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关于”母亲节的优美“的英语句子60个,句子主体:The beauty of Mother's Day。以下是关于母亲节的优美的中考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The beauty of Mother's Day


1、My mother stands, a young beauty painted with batter, rhythmically stirring the cake mix.


2、With these Huttese "beauty patches, " Gargan reminded Jabba of his parent.


3、This is the harness into which Mother must strap herself in order to display that perfect figure.


4、Sometimes I cry and make you sigh, but you know that I love you so.


5、That is exactly what we find for mothers - but exactly what we don't find for dads, which is startling.


6、Hoover, for instance, was very close to his mother, played by Judi Dench in the film.


7、At first he and his father and mother the wild wide volunteers wild original beauty Ya form a three family.


8、Jarvis persuaded her mother's church in Grafton, West Virginia to celebrate Mother's Day on the second a iversary of her mother's death, the 2nd Sunday of May.


9、As a mother, he dealt gently with them while he was there (v.



10、Virtue and happiness are mother and daugher.


11、One of the great strengths of the mother-daughter relationship is this intimacy.


12、The Nacirema believe that parents bewitch their own children.


13、A mother's voice is the most beautiful sound in the world.


14、I've learned that Mother Nature is so, so beautiful.


15、Buffy the Vampire Slayer

3: Carnival of Souls; One Thing or Your Mother; Blooded.



16、Su Rose is a good student living with her mother for many years after the death of her father.


17、The Pink Carnation: Pray forever young and beautiful mother.

静夜有母亲的美, 吵闹的白天有孩子的美。

18、The silent night has the beauty of the mother and the clamorous day of child.

19、A mother's voice is the most beautiful sound in the world. 世界上有一种最美丽的声音,那便是母亲的呼唤。


20、The door opens wide as three grinning faces come into the room with a scrumptious tray full of Mother's Day delights.

21、Beauty shes mother the advised her not mingle with administration huan together, should go to find a better object, but beauty shes complete advised don't listen to, the more speak more spirit mother.美妍母亲语重心长的劝她不要跟政桓在一同,应该去找一个更好的对象,但美妍完整劝不听,母亲越讲越气。

22、But, perhaps he could not in her mother's presence be what he was before her uncle and aunt.这也许是因为他在她母亲面前,不能象在她舅父母面前那样不拘礼节。

23、My mother, beautiful, beguiling, passionate about bodies, dismissive of minds.我母亲,美丽迷人,重视身体,轻视思想。

24、This year the federation forecast that Mother's Day spending would average $140.73 per mom, for example.比如今年联合会公布的母亲节的花销平均在140.73美元。

25、Frugality is the mother of virture.节剑是美德之母。

英文句子26:,26、She realized that she had an advantage over her mother's generation.她意识到她比自己母亲这代人有优势。

27、My mother and I stay. Standing close, we watch the swirls of pearl mist rise and the graceful glide of an eagle high overhead.我和母亲仍站在湖边,彼此靠得很近,凝视着珍珠般莹白的晨雾腾转上升,一只雄鹰在头顶优美地滑翔。

28、Astrid: Beauty was my mothers law, her religion.美丽是我母亲的法则,她的信仰。

29、Fathers, as well as mothers, it seems, can pass on the benefits of their experiences by subtle tweaking of their genes.似乎父亲和母亲一样,的确能将他们所经历的优势通过微妙的变化传递给他们的孩子。

30、Home life is better because mothers can get better jobs.由于母亲们能得到更好的工作,因此家庭生活会更臻美满。

31、In truth, Ms. Chua’s memoir is about one little narcissist’s book-length search for happiness.在《虎妈高唱战歌》这本包装精美的书中,有些残酷,有些炫耀地记述了一位母亲是如何迷恋“驭子之道”的故事。 事实上,蔡美儿的回忆录只是一位有些自恋的母亲寻找快乐的故事。

32、Tereza appears to me a continuation of the gesture by which her mother cast off her life as a young beauty cast it far behind her.依我看来,特丽莎只是她母亲这重标示的继续,她母亲正是这样来抛弃了自己小美人的生活,抛在身后远远的。

33、I have ever seen a woman, my mother is the most beautiful one, was the mother's back I fell in, also can feel in the large living room many women there, no one and get a lovely.我生平所见过的女子,我的母亲是最美的一个,就是当时伏在母亲背上的我,也能觉到在那个大客厅里许多妇女里面,没有一个及得到母亲的可爱。

34、The silent night has the beauty of the mother and the clamorous day of the child.舒适的黑夜拥有母亲的美,而热闹的白日具有孩子的美。

35、The world all other are false, empty, only a mother is really, eternal, indestructible.人的嘴唇所能发出的最甜美的字眼,就是母亲,最美好的呼唤,就是“妈妈”

36、Teacher, happy mother's day. You as our second mother. The classroom is our family, students are our brothers and sisters. Desks and chairs are our father.教师母亲节高兴。你好像我们的第二个母亲。课桌椅是我们的父亲。求翻译。

1、讲堂是我们家庭, 老婆离家出走怎么办同学是我们兄弟姐妹。

37、Natural parents should provide their students with $250-300 per month.亲生父母应该每个月为学生提供250-300美元的费用。

38、"No Turk speaks Armenian, " said Mother.“土耳其人不说亚美尼亚语。” 母亲说。

39、Her mother's pension was cut to about $800 a month from around $920.她母亲的退休补助则从大概920美元降到了800美元。

40、That follows a dip to $138.63 in 2008 from $139.14 in 2007, according to the survey, which was conducted by market research firm BIGresearch.这项由BIGresearch市场调查公司开展的调查显示,xx年母亲节的平均消费从xx年的139.14美元降至138.63美元。

41、Photos Working mothers extraordinaire, these stars mix motherhood and career to gorgeous effect.这些明星把母亲和事业两个角色的完美的结合起开,体现了母亲的伟大。

42、Finally, when asked to name their heroes, nearly half of respondents mentioned one or both of their parents. The winner, by a nose: Mom.最后,当调查对象被要求说出自己心目中的“英雄”时,近一半的人提到父母中的一人或双亲。“母亲”以微弱优势“获胜”。

43、With Mother's Day passed and spring in full blossom, it's the season for considering thoughtfulness in one's life.当母亲节过去,百花尽艳的时候,这是一个该为自己的生活深思熟虑的季节。

44、The alligator was much stronger than the mother, but the mother was much too passionate to let go.美洲鳄的力气显然要比母亲强大得多,但是母亲挽救儿子的坚定信念让她无论如何也绝不放手。

45、Spending on that special outing is expected to total .7 billion, with jewelry spending coming in next at .3 billion, the survey said.调查称,母亲节孝心大餐的总花费预计将达27亿美元,珠宝首饰消费位居第二,将达23亿美元。

46、The green fingers of mother nature are very beautiful to me.大自然母亲的巧手真美丽。

47、Motherly love is a huge flame. (Romain Rolland)世界上有一种最美丽的声音,那便是母亲的呼唤。

48、My mother can cook delicious Mexican food.我的母亲烧得一手墨西哥的美味佳肴。

49、Brooks Brothers' Mother's Day specials: Women's Non-Iron Dress Shirts 布鲁克斯兄弟母亲节特惠: 女士免烫正装衬衣2件109美金,原价89.5美金一件。东部时间xx月xx日晚间0点截止。

2 for $109, originally it is $89.5 each. Valid through May


11:59 EST.

50、A mother’s voice is the most beautiful sound in the world.世界上有一种最美丽的声音,那便是母亲的呼唤。

经典英文句子51:母亲节的优美,51、Her Mom was ever an eye-catcher.她母亲当年是个大美人。

52、Let’s make 2010 the Year of Lowering the Bar. Or, perhaps, Going to the Bar.用我们大家的努力,让2010成为女性挣脱枷锁,或者,成为更合人意的母亲的开始吧(此处也许还有去酒吧庆祝的引申义,毕竟当天是母亲节)。

53、I have ever seen a woman, my mother is the most beautiful one, was the mother's back I fell in, also can feel in the large living room many women: no one and get a lovely.我生平所见过的女子,我的母亲是最美的一个,就是当时伏在母亲背上的我,也能觉到在那个大客厅里许多妇女里面:没有一个及得到母亲的可爱。

54、a mother’s voice is the most beautiful sound in the world.世界上有一种最美丽的声音,那便是母亲的呼唤。

55、Girls, on the other hand, are brought up to become good wives, mothers and housekeepers.另一方面,女孩被抚养成优秀的妻子、母亲和管家。

56、In this vision he saw a woman of exquisite beauty, about to become a mother, emerging from the Ganges and slowly approaching the Panchavati.在这个异像里面,他看见了一个异常优美的妇女,快要成为母亲,从恒河上出现,缓慢地走近菩提树。

57、It is the general rule that all superior men inherit the elements of superiority from their mother.一切优秀的人通常都从他们的母亲那里继承优良的因素。

58、I t felt like the best of what we’re supposed to learn from our mothers- -and our dads.感觉这就是我们应该从我们的母亲—和我们的父亲那儿学到的最美好的东西。

59、"How We Kept Mother's Day" was written by an English-born Canadian author.《我们是怎样过母亲节的》是一位英国出生的加拿大作者写的。

60、His grandfather is from the Liguria region of Italy, his father an Italian-American and his mother a Brazilian.他的祖父是意大利利古里亚人, 他的父亲是美籍意大利人,他的母亲是巴西人。 (防守和进攻的完美组合啊)

61、Mom, you are the perfect combination of a mother, a bosom friend and a friend!——Tagore 译文:妈妈,您是母亲、知己和朋友的完美结合。

62、The mother could consider the weakness, smallness and beauty of life.进而,这位母亲想到了脆弱、纤小以及生命的美丽。

63、That evening, her mother kept her two dollars a half a piece returned to her father, she said, you go.当天晚上,母亲把她保存的那半张两美元还给了父亲,她说,你走吧。

64、The best Mother's Day gift I ever received was a magnolia 在母亲节我收到的最好的礼物要算是一棵木兰树。

1 tree.

65、That follows a dip to 这项由BIGresearch市场调查公司开展的调查显示,xx年母亲节的平均消费从xx年的139.14美元降至138.63美元。

8.63 in 2008 from

9.14 in 2007, according to the survey, which was conducted by market research firm BIGresearch.

66、Because the mother sweet milk with her upbringing nurtured her.因为母亲用甜美的乳汁养育了她哺育了她。

67、(罗曼·罗兰) Motherly love is a huge flame. (Romain Rolland) 世界上有一种最美丽的声音,那便是母亲的呼唤。


标签: 优美 母亲

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