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关于”简单的句型“的英语句子24个,句子主体:simple sentence pattern。以下是关于简单的句型的初三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:simple sentence pattern


1、The single-deck model, stern superstructure model, overall ship model and the simplified overall ship model used for vibration calculation and their applications are introduced respectively.

提出了段塞单元的简化水力模型。 认为段塞流是由一系列段塞单元构成,该段塞单元由液相段塞区和膜区两部分组成;

2、It is supposed that slug flow be constitute of series of slug units which contain two parts:the liquid slug zone and film zone.


3、The general design objectives of the logical data model are correctness, consistency, non-redundancy and simplicity.


4、The problem with simplified models is that they may be throwing away the baby with the bathwater.


5、The quickest and easiest way to determine your foot type is by taking the "wet test, " below.


6、The earliest bronze ware were produced mostly with a single mold and occasionally with two - the upper and the lower - for production of double-faced objects.


7、Standard head ; push - button; easy and rapid to load and unload bur.


8、The sophisticated GT300H Automatic Seamer is constructed with

6 heads. It provides extremely high seaming capacity. Change for can size molds is easily and quickly accomplished.


9、The easiest way to access the datatypes library is to include its location in your schema.


10、E-scale is small, high precision and automation, easy to be used and so on.


11、The structure predigests the process of negotiating, so it has extensive application in the future.


12、For the sake of simplicity, consider VARCHAR as the default type for every column that is not a primary or a foreign key.


13、The results of simulation indicated that the dimensionless pressure drop reduction was up to


19.2 % 。


14、Lo Fi in its simplicity, yet off the dial in construction cleverness, the Grub is available in small, medium and large sizes and comes with integrated carry loop and vintage camera prints.


15、The domestic recording instrument is inclined to the single type mainly at present, namely only possess and record the important data of vehicle.


16、The superior properties and the prospects for the future use of the thick through-air thermal bonded nonwovens in China were outlined.


17、It uses the isolation CAN bus driver CTM8250T, to avoid the use of separate components.


18、Through the experiments, it is found that R-C4.5 is an efficient model according to most databases.


19、The dammed lakes can also be classified simply with time. The one that may be broken in several days is called as transient dammed lake.

特定的 IT 环境可能只有很少的数据源类型,因此,消息集成可能会很简单。

20、A given IT environment might have only a small number of data source types, so information integration might be straightforward.

21、Pork roast oven is scientific in design and easy in using.烧烤炉设计科学,外型简单易用,内碧受热均匀。

22、Our welding and machine assembly departments each feature a 30 tonne crane which allows us to handle large assemblies with relative ease.每个焊接和机器组装车间都配备有30吨起重机,使得重型机器组装变得轻而易举。属类:【单位简介】-〖公司简介〗-[-]。

23、The mathematic model of GPS dual-frequency precise point positioning and the corresponding program named "GPS-PPP" recently developed by the author were presented.简要介绍了GPS双频精密单点定位数学模型及自主研制的精密单点定位软件。

24、In short, you must kick off your own job and synchronize with it to get any type of synchronous behavior.简单地说,您必须开始自己的作业并与之同步,以获得任何类型的同步行为。

25、As women started joining the workforce again complex styles were thrown out in favour of ones that could be arranged quickly and kept in place with hairspray.由于妇女重新开始参加工作,所以复杂的发型被抛弃了,取而代之的是那些简单易梳和可以用定型剂定型的发型。

英文句子26:,26、The direction of constraint reaction force must be strictly according to the type of constraint, never be simply supposed by direct-view or the direction of the active force.约束反力的方向必须严格地按照约束的类型来画,不能单凭直观或根据主动力的方向来简单推想。

27、Chapter II briefly introduces the nature of GPD and thickness of the end of the division;第二章简单介绍了GPD模型的性质及厚尾分部的诊断方法;

28、Through the comparing with the experiments, the Chroma Space Model was simply and had a good effect, so it was selected as the skin-color detecting model.通过实验比较,最终选择算法简单、正确率高的色度空间模型作为肤色检测模型。

29、Also described in the article are HT waterborne heat resistant coatings and WP waterborne micaceous iron oxide coatings.还简单介绍了HT型水性耐高温涂料和WP型水性云母氧化铁涂料。

30、In current curvature mode theory for damage diagnosis of bridge, the bridges are simplified as straight beams or rods, then significant error can be brought up.目前桥梁损伤诊断的曲率模态理论一般采用简单的等直梁或杆等简化模型,与桥梁的实际情况有较大差别。

31、Borrowing directly from these early 18th century forms of Chinoiserie, I conduct a similar pattern of stylistic plagiarism, whereby Chinese archetypes are rendered through lesser sophisticated means.借助十八世纪早期的中国艺术造型,我创作了相似风格和造型复制品,以此使中国的典型造型以较简单的方式表现出来。

32、Battery Type Sweeping Machine is suittable for indoor and outdoor places cleaning. It is easy to operate and maintain.电瓶式扫地机 适用于清扫室内外中小型场所,简单易用,维护方便。

33、They are simply copied across from the prototype project using copy/paste.它们只是简单的使用复制/粘贴功能从原型项目中复制过来。

34、Simple linear regression model is applied to compare the difference in SGA usage pattern between public and private hospitals.使用简单线性回归模型来比较公立医院和私立医院之间SGA使用模式的差异。

35、Long multi grooves formed wheel is used with this machine for mass production of round ball or cylindrical shape gem.此大型砂轮系配合图中机器从事宝石圆珠或长柱型而线条简单的饰品快速生产。

36、Watch out for a new brand of consumer in 2008: the middle-aged Simplifier .让我们多加注意xx年出现的新型消费者群体:中年简单主义者。

37、Based on the saltation, creeping and stability models, a two-dimensional numerical model is established to study the development process of aeolian ripples.通过简单的跃移模型、蠕移模型和稳定模型对风成沙纹的形成过程进行了二维数值模拟研究。

38、Characteristics and types of mantle plumes and their roles in the mineralization of Co-rich crusts are briefly introduced.简单介绍了地幔柱特征、类型及其在富钴结壳成矿作用中的地位。

39、Reimplantation after vitrectomy is an effective method for management of the posterior chamber IOL dislocation.前段玻璃体切除单纯取出再植入,是处理后房型人工晶状体脱位简单有效的方法。

40、But actually, we could consider this model more generally, and let's just do so briefly here.而实际上,我们可以把这个模型想得更普遍些,我简单在这讲一下

41、There are other types of file mounts, but this gives you an idea of the process.此外也有其他类型的文件挂载,但这几个例子能帮助您简单了解这个过程。

42、Some characteristics of control manner, control type and display management of microcomputer control diecasting machine have been introduced briefly.简单介绍了微机控制压铸机在控制方式、控制类型、画面管理方面的特点。

43、OBJECTIVE To develop a simplified preparative method for osmotic pump tablet using prazosin hydrochloride as a model drug.目的以盐酸哌唑嗪为模型药物研究单层芯渗透泵片简化的制备方法。

44、Finally, for further testing the correctness of our model, we use the model checking tools to check the grammar and deadlocks of our description.最后,为进一步检验模型的正确性,我们还使用模型检测工具对简单模型的描述进行了语法检测和死锁检测。

45、This method can make designed hull inherit the excellent performance and design hull lines easily, reducing the work time.采用母型船改造法可以继承母型船的优秀性能,较为容易的得到设计船的型线,方法简单,工作量少。

46、A. Women with acute uncomplicated pyelonephritis may present with a mild cystitis-like illness and flank pain;患有急性简单型肾盂肾炎的患者有可能表现为症状较轻的膀胱炎或是腰痛;

47、The data model's comparable simplicity lends itself to modeling data acquired by GPS devices and satellite imaging.该数据模型可比较的简单性有助于对 GPS 设备和卫星成像捕获的数据进行建模。

48、One example of this is the Employees-Orders relationship, which is correctly configured for you by simply adding the Orders table to the typed data.例如显示雇员--订单关系,我们只需要简单地将订单表添加到类型化数据集中就可以正确配置。

49、You can see the basic screenshot of Wireshark showing all of the packets of all types being listed in Figure 您可以看到 Wireshark 的简单截图显示了所有类型的所有数据包,如 图


1 所示。

50、Simple band-pass type radiometers are seen to be complementary to conventional spectroradiometers for ground data collection in remote sensing.简单的带通型辐射计被认为是相辅相成的遥感地面数据收集传统光谱仪。

经典英文句子51:简单的句型,51、The new-style 2BFXL-1 having these strongpoints: frame briefness , having little power , little traction resistance, fitting small four tyre tractor.新型的2BFXL-1型花生覆膜穴播机,具有结构简单、所需动力小、牵引阻力小等优点,适合与小四轮拖拉机配套。

52、A simplified plastic zone model for three dimension beam-column element was established to stimulate semi-rigid connection effect.三维单元简化塑性区模型可模拟塑性扩展,利用梁单元两端抗转弹簧来模拟半刚性连接效应。

53、MDD, in a nutshell, is the development of software through the use of abstract models.简单的说,模型驱动开发就是通过使用抽象的模型进行软件开发。

54、Working on large enterprise applications, it was very difficult to come up with Simple Design which was easy to Test.开发大型企业应用,要想产生“简单设计”并易于测试,是非常困难的。

55、A simplified view of the delivery life cycle and a typical allocation of organization responsibilities is shown in Figure 下文图

1 below.

1 展示了一个简单的交付生命周期视图和一个典型的组织职责分配。

56、The culture type of the Song Dynasty is not only a sign of mere age culture, but a new cultural type with new cultural features.宋型文化不仅仅是一个简单的时代文化的符号,而且是一个具有新的文化特质的文化范型。

57、The King's square bookbags may be plain and unadorned, but there's no cutting corners with the stitching. This is a key to their longevity.造型简单的方型书包,车缝可是一点也不马虎,这也是「书包大王」产品耐用的关键。

58、Now I will trim the splite ends for you and make your hair to be layered.先简单的修剪一下,然后我想把头发烫一下,你能帮我设计个发型吗?

59、The exams will be multiple choice and short answer, fill in the blank, that sort of thing.题型分为单项选择,简答,还有填空之类的

60、In all other types of competition engines small mechanical imperfection's are reckoned with by simply opening up the needle, and therefore never recognized.在所有其他类型的竞争引擎小型机械美中不足的是忽视的简单开放的针头,因此从来不承认。

61、One of the easiest ways to see beyond impressions is to learn to catch micro-expressions, which betray emotions, he says.他告诉人们最为简单的办法是去捕捉微型表情,这些微型表情会透露出感情。

62、Because of their simplicity and flexibility, synthetic circuits are extremely useful for development of H. V. D.合成回路由于其简单、灵活对发展高压直流断路器型式试验极为重要。

63、In this stage, some karyotype standards make research more convenient.在现阶段,有关于染色体组型的标准是非常简单的研究。

64、You will first apply it to the sample model developed in the Setup section.首先你将会把它应用到 安装章节中开发的简单的模型中。

65、Simple Home Budget is easy to use money manager for home, small business, freelancers, non-profit or charity organization.简单的家预算容易使用钱经理为家,小型企业,自由撰稿人,非营利的或慈善组织。

66、Furthermore, the status of new developed photo-curable PU-silicone was also discussed.并对新型光固化型有机硅改性聚氨酯涂料的研究进行了简单介绍。

67、The theory is based on the complex hydromagnetic equations of nebula, which are simplified approximately to the equations of velocity.把星云的复杂的磁流体动力学方程,近似简化为只与速度相关的方程,则得到一个可解的简单模型。

68、Green-sand is easy to prepare by mixing and needs no treatments after formation. It can be poured immediately after core setting.湿型砂混制简单,成型后不需要任何处理,下芯后可浇注。

69、Analysis has been carried out on the main factors which make the whole structure to be simplified, duty-lightened and visualized.对使整体结构简单化、轻型化和象形化的主要因素进行了分析。

70、Avid readers are more likely to read anything faster than average or minimalist readers.书虫型读者可能读任何东西都会比一般的简单读者快一些。

71、One circle blade can represent one family of continuous curvature profile by performance , and is easy and effective for thin blade designing.单圆弧叶型气动性能可以代表具有连续曲率的一族叶型的气动性能。它构造方法简单,适用于薄板叶型设计。

72、The backscattering coefficients calculation is carried out with variable ocean wave spectrum and SAR image models.内波海面的电磁计算模型一般把流体力学-电磁波模型简单处理并与SAR图像模式相结合。

73、You can add model element relationships that you're interested in simply by augmenting the code in this routine.您可以简单地通过增加这个程序的代码添加您所感兴趣的模型元素关系。

74、These two models are at the extremes of simplicity and complex realism.这两个模型在实现机制上趋于简单和复杂的极端。

75、For the simplicity and suitability of the polygon meshes, they have become the most appropriate representation of those models.由于多边形网格的简单性和普适性,使之成为该类模型较为适宜的表示方法。

英文句子模板76:simple sentence pattern,76、Programming model simplicity -- no special API just for calling rules.编程模型简单——不需要使用特殊 API 调用规则。

77、Matches if one of the matchers used in first and second match. Available for all primitive types and for objects.当两个匹配器有任何一个匹配时匹配。适用于所有的简单类型和对象。


标签: 简单

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