭过时的模组或版型。

经典英文句子51:提建议的句型,51、To study and put forward opinions and suggestions on the strengthening and improvement of the building of grassroots political power;研究提出加强和改进基层政权建设的意见和建议;

52、They then took the proposal to the regional president and positioned it as a cost-efficient opportunity to support his goals.然后,他们把这个建议向地区总裁提出来,并解释此建议是为公司节省成本的机会,也能达到他的目标。

53、On the premise of abrogating the casing collars and the casings with round thread. the casings with special thread and without collar are recommended to be used. in order…在革掉套管接箍和圆扣套管的前提下,建议采用无接箍、特殊扣型套管,以提高深井的套管强度。

54、A suggestion was given for the innovation of condenser of home-made 300MW turbine.提出了国产300MW机组凝汽器改造的建议。

55、We can't take your advice. Nevertheless, thank you for giving it.我们不能接受您的建议。不过,谢谢您提出来。

56、Handle customer feedback, escalations and providing appropriate solutions and recommendations.处理客户反馈,增加提供适当的解决方案和建议。

57、Early versions of the lower mainstream dams included large storages, for example at the giant Pa Mong dam proposed during the 1960s.早期的下游干流水坝计划包括大型蓄水坝,如于上世纪xx年代提议修建庞大的巴蒙水坝。

58、But the Republican solution of tax cuts and even deeper spending cuts (typified by Mr Pawlenty’s proposals this week) is arguably worse.但是共和党人提出的减税以及进一步的削减开支(典型例子是普兰提本周的议案)的提议却更不靠谱。

59、It particularly suggests that multi-project management enterprises should establish permanent organizations to provide standardized service for the enterprise project management.特别建议多项目管理型企业应设立为企业项目管理提供规范化服务的常设组织机构。

60、Remember another way to make a suggestion: Why don't you . . . ? / Why don't you . . .? e.g.记住提出建议的另一种方法:Why don't you .

61、She started by casually bringing it up with the regional president.她开始非正式地把建议提给地区总裁。

62、With this explanation in hand, PWP presented the proposals to the governor, who thoughtfully reviewed the drawings and plans and then carefully read the arguments.有了这个建议,PWP向市长提出了建议,市长全面的回顾了图纸和计划,并仔细的看了论证。

63、Able to provide the management of our hotel suggestions or comments?能就我们旅馆的管理情况提点建议或意见吗?

64、Remember another way to make a suggestion: Why don’t you . . . ? / Why don’t you . . .? e.g.记住提出建议的另一种方法:Why don’t you .

65、OBJECTIVE:To put forward constructive suggestions for solving some key problems about homonymous non-drug and drug.前言: 目的:为解决非药品与药品同名问题提供建设性建议。


标签: 建议

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