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1、Her body felt bruised, her lips pulpy and tender.

一道无解的方程,最熟悉的陌生人。 伤感日志。

2、A no solution equation, the most familiar strangers.


3、Sometimes, however, an ineffable melancholy springs up from inside, and I meditate a lot about life.


4、With a little sad, this mood to pull down the curtain!


5、Some sentiment harbors above the sound of boundless waters.

“好,我现在就有。” 他感到震惊和伤心。

6、“Well, I have now,” he said, shocked and offended.

重度颅脑损伤; 黴菌感染; 抗生素; 激素; 护理。

7、Severe craniocerebral injury ; Mycotic infection; Antibiotic ; Harmonic; Care.


8、I understand I hurt your feelings. I am sorry I were so invalidating of your feelings.

感情就是这样,你伤了别人,无论有意无意,总会有个人来伤你! 缌。

9、Feeling is, you hurt others, either intentionally or unintentionally, there is always someone to hurt you!


10、And if you just as first, don't be sad and leave.


11、In addition, may inject tetanus antitoxin and the suitable antibiotic, prevents tetanus and the bacterial infection.

77 不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福。

12、 Love is a fire which burns unseen.


13、Conclusion It can control infection, promote wound recovery and reduce scar proliferation using local injection of cefoperazone for purulent wounds.


14、Women always yearn for the small matter of some insignificant sad pathos or unfounded.


15、God is commiserating me in fact, it is sad for me?


16、Lasers cauterize incisions, reducing bleeding and infection, sealing off.


17、Secondary case is changed, feel flabby for durative affection more give priority to, irritable, sentimental or cry.


18、The pain is usually worse than you would expect for the type of injury and may feel at first like you have pulled a muscle but then becomes stronger.


19、I held the about - to - cry and broken-hearted mood in mind .


20、Because this nerve is rich, the sense is keen, slight loss, have apparent eyewinker feeling namely.

21、Conclusion As an external used ointment, the Yushang ointment can prevent injury infection, reduce inflammatory exudation and accelerate wound healing.结论愈伤膏作为一种外用药对烫伤治疗可有效预防创面感染、少炎性渗出、进伤口愈合。

22、Common cold has abdominal pain, ginger play do porridge.伤风感冒又腹痛,生姜上场来做粥。

23、Appreciate the person who disciplined you, for chastening your mind.感激伤害你的人,因为他磨练了你心志。

24、And inhalation injury and shock were major inducers of burn infection.吸入性损伤、休克是感染的重要诱因;

25、In those moist environments wounds heal slowly, inviting re-injury or infection, Millheiser says.米尔希尔说,在这些潮湿的环境下伤口愈合十分缓慢,而且极易二次受伤或感染。

英文句子26:,26、Suitable crowd: Fragile skin, sensitive skin and the sunburning skin.适用人群:脆弱肌肤、敏感肌肤、晒伤肌肤。

27、It can help ease sunburn pain, itching, and inflammation.它能有助于缓解晒伤的灼痛感、痒和发炎。

28、The main clinical features of V. vulnificus infection include primary sepsis and wound infection.其引起的感染主要临床表徵包括原发性败血症及伤口感染。

29、Yaser was hurt by Steve's change of attitude.史蒂夫态度的改变让亚瑟感到受了伤害。

30、Unpromising good, that is, hurt the feelings of a woman.好没出息,就是这样一个伤感情的女人。

31、Non-perfume added, avoids sensitive to skin or injured.不添加香精,避免对肌肤构成敏感或伤害。

32、Humans most often become infected with rabies through the bite or scratch of an infected dog or cat.人类大多由于被病狗或病猫咬伤或抓伤后被感染上狂犬病。

33、About 每100人约4人伤口感染。

4 in 100 people get an infection in the wound where the operation is done.

34、This will help reduce the transmission of antibiotic-resistant bacteria from colonised wounds to susceptible patients.这将有助于减少耐药细菌从已感染的伤口传播到易感病人。

35、Infection can lead to liver damage, blood loss and death.感染可能导致肝脏损伤、失血和死亡。

36、Thank stabs you the human, because he promoted your wisdom;感谢中伤你的人,他增进了你的智慧;

37、And anytime you feel the pain, hey jude, refrain.每当你感到伤痛时,玉阶兄,要忍住啊!

38、I look at Eliyah and his sadness is tangible.我看着艾里亚,他的伤感是实实在在的。

39、Those different, like listening to a song of carefree sentimental tune, feeling sad and lonely.那些物是人非,就像是在聆听一曲悠然伤感的曲调,倍感凄凉。

40、He was piqued to discover that he hadn't been invited.他发现自己未被邀请,感到伤了自尊。

41、And if you just strike through, why this sad parting.与你若只是初见,又何必感伤这场别离。

42、Postoperative morbidity involved superficial wound infection in 术后浅表伤口感染发生率9例(15%)。

9 patients (15%).

43、Be foolish, then won't be sensitive, and won't be hurted either.人傻点,就不会太敏感,也不会很受伤。

44、Feeling is like this:when you hurt others, either intentionally or unintentionally, there is always someone to hurt you.感情就是这样,你伤了别人,无论有意无意,总会有个人来伤你。

45、The first World War (1914-1918) had brought him great sadness.第一次世界大战(1914-1918)使他深感忧伤。

46、I understand I hurt your feelings. I am sorry I was so invalidating of your feelings.我知道我伤害了你的感觉,我很抱歉没有认同你的感觉。

47、Love is a fire which burns unseen. 77 不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福。

48、Millennium Xiucheng meet with you, the eyes cold, wounding words, friendship sharps injuries are, once out, easy to recover, heal not sentimental .修成千年与你相遇,冷漠的目光,伤人的话语,都是伤害友谊的锐器,一旦说出,收回容易,抚平感伤不易。

49、"And" when your sorrow is comforted(time soothes all sorrows) you will be content那么,当你的伤感得到了慰籍(时间会抚平所有的伤痛)你会因认识了我而高兴。

50、But sometimes it is invaded by unnamable sorrows and filled with plaint of life.而有时心中便会有一种莫名伤感的情绪,对人生充满了感叹。

经典英文句子51:伤感,51、The main complications are the abdominal wound infection, the intestinal obstruction, the intestinal fistula and the rectum injury, etc.明显增加,主要为腹部伤口感染、肠梗阻、肠瘘和直肠壁损伤等。

52、She was deeply hurt that Gabriel no longer loved her.盖伯瑞尔不再爱她,使她感到深受伤害。

53、Orange Juice: moistening and invigorating the stomach, strong blood vessel, preventing heart disease, stroke, cold and influenza and bruise.橙汁:滋润健胃,强化血管,可预防心脏病、中风、伤风、感冒和瘀伤。

54、We are also human beings, and sometimes we catch a cold.我们也是人,有时也会伤风感冒。

55、Movement can is painful when you've hurt your back.当你伤了背部时,动一动就可能感到疼痛。



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