兵马俑英语怎么写 英语

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兵马俑的英语有两种写法,可以翻译为Terra-Cotta Warriors,还网络中常译为"terra-cotta warriors -",在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到95个与兵马俑相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. Terra-Cotta Warriors

兵马俑翻译为Terra-Cotta Warriors。

示例:我想去看看兵马俑和阳朔的山。 I want to see the Terra Cotta Warriors and the mountains of Yangshuo.


2. terra-cotta warriors -

兵马俑翻译为 terra-cotta warriors - 。

示例:我真的很想有一天去看看古代的墙和兵马俑。 I really want to see the old walls and terra-cotta warriors one day.


3. soldier and horse figures

兵马俑翻译为 soldier and horse figures 。

示例:我期待着明天参观兵马俑和古城墙。 Tomorrow, I look for forward to seeing the Terra Cotta Warriors and the Old City walls.


4. Terra Cotta Warriors

兵马俑翻译为 Terra Cotta Warriors 。

示例:Do you not find the history of the terra cotta warriors to be fascinating? 你不觉得红土陶俑战士的历史 很有趣吗?



1. terra cotta warriors(兵马俑)


2. Terracotta Army( 兵马俑;

3. penracks( 兵马俑)

4. terracottalike( 兵马俑)

5. terracuso( 兵马俑)

英语短语&俚语, terracotta army Terracotta Warriors The Terracota Warriors Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses Figu( 秦始皇兵马俑 )

The Qin Dynasty Figures Lerra-cotta Warriors Qin Terra cotta Warriors Terracotta Army Museum ( 秦兵马俑 )

the Terra-Cotta Warrior Museum ( 兵马俑博物馆 )

Warriors and horses figurines Terracotta -CHINA ( 西安兵马俑 )

China's Ghost Army China\'s Ghost Army ( 中国兵马俑 )

Terra Cotta Warriors ( 兵马俑武士之崛起 )

Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors Museum ( 秦始皇兵马俑博物馆 )


1. This is the map of the Terracotta Army. Please give it back to the government.


2. Trolly takes us from the heart sculpture to the tera for our reception and hell a lot of scotch.

译文:我们乘坐电车前往接待 兵马俑了很多威士忌。。

3. Now let's recapture the beauty of these terra cotta warriors through the Feast for the Eyes.


4. if the Emperor reaches Shangri-La and drinks from the Pool of Eternal Life, he will raise his army and no one will be safe.

译文:如果龙皇帝赶到香格里拉 喝下永生之泉 就能唤醒兵马俑大军 天下苍生就完了。

5. A friend of mine is coming from the US and i wanted her to see the Terra Cota Warriors.


6. There are several continental areas, notably ishtar Terra, the size of the USA and the largest of all; Aphrodite Terra.


7. From National Geography magazine , i saw that the terra-cotta mausoleum of the first emperor of Qin dynasty is so spectacular.


8. The Emperor must never be allowed to reach the Pool, or he will have the power to raise his army.

译文:不能让龙皇帝找到永生之泉 否则他就能够召唤兵马俑大军。

9. And his Terracotta Army. At least, that's the general idea.

译文:还有兵马俑大军, 至少这就是计划。

10. Right now, Balem owns the Title to Earth but once you claim it, the Earth will belong to you.

译文:现在车主Balem地球 但是,当你说, 兵马俑将是你的,。

11. Whenever one mentions "Xi'an"to an American, he immediately thinks of the terra-cotta soldiers buried there by Emperor Chin Shihuang, and unearthed not too many years ago.

译文:一说“西安”二字,美国人就会想到全世界有名的兵马俑和秦始皇。 。

12. Razing the Liuhe the Emperor's palace, was the silence of terracotta warriors guard the city, seems to be cold bronze.


13. Knights dressed like the Terre-Cotta Warriors play heroic dances accompanied with the ancient carillon.

译文:古编钟乐中,兵马俑装扮的武士跳起孔武有力的舞蹈。 。

14. LiNDA: We're going to see the Terra Cotta Warriors.

译文:琳达:我们打算去看兵马俑。 。

15. Terracotta Army fan, are you?

译文:你喜欢兵马俑 对吧? Terracotta Army fan, are you?。



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