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1、Favorable cultural environment for technological in novation is the precondition of innovation;


2、Induced institutional innovation is precondition and foundation of forced institutional innovation, forced institutional innovation is implementation and guarantee of induced institutional innovation.


3、Over the years, the company stick to the road of independent innovation, increasing the original innovation, integrated innovation and the introduction of innovation.


4、Innovative technologies provide new ways also to follow, examine and learn languages.


5、The article introduced the experience of mind innovation, service mode innovation and institution innovation in Shanghai Renji Hospital Group.


6、The management is creative, and know the easy line difficult. the success must set up.


7、Promoting self-innovational ability and building an innovational country especially need the supports of innovational culture construction.


8、The contents of the directions include the information innovation, green innovation and life-science technology innovation. Finally , the paths of the declining industry …


9、Not only was the product innovative, but the methodology was as well.


10、It’s the groundbreaking, paradigm-changing innovation that creates entire new markets.


11、Innovations should be made on the basis of renewal of ideology and knowledge, quality, and the editing level.


12、I did it in mining, in land transportation, in ocean transportation, and now in boats.


13、Creative models during the project implementation, such as strategy, afforestation skill and management, are summarized.

全新SIPLACE D系列平台融创新科技与创新价值于一体。

14、The new SIPLACE D-series platform features a combination of innovative technology coupled with innovative value.


15、The regions future development must rely on such things as technological innovation, organizational innovation and ideological innovation.


16、The era of knowledge-based economy requires innovative talent, and innovative talents, can not be separated from innovative teachers.


17、On such a basis, the characteristics and training methods of creative talents are discussed with concrete measures put forward to cultivate them from the following three aspects: creative thinkin.


18、Underpinning this success has been an exemplary record of innovation.


19、Well-built innovation cultures don’t just support innovation; they give it roots.


20、Through innovations in the fields of theory, organization, education and management, base and team, Party building in colleges and universities will be raised to new heights.

21、Creativity of theory is the base and the precursor for other creativities.理论创新是其他一切创新的基础和先导。

22、In all creation activity, innovative consciousness, initiative spirit are the foundation, and innovative ability is the core.在一切创造发明中,创新意识、创新精神是基础,而创新能力是核心。

23、The result suggests that the forming of innovation net, the well using of innovation resources outside and the space centralizing will benefit regional industrial innovation.结果表明创新主体间结网互动、更好地利用外部创新资源对企业技术创新有利,创新主体间的空间集聚有利于区域产业的创新。

24、The objective of innovation-oriented education is to cultivate and produce compound-type talents with innovative personality, innovative consciousness and innovative ability.创新教育的目的是培养和造就大批具有创新人格、创新意识、创新能力的复合型创新人才。

25、Employment of innovational methods, innovational thinking and innovational examples in NTI is researched.研究了创新技法、创新思维和创新案例在网络群体创新中的应用;

英文句子26:,26、Product innovation competence is a brand-new theory based on the theories of technological innovation, product innovation and enterprise core competence, etc.产品创新力是建立在技术创新、产品创新、企业核心竞争力等理论基础上的一个崭新的理论范畴。

27、According to the innovating principle, combining innovation could be divided into character listing combination, fault listing combination and expecting point's combination.按原理组合连接创新可分为特性列举组合创新、缺点列举组合创新和希望点列举组合创新。

28、We insist on developing innovation and quality excellence!开拓创新,创优品质!

29、Be bold in putting things into practice and blazing new trails. 为了拓展业务,他需要提高整个团队的管理技能和创新能力。

30、Most strikingly, Indian companies have produced a new type of innovation, variously dubbed “frugal”, “reverse” and “Gandhian”.当然最吸引眼球的,要属印度公司开展的新型创新--不同人对这种创新有不同的评价:物美价廉、逆向性创新、甘地主义创新。

31、The product innovations and the incremental process innovations have the success rate.产品创新与渐进性工艺创新成功率高;

32、This case describes the Jinan Hualian Group's culture innovation and its impact on business innovation and management innovation.本案例描述了某市华联集团以文化创新推动业务创新和管理创新的过程。

33、Innovative: dare to be innovative.创新的:敢于创新。

34、Presently, entrepreneurship, innovation and excellence-creating are the sublimation of the spirit.在新的历史条件下,“创业创新创优”的三创精神是新时期江苏人文精神的升华。

35、Innovators rarely come up with new ideas;创新者很少产生新创意。

36、A great number of makers started businesses and made innovations.一大批创客走上创业创新之路。

37、The competition in knowledge economy times is essentially the competition of innovatory talent with innovatory consciousness, innovatory skills and innovatory practice.知识经济时代的竞争实质上就是拥有创新意识、创新技能和创新实践的创新型人才的竞争。

38、The latest trends in global financial innovations include innovations in financial institutions, financial products and financial supervision.目前,全球金融创新的最新动向包括金融机构的创新、金融产品与服务的创新、金融监管的创新等。

39、One of essential characters of human being, philosophically, innovation extends the complete practice of human spirit, also extrication and expression of human soul.创新德育认为,创新是人的本性,创新的哲学是人类精神的实践,是人性灵魂的解脱和创造。

40、Innovation has virtually ceased. Microsoft dominates with very little innovation.创新停止,微软独大,没有留下更多创新的空间。

41、The key is to product innovation, business model innovation and mechanism innovation, in particular, to do a good after - sales service.关键是要产品创新、商业模式创新和机制创新,特别要做好售后服务。

42、Technology intermediary; innovation service chain; value chain; innovation chain;科技中介; 创新服务链; 价值链; 创新链;

43、It will need a process of gradual accumulation from imitative innovation to integrated innovation, cooperative innovation, and independent innovation.由模仿创新为主向集成创新、合作创新、自主创新、发展需要一个积聚过程。

44、The company also celebrates outstanding innovators in public ceremonies and names new products and business innovations after the people who think them up.海尔在公开场合表彰杰出的创新者,用创新者的名字为新产品或新的业务创新命名。

45、Emancipates the mind, the development innovation, one must have the innovation idea.解放思想,开拓创新,一要有创新的理念。

46、New Media, New Idea, New Market!新媒体、新创意、新营销!

47、The judicial innovations are mainly reflected on the innovative reform concerning human relation and job innovation of courts.司法工作的创新主要表现为人事关系方面的改革创新和法院自身的工作创新。

48、Technical innovation of industrial clusters is mainly of corporative innovation, is of clustering innovation based on innovation clusters.产业集群的技术创新以合作创新为主要形式,是一种建立在创新集群基础上的集群式创新。

49、Industry-University-Institute Cooperation; Innovation Modes; Technology Innovation;产学研合作; 创新模式; 技术创新;

50、The innovating education is the main point of the quality education. Handwriting class has the ascendancy to develop the students' innovating personality, innovating thought and innovating skill.创新教育是素质教育的重点,书法课具有培养学生创新人格、创新思维、创新技能的优势。

经典英文句子51:创新,51、The coal geology work will take on a new look in the near future.力求以新的理念开创煤炭地质信息工作新局面,争取创新、创优、创效。

52、It is necessary to innovate and develop military theories.创新和发展军事理论。

53、innovate; bring forth new ideas; blaze new trails; make innovations; inaugurate.勇于实践,大胆创新。

54、At present, we should be familiar with fully these new models, organize and inspire innovation with the non-linear thinking.当前时期对创新行为的管理就应充分认识这些创新新模式,以非线性的思维创设良好的创新环境,从而组织与促发创新。

55、Startups - want to be innovative?创业者们——想创新吗?

56、And I provide innovational concept of Symbiosis Cooperation Marketing.提出了共生型合作营销的创新概念。

57、To grow the business, he needs to develop management expertise and innovation across his team. 具有典范性的创新确保了这次成功。

58、Your innovation can be around new products, services, processes-internal and customer facing, business models, climate change, etc. basically, there is scope to innovate in every sphere of work.参与评选者的创新作品既可以是创新的产品及服务,也包括内部或面向顾客的创新流程、创新业务模型,应对气候变化等。我们深信,在工作的任何一个范畴都有创新的余地。

59、It is clear that innovation is unlimited, and no innovation, no survival.要清楚创新无极限,唯有创新,才能生存。

60、Exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation are two forms of innovation with different characteristics.探索性创新和开发性创新是两种性质不同的创新方式。

61、This article discusses innovation achievements in the region innovation network by the relational capital, innovation network joint mechanism, and main-body innovation ability.通过关系资本、创新网络联结机制、主体创新能力等观念,探讨了区域创新网络中创新绩效的问题。

62、Then it gives the corresponding technical innovation motivation models and strategy. Finally, the product and process innovative alterntive strategies for China Shipbuilding Industry are studied.然后,提出了中国船舶工业技术创新动力模式和技术创新战略,最后,研究船舶产品创新与船舶工艺创新。



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