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关于”家乡变化“的英语句子50个,句子主体:Hometown change。以下是关于家乡变化的初三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Hometown change


1、Changes in home without push and changes in office pushed, what action to take?


2、Now, my hometown has developed into a big and rich town.


3、If the Rural Coalition is serious about villages being part of the armoury against climate change, then turning them into economic hubs is not the answer.


4、Take me home country roads.


5、Five thousand years of Chinese culture, " Lu Shine" bring you to validate cultural change of Chinese history .


6、Since 1978, my hometown has changed much, which now has becomed a modernized city.


7、My hometown air is very good, pollution is not much.


8、Edward's hometown of Gambell is only a few miles from the International Date Linw.


9、If it was expected to solve, the only way was to revive Confucian civilization. The key of the problem was beginning with countryside and practicing his"rural construction" .


10、My hometown has a plant of "panda" reputation as the "living fossil" - ginkgo tree.


11、Thompson's hometown, Titusville, "became a ghost town after Apollo, " he says.


12、Topic 97 : What change would make your home town more appealing to people of your age?


13、Test results suggested that after carrying out the policy, farmers life consumption increased

11.69% than that in the same period the year before.



14、He rusticated himself so long that he has become an absolute country cousin.

吕剧; 生成; “齐鲁乡土美”; 文化变迁; 文化生态重建。

15、Lvju; Generation; Rural Beauty of QiLu; Cultural Changes; Cultural ecology reconstruction.


16、Great changes have taken place in my home village.


17、Two weeks ago, we (me and my family) went to New Beggars Delicious restaurant to eat Beggar Chicken.

18、The changes to our town makes our life modern.我们乡镇的变化让我门的生活变的美好


19、It's very warm in spring in my hometown. Trees get green very soon and flowers blosom.


20、We really big changes in home!

21、My hometown in Hainan Wuzhishan City, is a chemical city, my hometown has changed greatly.我的家乡在海南东方市,是一个化工城市,我的家乡发生了很大变化。

22、The 63-year-old clergyman is staying in his hometown of Hue.现年xx岁的阮文黎神父目前住在他的家乡顺化。

23、Many people like Zhong Wei regard with great interest how their hometowns have changed.很多像钟伟这样的人对他们的家乡发生了怎样的变化很感兴趣。

24、But all that changed in 1983, and today Branson is world-famous as a performance venue for country, oldies-rock, and other musicians.但一切尽在xx年改变,今天的布兰森是个世界闻名的乡村音乐、老歌及其他音乐家之乡。

25、That is the charm of home, number of night dreams of home, sense of spring green, hometown feel that innocent's favorite neighborhood.那是家乡的魅力所在,多少夜晚梦回故乡,感知春的绿意,感受家乡邻里之间那纯情的至爱。

英文句子26:,26、It introduced modern rural social factors and stimulated many potential active factors of the rural communities, which contributed to tremendous changes in rural economy, culture and social life.它为乡村社会引入(近)现代化的因素,并激活了乡村社会中的许多潜在因素,从而促成乡村地区经济、文化以及社会生活诸方面都发生了巨大的变迁。

27、Beautiful landscape and customs of his homeland together with his feelings gradually became potential genes and blended in his passion.故土的绮丽风光、乡情风俗等早已随着情感的日积月累变成了潜在的文化基因,融入了作家的思想感情。

28、There should be cultural center and library in every county and cultural station in every township.县县都有文化馆、图书馆,乡乡都有文化站。

29、Shanghai is my hometown.海门市是我的家乡。

30、The evolution of the marriage customs in Wuyi displays the openness, inclusiveness and diversity of its folk culture.五邑侨乡婚俗演变,体现了侨乡民俗文化的开放性、包容性和多元化特征。

31、My hometown had changed so much that I could hardly recognize it.故乡变化太大了,我几乎认不出来了。

32、My hometown is Mount Lushan.我的家乡在庐山。

33、When she saw the great changes of her home town, all sorts of feelings welled in her mind.当她看到了家乡的巨大变化,真是感慨万端。

34、Desalinating nostalgia is the symbol of immigrant writers wide cultural vision.淡化乡愁是移民作家文化视野开阔的表征。

35、How has the life changed in your hometown?你的家乡有何变化?。

36、Three kinds of models of governance and corresponding interactional relationship between the rural society and countryside government are the landscape of township governance.三种治理模式与对应的乡村社会的个体化阶段之间的磨合构成了乡镇治理的变动图景。

37、With the development of history Xinxiang and administrative district division has been changing all the time.随着历史的发展,新乡建置及行政区划也在不断发生变化。 …

38、For the change of spatial pattern, the north section of Usinwu and the south section of Kuanyin are observed more appreciably .在空间分布之变迁方面,则以新屋乡北段和观音乡南段的变化幅度最大。

39、I return to the road with my father said: "The really big changes in his hometown, really fast!"我在返回的路上跟爸爸说:“家乡的变化真大、真快!

40、Changes in home really fast. Previously, clothes are always broken supplement and complement the Zaichuan. Now, each bought a set of clothes for Gesanchaiwu.家乡的变化真快。以前,穿的衣服总是破了补,补了再穿。而现在,每隔三差五的就买一套衣服。

41、Bai thought, "The hometown is poor because people have no knowledge."他想,家乡那么贫困,正是因为庄稼人没文化。

42、More than twenty years ago, my hometown was just a small , old and poor town.在我的家乡的巨大变化 超过xx年前,我的家乡是一个小,又老又穷镇。

43、If I could change just one thing about my hometown, it would be the environment.如果我只能改变家乡的一样东西,那么我想改变的就是它的环境。

44、I was born in a relatively remote and poor village ,But with the rapid development of China , great changes have taken place in my hometown .我出生在一个相对偏远和贫困村,但随着中国的迅速发展,大变化,在我的家乡举行。

45、I introduced the great changes taking place in my hometown and the life and study of Chinese students.在带领他们回旅馆的了路上,向他们介绍了家乡的巨大变化和中国学生学习、生活情况。

46、And every change can reflect not only the then social and economic development but also the change of Xinxiang's position in social and economic development.每一次变化都能反映当时社会经济的发展状况及新乡社会经济地位的变化。

47、The changes are characterized by the following two aspects: The rise of Dadaohui power and the establishment of church authorities in villages.这种变化主要从两个方面体现出来:大刀会势力在乡土社会的崛起; 教会势力在乡土社会的确立。

48、My hometown had changed so much that I could hardly recognize it.故乡变化太大了, 我几乎认不出来了。

49、Our hometown has changed but I remain the same. I'll be here waiting for you!家乡变了,我没有变,我在这里等妳回来!

50、Xingyang is a well-known place of tea produce. Tea Town is not only famous for its beautiful landscape but also for the original Xinyang folk custom and country culture it has retained.信阳市著名的茶叶之乡,茶乡不但风光好,而且保留了原汁原味的信阳农家习俗和乡村文化。

经典英文句子51:家乡变化,51、Hershey is my hometown.赫尔希是我的家乡。

52、Haimen is my hometown.海门市是我的家乡。

53、Until today, the overwhelming majority of China's population still live in rural areas, the local character still has not changed fundamentally.直到今天,中国绝大多数人口还定居于乡村,乡土本色依然没有发生根本变化,仍是乡土社会色彩浓厚的社会。

54、(take part in )I don't think you will take part in the meeting tomorrow. 在过去的几年里,我的家乡发生了很大的变化。

55、Housing should meet the cultural and social requirements of a displaced person 's home.住房建设还应满足灾民家乡的文化以及社会需求。

56、Flying like a tercel, watch my hometown as a white cloud… Je p…我愿化作一只雄鹰自在去飞翔我愿变成一朵白云守护我家乡…

57、Recently, I gave a talk on climate change in my local village hall in Devon, and not surprisingly I was given a hard time.最近我在家乡Devon的村庄礼堂里做了一次有关气候变化的演讲,不出意料地我吃了苦头。

58、Association is a concept change, and a relationship is a lie.同乡是变化的一种概念,而且是骗人的一种关系。

59、Changli County is a prestigious flower and fruit of the township, land of plenty, culture town, tourist town.昌黎县是久负盛名的花果之乡、鱼米之乡、文化之乡、旅游之乡。

60、Plan an educational/cultural outing right in your hometown.在家乡计划一次教育/文化郊游。

61、I hope my hometown will be better and better.我希望我的家乡将变得越来越好。

62、Country road, take me home.乡村路带我回家。

63、Therefore, in their prose, the meaning of home town turned from single direction in former days to the double: realistic home and cultural home.散文中“故乡”由昔日单一的指向演变为互为表里、互为补充的双向所指:既指华人的现实家园,即蕴涵着作家生命与社会认同的“实体性故乡”;

64、Wuhan Station as a whole "Millennium Crane to go home" style highlight the characteristics of Hubei, is full of spiritual implication of the Millennium Huang, amazing change lightly and go home.武汉站整体的“千年鹤归”造型凸显湖北特色,寓意充满灵性的千年黄鹤,惊叹家乡变化翩然而归。

65、Chinese traditional culture context of Shanghai school literature includes: Shanghai was a local city, where there were many fellow Halls, genealogy writings prevailed;海派文学的传统文化语境包括:从儒家文化角度看,上海是一个乡土都市,同乡会馆林立,修家谱之风盛行;

66、Although financial reformation is taking place in L town, the current town-village relation is still leaded by town level authority. The so called"Instructing and Instructed"is not realized.本文发现L乡在乡村财政政策和制度发生巨大变化的情况下,现阶段的乡村关系依然是乡行政主控型,所谓“指导与被指导”的关系名不副实。

67、When she saw the great changes of her home town, all sorts of feeling welled in her mind.当她看到家乡的巨大变化,真是感慨万千。

68、Some village novel writers stand in the village culture morals standpoint, degenerates to the city capital invasion local associated morals with the human nature variation attacks.一些乡村小说作家站在乡村文化道德的立场上,对城市资本入侵乡土所伴生的道德堕落和人性变异予以抨击。

69、Three years later, when he returned home to get married, he found he had changed.xx年后,当他回家乡结婚,他发现他变了。

70、Last year I returned to my long separation hometown, the hometown change often to reappear in my brain.去年我回到了我久别的家乡,家乡的变化时常在我脑中浮现。


标签: 家乡

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