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关于”节约用水“的英语句子40个,句子主体:save water。以下是关于节约用水的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:save water


1、Our problem is how to save water.


2、Use water and electricity sparingly and must ensure that all lights and water are switched off when not needed.


3、We can save water by not washing vegetables under a running tap.


4、Hence the most effective way to cut emissions is simply to be sparing with hot water when washing up and to use low temperature cycles for laundry.


5、Two solutions to mitigate the shortage of water resources are proposed: increasing precipitation through artificial rain enhancement and economizing water resources use.


6、It was considered that, water pinch technology could reduce fresh water consumption and wastewater quantity in industry, which had practical value and better application prospect.


7、save water. shower with your girl friend.


8、Suspended. This feature is in use temporarily off the water effects, the same function without pause about 50% water saving shower.

9、Thirdly, waterless cleaning: no water is used in the cleaning process, clean, convenient and water saving, creating a new safe cleaning method.



10、Here are some ideas on how to reduce the amount of water you use at home-without emptying your bank account.


11、For other water saving tips, check out thegreenguide.com.


12、The reuse of the bathwater is an important point in saving costs.

在节水方面, 选用新型全有机水质稳定剂, 提高循环水的浓缩倍数, 达到节约新水的目的。

13、In water saving respect, new type of organic water quality stabilizator was selected to enhance concentration times of circulating water and attain the goal of saving new water…


14、The results indicate that high drought-resistenting & water-preserving agent can save water 50% in effectively, it is one kind of high quality materials in landscape architure of our north country.


15、The invention has the following advantages:

1. water saving: the water in the basin can be stored and recycled, thereby avoiding wasting water;



16、Translated Description: , technical documentation, technical consulting, education and training, provincial aquatic profile, water-mark notes, and water related services.


17、The wellhead saving on water , being to save our life, is to lift a finger also only.


18、Economise electricity consumption by close adherence to the energy saving measures;


19、Take short showers only to save water!

冷却水循环使用循环再利用, 是一项节约水资源的装置。

20、The cooling water is used cyclically so as to achieve circular re-utilization. Therefore, the auxiliary device is a device saving water resources.

21、An optimized water-using network that can save about 12% fresh water was obtained by solving the mathematical model problem by a commercial software LINGO.采用LINGO软件求解了该数学模型,获得了可节约新鲜水约12%的水回用网络。

22、It's our duty to protect and save water.保护和节约水是我们的责任。

23、Will you consider good methods to save water even you are rich in daily life (like wash toilet by the water after washing face or dishes)?在日常生活中,你条件很富余会考虑使用节约用水的好方法吗(如用洗脸水、洗碗水冲厕所)?

24、Save electricity.节约用电。

25、The yield of strawberry with APRI saved water by 47.12 %.APRI处理的草莓比正常浇灌的草莓节约用水47.12%。

英文句子26:,26、The automatic washing machine test machine judgment, in order to save time and save water, has a fast start method, we call it a force test machine.小鸭全自动洗衣机试机判断时,为了节约时间和节约用水,有一种无水快速启动的方法,我们叫它强行试机。

27、We can conserve water, recycle our textbooks, and turn off lights on leaving our classrooms.我们可以节约用水,循环利用教科书,离开教室时随手关灯。

28、Of course we all want to save water - we can't live without it.毋须置疑,我们都想节约用水,因为水是我们的生命之源。

29、Save water. Shower with your girlfriend.要节约用水,所以尽量和女友一起洗澡。

30、The common ceramic toilets consume 6-8 litres of water while the toilet of the utility model consumes 3-6 litres of water, thus greatly saving water.一般陶瓷座厕用水量大约为6-8升水,本新产品的用水量为3-6升 水,极大地节约了用水。

31、The light - control urinal flushing machine can save a lot of water.光控的便池冲水器能够节约很多水。

32、We should take a shower instead of bath to save water.我们可以用淋浴代替沐浴以节约用水。

33、Application of water pinch technology can effectively save the fresh water in industry, and remarkably reduce the discharge of wastewater.水夹点技术可以有效地节约过程工业的新鲜水用量,同时减少废水排放量。

34、According to author John Robbins in his book The Food Revolution, you could save more water by not eating a pound of California beef than you could by not showering for an entire year.根据作家约翰·罗彬斯所写的《新世纪饮食》 少食一磅加利福利亚牛肉可节约的用水(大约2500磅~6000磅水),比一个人整年不洗澡节约的水还多。

35、High level's management of irrigation water is the important tache of saving-water, advancing agricultural outputs of irrigation region and exerting folly the benefit of irrigation project.高水平的灌溉用水管理是节约用水、提高灌区农业产量、充分发挥灌溉工程效益的重要环节。

36、Save the using of water, forbid the waste of water resource. Make the use of science technology to reduce the polution and protect the water …节约用水,根绝糜费水资本应用科学手艺,削减污染,维护水资…

37、Save water. Shower with your girlfriend. 要节约用水,所以尽量和女友一起洗澡。

38、Having water fittings, such as flushing cisterns, showers and taps, bearing the "Water Efficiency Label" can help to cut costs and save water.经水和节约用水装置,如冲洗水箱,淋浴和水龙头,印有“用水效益标签”可以帮助降低成本。

39、3)Save water. Shower with your girlfriend. 要节约用水,尽量和女友一起洗澡.

40、We should start doing small things little by little, like saving water and recycling it, preventing water from pollution…我们要从小事做起,节约用水和再利用,并预防水资源受…如题…

41、And, he says, by implementing stringent water usage rules — it's illegal in Las Vegas to spray a sidewalk with a sprinkler, for instance — the city has saved millions, both in dollars and in gallons.而且,通过施行严格的用水规章(例如给人行道喷水是非法的),该市不仅节约了大量的费用,也节约了相当的水资源。

42、So we should try our best to save water .因此,我们应该尽力节约水。

43、Water pinch technology can save fresh water and reduce wastewater in industry and has practicality and better application prospect.水夹点技术在工业用水节约和废水减量方面具有实用价值和较好的应用前景。

44、Water recycle is a good way to save our resources.水循环利用是一种很好的节约资源的方法。

45、Save water. Shower with your girlfriend. 要节约用水,所以尽量和女友一起洗澡。

46、Must harness the water according to law, so that make to save and rational use water, develop prod.应依法治水,以节约用水、合理用水,大力发展生产力。

47、Save water today, save tears tomorrow!今天节约水,明天无眼泪。

48、It t's our duty to save water.节约水是我们每个人的责任。 。

49、Water must be cast each day after thinking it prudent, over, to save water.剧组每天每次用水都要思前想后,精打细算,斤斤计较,节约用水。

50、Wang Hao says residents can also save water by practicing water recycling and re-use.王浩说居民也可以通过循环使用和重复使用水资源来节约用水。

经典英文句子51:节约用水,51、"Without this wood will dry, water, water shortage will exhaust the passive" world water shortage, water shortage, Chinese City, Please Save Water.“木无本必枯,水无源必竭”,世界缺水、中国缺水、城市缺水,请节约用水。

52、How can we save water ?我们怎样节约水?

53、In order to save water the washing water is treated using middle water technology. Then the treated water was used to wash WC, greening, wash car and cooling water of air condition.以节约用水为目的,采用中水道技术对建筑物内的洗涤用水进行处理,然后用于冲洗厕所、空调冷却水等。

54、The results indicate that high drought-resistenting & water-preserving agent can save water 50% in effectively, it is one kind of high quali…研究表明,使用保水剂可以有效节约园林植物用水50%左右,效果明显,是我国北方园林绿化行业节水工程的优选材料。

55、The town started a Tap Turn-off project to ask all the residents to save water.该镇开展了一项关闭水龙头运动,要求全体居民节约用水。

56、Save on electricity.哪节约用电。

57、But cities with water shortages aren't the only places looking to conserve water, Fishman says.菲什曼说,并非只有缺水的城市在想办法节约用水。

58、Though water is a renewable resource, we should still economize.水虽然是可再生资源,但我们仍然需要节约使用。

59、Each floor of the annual water charges can be reduced and save the water.每楼住户每年减少自来水费开支,又节约了饮用水,利 国利民。



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