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关于”查询的软件“的英语句子24个,句子主体:Query Software。以下是关于查询的软件的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Query Software

MQP (Metadata Query Planner) - 准备和执行元数据查询的内部组件

1、MQP (Metadata Query Planner) - internal component that prepares and executes metadata queries


2、The queries will investigate the number of files in a certain programming language and also the Halstead Effort of files.


3、Query optimization concerns how to improve the performance of slow queries.


4、Both of the following queries can do that, but the second one tends to perform better than the first.

查询和管理文件类型(.gif、.c 等)和它们的描述

5、Query and manage file types (.gif, .c, and so on) and their descriptions


6、We thank you for your inquiry.


7、There are few ways to query an archived mail.

研究 FOAF 时,我构建了软件代理 FOAFBot,它聚集并回答有关 FOAF 信息的查询。

8、While investigating FOAF, I built a software agent, FOAFBot, which aggregates and answers queries about FOAF information.


9、According to 6-or gate circuit being applied at data distribution board, the consult method of interruption is presented.

File 设置指定 database/query 文件(.mdq),该文件包含查询的定义。

10、The File setting identifies the database/query file (.mdq) that contains the definition for the query.

其中,dbname 指定了执行查询的数据库,input.txt 指定了 SQL 查询的输入文件,cli 指定了在 CLI 模式下运行,output.txt 指定了 db2batch 命令结果导向的文件。

11、Where, dbname specifies the database to run the queries against, input.txt specifies the input file with your SQL queries, cli specifies to run in CLI mode, output.txt


12、The rewrite phase is particularly important for queries that are very complex, such as queries with many subqueries or joins.


13、You must check planetarium software to determine where your Ecliptic is located for your time and place, and then determine the

4 o'clock position.


14、Enterprise information for

20 years. Software(management) consulting hard-landing.


15、SQL/XML is good if your queries require full-text search conditions, as shown in Query

3 above.

3 所示的全文本搜索条件,那么 SQL/XML 有优势。


16、The query optimizer does not recalculate the profile for tables automatically.


17、It first examines the shape of the query and the various operators that comprise it.

此外,还可以使用以下这种面向对象的查询语言将 XML 文件作为 EMF 对象进行查询:对象约束语言 (OCL)。

18、In addition, it is possible to query the XML files as EMF objects using an object-oriented query language: Object Constraint Language (OCL).


19、You can query or set the current value of these controls.


20、Staff query result post-processor plug-in

21、QSC Query selection criteria data type. Indicates the conditions that qualify the rows to be returned in the query response.查询选择条件资料型态,指定符合查询回应回传资料的条件。

22、Therefore, Ralf is allowed to see only query results involving events pertaining to EPCs starting with this prefix.因此,只允许 Ralf 查看涉及以这个前缀开头的 EPC 的事件查询结果。

23、Query optimizations to address query complexity, data volumes, and timeliness expectations with improved query execution techniques.用于处理具有改进查询执行技术的查询复杂性、数据量和及时期望的查询优化。

24、It is difficult to query and correlate these events.查询及关联这些事件是困难的。

25、This is an App for search BeiJing Bus Info, the UI is only available in Chinese.北京公交查询:北京公交车信息查询,支持离线站站、车次查询。

英文句子26:,26、A very good one IC query software, hard to come by Oh! Opened a large large-scale integrated circuits can be automatically help you to find online!非常好的一个集成电路查询软件,很难得的哦!打开后可以在很大大型集成电路网上上自动帮你查找!

27、Csv file, and use the ListControl control to display, query time availability or file name.读取.csv文件,并用ListControl控件显示,可用时间或文件名进行查询。 -Read the。

28、It is a necessary building block for most non-query communication between programs.它是大多数程序间非查询式通信的必要构件。

29、The software is flexible in terms of how frequently a certain SNMP device is polled and what OIDs you wish to monitor on each device.该软件可以灵活设置特定SNMP设备的查询频率,还可以设定每个设备上希望监控的OID。

30、Query the Query Patroller tables to get those queries and export the queries to a file. (Consult Query Patroller documentation for detailed instructions.)查询 Query Patroller 表以获得那些查询,并将它们导出到一个文件中(请参考 Query Patroller 文档获得详细的说明)。

31、Polling is how most of us check our email.轮询就是我们大多数来检查邮件的方法。

32、The database can be queried by using the auto-generated queries, or by queries generated using the included query builder.通过使用自动生成的查询,或者使用包含的查询构建器生成的查询,可以查询数据库。

33、In the former one, we can search by species classification information, protection class and distribution area etc.综合查询框中可实现对物种分类信息、保护级别、分布区的单独查询及组合查询。

34、Queues are everywhere, and e-mail backlogs are only one possible anti-pattern to consider that can be categorized as queues.查询是无处不在的,而电子邮件积压可能是可以归类为查询的唯一反模式。

35、Devising new paradigms for query evaluation and query plan migration.设计新的查询评估和查询计划变动的范例。

36、Type in your query, hit the Submit button, and voila!输入您的查询条件,然后按下提交按钮,瞧!

37、Able to share bus line query result via SMS or Email.可以将公交查询结果通过短信、邮件分享。

38、This software achieves many functions, such as real-time temperature data collection and monitoring, historical data storage and query, report forms printing, etc.软件实现了温度数据的实时在线采集与监测、历史数据的存储与查询、温度数据报表的打印等功能。

39、ERP SAP query Embedded in email Same as ERP ALVERP SAP 查询 内嵌在电子邮件中 与 ERP ALV 相同

40、One thing to consider when deciding if you want to use this syntax is that the query will be dependent upon the ordering of the component sub-properties in the metadata.当你想决定用这个语法时一件事情要考虑,在元数据中,查询将不取决于组件子查询排序。

41、Through fuzzy operating and adopting the approach of software query on controlling, a total controlling table was finally obtained. The experiments indicated that it was an ef…通过模拟的模糊运算,得出总控制表,采用软件查询的方法进行控制。

42、The query plan information shown in the following examples is taken from the sqexplain.out file for this query.以下示例中显示的查询计划信息来自这个查询的 sqexplain.out 文件。

43、Note that the query term must be manually URL-encoded in this case.注意,在本例中,查询条件必须是手动 URL 编码的。

44、The second aspect is the books borrowing, mainly includes books borrowing and returning.第三方面是信息查询,主要包括图书目录查询和读者信息查询。

45、Another typical cause for test failures is component-lookup failures.造成测试失败的另一个常见原因是组件查询失败。

46、There are two methods of database query optimization: cost-based and response time-based query optimization, all of which can improve the efficiency of complex query.数据库查询优化包括两方面,基于代价的查询优化和基于响应时光的查询优化,可以有效地提高庞杂查询的效力。

47、The main query asks for ; the subquery specifies properties of child .主查询要求 , 子查询指定子元素 的属性。

48、Listing 清单

2 revises Listing

1 to create a more interactive search utility, allowing the user to enter a search term into a form and view Identi.ca posts matching the search term.

2 是基于 清单

1 进行修订的,可创建一个具有更强互动性的搜索实用工具,充许用户在表单中输入查询条件,并且查看与查询条件相匹配的 Identi.ca 帖子。

49、In Listing 在清单

11, parameterize your query by creating an external file that holds your query.

11 中,通过创建保存查询的外部文件使查询参数化。

50、Each query planner will generate the appropriate query language and send the request on to their respective query execution layer.每个查询规划器会生成适当的查询语言,并将请求发送到其各自的查询执行层。

经典英文句子51:查询的软件,51、The wdo file creates the actual query in XML format.wdo 文件以 XML 格式创建了实际的查询。

52、The enclosing query element for staff queries is the same for all staff resolution plug-ins对于所有人员解析插件,人员查询所附的查询元素都是相同的

53、It is a great business for doing consulting.软件开发咨询也是项大业务。

54、Software engineers enjoy a strong outlook for employment, low stress, few physical demands and good wages, it said.查询访问称,软件工程师的就业远景一片年夜好,压力小,体力斲丧低,还能赚得高薪。

55、IWA does not handle all types of queries yet, such as correlated sub-queries or queries using temp tables.IWA 还无法处理所有类型的查询,比如关联子查询或使用临时表的查询。

56、Reboots the phone immediately after the launch with no extra questions, so be careful.打开软件之后并不会询问,直接重启手机。

57、The solution may involve consulting services and hardware and software products.解决方案可能会涉及咨询服务和软硬件产品。

58、The spatial contrib offers tools for creating Cartesian tiers and Geohash codes, as well as tools for creating Lucene query and filter objects.空间贡献软件为创建笛卡儿层和 Geohash 代码提供工具,并且为创建 Lucene 查询和过滤器对象提供工具。

59、Hardware, software, and consulting costs are important, but also remember to include employee hours.硬件、软件和咨询成本非常重要,但是还要记住包括雇员工时数。

60、The soft components can plug and play and can implement any conditional synthesis inquiry of some single datasheets consisting of some fields without changing any codes in use.该软部件可以即插即用,使用时不需再编写程序,即可实现对任何单表任意多个由任意字段构成的条件综合查询。

61、The two kinds of queries that are supported are: event solution queries, which return only events and the answer solution queries, which can return any non-event data or aggregated results.支持两种类型的查询:事件解决方案查询(它们只返回事件)和回答解决方案查询(它们可以返回任何非事件数据或聚合的结果)。

62、This software consists of information import, inquiry statistics, data report form, data dictionary, and so on, which meets the demands of mine safety information.该软件包括信息录入、查询统计、数据报表和数据字典等模块,满足了矿山安全信息的需要。

63、Attached pls find the initial order qty and inquiry info.请查收附件初步订单数量和查询信息。

64、Create an SQC file to execute the main query.创建一个 SQC 文件来执行主查询。

65、Add a named query for each finder method to the hbm.xml mapping file for the domain object.将每个查找器的命名查询添加到域对象的 hbm.xml 映射文件。

66、Through fuzzy operating and adopting the approach of software query on controlling, a total controlling table was finally obtained. The experiments indicated that it was…通过模拟的模糊运算,得出总控制表,采用软件查询的方法进行控制。

67、Resource lookup will query the current element but not any further.资源查找将查询当前元素,但不会查询任何深一层的元素。

68、No further query, such as , is supported together with the query.不支持与 查询一起使用诸如 等进一步的查询。

69、They are combination query and fuzzy query which use the function of data window enough based on PowerBuilder.查询是数据库管理系统中不可缺少的功能,所研究的数据查询模式包括组合查询及模糊查询两种。

70、Materialized query tables can significantly improve the performance of queries, especially complex queries.物化查询表可以显著提高查询的性能,尤其是提高复杂查询的性能。

71、You can keep all your queries in one separate XML file.可以在一个单独的 XML 文件中保存所有查询。

72、Responding to the trait of URMS, we design a XML stream querying algorithm in query groupware.针对URMS的特点,在其查询组件中设计了一种基于流的XML查询算法。

73、Of course, any software library that speaks HTTP can also send this query and get back the result as a stream of XML.当然,任何通过 HTTP 传递信息的软件库也可以发送该查询并取回 XML 流形式的结果。

74、PDA accepts single sequence query or multiple ones in FASTA format.PDA接受单序列查询或FASTA格式的多序列查询。

75、The name of the file with the SPARQL query to runSPARQL 查询运行的文件的名称



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