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关于”保护动物的方法“的英语句子39个,句子主体:Methods of protecting animals。以下是关于保护动物的方法的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Methods of protecting animals


1、Quite a lot of magazine have mentioned small size three-phase asynchronous electrical motor's power-cut protection problem.


2、The DPZ is also dedicated to the preservation of nonhuman primates by improving methods for the management and breeding of animals in captivity.


3、In the process of IGBT protection circuit design, we propose a new low-cost short-circuit protection circuit based on IR2110 and a new protection method.


4、A thermal overload inverse time equation that is quite close to the real thermal locus of motor and its implementation method are proposed based on the thermal characteristic of motor.


5、Eating healthy foods, drinking lots of water and eating water-rich foods is the best way for keeping your liver healthy.


6、Provides methods for protecting and unprotecting data.


7、The methods by which the common article protects the legal interests are indirect protection and direct protection. The former is the common phenomenon in the legal practice in every country.


8、One way to preserve species under threat of extinction - whatever the cause - is to remove them to zoos and parks and breed them there.


9、Aggression is a kind of innate survival mechanism an instinct for self-preservation that allows animals to defend themselves from threats to their existence.


10、Many animals have evolved adaptations known as antipredator devices such as camouflage and chemical toxins.


11、With regards to the protection of the species of aquatic wildlife other than those which are rare or near extinction, the provisions of the Fisheries Law shall apply.


12、In order to maintain convenient, over-current protection is generally used with automatic recovery of the protector.


13、They also provide new research methods which can assist in the conservation and characterization of biodiversity.


14、After conservation efforts "akin to rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic", say the report's authors, there was hope that approaches to conservation were improving.


15、A new method of georadar is applied to the rocky historical relic protection.


16、Familiar with power plant, waste recycling, building environmental regulations and by-laws in China.


17、We're here in the Mala Mala Game Reserve of South Africa to discover the fascinating lifestyle of the wa- whoa! Of the uhm, leopard.


18、As for the software design, three-stage algorithm was used, and a new instantaneous protection algorithm based on the three-dot slip window and the improved differential coefficient method was .


19、Redispersible polymer powders were prepared with different protective colloids by way of chemical process.


20、Self-handicapping is a special way of self-protection which means one intentionally sets obstacles in order to protect himself.

21、Generally, these two types of plants are compared in aspects of protection grade, life type, fruit type and phenologic phase.从保护级别、生活型、果型、物候期方面对这两类保护植物进行了比较。

22、In terms of legal protection, they're in no-man's land.在法律保护方面,他们得不到保障。

23、It is an indirect way of protecting such relics to make them as unmarketable as possible.尽量压缩文物市场,是间接保护文物的方法。

24、Methods:Nurse understands the mentality and de- mand of nurse.方法:护士长主动洞悉护士的心态与需求。

25、If we understand the importance of the area in terms of its invertebrate fauna, then we can try to protect it.如果我们大家都能理解该地区在无脊椎动物群方面所具有的重要性,那么我们就可以设法保护它。

英文句子26:,26、In addition, the action dead zone of power direction element matching with distance element is extremely small. Therefore, this new protection excels traditional one.而且,该保护中与距离元件相配套的方向元件的动作死区极小,整套保护动作速度很快,因此比传统的距离保护更为优越。

27、It has been strongly criticized by local animal protection society. But I think that's environment-friendly.这一做法受到了当地动物保护协会的强烈谴责。但我倒觉得这样做挺环保的。

28、It is a paradise indeed for scientist of geosciences, ecology, botany, zoology, forestry, conservation biology and agronomy.它无疑是地学、生态学、植物学、动物学、林学、保护生物学和农学等工作者向往的地方。

29、To damaged mechanism of coppered well test recording card, a set of physical and chemical protecting way for preserving well testing card for long time has been studied and searched.针对铜质地层测试卡片的损坏机理,研究、摸索出了一套有利于地层测试卡片耐久保存的物理保护方法和化学保护方法。

30、Anyone who creates an original work is protected by an automatic common law copyright.任何人创作了作品之后都自动受到普通法版权的保护,未获成文法版权保护的出版物被称为在公共领域,任何人都可以不经作者同意而使用。

31、This thesis bases on the quakeproof safeguard used by Xiamafang, illustrates the protection view point, method and effects, for similar projects' referrence.本文根据下马坊防震的保护实践,阐述其保护观点、保护方法与效果,可供类似工程参考。

32、"It's the best way to protect yourself," Shoham says.“这是保护你自己的最好方法,”Shoham说。

33、The animals' body parts may also be used in traditional medicines, according to IUCN.根据世界自然保护联盟的说法,部分动物尸体也会被用于制作传统药材。

34、It is a trend for computer relay protection to replace conventional protection, but there is a large difference between check methods of them.计算机继电保护取代常规保护是大势所趋,其校验方法与常规继电保护校验方法大有较大区别。

35、Based on the Neighborhood Preserving Embedding (NPE) algorithm, a novel dimensionality reduction method called ONPE is proposed.在邻域保护嵌入算法的基础上,提出了一种新的降维方法-正交邻域保护嵌入算法。

36、And new laws to protect threatened animals are not always enforced.新制定的有关保护濒危动物的法律并不总是得到实行。

37、Chen predicted that taking steps to improve the protection of French-owned intellectual property would enhance business ties between the two countries.他相信,与法国加强智慧财产保护的互动,保护合法,杜绝非法,双方工业合作将更趋于具体而扎实。

38、Renovation of memorials and ancient buildings certified by law as cultural relics for protection shall be carried out in accordance with relevant laws of protection of cultural relics.依法核定作为文物保护的纪念建筑物和古建筑等的修缮,依照文物保护的有关法律规定执行。

39、According to the schemes, a general schemes for auto recloser accelerating protection is presented which improves performance of accelerating protection.将零序电流加速保护与距离保护相配合得到自动重合闸加速保护综合方案,改善了重合闸后加速保护的性能。

40、Folklore's participation in protection of intangible cultural heritage lies in "community protection", "cultural space protection" and "non-governmental society protection".民俗学参与非物质文化遗产保护的立场问题在于“基层社区”保护、“文化空间保护”和“民间社会保护”三方面。

41、China makes the Animal Welfare Law can consult the experience of legislation in Britain, which has positive meaning .英国的立法经验对于我国动物保护法、动物福利法的制定有着相当积极的借鉴意义。

42、So, we should perfect the criminal law to protect ammonite res fossil and geologic trace solidly.应该完善保护古生物化石及地质遗迹的刑事立法,切实保护古生物化石与地质遗迹。

43、The owner said she could no longer afford to protect the animals from poachers.其所有者说她再也无法养得起从偷猎者那儿保护下来的动物了。

44、This approach makes testing protected methods much easier because the test case class can now extend the class that contains the protected methods.这种方法使得测试受保护的方法非常容易,因为测试案例类现在可以扩展包含受保护方法的类了。

45、The methods by which the common article protects the legal interests are indirect protection and direct protection.侵权法一般条款对法益的保护方式,可以分为间接保护和直接保护两种。

46、The amphibians and reptiles were investigated by using the method of complete species inventory in Caopo NR, Wenchuan County and Bobso NR, Zoigê County, Sichuan Province.采用编目法调查了四川省汉川县草坡自然保护区和若尔盖县包座自然保护区的两栖爬行动物概况。

47、At WSPA, we are determined to put a stop to this cruelty – a vision we think you share.在世界保护动物协会,我们决定阻止这一残忍的举动--我们相信你我想法一致。

48、More accurate taxonomy will help to better identify the animals of highest priority for conservation.更精准的分类可以帮助在动物保护方面更好的区分其优先性。

49、Methods On the base of microsurgery technique, one-thread round suturing way was used for the vessel sutures, and the aorta and the lung artery were dissected separately.方法单人以显微外科技术,缝合血管应用一线环形缝合首尾打结法、为保护供心采用两步法切断升主动脉和肺动脉及妥善的心脏移植物保护措施。

50、) Rolanda Hooch教的课是Flying(飞行) Silvanus Kettleburn教的课是Care of Magical Creatures(保护魔法生物?

经典英文句子51:保护动物的方法,51、Flying carpet, please show me a place where there' s some wildlife protection.飞毯啊,请把我带到一个有野生动植物保护的地方去,好吗?

52、Reinforcement of ceramic relics by use of reinforcement materials is an effective way to prolong the life of ceramic relics.用加固剂加固保护陶质文物是一种延长陶质文物寿命的有效方法。

53、PAMAM dense oil polluted water demulsifier was synthesized by protected-unprotected method.通过保护与反保护的方法,合成了PAMAM稠油原污水高效破乳剂。

54、Myocardial protection in the present research is still mainly concentrated in the low temperature, cardioplegia, the myocardial protective effect of drugs, perfusion methods.目前有关心肌保护的研究课题仍主要集中在低温、心脏停跳液、对心肌有保护作用的药物、灌注方法等方面。

55、The protection of non-material cultural heritage must be paid attention to the classification and carry out different protection methods to different category.非物质文化遗产的保护要注重因类而宜,实施各不相同的分类保护方法。

56、And the protection scopes of steep inclined upper-protective layer of POM located by the method of practical test and numerical simulation are basically consistent.同时,由现场考察方法与数值模拟方法所确定的急倾斜俯伪斜上保护层保护范围基本一致。

57、Ask: What protects the good method of eyesight?问:有什么保护视力的好方法?

58、Encryption is one way to guard privacy.加密是一种保护隐私的方法。

59、This kind of rare animal was being protected by the laws when it was captured in Japan.当此种稀有动物在日本被捕获时它正被法律保护著。

60、Learn the proper way to toss the birds in this free animal care video.学习正确的方法来折腾在这个自由的鸟动物护理视频。


标签: 动物 方法 保护

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