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1、Figs have male and female flowers.


2、Andrea: Borders and summer houses.


3、Single pale-medium blue, one per peduncle, difficult to bloom.


4、Keep some plants or flowers.


5、Flowers fade and fly.


6、The flower head of one of these plants .


7、Nanjing Yuhuatai renowned the world over, people have an impression of stone produced in Yuhuatai, Yuhuatai previously produced over stone;


8、Peach blossoms, canola flowers, cherry blossoms, these four great flowers glisten with the break of dawn, "the king of flowers" the peony also begins to steal the gaze of the locals.


9、Artificial Xionghua, caps spend, spend shoes, bags spend.


10、Cross- Huangmei wealth to changes in a variety of mission flower , flower filled, edge flower , flower angle pose many thousand kinds of plans have.


11、And flowers, flowers everywhere.


12、Roses, chrysanthemums, orchids, cockscombs and so on.

如以“花钟”、“花船”、“ 花柱”、“花溪”及“花开新世纪”为主,组成的850米长、40米宽的主游览花园大道景观;

13、Such as the flower clock, flower boat, flower creek, flower stream, flower greeting the new century, were completed, forming a 40-meters-wide and 850 -meters-long boulevards for sightseeing;


14、Flower Shabana flyings sky.


15、Fav. Flower: Pumpkin flower.

16、摘花 Don't nip off the flowers. 不要摘花。


17、Ribbon ornament:shoes ornament hat ornament corsage flowers , bow tie;


18、Whispering flowers bloom impermanence, Qu finale Sanqu sometimes both .

19、When the Japanese use the word `hana' (flower) they mean sakura.当日本使用Word '花' (花) ,他们平均樱花。


20、As blossoms fade and fly across the sky.

21、Is a daffodil a flower?水仙花是花吗?

22、Chinese like chrysanthemum, but when presenting flowers to overseas friends they don't use chrysanthemum as gifts, neither the azaleas nor carnations .中国人喜欢菊花,但向外宾献花时忌用菊花,也不用杜鹃花,石竹花。

23、Silk cotton is the city flower of Panzhihua, Sichuan province.攀枝花是四川省攀枝花市的市花。

24、Single small dark purple, 5-8 per peduncle, very floriferous.单瓣暗深紫色小花,每支花梗开5-8朵花,非常会开花。

25、Ikebana, it's an art of flowers and it's quite different from Western style flower arrangement because in Ikebana's theory you can decorate one flower, only with one flower.花道是一种花的艺术,它和西方的插花截然不同,因为花道的理论是,一个花器插一枝花。

英文句子26:,26、Planted people suddenly turns to staring at the flowers, the looker finally acts as burying the flowers…种花的人变为看花的人看花的人变成葬花的人…

27、Flower bed, window bed.花台、花圃、窗台;

28、Saffron is the three stigmas and style of the crocus flower.藏红花粉来源于番红花的三个花柱和花蕊。

29、enough nectar to make just a pound of honey" (NHB). Bees gather pollen in sacs and蜜蜂采集花囊中的花粉和花中的花蜜。

30、The flower of any of these plants.玫瑰花,蔷薇花:这种植物的花朵.

31、There are kinds of PVC ceiling film produced by Halead, such as translucent film, lack (glossy, face to face) film, matt film, satin film, printed film, coated fabric ceiling and fiberglass ceiling.“海利得”软膜天花种类有:透光天花、亮面天花、哑光面天花、缎面天花、彩绘天花、化纤天花和玻纤天花布等。

32、When dry, remove the flowers from the stalks and set aside.等花干了以后把花从花梗上取下。

33、Some of the most popular bedding flowers are chrysanthemums, impatiens and petunias.一些最受欢迎的花有菊花,凤仙花和喇叭花。

34、My virgin flower, my flower of flowers我纯洁的花朵,我的花中之花

35、Ladies ' printed fabrics to flowers for summer style changing win, other printing like cut flowers, cut flowers, black flowers, embroidered fabric variety has its own small-batch varieties sold.夏用女装印花面料以花型风格不断翻新取胜,其他如剪花、剪花印花、烂花、绣花面料多品种各有小批量多品种成交。

36、Description: Offers bouquets, hampers, cakes, wines, gifts and floral arrangements for delivery.提供花束、开张花篮、生果篮、结婚花球及襟花等网上订购服务。

37、Is broccoli a flower?花茎甘蓝是花吗?

38、But if the apical flower was male, the inflorescence will have no more female flowers.但中心花若为雄花,那么整个聚伞花序上将不会再有雌花。

39、Plums, sweet-scented osmanthus, cherry blossoms, orchids bloom and smell sweet.梅花、桂花、樱花、玉兰花,百花争妍;

40、Flowers filled the garden.花园里开满鲜花。

41、Blue, silver-white and budded Tyrian.蓝色花、银色花,紫色的花苞待放。

42、The flowers include mountain plum , fairy magnolia , Yulan magnolia , ribbon flower .山梅花、天女木兰、玉铃花、锦带花等灌木山花争芳斗艳;

43、In china. the flowers was called mother's flowers.萱草,又叫黄花菜、金菜花,是中国的母亲花。

44、They frequent flowers to collect nectar and pollen to use as food. As bees travel from flower to flower picking up new pollen, they drop off some of the pollen they've already collected.它们频繁地到花里采集花蜜和花粉作为食物,当蜜蜂在花与花之间采集到新的花粉时,它们就掉下一些已采集到的花粉。

45、Snapdragons, calceolaria, and larkspur will drop their florets rapidly.金鱼草,蒲包花、翠雀花的小花迅速脱落。

46、White flowers Mazumdar, safflower calm, elegant purple flower.白花素洁,红花沉稳,紫花淡雅。

47、Inflorescences terminal cymose panicles or axillary cymes.花序顶生密伞圆锥花序或腋生聚伞花序。

48、Phalaenopsis has long been used in cut flower and potted-plant industries due to its wide variation of flower color and shape.其花形、花色变化无穷,花期可达三个月,用作盆花、插花、饰花时有新鲜感,长期以来深受消费者的喜爱。

49、桔梗花,花语,无望的爱, Balloon flower, says, with no hope of love,

50、花鸟画 die Blumen – und Vogelmalerei 花瓶 Vasen 花色及包装 Design und Verpackung 。

经典英文句子51:花,51、The inflorescences of Osmanthus fragrans are dichasium or pleiochasium.桂花花序为二歧或多歧聚伞花序。

52、也作“花消” 花信 huāxìn [news of flowers bloming]∶花开的信息 谁能腰鼓催花信,快打《凉州》百面雷。

53、Parks and gardens with early blooming flowers and trees花和树开花比较早的公园和花园

54、This garden abounds in flowers.这花园满是鲜花。

55、Inflorescences:花序:4, 花梗直立, 低位的花梗最长,每个花梗有

4,5 –

11 cm, racemose but appearing corymbose because of the long lower pedicels, pedicels sub-erect,

1 –

3 cm, the lowest the longest, each with

1 –

3 minute bracts.

5 - 11厘米,总状花序,因为下方的花梗较长,故形似伞房花序。

1 - 3厘米长。

1 - 3个小苞片。

56、插花 flower arrangement or cut flowers; 插花艺术 flower arranging; 餐桌插花 floral centerpiece.

57、She flowers, she blooms, she fade.花开,花艳,花萎。

58、Broccoli can also be called green cauliflower. It is belong to Cruciferae, cabbage category.西兰花又名绿菜花、青菜花,属十字花科苔,属甘蓝种。

59、Inflorescences often few flowered.花序通常很少花。

60、Your brain is conned to spend, spend, spend.你的大脑只知道花钱、花钱、花钱。

61、I grow orchids , chrysanthemums , lilies and cactuses .我种兰花,菊花,百合花和仙人掌。



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