xx年初中的英语可以这样说:junior high school,还可以翻译为junior high,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到25个与xx年初中相关的译文和例句。
1. junior high school
xx年初中翻译为junior high school。
示例:in a Junior High school in Queens 在皇后区的一所中学
2. junior high
xx年初中翻译为junior high。
示例:We used to hang in junior high. We used to hang in junior high.
3. elderly primiparity
xx年初中翻译为elderly primiparity。
示例:"Elderly"is a term you don't use in front of an elderly. 你别在老年人面前 老是老人家老人家的叫啊
4. years to date
xx年初中翻译为years to date。
示例:Wait a minute, this date's tonight? this date's tonight?
1. junior high school(初中)
2. year to dates(年初至今)
3. years to date(年初至今)
4. elderly primiparity(高年初产)
5. junior high(n. 初中)
1. invista expects to begin construction of the plant in 2012 and commence production in phases beginning in 2014.
译文:英威达预计xx年开始进行厂房建造,xx年初正式投产。 。
2. When the story begins... it is early 1973
译文:故事开始的时候 是xx年初。
3. The final vote will be early 2019.
译文:最终轮投票将于xx年初进行。 。
4. Junior high school
3 grade. Parent past a moment mouth.
译文:初中xx年级 亲过一下嘴。
5. Never made it past the 7th grade.
6. To your right is Bartlet Plaza, established in 2022...
译文:在您的右手边 To your right 是Bartlet广场 它建于xx年... is Bartlet Plaza, established in 2022...。
7. At the beginning of 1969, as a protest against the occupation,
译文:288)}xx年初 288)}Jan Palach以自焚。
8. in the '80s, the DEA set up a network of dummy corporations...
9. You guys went to the same middle school.
10. They stop in junior high school.
11. in Moscow, at the beginning of 1942, it had confidence in the future.
译文:xx年初在莫斯科 充满了信心。
12. At the beginning of 1949 tensions were building in Shanghai
译文:xx年的年初的时候 开始 上海开始紧张。
13. Say we want to get to 100 gigawatts by 2022.
译文:举个例子,我们想在xx年, 产生一千亿瓦特的电量。 。
14. iwatched her through those junior high years and into high school.
译文:我看着她这些年从初中升到高中。 。
15. Because i dropped out of middle school. What?
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