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关于”圣诞节的诗歌“的英语句子59个,句子主体:Christmas Poetry。以下是关于圣诞节的诗歌的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Christmas Poetry


1、Phoebe works (and works and works) on a Christmas song for her friends.


2、The Christmas season, a time of celebration and sharing, is filled with joy, laughter, light and music.


3、And this is exquisitely visible to us in the Nativity Ode.


4、Christmas carols in English first appear in 1426.


5、Yeah, and so is being alone on Christmas!


6、I believe there is magic in Christmas and the music that celebrates it, because it brings us closer together and closer to our own hearts.

音乐专利授权机构PPL公司调查发现,圣诞颂歌《平安夜》位列英国“有史以来灌录次数最多的圣诞歌曲榜”榜首。 。

7、Christmass carol "Silent Night" has topped the list of Britain's "most recorded Christmas song of all time, " according to music licensing company PPL.


8、Swift are winging angels singing, noels ringing, tidings bringing.


9、Later, I bought a new Yo-Yo and mailed it to the Professor as a Christmas present, and received a poem of thanks.


10、And in faith you just let your tongue hum a popular Christmas Carol and realise that in Bethlehem the Christmas spirit lives on day after day, year after year.

热可可的香味温暖了博兹,让他想起了自己度过的仅有的那些圣诞节:那些与自己的父 母共同度过的圣诞节。

11、The smell of hot cocoa warmed him, and made him think of the only Christmases he'd ever celebrated: those with his parents.


12、People decorate their houses, place a Christmas tree in their room, and maybe sing a Christmas carol together.


13、My strong affinity for Chritmas comes from my childhood days.


14、Many well-known Christmas carols were composed during this period.


15、This is the Disney Company's third involvement with an adaption of A Christmas Carol, the first being Mickey's Christmas Carol (1983) and the other, The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992).

16、植物, 绿叶 There are some Christmas greens at home. 家里有一些圣诞节的绿色植物。


17、Most of all, I love getting together with my family —eating Christmas cookies, singing Christmas carols together, gossiping and laughing at each other.


18、Here Josh Groban sings "The Christmas Song."


19、Almost as much as the Christmas carols and the hot cocoa.


20、Christmas and New Year songs sing, baby dance battle, finding Santa, magic show, let's have some fun!

21、Most of all, I love getting together with my family — eating Christmas cookies, singing Christmas carols together, gossiping and laughing at each other. It's tremendous fun.最重要的是,我喜欢家人相聚的时光—吃着圣诞节饼干,一起唱圣诞颂歌,相互八卦,开怀大笑。没什么比这更有趣了。

22、But before Christmas, my dad hadn't finished a song in years.圣诞节之前,我爸还没有完成拖了好几年的歌。

23、Boz woke up slowly, convinced he was hearing an ancient crooner sing "White Christmas."博兹缓缓地从睡梦中醒来,确信自己听到有个老歌手在哼唱《白色圣诞节》这首歌。

24、Do other things with family, such as caroling, baking, watching It’s a Wonderful Life, playing football outside.与家人一起唱圣诞节颂歌、烤东西吃、看《生活多美好》,或者踢足球。

25、Most of all, I love getting together with my family — eating Christmas cookies, singing Christmas carols together, gossiping and laughing at each other.最重要的是,我喜欢家人相聚的时光—吃着圣诞节饼干,一起唱圣诞颂歌,相互八卦,开怀大笑。

英文句子26:,26、Those are two Christmas carols that are very conjunct in nature.这两段是圣诞颂歌,本质都是级进

27、A special holiday-themed variety show is staged in the elaborate Show Lounge and staff and crew join together for traditional Christmas caroling.圣诞老人也将登船造访,节日主题的特别演出将在小厅开始,演员与船员还会为大家奉上一曲圣诞颂歌。

28、A group of people walks along the street. At each house, they stop and sing a Christmas song, called a carol.一群人在街道上散步,到每一户人家,他们就停下来,然后唱一首圣诞歌曲,这就叫圣诞颂歌。

29、It refers to the age-old custom of enchanting anumber of traditional Christmas songs during the Christmas season.这是一个古老的习俗:圣诞期间总是回荡着一首又一首圣诞传统歌曲。

30、Christmas carol "Silent Night" has topped the list of Britain's "most recorded Christmas song of all time," according to music licensing company PPL.音乐专利授权机构PPL公司调查发现,圣诞颂歌《平安夜》位列英国“有史以来灌录次数最多的圣诞歌曲榜”榜首。

31、What did the 26-year-old country star get this Christmas?想知道这位乡村女歌手圣诞节收到一份什么惊喜大礼吗?

32、Wet shoes and leaking galoshes , and for the first time …chilblains With Christmas in the arr?还记得当圣诞节挽歌在空中响起时,那湿漉漉鞋和透了气的雨鞋与拿第一次的冻疮吗?

33、This song is for my beloved teacher and all of my classmates. Wish them a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!这首歌是送给我的老师和我们班的全体同学。祝他们圣诞节快乐!

34、With Paul ‘Santa’ Eldon cracking the sleigh-whip, we bring you a special Christmas themed event complete with traditional carols, and jazz renditions of seasonal classics. With mulled wine and mince!伴随着“圣诞老人”保罗.埃尔登挥舞的雪橇鞭,我们将带给你一个特别的圣诞主题活动:圣诞节颂歌,爵士版的时下经典,以及香甜的热饮酒和点心!

35、The shop window is all decorate for christmas.为迎接圣诞节商店的橱窗被装饰一新。

36、French like drinking after they sing the Christmas song.法国人会唱完圣诞歌后开怀畅饮。

37、The Rudolf song is second only to " White Christmas" in popularity.《鲁道夫之歌》的流行程度仅次于《 白色圣诞节》。

38、Let's intone the fair-sounding carol for the celebration of Christmas Eve.让我们的歌声环绕在圣诞的夜空中。

39、Caroling also began in England.圣诞歌也起源于英国。

40、One of the many customs of gift timing is suggested by the song Twelve Days of Christmas, celebrating an old British tradition of gifts each day from Christmas to Epiphany .作为众多习俗之一,适合地赠送礼物已经被“圣诞节的十二天”这首歌所暗示,从圣诞节到主显节,每天赠送礼物是一种古老的英国传统。

41、Residents often give the carolers hot cocoa in return.居民通常会给唱圣诞颂歌的人热可可作为回报。

42、Christmas carol "Silent Night" has topped the list of Britains "most recorded Christmas song of all time, " according to music licensing company PPL.音乐专利授权机构PPL公司调查发现,圣诞颂歌《平安夜》位列英国“有史以来灌录次数最多的圣诞歌曲榜”榜首。

43、Groups of people will go caroling and singing Christmas songs.人们组成小组出来送佳音,唱圣诞歌曲。

44、She had released a couple of singles for the "Lizzie" soundtrack and a holiday album entitled Santa Clause Lane in 2002, a collection of Christmas songs that eventually goes gold.她为《新成长的烦恼》原声大碟演唱了几支单曲,并在xx年发行了一张名为《走在圣诞节的街道上》的节目专辑——一张收录圣诞歌曲的金曲集。

45、It is not surprising to find in China or Europe symbols of each other's culture. Many Chinese identify Valentine rose, Easter egg, Halloween pumpkin and Christmas song as a natural part of their life.西方传统中情人节的玫瑰、复活节的彩蛋、万圣节的南瓜、平安夜的圣诞歌,都已成为开放的中国社会和中国人生活中的自然组成部分。

46、I give all my love to you this Christmas.值此圣诞佳节,献上我对你所有的爱。

47、That carol is still much-loved today, a legacy of the Christmas truce, and a reminder to us all that even in the unlikeliest of places hope can still be found.今天,这首圣诞歌曲依然受欢迎,它是圣诞节停战协定的延续,也提醒着我们,即使在最不可能的地方,依然可以找到希望。

48、Here is a song from How the Grinch Stole Christmas.接下来这首歌是《圣诞怪杰》中的歌曲。

49、Google (NMS:GOOG) hopes to launch the service by Christmas, according to sources.据可靠消息称,谷歌将在年底圣诞节开通此项业务。

50、Before Christmas, she spent nights seated at her kitchen table in Rockville filling holiday orders with her own gelatina riffs on poinsettias.圣诞节前,她花了几个晚上坐在罗克维尔的厨房桌前处理节日订单,这一次她做的是即兴的圣诞红的胶冻。

经典英文句子51:圣诞节的诗歌,51、However, she says she has been singing the songs on "A Christmas Cornucopia" since her childhood.不过她说,她一直唱歌,因为她从小就“圣诞聚宝盆”的歌曲。

52、《When You Wish Upon A Star》——Jesse McCartney(这个是圣诞歌,但是我觉得也挺静的)

53、In Congo, group of carolers walk through the village during the starting of Christmas.在刚果,圣诞节开始的时候,人们成群结队唱着颂歌在村子里穿梭。

54、This Christmas season tell God you love him by singing to Him.在这个圣诞节里用歌声告诉上帝你对他的爱吧。

55、Don't peek at your presents before Christmas Eve.不到圣诞节前夜不许偷看你们的礼物。

56、Now back to "A Christmas Carol. " At the beginning of the story, Scrooge is a cold-hearted miser who hates Christmas.现在回到《圣诞颂歌》这部作品。在故事伊始,斯克鲁奇就是一个不喜欢圣诞节的冷血守财奴。


标签: 诗歌

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