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关于”一些好“的英语句子30个,句子主体:some good。以下是关于一些好的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:some good


1、The large print makes for easier reading.


2、Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. --Francis Bacon.


3、Could you give me some small notes?


4、Now, that just gives us expressions.


5、Take a look and you will love it!


6、Will you give me some money?


7、We have some nice strawberries.


8、Give more peanuts to your monkey reporters so they can do a slighly better job.


9、A: You should take some hot tea and get a good sleep.

好的! 请吃一些炸薯条。

10、OK! Have some French fries.


11、European people are probably a lot more friendly.


12、Some opportunities only come once, seize them.

13、应该是 Weeks begin with Sunday. 好一些吧。


14、I have some habbits, some are good, but some are bad.

杰克: 我要读一篇介绍。你和摄影师一起去拍些好镜头, 找一些大特写拍下来。请给我找一些好镜头。

15、Jake: I'll read an introduction. Then you and the cameraperson shoot some great pictures. Look for great close-ups. Find some good pictures for me.


16、OK. Other administrivia.


17、Could you lend me some money , please?


18、May I have some more soup?


19、Can I have some more soup?


20、You'd better do some costings.

21、Alright, First a few definitions.好,首先是一些定义。

22、Better with words and melodies. Better at finding new sounds and new ways to record them.音乐上更好一些;词曲上更好一些;能够发现更好的声音和录音的方法。

23、Get some water from the well , and water the flowers well .从井里打些水把花好好地浇一浇。

24、Can I have some water, please.请给我一些水好吗?

25、Could I have some icecreams?请给我一些冰淇淋好吗?

英文句子26:,26、but there's something good in every day. 并不是每一天都是好日子,但每一天一定会有些好事会发生。

27、Would you mind speaking more slowly?您说得再慢一些好吗?

28、Would some people be better off doing a practical qualification?学一些实用的技术,一些人的生活会更好吗?

29、So sit back, enjoy, and put those chips away!所以,请将那些薯片丢到一边,然后坐下来好好享用这些食物吧!

30、A You should take some hot tea and get a good sleep.A 你应该喝些热茶,好好睡一觉。

31、Invest in a good wrinkle spray.买一些好的防皱喷雾。

32、Some girls look nice thinner and some look nice chubbier.有些女孩瘦一点好看有些则是胖一点好看。

33、Perhaps it'll be better that way.那么着也许会好一些。

34、I find lessons well-worth the time and trouble.我觉得这些课程值得好好学一下。

35、A little sightseeing, a little big city touring, and some good things to eat and drink!我们会看到一些名胜古迹,一些城市的风情习俗,还有好吃的和好喝的!

36、Bring me some flowers, please?给我带一些花来,好吗?

37、We've been through a lot of 我们遇到过许多 其中一些很好,另外一些就没那么好。

2.4 kernels; some of them have been decent, and others have been not-so-decent.

2.4 内核;

38、Some with good skills could skate wonderfully.一些具有良好的技能的人可以滑的很好。

39、May I have some water, please?请给我一些水好吗?

40、Seems to be some kind of cavities down here…One of you better come down-and bring more light.底下好像有一些蚀洞……你们最好下来一个人,多带些光源。

41、Yahoo, you make me laughs. Give more peanuts to your monkey reporters so they can do a slighly better job.雅虎,你让我发笑。多给你那些骗人的记者们一些好处吧,这样他们就可以把工作做得好一些。

42、Shall we buy some snacks?我们买一些快餐,好吗?

43、WiIl you check these figures?这些数字你检查一遍好吗?

44、Someone with a steadier hand on the tablet might achieve better results.有些人在写字板上手稳定一些,那么其所得的结果就会好一些。

45、Some even recover without medicine.一些人甚至不吃药就好了。

46、There're a lot of, there's some, yes, there are. There's some old professors who like,有好多,有一些,有。有一些老教授,

47、but there's something good in every day. 并不是每一天都是好日子,但每一天一定会有些好事会发生。

48、Shall we buy some Coke?我们买一些可乐,好吗?

49、I think Bourn mouth 's nicer.我认为渤恩慕城好一些。

50、Could you give me some small notes? 给我一些小票好吗?

经典英文句子51:一些好,51、Comparing Chinese herbs and Western medicine,中药更好一些.

52、If only those weather forecasters could do something right for a change and announce more days like this!如果那些天气预报员们能够预报得准一些,并且多预报一些像这样的好天气就好了。

53、The last one.I guess he's better.最后一个了,我觉得他好一些。

54、Some say while this won't fuel the tank, it will get them through the holiday weekend.一些人说虽然这些燃油不能灌满油槽,但是这些油够他们好好度个周末了。

55、Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. —— F. Bacon.一些书可以浅尝辄止;一些书可以狼吞虎咽;而有些书则需要细嚼慢咽,好好消化。 —— 培根。

56、Look for great closeups. Find some good pictures for me.找一些大特写拍下来。请给我找一些好镜头。



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