关于”春节有关“的英语句子56个,句子主体:Spring Festival related。以下是关于春节有关的xx年级英语句子。
英文句子模板1:Spring Festival related
[]这个括号中的是定语,限定the fridge。
1、mrs brown was disappointed (to see the fridge)[ she had had required ]went wrong again
2、A "hot" joint that is swollen and tender may indicate an acute suppurative arthritis.
3、The joints near his fingernails and knuckles look swollen. (指头和指节旁边的关节,似乎有肿大。
4、Pain in the side of your hip, usually at the joint of your hip and thigh but sometimes a bit higher toward the hip bone.
5、Arthritis and Arthroplasty: The Hand, Wrist and Elbow: Expert Consult - Online, Print and DVD ( Arthritis and Arthroplasty )
6、The study examined airway abnormalities in 69 patients from Denver and Los Angeles, 42 with RA antibodies and no joint symptoms,
15 with no RA antibodies or joint symptoms, and
12 with early RA.
7、) The joints near his fingernails and knuckles look swollen. (指头和指节旁边的关节,似乎有肿大。
8、Why has it taken so long for hip arthroscopy to catch up to its shoulder and knee counterparts?
9、Conventional robot arm has only actuators similar to mono-articular muscles, though animals arm has not only mono-articular muscles but also bi-articular muscles.
10、A horse with this joint problem may or may not be lame or have joint effusion.
11、Surgical options for end-stage ankle arthritis include below-knee amputation, ankle arthrodesis, and total ankle arthroplasty .
12、Niton can improve skin telangiectasia and has good curative effect on nerves, arthritis, gynecopathy and barrenness. It is a good beauty agent and it also has good rejuvenation effect for men.
13、Some said that the Wang -off levy to fight Turkish troops, nearly Year, the Spring Festival Tujia Ren would have been ahead of schedule, to avoid the mountains.
14、Therefore, we can identify the joint sounds according to the energy, frequency, amplitude and occurring time of the vibration on the joint sound sonogram.
15、Conclusion Heavy-load articular cartilage has better creep effects than non-heavy-load one. Furthermore, the creep effects of articular cartilage are interrelated with its biochemical compound.
目的 :用等速技术比较有显著关节病理程度差异的原发性、症状性膝关节骨关节炎的肌肉软弱程度。
16、Objective :To compare the extent of arthrogenous muscle weakness between knee osteoarthritic patients with different extent of joint pathology with isokinetic technique.
17、Conclusion TKA is an efficient method of treating severe knee joint diseases.
18、Of, relating to, or covered with tubercles; tuberculate.
19、Are you double-jointed?
20、Occasionally bacterial cultures of the joint fluid and joint capsule biopsies are indicated.
21、Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year.恭祝健康、幸运,新62616964757a686964616fe78988e69d833133333032xx年快乐。
22、Five hours later, some officials of Yichun City apologized to the reporters.伊春市有关领导约五小时后就此事道歉。
23、Barefoot walking ensures proper alignment of the knee joint, hip joint and lower back.光脚走路能够保证我们的膝关节、髋关节和下背部得到有效的调节。
24、There was also no flexion and extension function in all of the five digits due to tendon injury and joint stiffness.腕关节与所有手指关节均呈僵硬状态,没有伸屈功能。
25、If you have rheumatoid arthritis (RA), your joints become stiff, painful, and swollen.如果你患有风湿性关节炎(RA),你的关节会变得僵硬、疼痛和肿胀。
英文句子26:,26、Only the patients of bone around and joint changing were divided" bone around and joint type".对仅有骨周及关节改变者应将其划归为“骨周关节型”。
27、Osteoarthritis is the most common of all arthropathies, affecting roughly 30-50% of the entire population.骨关节炎是所有骨关节病中最常见,整个人群中约有30~50%受累。
28、Bil SIJ and hip joint spaces are intact without joint effusion.双侧荐髂关节以及髋关节之关节腔正常无关节积液。
29、The role of the TMJ disc in the mandibular movement and the force directing on the TMJ disc are different from another joints of the body. Disc mainly composes of type I and type III collagens .由于颞颚关节之运动型式不同于身体上其他关节因此其关节盘受力之方式,于下颚运动时所扮演之角色,亦有别于身体上其他关节之关节盘。
30、He goes on to tell her about puberty, menstruation, erections, wet-dreams...接着又告诉她有关青春期,月经,性梦。。。
31、the joints near his fingernails and knuckles look swollen. 指头和指节旁边的关节,似乎有肿大。
32、Result: functional therapeutics is better in reliving swell and regaining better ankle range of motion.结果:功能疗法能减轻踝关节肿胀的发生,有利于踝关节关节活动的恢复。
33、Moderate Moderate Canine Hip Dysplasia : there is significant subluxation present where the ball is barely seated into a shallow socket causing joint incongruency.中度髋关节发育不全:由于关节窝过浅,股骨头几乎没有固定进去关节窝中而形成一个显著脱出,造成髋关节的不契合。
34、The joints near his fingernails and knuckles look swollen. 指头和指节旁边的关节,似乎有肿大。
35、He is旦单测竿爻放诧虱超僵 to visit his uncle during the Spring Festival.
36、Rheumatic arthritis rheumatoid arthritis, and rheumatic cold arthralgia .风湿性关节炎、类风湿性关节炎、风湿寒性关节痛。
37、you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity.恭贺新禧62616964757a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333330323430,祝身体健康、事业发达。
38、The cellular constituents of the carpus and tarsus were investigated in 实验对6头健康有牛的腕关节、跗关节滑液的细胞学成分进行了研究,确立了关节滑液细胞的计数方法。
6 healthy Holstein cows.
39、满园春色关不住,so many love I can do
40、Prompts the childhood immunizations success ratio not to reach the request, the end of spring, beginning of summer prevents and controls measles' essential season.提示儿童免疫成功率未达要求,春末夏初是防控麻疹的关键时节。
41、Arthritis in cats is the progressive deterioration of joint (articular) cartilage.猫关节炎是关节(关节) , 软骨慢慢 恶化 。
42、The incidence of joint deformity in patients with target joints and without target joints was 71.2% and 骨关节畸形的发生率在具有靶关节组和无靶关节组分别为71.2%和
20.0%, respectively, with significant difference.
43、Cartilage debris within the joint results in low-grade chronic inflammatory synovitis and joint effusion.双侧荐髂关节以及髋关节之关节腔正常无关节积液。
44、) the joints near his fingernails and knuckles look swollen. (指头和指节旁边的关节,似乎有肿大。
45、In conclusion, Chinese medicinal herb matching manipulation has highly effective, safe and exact effect.中药配合温养通络柔筋手法能有效地治疗膝关节骨关节炎。
46、But the real tiger's hindlimb have large curve on the joint of knee and ankle.但是,真正的老虎后腿的膝关节和踝关节具有很大的弯曲。
47、Contrast dye is injected to confirm that the needle is positioned correctly in the facet joint and that medication is contained inside the joint.注入对比造影剂,以确定针的位置正确地进入关节突关节,关节内含有注入的药液。
48、Total knee arthroplasty was an effective method for treating osteoarthritis.结论全膝关节置换术是治疗骨关节病的有效方法。
49、Alternaties to corrective osteotomy for intra-articular malunions include excision of osteocartilaginous spurs, arthroplasty, or arthrodesis.用于校正关节内畸形愈合的截骨术供选方案有骨软骨切除术、关节成形术或关节融术。
50、Impression and recommendations: There is bilateral sacroiliitis with features of osteoarthritic disease.印象及建议:有骨关节炎特征的双侧骶髂关节炎。
经典英文句子51:春节有关,51、Total hip replacement is an expensive surgery, however only 25-30% of the dogs need total hip replacement on both hips.全髋关节置换是一项昂贵的手术,但只有25-30%的狗都需要在全髋关节置换髋关节。
52、Two synovectomy were performed for repeated hemarthrosis and reduced joint bleeding was seen after surgery.有两例做膝关节滑膜切除术,术后不复有关节内出血再发;
53、If yes, please provide details on separate sheet.如有,请详列有关细节。
54、Furthermore, I like to draw your attention to the continuation of our Country Nights, which will re-commence after the Lunar New Year break.此外,我希望您关注我们在春节假期之后继续举办的欧盟国之夜。
55、The quality of life in RA patients declined and correlated with arthritis malformation and course.类风湿性关节炎患者的生活质量下降且与关节畸形及病程有关。
56、The facet joints (FJ) are the only synovial joints in the spine, with hyaline cartilage overlying subchondral bone, a synovial membrane, and a joint capsule.关节突关节是整个脊柱唯一的滑液关节,它具有透明软骨覆盖的软骨下骨、滑膜和关节囊。
57、Conclusion The articular manifestations of sarcoidosis may be divided into 结论结节病的关节表现可分为少关节炎、多关节炎和关节痛3种类型。
3 types which are oligoarthritis, polyarthritis and arthralgia.
58、Generally, a few large joints are involved, such as hip or knee.主要累及大关节,比如髋关节或膝关节。
59、Knee joint cannot move freely, there is friction inside the joint and the muscle becomes atrophic.膝关节活动功能障碍,关节内有摩擦音, 肌肉萎缩。
60、The study included 121 people with rheumatoid arthritis who had six or more painful joints.此项研究有121名风湿性关节炎患者参加,他们有六处或更多处疼痛的关节。
61、Conclusions:It was possible to cut off the superior articular nerve and the nerve branch from the medial lnterfemus muscle to treat the arthronalgia of knee joint.结论:手术切断股内侧肌支膝关节支和上关节支治疗膝关节疼痛性疾患具有可行性。
62、you all my best wishes for your perfect health and lasting prosperity.恭贺新禧,e69da5e6ba9062616964757a686964616f31333330323430祝身体健康、事业发达。
63、The joints near his fingernails and knuckles look swollen.指头和指节旁边的关节,似乎有肿大。
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