关于”判断是否正确的软件“的英语句子20个,句子主体:Determine whether the correct software。以下是关于判断是否正确的软件的专业英语句子。
英文句子模板1:Determine whether the correct software
1、Please make sure that the correct floppy is in the drive.
2、My judgement was completely vindicated by later events.
3、So use good judgment as to whether this would be a viable step, but consider it.
4、It's true--you can't judge a book by its cover--but you can certainly tell if a city is welcoming of pets.
5、And most of the time they’ve been right, or none of us would be here today.
6、Doctor Lind was correct. Eating citrus fruits prevents scurvy.
7、Determining if a given object can be a parent of a particular type.
对于血压事件,WebSphere Business Events 逻辑判断病人的血压读数是否正常,或者他们是否处于高血压前期、高血压或低血压。
8、For blood pressure events, the WebSphere Business Events logic determines if the patient’s blood pressure reading is normal or if they have pre-hypertension, hypertension, or hypotension.
9、Analyse these needs and decide if trunking is the right solution for your communication needs today!
10、There is still room for human judgement, but it is judgement about what will eventually turn out to be the undisputable truth.
11、Who is right? Let's all buy the collection and decide for ourselves.
12、Self - judgment is critical for the success in vocal music teaching at normal universities. Without such ability, there would be little hope of solving problems encountered during training.
13、Determine whether the request comes as a postback
14、None of the books devotes much space to discussing how to tell if you have the right requirements, either.
15、Of course there are difficulties in deciding what exactly is the negation of any particular situation.
16、It diagnoses channeling out of casing and perforates holes expecting to perforate intervals when gas exists in the reservoir.
17、Function tests verify that the software works properly by testing against requirements defined in use cases.
18、The three-dimensional software UG is adopted to judge the disassembly feasibility of subassembly , so the accuracy of the judgment is improved and the number of the disassembly sequence reduced.
19、I was determined to vindicate their judgment.
20、We spent our evening sitting by the lake and talking.
21、Determine whether necessary resources -- such as an approved partner -- are available to assist your organization in implementing the open source software.判断是否有必要的资源——比如一个被认可的合作伙伴——来协助你的组织实现公开源码软件。
22、A difficult problem in a heel-and-toe walking race is to judge correctly whether there is any "Bipedal prop-up" stage or not.正确判断竞走运动员是否有双支撑阶段是竞走裁判工作中的难点。
23、The study also found women rarely change their mind about a man after their initial reaction - and believe they are 'always right' in their assumptions and judgments.研究也发现,大多数女性认为180秒足够让她们判断这人是否你的真命天子 。 而且,女性对男性的第一印象鲜少改变,她们相信自己的假设和判断是绝对正确的。
24、This is known by the purity of our taste, the clearness of our thought, the maturity of our judgment, and the firmness of our will.这正是大家所常说的:品味是否纯正,头脑是否清醒,判断是否成熟,意志是否坚定。
25、Proper evaluation of the location and size of myomas, and endometrial cavity is the most important factor determining the reproductive outcomes.正确评价肌瘤的位置、大小和宫腔形态对判断肌瘤是否影响生育能力十分重要。
英文句子26:,26、Five, check the condenser the current is normal, from working current can also further judgment of whether normal work fan.检查冷凝器工作时的电流是否正常,从工作电流也能够进一步判断风扇的工作情况是否正常。
27、Maybe that's the right diagnosis.也许这才是正确的判断
28、Judge finds that the facts of the case is directly related to the right or ability to achieve justice entities.裁判者认定案件事实的正确与否直接关系到实体正义能否实现。
29、It is proved by the fact that your prejudgement is very accurate .事实证明你的预先判断是多麽的正确啊!
30、For a long time , People focus on if substantive law is applied correctly when they are determining whether a case is fair or not, while neglecting relatively Procedural fairness.长期以来,人们对某一起案件的裁判是否公正的评价,往往侧重于该裁判所依据的实体法的适用是否正确,而相对忽视了做出这个裁判的过程即诉讼程序是否公正。
31、Using the answer code, answer which of the following statements about the transport through the plasmatic membrane of the animal cell is correct or incorrect.利用答案代码判断下列有关动物细胞膜运输的叙述是否正确。
32、Eg: Geological investigations must correctly diagnose a specific soil-like condition.地质调查必须正确地判断出明确的土状条件。
33、Components installed on the tight hole and cavity with the patience and skills required to determine whether the parts are straight, have it feel normal resistance.把部件安装到紧配合的孔和型腔时需要耐心和技巧来判断部件是否是直的,还有阻力是否感觉正常。
34、Examine the method of your plug-in is right or wrong.检验您插件的方法是否正确。
35、For each question, decide if statementⅠis true or false and if statementⅡis true or false and fill in the corresponding T or F ovals on your answer sheet.对于每一个问题,判断Ⅰ和Ⅱ的表述是否正确,并在答题纸上相应位置选择T或F。
36、I think it is correct to say that (the mathematician's) criteria of selection, and also those of success, are mainly aesthetical.我认为,说数学家选择课题的准则以及判断他是否成功的准则,主要的是美学准则,这是正确的。 ——冯。诺伊曼。
37、Verify that the file sizes are correct.验证文件大小是否正确。
38、With the non- specialized knowledge and the self-control, judgespecialized event it whether reasonable, is whether accurate, itself is a very absurd funny matter.用非专业的学识和涵养,来判断一个专业事件其是否合理,是否准确,本身就是一件很荒唐滑稽的事情。
39、Keep track of these instances in a journal and, regardless of your decision in each case, decide whether your intuitive feeling was correct.不管你对每种情况作任何决定,都要在日记中记下来,进而判断你的直觉是否正确。
40、Read and tell true(T) or false(F).根据对话内容,判断正误。(正确地填写T,错误地填写F)
41、The results indicated that the accuracy of perception judgment was significant higher in competition condition than in non-competition condition, but combination had no effects.结果表明:完成知觉判断任务时,有竞争条件下的正确率显著高于无竞争条件下的正确率,组合因素没有影响;
42、Being blind, if you are telling a blind joke, may give you better insight on whether or not the joke is funny or in good taste.“适当幽默”的一个方面是,你是否身在其中能够准确判断笑话是否幽默、品位高雅。
43、Description: Count the number of prime numbers less than a non-negative number, n.判断一个数是否是质数, 仅需判断这个数是否能被比这个数小的质数整除, 若不能, 就是质数。
44、It is much more difficult to judge oneself than to judge others. If you succeed in judging yourself rightly, then you are indeed a man of true wisdom. (Saint-Exupery)判断自己远比判断他人困难,如果你能正确判断自己,你实际上是一位具有真正智慧的人。(修伯里)
45、Therefore, we want you to help us write an automatic sub-sub-program, to determine which teams from around the world write programs correctly.所以,我们想让你帮我们写一个自动判分程序,来判断来自世界各地的团队所编写的程序是否正确。
46、Are all resources correctly de- allocated , or are some lost as the software executes?是否所有的资源都被正确的释放,或者在软件执行中被遗失?。
47、Geological investigations must correctly diagnose a specific soil-like condition.地质调查必须正确地判断出明确的土状条件。
48、Your decision reflects well upon your judgment.你的决定说明你的判断很正确。
49、I think it is correct to say that criteria of selection, and also those of success, are mainly aesthetical .我认为,说数学家选择课题的准则以及判断他是否成功的准则,主要的是美学的原则,这是正确的。
50、Establishing plagiarism requires "expert interpretation" of both articles, says Fennell.确定抄袭与否需要专业的判断。
经典英文句子51:判断是否正确的软件,51、Just whether Prophet Jack's forecast is true in Lanie's regard, you will just have to see.至于先知杰克对兰莉的预测是否准确,还是留待观众自行判断。
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