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关于”疯狂动物城里“的英语句子20个,句子主体:Crazy Animal City。以下是关于疯狂动物城里的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Crazy Animal City


1、Over the weekend, Zootopia joined the ranks of all-animal animations created by Disney, and certainly made its own mark on the genre by showing animals living in a world just like ours.


2、I am a jerk, a hysteric jerk, cheating myself that you still care about me.


3、He flailed about madly with a baseball bat.


4、The department of motor vehicles in "Zootopia" is staffed by sloths

5, the world's slowest mammal.


5、Call me crazy, but I love shopping at thrift stores.


6、In Cairo, a shopping frenzy began weeks ago despite soaring prices.


7、Babette, mad as a hornet, chases Rufus all over town.


8、Insane pumpkin carving of the Predator.


9、Crazily reading, crazily writing. The Universe my name, The Sun my shadow.


10、The result is an avian feeding frenzy that ranks as on of the greatest wildlife spectacles of North America.


11、Just another crazy day in Longyearbyen.


12、He's crazy.


13、Moonbeams splash and spill wildly in the rain.


14、Not only are these dogs fierce assault weapons, they are loyal guardians.


15、Definition of Craziness: Crazy stands for the human spirit of transcending oneself.

《疯狂动物城》导演拜伦·霍华德说,这个发现帮助构建了电影的主题——在一个多样世界里的偏见和包容。 。

16、"Zootopia" " director Byron Howard said that discovery helped build the film's themes of prejudice and inclusion in a diverse world.


17、A speculative frenzy of borrowing and bidding up is at work.


18、When it's time for Carnaval Miami , the city goes wild.


19、Is there any trade crazier than the liquid biofuel business?


20、It thundered at the town, and thundered at the cliffs, and brought the coast down, madly .

21、What an insane day!真是疯狂的一天!

22、The trail was pretty crazy looking from inside the Jeep.该线是相当疯狂的,吉普车从这里穿过。

23、◇◆__________゛〆~l'm insane lunatic , only love you insane . ◇◆__________゛〆~我是疯狂的疯子,只爱你的疯子。

24、When Kath Kelly complained to friends in the pub she was so broke she couldn't afford a wedding present for her brother, she decided to take drastic action。卡丝·凯里在酒吧里向朋友抱怨自己快要破产以至于没法给弟弟买结婚礼物,随后,她决定采取疯狂的举动。

25、In this sports-mad, fiercely egalitarian city, more than 80 percent of river frontage is public parkland.在这个为体育疯狂并且崇尚公平的城市里,超过80%的临河区域是公用场地。

英文句子26:,26、Disney says "Zootopia" is its most complex animation yet. The extra effort is certainly paying off at the box office.迪士尼称《疯狂动物城》是其目前为止最复杂的动画片。额外的努力确实换来了高票房的回报。

27、The background to this mania is decidedly bleak and desolate. I don't think it is right to dichotomize art as "crazy" or "not crazy".我并不认为艺术有“疯狂”或“不疯狂”之分,我只觉得艺术品市场本身才有“疯狂”或“不疯狂”的说法。

28、Life's a little bit messy. We all make mistakes. No matter what type of animal you are, change starts with you.生活总会有点不顺意,我们都会犯错。天性如何并不重要,重要的是你开始改变。《疯狂动物城》。

29、My friend and I spent more than 我和两位朋友从我们的住所开了三小时的车程到一格叫做怡宝的城市里,就是为了这一些食物,疯狂是把?

3 hours from our place to another city name Ipoh just to have those food, crazy eh?

30、She is always crazy at modish things .她疯狂热爱流行物品。

31、For most Chinese, "Zootopia" is the first time that they have even seen a sloth, but people now are keen to know more about these animals.对于大多数中国人来说,《疯狂动物城》是他们第一次看到树懒这种生物,但是人们现在很想知道更多关于这些动物的信息了。

32、Disney says "Zootopia" is its most complex animation yet.迪士尼称《疯狂动物城》是其目前为止最复杂的动画片。

33、We live in a crazy, mixed-up world.我们生活在一个疯狂且混乱的世界里。

34、I heard there's a lot of crazy car chasing scenes.我听说里面有很多疯狂的飞车追逐场面。

35、But of all my crazy-ass Project Teams this was by far the most crazy-assed.但在我所经历过的所有疯狂项目里,这是迄今为止最疯狂的。

36、This one, her madness will be to steal food and stuff herself when she’s not even hungry.这人,她疯狂的行为,当她不饿的时候都会去偷食物猛劲儿往肚子里填的。

37、The prop shaft vibrated like mad and shook the exhaust mounting loose.支撑杆疯狂地震动,将排气管都震松了。 。

38、That plan worked, as the movie's biggest competition last weekend was from Disney's popular animated holdover Zootopia and another sequel in comedy My Big Fat Greek Wedding 这项决定起了作用,上周末《蝙超》的最大竞争对手是热映多日的迪士尼动画电影《疯狂动物城》以及喜剧片《我的盛大希腊婚礼2》。


39、“Mad” Max Rockatansky Mad Max &Sequels (1979)“疯”麦克斯 疯狂的麦克斯&续(1979)

40、In addition to oil madness, the madness of iron ore has become a rock, coal will become the future of coal crazy?留学解答资讯网:除了石油疯狂之外,铁矿石也成了疯狂的石头,今后煤炭会不会成为疯狂的煤炭?


41、It was mad from the hairlike parts of some plants.它是疯狂的一些植物因地区。

42、Let us play frenziedly , let us learn English frenziedly!让我们疯狂的玩,疯狂的学英语吧!

43、En revanche, certaines plantes prolifèrent.另一方面,一些植物疯狂生长。

44、At this hour in the morning, only wildlife filmmakers, seasoned wildlife viewers, and crazy people scurry through Yellow-stone.早晨的这个时间,只有野生动物电影工作者、老练的野生动物观察者和疯狂的人才会在黄石公园疾奔。

45、For others, it means frantic days of gift-shopping at the mall.对另外一些人而言,这意味着要在商厦里疯狂地选购礼物了。

46、When Kath Kelly complained to friends in the pub she was so broke she couldn't afford a wedding present for her brother, she decided to take drastic action.卡丝·凯里在酒吧里向朋友抱怨自己快要破产以至没法给弟弟买结婚礼物,随后,决定采取疯狂举动。

47、It was like sitting in a crazy cinema!这就像坐在一个疯狂的电影院里。

48、It was a madhouse as usual.那里一如既往的疯狂。

49、The Museum of Everything Exhibition No. “啥都有博物馆”系列展之

4: Art or Insanity?


50、These savage creatures live for battle, where they may unleash their full uncontrollable frenzies .这些野蛮的生物为战斗而生存,那里他们可能释放它们充满的抑制不住的疯狂。

经典英文句子51:疯狂动物城里,51、The mule was frightened and ran away, kicking wildly.骡子惊恐不已,疯狂地踢动着跑开。

52、When you saw that I was cry about doing challenge sports, indulging alcohol or expressing my emotion to intimates , it was my dark night.如果什么时候,见到我疯狂运动,疯狂喝酒或是疯狂找朋友倾诉了,那便是我最郁闷的时候。

53、Or get out of the office and do something fun or crazy.或者离开办公室做一些疯狂的举动。

54、Mad Labs is a bit crazy, and the experiments, inventions, and findings in nature featured on the show are rather off-the-wall .虽然《疯狂实验室》有一点疯狂,这个节目里的实验、发明和自然界的发现可都是超乎寻常。

55、His improvisations set the city on its head.他的即兴演奏令整个城市疯狂。

56、Marauder: A mage given over to dynamism, and tainted by insanity.劫夺者: 彻底放弃动态,陷入疯狂的魔法师。


标签: 动物

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