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关于”浪漫的情短句“的英语句子42个,句子主体:Romantic Short Sentences。以下是关于浪漫的情短句的初三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Romantic Short Sentences


1、However, Nate quickly discovers this romantic opportunity comes with a huge, hideous obstacle in the form of June (Christine Lakin ).


2、The midnight thump and clunk of railway carriages being uncoupled and shunted in a station somewhere in central Europe is not in itself romantic.


3、The tabloid media's obsession with Jennifer Aniston's love life granted this romcomdram more attention than it would have deserved otherwise.


4、But it spells something altogether different for their romantic relationships with men, which have become considerably more difficult to generate and maintain.


5、Some time ago to see very much like drama "Full House" and wanted to see a reading of the feelings of the show, the really fine.


6、He represents them as overheated attempts at literature, as dripping with a kind of excess, romantic excess, as essentially unable to do more than repeat a tradition.


7、This act would be my pièce de résistance, theproof that love was the answer, the convergence of art, romance and technology that would make everything beautiful.


8、Flighty and romantic, fluttering butterflies, birds and bees suggest you don’t want to be tied down — or landed with difficult tasks or problems.

9、I wonder what goes through your mind when you hear my name.我很想知道,当我的名字滑过你耳朵,你脑海中会闪现些什么。


10、The gentleness is beautiful, generous and unselfish, hot liver but big righteousness, concern with the respect mutually, there are the family idea, romance but realities.


11、I suppose this was the ideal love Dickinson had been coveting for , who believed that if she had so exquisite and so romantic love , it was happy for her to die .


12、One of my favorite scenes is a very intimate and romantic one between two young lovers played by me and Karen.


13、For example, if you want to have a meaningful romantic relationship, but you have trouble believing that you are worthy of love, you will have trouble creating this relationship.


14、Anytime you whisper my name, you'll see


15、There's no mountain high I cannot climb,only if you want me be,


16、The romantic image of the swallow sets off the power and strength of the horse, providing a rich imaginative experience for viewers.

由“浪漫新加坡”和Clique Wise社交中介所组织的“Love In A Capsule”活动在情人节当天举行。

17、The Valentine's Day event, billed as "Love In A Capsule, " is organised by Romancing Singapore and Clique Wise, another social networking outfit.


18、The handsome man who wooed the fair lady wrote her a romantic billet- doux , but he drew a blank.


19、Nowadays some things do not need to be rushed — for instance, an inconsequential message to five people that can be enclosed in envelopes, put in canvas bags and released slowly.


20、I'll go anywhere and do anything just to touch your face.

21、Chinese restaurant comely and elegance, complete equipment Meeting hall, swimming pool, romantic KTV rooms, Sauna and Chinese style tea rooms.清新典雅的中餐厅、设备齐全的会议厅、游泳池、浪漫风情的KTV、桑拿中心、独具中国特色的茶艺吧。

22、The cruel and harsh elements in my literary works often stymie the romantic feelings people have for rural life.I can't help that.我文学作品中那些残忍而严酷的成分,往往阻断了人们对乡下生活的浪漫情感。

23、MANY old romantics will beg to differ…but scientists reckon there's no such thing as love at first sight.许多老浪漫主义将未敢苟同这一观点…但是科学家认为真的没有一见钟情这样的东西。

24、One with melancholy and sad revealing lyrical and calling famous literary world directly, they open China modern novel realism and romantic beginning respectively.一个以忧郁感伤、直露抒情而称名文坛,他们分别开创了中国现代小说现实主义和浪漫抒情主义的先河。

25、This act would be my pièce de résistance, the existential proof that love was the answer, the convergence of art, romance and technology that would make everything beautiful.这个行动是我对现实的抵抗,是爱情力量的现实证据,是艺术的集中体现,浪漫和科技可以让所有事情变得美妙。

英文句子26:,26、"I think romantic love is one of the great change agents, " she says as we sit in her book-lined living room overlooking Central Park.在她俯瞰中央公园的会客室里,整齐地摆放着一排排的书籍。 我们坐定后,她说“我认为浪漫的爱情是一件变幻莫测的事情”。

27、These things are so common that they can almost seem like cliches, as you've probably seen them in almost every romantic comedy ever made.这些事情太平常以至于你会觉得很老套,或许你在浪漫喜剧中也看过无数次。

28、Walking in Ariel Sands, the input surrounded by the sea and enjoy sea breeze, enjoy a good holiday during the meeting .漫步在金沙碧浪中,投入大海的环抱,尽情享受海风吹拂, 会议之余更享受一个美好假期。

29、Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic.你嫣然的微笑是我每日享受到的魅力

30、Li He, weak and sick, suffered many setbacks during his life with his genius unrecognised, which makes him anguished, restrained, sensitive and romantic.李贺的一生命途多舛,体弱多病,怀才不遇,这些因素形成他苦闷内敛的性格和敏感浪漫的感情。

31、I work hard in the waves of knowledge to feel the wonder of Statue of Liberty, the romance of the Eiffel Tower, the mystery of the Pyramids and the larger-than-life energy of Russia.我努力的遨游在知识的浪花中,去感受自由女神的神奇,埃菲尔铁塔的浪漫,金字塔的神秘和俄罗斯超乎生命的热情。

32、See you the first time because "the tears of happiness, " like the inside of the aircraft Shen, appreciate his sense of responsibility, is also his romantic love.第一次看见你是因为《幸福的眼泪》。喜欢里面的沈亦航,欣赏他的责任感,钟情他的浪漫。

33、Tell me you are mine. i’ll be yours through all the years, till the end of time.请告诉我你是我的。

34、The spiritual essence of Romanticism of Music is of human feeling and the infinite spirit. Forms, therefore, become unlimited measures.浪漫主义音乐的精神实质在于人的情感和无限的心灵,所以形式成为变幻无穷的手段。

35、Special offer for romantic Valentine's Day: during the event period shoppers coming to our store with consumption over ¥214, will obtain ¥100 gift certificates.浪漫情人节,贴心大回赠,凡在活动期间至本店服务消费满214元,即可获赠100元代金券,让您体验冬日里的温情。

36、If you are looking to give your loved-one a tradition Valentines Day gift of chocolates or flowers, your romance may be in a bit of a routine.如果你正在考虑给你的情人送一份传统的情人节礼物,比如巧克力或鲜花,那么你的浪漫或许有点老套了。

37、I hope and mutually respect each other, treat each other candidly and maintain romantic aura of the fate of the women become friends.我希望能和彼此能互相尊重,坦诚相待,保持浪漫情调的有缘分的女人成为好友。

38、This activity was also combined with an excellent animation designed by artist Lee Ming-tao, to showcase the sweetness and romanticism of true love.本活动与艺术家李明道设计的精采动画结合,呈现既浪漫又甜蜜的真情告白。

39、For they, according to Fisher, tend to keep their emotions under lock and key, while I’m much more of a die-hard romantic.因为根据费雪理论,这种类型的人往往将自己的情绪暗藏深锁起来,而我却是一个崇尚浪漫的人。

40、As the regression of the neo-romanticism, 30 years old of a few right-and-left people begin to be infatuated with Europe type amorous feelings afresh again.随着新 浪漫主义的回归,一些xx岁左右的人们又重新开始迷恋欧式风情。

41、The hotel is located on the quiet yet bustling Xinhua Road where London Pine trees grow vigorously and exuberantly creating a romantic and elegant atmosphere.酒店坐落于闹中取静的新华路,交错繁茂的法式梧桐为幽静的街道平添一份浪漫的情怀。

42、Flirt with your partner when they don’t expect it to reinforce their self-esteem and stoke the flame of your romance.在你的另一半没预料到的时刻与他(她)调调情,这会增强他(她)的自尊,增添你们的浪漫火焰。

43、More than 31, 000 romantic couples are to get hitched this Sunday as the unique date proves to be the hottest day for a wedding this year.超过


44、The architectural design of TaiYi Hotel has very strong European-American amorous feelings, and it is an elite hotel that has the most romantic sentiment, and human Cultural concerns.泰逸酒店建筑设计极富浓郁欧美风情,是一座最具浪漫情调与人文关怀的精品酒店。

45、And the things they demand on behalf of their romantic visions are often cruel, involving huge sacrifices from ordinary workers and families.他们依据自己的浪漫愿景要求做的事情经常却是残酷的,普通工人及家庭需做出巨大的牺牲。

46、I know this framing mechanism, added by writer Richard LaGravenese, is necessary; the whole emotional tone of the romance depends on it belonging to the last past.作为小说的必要描述,这个结尾部分不可或缺,因为这个浪漫故事的感情基调全在于此。

47、A more conventional way for couples to enjoy Valentine’s Day is to take a short mini-break away to a romantic destination such as Paris or Venice.对于情侣来说,享受情人节这天的更普通的形式是诸如巴黎或者为威尼斯等浪漫缤纷之地小聚。

48、Before the advancements in technology, young women who wanted a sense of emotional gratification would live vicariously through romance novels.在科技飞速发展之前,年轻的女性通常通过阅读“浪漫的小说”来达到感情上的满足。

49、Venus will be orbiting close to her lover, Mars, in your eleventh house of hopes and wishes, a powerful indication of great romantic potential.金星延续轨道将接近她的情人,在你充满希望和愿望的十一宫,有很强的浪漫的潜在性。

50、The romantic spirit, special sentiment and rebellion to classic spirit in Schelling's thought have provided nourishment for modern humanitarian aesthetics.另外,谢林思想中的浪漫气质、独特情绪和对古典精神的反叛又深深影响了现代人本主义美学。

经典英文句子51:浪漫的情短句,51、"I think romantic love is one of the great change agents," she says as we sit in her book-lined living room overlooking Central Park.在她俯瞰中央公园的会客室里,整齐地摆放着一排排的书籍。 我们坐定后,她说“我认为浪漫的爱情是一件变幻莫测的事情”。

52、Venice and Verona are the most famous tourist attractions in the north-east of Italy, maybe you can think about romantic love affairs here.威尼斯和维罗纳是最有名的旅游景点,在东北部的意大利,也许你可以想想,浪漫的爱情在这里。

53、Sometimes, travelling is like a romantic story. You will meet a lover by chance who will wait for you somewhere and someday.有时,旅行像一段浪漫的故事,你的情人会在某天某地等着你的出现。你们的邂逅、月夜,是如此的动人。

54、Which conclusion, under the circumstances, certainly admits Rudolf Steiner to the ranks of the true followers of Romance and Adventure.这种信念,在这样的情况下,当然使鲁道夫·斯坦纳跻身于“浪漫”和“冒险”的忠实信徒之列。

55、Ever feel like his life intense darkness without light, no taste, no romance, there was only the tasteless and insipid chores.曾经感觉自己的生活黯淡无光,没有情趣,没有浪漫,有的只是那淡而无味的家庭琐事。

56、His paintings, with a kind of natural romanticism, convey the scenes appropriately through the freeze-frames of life.在他的笔下,一种自然流露的浪漫主义透过被凝固的生活瞬间传达出恰如其份的情境。

57、An open person heads to the dog park thinking he might encounter a potential new friend, business partner, or romantic interest.一个心胸开阔的人去到狗公园时会想他可能会遇见新朋友、商业伙伴或者浪漫情缘。

58、But underneath his controlled exterior lurks a passionate and romantic soul that has been quashed during his years of unblemished service.他平静克制的外表之下,却埋藏着热情而浪漫的灵魂,在他多年毫无瑕疵的服侍中一直被深深压抑着。

59、The setting of small things can show the taste and individuality. Vogue, free, romantic, warm can melt in the spirit all together.小物事的摆设,更能见出品位与个性。时尚,自由,浪漫,温情,可以全部融合在这种灵性中。

60、Edwin McCain established himself as a pop and folk balladeer, with sensitive romantic tunes, such as his 1998 Hit, "I'll Be".埃德温麦凯恩作为一名流行音乐和民谣歌手其歌曲温情而浪漫,比如xx年的《我将》。

61、Your kiss still burns on my lips.情绵绵,在漫漫长路的每一步.

62、It has often been remarked that the most romantic thing about marriage is that it is made up of two people who remain faithful to each other.对于婚姻而言,最浪漫的事情莫过于它是由两个相互忠贞不渝的人组成。

63、His symphonic works represent the best legacy of the classical tradition, while his songs exemplify the height of romantic lyricism.他的交响乐作品继承了古典音乐的优秀传统,而他创作出的歌曲成为了浪漫抒情主义的典范。

64、For the people of Shanghai, all this is commonplace, but in the eyes of foreigners, is undoubtedly a very romantic and with Chinese flavor.对上海人来说,这一切都司空见惯,但在老外的眼里,无疑是相当浪漫且具中国情调的。

65、Hotel has multi-functional conference hall, VIP room, dining room there that is more noble and elegant coffee shop, will leave your romance.酒店有多功能会议厅、贵宾厅、餐厅还有那更显高贵高雅的咖啡厅,定会留下您浪漫的情怀。

66、The normally sombre pair cheerily waved to fans from their hotel balcony this afternoon, and even performed a short dance.他们向阳台下的粉丝微笑致意,心情超好的他们甚至在阳台上“表演”起浪漫的双人舞蹈。

67、His ideas, his personality, his passionate and romantic, perseverance and the formation causes are worthy of serious consideration and discussion to the.他的思想、他的性格、他的多情与浪漫、执着以及形成的原因都是值得我们去深思与讨论的。

68、The history of Valentine's Day is shrouded in mystery. But we do know that February has long been a month of romance.尽管圣 。瓦伦廷节充满了神秘的色彩,但我们都知道,xx月份一直是个充满浪漫情调的月份。

69、But those who were exposed to the love song were much easier to win over – 52.2 percent of that group offered their details.而那些收听浪漫情歌的女士更容易接受安托万的请求——该组中有52.2%的人将个人信息透露给他。

70、During China's Valentine's Day this year, let us take a moment to immerse ourselves with Chiva's in the legendary tales of love and romance.今年的七夕之夜,让我们沉浸在芝华士的浪漫情怀中,重温神仙眷属们的传奇故事。

71、Meanwhile, her tender and romantic feelings raise her imagination high, enabling her work and performances to be full of color.同时内心深处的柔情以及浪漫给予了她丰富的想象力,使她的创作及表演欣赏起来有趣而不乏味。

72、When asked about being "overpowered by a man, " 52 percent said they'd had that fantasy, the situation most typically depicted in women's romance fiction.当被问及“被男人用力过度”这种女性浪漫小说中最典型的情节时,52%的人说她们有过这类幻想;

73、How can I believe that there is still pure love in this world?让我如何相信,这世界上还有一尘不染的爱情。

74、Natural and Romantic design style, When Modern combines with Classic, glares brilliant light and comes to the front of fashion.自然浪漫的设计风格,彰显现代与古典的魅力结合,散发出热情的光芒,游离在时尚的前端。

75、Her first feature short film 1+1 gained her the Fresh Wave Award and Best Film Award in Fresh Wave Festival 2010, and is selected in the Golden Horse Academy 2010.凭首齣剧情短片《1+1》获鲜浪潮最佳电影奖及鲜浪潮大奖,并入选金马电影学院。


标签: 英文 短句

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