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关于”鼓励孩子学“的英语句子27个,句子主体:Encourage children to learn。以下是关于鼓励孩子学的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Encourage children to learn


1、Mentor a child or student.


2、The school enrolls the children nearby, the farmers' children whose parents work in the city and other turnover pupils.


3、They believed that the not best clever would learn more when they work with the best clever.

孩子的父母一般每周只需送一次。 由于大多数孩子只取得四分之一学生的资格,所以学区对每个孩子只收911美元的学费。

4、Parents typically drop off their kids once a week; because most of the children qualify as quarter-time students, the district collects $911 per child.


5、His children get good marks in school.


6、Schools looking for endowment money want their children.


7、This innovation has not come about yet, we encourage the R&D sector and academics to work on it.


8、The children are learning how to count.


9、Girls suffering PMT get lower scores in mathematical exams.

早上,索耶先生去上班,孩子们去上学。 父亲每天送孩子们去上学。

10、In the morning, Soye goes to work, and the children go to school.


11、They should guide the child from two perspectives. For one thing, young people are supposed to study the star's intrinsic quality.


12、If you can spend a little bit more time with your children, they will not follow bad examples so easily.


13、It is our aim to provide a homelike , nurturing environment where all three - parent, teacher, and child can work together for the benefit of the child.


14、Schoolchildren use Mongolian at school.


15、Let them have their own spot in the garden to dig for worms, catch bugs, or just dig in the dirt.


16、Savvy parents were increasingly likely to worry about their children's early academic performance and resort to redshirting.


17、The children are learning to add and subtract.


18、I have difficulty comprehending how Japanese children are taught this in school: The nail that sticks out of the board has to be hammered down.


19、Israel'schildren come of age knowing that throughout the region, other children are taught to hate them.


20、And I have children and I'll probably go teach in the university where my children are.

21、Some children remain in Chush for their entire school career. while others can be mainstreamed into conventional Jewish schools.一些孩子在这里完成整个求学过程, 其他的孩子则会转入普通的犹太学校中。

22、If they bring kids and put their kids in the schools, the rest of us pay for that.如果他们带着孩子,把孩子放在学校,我们其他人就要支付这些孩子的费用。

23、The Superkids have classes at school.孩子们在学校上课呢。

24、孩子们必须待在学校附近 The children must stay near the school

25、At a quarter to four she drives to her children's school and brings the children home.三点三刻她开车到孩子的学校,把孩子们接回家。

英文句子26:,26、She bustled the children off to school.她催促孩子们上学去。

27、They have two children, because if you live in the country and your first child is a girl, you are allowed to have another one.他们有两个孩子,因为在农村,如果你的第一个孩子是女孩,你被允许获得第二个孩子。 黄娇琳供这两个孩子上学,他们的成绩都很不错。

28、For instance, if a child does well in school, they may get treated to pizza or ice cream.举个例子,孩子在学校取得了好成绩,他们会带孩子吃匹萨或冰淇林。

29、It's just like children learning to speak.这就像小孩子学说话一样。

30、The Kid's Tyro is an able pick for kids.孩子的初学者是一个能够为孩子们挑选。

31、The child delighted his parents with mimicries.孩子学这学那,逗他的父母高兴。

32、I hustled the children off to school.我催促孩子们去上学。

33、The new plan is to be tried out this term for children living at Milton who attend Impington School.新方案计划在本学期对住在弥尔顿,在氤娉敦学校上学的孩子试用。孩子们住在仅仅三英里的范围之内。

34、I find the question hard to answer。 137. 这孩子够大了,能够上学了。

35、Children are all glad to attend school activities. 孩子们愿意参加学校活动。

36、He fears, he scares he can not afford the tuition of his two children.他在怕,他在怕供不起孩子上学,他有两个孩子。

37、Children must learn to write neatly.孩子们必须学会整洁地写字。

38、Listen to your middle schooler.听听你上中学的孩子的想法。

39、 3. 学走路的孩子常跌脚(定语) A child learning to walk often falls。

40、"If you do have kids that go to college, there are options for kids, student loans and scholarships," he says.“如果你孩子确实要上大学,孩子们有多种选择,学生贷款或奖学金”他说。

41、The children galloped home from school.孩子们从学校飞奔回家。

42、Away went the boy to the school!那男孩子到学校里去了!

43、Will your preschooler need a tutor?你的学龄前孩子需要家教吗?

44、Who drives the children to school?谁开车送孩子上学?

45、Girls put bows in their hair, boys scrub their faces, photographers take pictures and children walking into school are made to feel special.每到开学,女孩子都系上蝴蝶结,男孩子则把脸洗得干干净净。摄影师也拿起了照相机:那些走入学校的孩子都有一种自豪感。

46、When he enrolled at Seneca Middle School, he was the kid with the hair-trigger temper: always angry, ready to clobber anybody who looked at him the wrong way, muscular, built like a wrestler.当他进入塞内卡中学就读时,他是个脾气的暴躁的孩子,总是气鼓鼓的,时刻准备与任何人干一仗,他肌肉发达,像一个摔跤手。

47、Gakuen Heaven: Boy's Love Scramble!译名:学园天堂:男孩子的爱…

48、"He had “他有10个孩子”,这位心理学家在圣安东尼奥的德州大学健康科学中心说道,“每个孩子都有自己的碟子。

10 kids, " says the psychologist at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, "and the kids had their own plates.

49、Do your children go to school yet?府上的孩子们已经上学了吗?

50、"I suppose boys think differently from girls", the psychologist said.“恐怕男孩子的想法与女孩子的想法是不一样的。”心理学家说。

经典英文句子51:鼓励孩子学,51、He did a lot of normal things that normal kids do. He was in the school marching band, played drums, hung out with his friends, and loved to play pool.他做很多正常孩子会做的事,参加学校军乐队,在里面打鼓,和朋友一起出去玩,也热爱游泳。

52、After school,children wandered in the streets.放学后,孩子们在街头闲荡。

53、The EPA has also been encouraging companies to reduce emissions and find alternatives for PFOA and many of its precursor molecules as they further investigate the chemical.环保局还鼓励企业减少排放,找到PFOA的替代品及其前体分子,因为他们的许多化学品需要进一步调查。

54、In a second part of the study, the German schoolchildren were given a task which looked at their reaction to failing to get a monetary reward.研究的第二个部分,那些德国学校的孩子被要求完成一项任务区检测他们对失去金钱奖励的反应。

55、Our children learn to calculate fast, play thepiano, to do everything well.我们的孩子学速算,学钢琴,什么都学。

56、Children were not going to school.小孩子没有学上。


标签: 孩子

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