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关于”安慰人的优美“的英语句子48个,句子主体:The beauty of comforting people。以下是关于安慰人的优美的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The beauty of comforting people


1、Thus memory may be, as Coleridge calls it, "the bosom-spring of joy, " and when the Divine Comforter bends it to his service, it may be chief among earthly comforters.


2、As soon as she sees her, she shuts the doors.


3、He patted his sister's hand consolingly.


4、From whom shall I get comfort?


5、Comforts your post to move the restless mind.


6、A windfall is exciting. And many people dose up on retail therapy, shopping to feel better.



5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

4 哀恸的人有福了,因为他们必得安慰。


8、She was crying, and a man consoled her, his arm across her shoulder.


9、It is heroic to hug one"s sorrow and determine not to be consoled."

一个再卑微的人,只要他/她能让这个世界因自己的美德而变得更加美好; 只要自己身上的美德能帮助到他人或安慰到他人,那么,他必然会成为一个真正强大、文雅、纯洁、端正之人。

10、No man or woman of the humblest sort can really be strong,gentle,pure,and good,without the world being better for it,without somebody being helped and comforted by the very existence of the goodness.

哀恸的人有福了,因为他们必得安慰。 (马太

11、Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. (Matthew




12、He learns that giving others a mental lift by showing appreciation and praise is the best way to lift his own spirits.


13、The fact that even the self-critically perfectionist Adams liked Episodes

2 and

3 comes as something of a relief.



14、About the only person who can comfort Alim is Cary Grant.


15、It is the unpastured sea hungering for calm.


16、Soft and sweet music soothes the wearied, the sad, the restless, grand music will fill strong men with great ambitions.


17、You would like the South. Everthing is relaxed and easygoing . The scenery is beautiful.


18、Calmed down by him, she became steadied.


19、The aged, especially those from empty-nest families, are in eager need for reassurance.


20、Comfort him for he is sad.

21、There was no placebo for MBCT patients.参与MBCT的患者没有服用安慰剂。

22、Sometimes he consoled himself by that.有时候他这样自我安慰着。

23、All participants were given condoms; half got acyclovir, and half got a placebo.研究人员给所有夫妇都提供了安全套,这些人中有一半服用阿昔韦洛,另一半服用安慰剂。

24、But it is undoubtedly a great comfort to many lonely elderly people.但对许多孤寡老人而言,电视无疑是一种极大的安慰。

25、I shed tears; my tears-my consolation;我洒下眼泪,我的眼泪-我的安慰;

英文句子26:,26、Yes, you shall get a blessing when you go up to the assemblies of Zion; you shall be instructed, enlivened, and comforted, where prayer and praise ascend and testimony is borne to the great Sacrifice.是的,当你上到锡安山,你必得著祝福,那儿到处有祷告赞美的声音,见证上帝的荣美,而你也蒙安慰与复兴。

27、Friends are there to comfort and guide you every step of the way.在人生的每一步中朋友都会安慰和指引你。

28、comfort(n) We could give them some comfort.我们可以给他们安慰

29、Action is consolatory. It is the enemy of thought and the friend of glittering illusions.行动是令人安慰的, 它是思想的敌人,是美好幻想的朋友。

30、Mr. Baumann smiled and assured his wife that the man was probably feeling better than ever.鲍曼先生微笑着安慰妻子,说那名男子也许从未有过如此美妙的感觉。

31、Conclusion : Zhengtianwan Pill is effective in treating migraine, and better than zhengtianwan simulation, and there is no adverse drug reactions.结论:正天丸治疗偏头痛有效,优于安慰剂,无明显不良反应。

32、All of the zolpidem doses were superior to placebo for sleep latency, efficiency, duration, latency, quality, and number of awakenings.剂量的唑吡坦均优于睡眠潜伏期,高效,持续时间,等待时间,质量和数量的觉醒安慰剂。

33、It would be a consolation, I imagine.我想,这总该是点安慰吧。

34、It was a comfort to him, this extenuation.这借口对他是种安慰。

35、"We hardly get sick at all, " Mrs McKamey says hopefully.“我们根本不怎么得病,”麦克康美太太自我安慰说。

36、Some try their best to comfort you, hand you a tissue or hankie, trying to soothe you with some soft words.一引起人尽量地安慰你,递给你一张纸巾或一块手帕,并且尽量和你说些宽慰的话。

37、I have heard this sort of thing many times. Wearisome comforters are you all!象这样的话,我听了许多;你们的安慰反使人烦恼。

38、Theirmemory is one of wondrous beauty, watered by tears, andcoaxed and caressed by the smiles of yesterday.昔日的记忆奇妙而美好,浸透了眼泪和昨日微笑的安慰和抚爱。

39、This translated into a risk reduction of 23% for the olmesartan group, compared with the placebo group.这意味着与安慰剂组相比,奥美沙坦组出现微量白蛋白尿的风险降低了23%。

40、In the placebo group, 112 patients were randomly assigned toplacebo treatment in a double-blind manner for the first 12weeks.112名安慰剂组的患者,随机分配到前12周采用双盲方式的安慰剂试验中。

41、I lived here for a while and learned how beauty is the consolation of every past empire.我在这里居住了些时日,并了解到每个昔日帝国能带给你多么美丽的安慰。

42、There are balms for all our pain; 我们所有的痛苦都能得到安慰;

43、Heartsease is my favorite flower.心灵的安慰是我珍爱的花儿。

44、But more likely it's placebo poppycock.但是心理安慰的成分更大些。

45、There are balms for all our pain我们所有的痛苦都能得到安慰;

46、It's tailor-made for women who want three-season comfort with a priority on minimal weight and maximum compactness.它是专为妇女谁想要一个优先最小重量和最大紧三个赛季的安慰了。

47、After eight months, the diazoxide group outperformed the placebo group on both learning and memory.八个月之后,氯甲苯噻嗪组小鼠在学习和记忆能力方面都优于安慰剂组。

48、People given pemetrexed survived an average of 人们定下培美曲塞的存活数平均为

13.4 months, compared with

10.6 months for those given the placebo.



49、"I have you, Sasha, " he said soothingly.“我在这呢,萨莎,”他安慰说。

50、YouqQing's claustrophobia acts up again and Fang Kai comforts her. You Qing revealed she has been in a similar situation when she was young. Fang Kai is surprised to hear this.两人被关在幽暗货舱,有情幽闭症发作,方楷安慰声中,与当年方楷安慰的情景相似,有情终透露当年两人也曾在一起的事,方楷感意外。

经典英文句子51:安慰人的优美,51、Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Monica is recovering from her haircut, Phoebe is playing her doctor and is coming in from the bedroom.场景:瑞和莫的公寓,莫尼卡在修补她的发型,菲比安慰安慰她然后从卧室里出来。

52、When I was frustrated when, need someone to comfort you so-called "good friends" not only does not comfort me, but also to sprinkle salt on my wounds, you know what it's like it?当我沮丧时,需要有人来安慰你所谓的“好朋友”不仅不安慰我,而且在我的伤口上洒盐,你知道它是什么样子的?

53、A total of 441 patients were given pemetrexed and 222 were given a placebo along with the best supportive care.总共有441人给予培美曲塞,222人在最佳支持治疗同时给予安慰剂。

54、But woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort.但你们富足的人有祸了,因为你们受过你们的安慰!

55、This faith gives me great comfort.但这个信仰给了我巨大的安慰。

56、他对我来说仅仅是个安慰(用comfort) Only is he a comfort to me. 没有一个选项令人满意。

57、Good children are the best comforts.好儿女是父母最大的安慰。

58、Finally, the cougar ran off and Mrs. McAlister held her children and was thankful they were safe.最后美洲狮跑开了,阿里斯特太太抱着她的孩子,很欣慰他们都平安无事。

59、From whom shall I get comfort?我从谁那儿能得到安慰呢?

60、We convice ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, then another.我们安慰自己,生活会随着结婚,有了一两个孩子而更加美满。

61、There was no benefit of pioglitazone over placebo for the primary outcome;但是,在一些次要目标方面,吡格列酮明显优于安慰剂。

62、When Job fails to find consolation among the people, how does he handle his situation?当约伯在人间找不到安慰时,他如何自处?

63、It means a lot to the family that you are here, and it would have meant a lot to our friend Emily too.您的参加本身既是对我们共同的朋友邓煜女士的告慰,也是对她的家人的安慰。

64、Some situations are delicate and we need to use words that give comfort and condolence.有些场合很微妙,你应该说一些让人舒服、给人以安慰的话语。

65、His friends came to comfort him for his loss. 因为他受了损失, 他的朋友们都来安慰他。

66、They were randomly selected to be given pemetrexed or a placebo in 21-day cycles.这些人随机给培美曲塞或安慰剂,并持续21天的周期。

67、I bless You always and glorify You with Your only-begotten Son and the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete , forever and ever.所以我赞美祢,显扬祢,和祢惟一的圣子及安慰人的圣神于无穷之世。

68、All the treatments were compared with a placebo version (i.e., placebo pill, patch, or lozenge) and with each other.所有这些疗法都和一个版本的安慰剂作比较(比如,安慰剂片、贴片或锭),并相互比较。

69、What a mine of comfort lies in this fact for each believer!对信徒而言,这应许是多麽令人安慰的宝矿!

70、You, you are my first one comforter !你,你是我最初的一个安慰者!

71、Nor is the city without its moments of beauty. There is something comforting about the warm glow shed by advertisements on cold wet winter nights.城市也并非没有良辰美景。寒冷潮湿的冬夜里,广告灯箱发出的暖光,会给人某种安慰。

72、Will spoil a woman's comfort men will be men and women, is the happiest couples in the gold partner.会宠女人的男人和会安慰男人的女人,是夫妻中最幸福的黄金搭档。

73、Only in the nature, we, human souls could acquire eternal consolation—like our daily reliant pure water, this consolation rises from the heart of earth.只有在自然中,我们,人类的灵魂才能够获得永恒的安慰——像我们每一天所依赖的净水一样,这种安慰来自大地的心。

74、He saw the young man hazily , extremely he felt comfort in his heart.他模糊的看见了这年轻人,心里感到极大的安慰。


标签: 优美

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