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关于”中的成分“的英语句子57个,句子主体:The ingredients in。以下是关于中的成分的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The ingredients in


1、ObjectiveTo abstract and isolate the active components from the flower of Edgeworthia Chrysantha Lindl.


2、Mysteries The consecrated elements of the Eucharist.


3、But they wanted to pinpoint the precise factor in curcumin, which is a complex compound.

4、pain is just fear leaving the body痛只是成长中的一部分


5、You see partially hydrogenated oils as an ingredient in many foods.


6、Objective Triterpene glycosides were expected to be isolated from the sea cucumber Holothuria nobilis.

美人鱼300分 鲨鱼击中后一分为二,变成200分2条;

7、Mermaid 300 points, after hitting a shark in two, into 200 sub-2;


8、Some components of the directional distribution of sound field can be calculated from the measured distribution.


9、These wings are subdivided into six squadrons of

12 fighters each.


10、Most of the steel cast into finished shapes is medium carbon cast steel.


11、This study was to investigate the monosaccharide compositions and molecular property of extracts from Graptopetalum paraguayens E.


12、Chemical Composition More than 180 compounds have been identified in propolis , and many are biologically active.


13、Borneol is an effective constituent in lots of active Chinese drugs.


14、Testing protein, moisture and ash contents etc in wheat flour with a near-infrared reflectometer has become a standard method known world widely.


15、The translation of the classic Chinese novels into European languages was a significant component of this process.


16、Conclusion:Fatty acids were main components in the volatile oil, among which octanoic acid accounted for 42.08%, and n-hexadecanoic acid 22.81%.


17、The British divided up the Indian empire into

3 parts, the central part, with a Hindu majority, became modern-day India.


18、It is suggested that the interferential constituents should be considered in the assay of Chinese medicines and preparations by spectrophotometry.


19、The lower left, the components are encapsulated into three larger components with less cohesion.


20、These compounds are indicators of iron status.

21、The model ultimately formed holes in clouds that closely matched real images of the phenomenon.该模型最终在云层中形成的穿洞与现实中所形成的景象十分接近。

22、pain is just fear leaving the body痛只是成长中的一权部分

23、Through determined the active ingredient of seabuckthorn different parts to try to explain the anticancer active ingredients of seabuckthorn extract.通过对沙棘不同部位中活性成分的测定,试图解释沙棘提取物中抑瘤抗癌的活性成分。

24、The state-owned sector's clout in the overall economy has increased since SASAC was launched.自从国资委成立,中国经济中的国有成分便一直在增加。

25、Getting the proper ingredients for Chinese steamed fish;清蒸鱼的中获取正确的成分;

英文句子26:,26、The method does not need iterative operations which are essential for traditional fractal generation methods.与传统的分形生成方法不同,文中提出的分形生成方法勿需迭代过程。

27、Total 40 Credits, Including Core Courses: 71 Credits.辅修本专业必须完成40学分,其中必修71学分。

28、Modified polyesterdiols-the main part of the component A for RIM of graft-copolymer PUR/PS elastomer are synthetised and the component A are prepared.本文研究了接枝共聚PUR/PS弹性体反应注射成型中A组分中主成份改性聚酯二醇的合成及A组分的配制。

29、During score-setting sessions (there is one for each AP Exam) composite scores are translated into AP scores by setting boundaries for each score based on a statistical technique called equating.在分数合成过程中(每科AP考试)的复合分都要通过统计方法中的比较对照法转化成AP分。

30、Object :To determine the distribution of effective contents in Salvia Miltiorrhiza Bge.前言: 目的:探索丹参有效成分在根中的分布情况。

31、Chemotaxonomic studies in Ferula of China on the basis of flavonoids.标题 中国阿魏属的黄酮体成分及其分类学意义。

32、Preliminary Extraction and Purification of Anticoagulant Component From Morus alba L.桑叶中抗凝血活性成分的初步分离与纯化。

33、Augury is the important part of Chinese traditional culture.占卜是中国传统文化中的一个重要组成部分。

34、Results:43 compounds were separated and 33 of them were identified.结果:检出43个组分,鉴定了其中的33个成分。

35、Studies on the constituents and distribution of fatty acids in seed oils from Pinaceae of China.标题 中国松科植物种子油中脂肪酸成分与分布。

36、Chapter 第二章简要概括了语篇中连接成分以及推论连接成分的研究情况。

2: simply recapitulates the research status of connected component and the inference to connected component.

37、So this is the composition in the gas phase.这是气相中成分的比例。

38、Angiosperm predominates in the halophytes flora in Bohai-Bay.被子植物在植物区系的组成成分中占据绝对优势。

39、Results and Conclusion:29 compounds were determined in volatile oil from Rabdosia rubescens.结果与结论:从冬凌草中的挥发油成分中分离并鉴定出29个化合物。

40、While some components of the Oriental diet may protect against heart trouble, the higher sodium content of sauces counter that benefit.东方饮食结构中的一些成分能够保护心脏,但酱类中的高钠成分则又会抵消这一作用。

41、Objective:To separate and identify the chemical composition of the Pheretima vulgaris Chen.目的:对中药通俗环毛蚓的化学成分进行分离鉴定。

42、The quality of Chinese herbs was not only including the effective constituent, toxicant and content but also the heavy metals and pesticide residue.中药质量除了自身的有效成分、有毒成分、含量明确且稳定可控外,中药中残留农药和重金属对中药质量的影响也不可忽视。

43、pain is just fear leaving the body痛只是成长中的一部分。

44、Category I---- Analytical procedures for quantitation of major components of bulk drug substances or active ingredients (including preservatives) in finished pharmaceutical products.对成药中原料药或活性成分(包括防腐剂)的主要组分进行定量测定的分析规程。

45、The results showed many liposoluble compositions of frankincense and a little liposoluble compositions of myrrh in the decoctions.结果显示:乳香在水煎剂中其脂溶性成分大部分已溶出,没药在水煎剂中其脂溶性成分溶出较少。

46、Stalk and leaves are rich in nutrients and good for feeds.成熟的茎叶中,丰含营养成分,为优质粗饲料。

47、Temp. , Old World Temp. , and Mediterranea, W. Asia to C. Asia. Temperate elements accounted for 38.4% and Tethys elements accounted for 36% at genera level.在属的水平上,温带成分和古地中海成分占优势,分别占总属数的38.4%和36%。

48、Chinese food is an important part of Chinese civilization history.中国菜是中华民族文明史的重要组成部分。

49、OBJECTIVE: Isolate active compounds from natural medicinal plants.前言: 目的:从天然植物药中分离活性成分。

50、In 1965 the mint stopped putting silver in dimes.xx年,铸币厂停止向10分硬币中加入银的成分。

经典英文句子51:中的成分,51、Objective: To separation and identification the active component from Zantedeshia aethiopica.目的:分离并鉴定马蹄莲中的活性成分。

52、The nutrients in the rural areas get gobbled up, and the cities become the main food hubs.在农村地区的营养成分得到的非常充分,并且成为城市中心的主要食品。



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