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1、Hessan shared her

10 tips with me, and I'm sharing with you. -- Patricia Sellers


2、How to share Jerusalem?


3、Hermia:I will share with you.


4、She divides with me.


5、All must share alike.


6、They partook our triumph.


7、Passing shared and unshared data along several branches


8、Wing Fai you to enjoy the machinery and technology, sharing of success.


9、Yesterday was "Show and Tell" day.


10、If so please share.


11、Share with you, not thanks.


12、PI Style is a global platform for diversified design and applied arts. PI Style advocates sharing, we share ideas, share designs, and share the wonderful life on this platform…


13、The self-efficacy is the key factor to the knowledge sharing behavior.


14、Share everything you wanna share with Chun.


15、I will share the blanket.

16、They want to share the food .他们想要分享食物。


17、Talk and share.

将易趣我的任何信息分享Groupon吗? 易趣只会分享你的编码易趣雄鹿队与Groupon…

18、Will eBay share any of my information with Groupon? eBay will only …


19、Please share your feedback.


20、Thank you for sharing.

21、In Auchan family, we will work together to share knowledge, power, wealth with you!在欧尚大家庭中,我们将一起与你分享知识、分享权力、分享财富!

22、Friendship is a pot of tea, chewing slowly with taste.xx年后的相聚,是分享,分享各自耕耘的艰辛与快乐。

23、Share what you know.分享你所知道的 。

24、Add a share, minus one points and blessings.增一分享受,减一分福泽。

25、No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.没有人值得62616964757a686964616fe4b893e5b19e31333365643639你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

英文句子26:,26、Every sharing tool – Digg, Flickr, YouTube, del.icio.us, Twitter, and so on – provides an equal opportunity to share and to learn from what others have shared.每一种分享工具Digg Flickr YouTube del.icio.us Twitter 等等都为人们提供了相等的机会:分享自己,并从其他人的分享中学到东西。

27、If someone shares an experience, open up too and share one of your experiences.如果某人在分享他的经历,也请公开分享你的一段经历。

28、They partook of our triumph.他们分享我们的胜利。

29、Share your conversations with friends.与你的朋友分享会话。

30、They have to teach someone else what they learn. Don't spend valuable time with people who want to consume but not share. Share the knowledge. Share the wealth.他们必须教导别人自己学到的。不要花太多时间同那些不愿分享的人。分享知识、分享财富。

31、Laci, thanks for sharing!拉奇,谢谢分享!

32、Plz share with us.跟大家分享分享吧。

33、If you are praying for chances to share the Gospel, then open your mouth and share.如果您为分享福音的机会而祷告,那么就张开你的嘴去与人分享。

34、Share with us!与我们分享吧!

35、No come home and upload the photos to share with you now share with you.回到家都没来的及的上传这些照片与大家分享,现在与大家分享。

36、Thank you for share the sub.谢谢无私分享,谢谢。

37、It can be publicly verifiable. Each sub-secret can be used repeatly.此秘密分享方式中每个分享者的子秘密可以重复使用;

38、Always be willing to share your joys, Willing to share the sorrows of others.时常乐意去分享你的欢乐,并乐意去和他人分享你的悲伤。

39、Let's share some of my fav !分享一下我喜欢的!

40、The friend, thanks! The study please pass on mutually yours work shares.朋友,谢谢!互相学习请把您的作品传上来分享分享。

41、Share private photos worry-free.任意分享私人图片。

42、If you can wait for miracle, I'd rather wait, even a year, or the life! 你给我的一滴泪,我看见你心中所有的海洋 You give me a drop of tears, I saw your heart all the oceans 如果我们都是孩子,就可以留在时光的原地,坐在一起一边听那些永不老去的故事一边慢慢皓首. If we are children of the time, you can stay there, sit together, listen to those who never old stories side HaoShou slowly.

43、Love the daing music, Thanks.谢谢分享,非常喜欢。

44、与你的朋友分享会话。Share your conversations with friends.

45、Real exchange happens when the things that we value are shared – and shared with heart-felt admiration.我们认为有价值的东西人家来分享,而且分享是心悦诚服的分享。

46、Thank you so so much! ! !多谢分享! 好想睇!

47、Share Ideas Liberally : If you think you have a good idea it never hurts to share it.分享你的想法 :如果你认为自己有个好想法,跟别人分享它吧。

48、Thanks for sharing this sub.谢谢分享,收藏一个!

49、Children should not fight about who is to have a toy, but should share and.孩子们不应该为了玩具争吵,而应该懂得分享。 (分享,均摊)

50、For if a man can be partaker of God's theatre, he shall likewise be partaker of God's rest.盖人既分享上帝所造之胜景,自亦应分享上帝所订之休息。

经典英文句子51:分享,51、PS. Please support Minimal Student by sharing it!分享即支持!

52、When you command the creature, the two of you share knowledge but not senses.当你指挥它时,你们分享知识但不分享五感。

53、Thank you verey much!多谢楼主大大分享!

54、Hermia: I will share with you.我愿与你分享。

55、Centrino technology, professional sharing!迅驰技术,专业分享!

56、Know the difference between sharing and oversharing.懂得分享和过度分享的区别

57、I shared her laurels.我分享了她的桂冠。

58、As the core of knowledge-bascd management, knowledge sharing fixes on the sharing and exchange of knowledge, which promotes knowledge innovation and improves core competence.知识分享是企业知识管理的核心。知识分享的核心是知识的分享与交换。


59、And you get a list of checkins that you can share via the google maps sharing features.你会看见一系列可以通过 Google 地图的分享功能进行分享的记录。

60、她与我分享。She divides with me.

61、Share what the holiday spirit means to you -- with food.分享节日精神意味着和你一起分享食物。



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