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关于”解析结构的软件“的英语句子57个,句子主体:Software for Analyzing Structures。以下是关于解析结构的软件的专升本英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Software for Analyzing Structures


1、SSCP is a B/S/S structured software platform. It is a demand driven software platform that could be used to efficiently build custom-designed application software.


2、This course introduces the structure of Kingview a preliminary understanding of the Kingview software.


3、To obtain an integrated presentation of software understandability , a new measurement method of software understandability by using fuzzy logic is proposed.


4、Slightly afterwards, your software-architect or service-architect starts designing an appropriate solution architecture.


5、RESULTS: A software tool for building and displaying glycan structures using a chosen symbolic notation is described here.


6、From the relationship between them, we have the corresponding solutions about it. Make the city-the building-the components organic integrate together.


7、The core of the BIMserver software ‘understands’ the IFC structure and this creates a software tool that can support users working with BIM models in IFC.


8、In theory, software architecture (SA) and component-based development make an ideal match.

more FinalBuilder -自动构建和发布的Windows软件开发管理解决方案。

9、FinalBuilder - An automated build and release management solution for Windows software developers.


10、The software reuse is regard as one of the effective ways to solve software crisis. Recently efforts show architecture-based, domain-specific reuse can yield great improvement.


11、Major refactoring to the configuration and the parsing of hbm files.


12、B/S model EPIMS based on . NET framework, uses 3-tier software architecture.


13、Different software architectures have different refinement levels, and refinement relationship exists between them.


14、Practice proves that the software runs well and meet the demands of the PLD Analysis System.


15、Using software MATLAB, the solution of damped vibration of A2B model is solved; the damped oscillation pattern is discussed.


16、Based on the solution of one-dimension consolidation, the one-dimension consolidation of the double-layered foundation is solved for two-grade loading in virtue of transcendental equation;

BI 架构 - 技术层和软件解决方案

17、BI architecture - Technical layers and software solutions


18、Refactor: to restructure software by applying a series of refactorings without changing its observable behavior.


19、The frame of hardware and software of virtual instrument is discussed.


20、In this article, you learned about software architecture as a discipline and about the importance of documenting the essential elements of the architecture.

21、It resists in the software of the client, executing the program of domain name resolving for the users.驻留在客户端的软件中, 代用户完成域名解析的程序。

22、XML is the opposite -- it contains embedded structural information that enables an XML parser to parse any XML document without using a model.XML 则相反——它包含嵌入的结构信息,使得 XML 解析器无需使用模型即可解析任何 XML 文档。

23、Explain the significance of the high-resolution crystal structure of collagen.请解释胶原蛋白的高解析度晶体结构的重要性。

24、In architecture design and software engineering, you need a clear comprehension of the domain for the architecture and to be able to effectively communicate that to other people.在体系结构设计和软件工程中,您需要清楚理解体系结构的领域,并且能够有效地将该信息传达给其他人员。

25、As an ELF object, this file has a very specific structure that can be easily parsed and validated.作为一个 ELF 对象,这个文件的结构非常独特,易于解析和验证。

英文句子26:,26、The frame of hardware and software of virtual instrument was discussed.阐明了虚拟仪器系统的硬件、软件结构框架。

27、This is an in-memory tree structure representing the XML document that was parsed.这是表示已被解析的 XML 文档的内存中树结构。

28、Parsing mechanism design for order information and backstage processing result, and realization for real-time monitoring software body and message queue as well.对订单信息、后台处理结果的解析机理设计; 实时监控软件体、消息队列的设计与实现。

29、Once all XUL files are loaded, XUL parses and converts all tags in a hierarchical document structure of nodes.加载了所有 XUL 文件之后,XUL 将所有标记解析并转换为层次文档结构的节点。

30、A flexible and generic architecture to some kinds of OOL designed is presented, and its kernel is based on database. The structure of this tool is firstly presented.提出了一个适用于多种面向对象程序设计语言的软件度量工具的灵活软件结构,该结构的核心是以数据库为中间件。

31、Module interconnection architecture view Describes the functional decomposition and how the software modules are arranged in different architectural layers模块互连体系结构视图 描述功能分解和如何在不同的层中安排软件模块

32、By using the MPC method, one specific feature of MSC/NASTRAN, a new finite element model was presented, which can solve the problems effectively.利用MSC /NASTRAN结构有限元分析软体中的多点约束法,提出了一种新的建模方法,可以很好地解决上述问题。

33、In addition, other external and internal structural differences of the nutritious organ are also described and discussed briefly.另外,对光壳稻根、茎、叶内部形态解剖结构以及与光、温生态条件的关系也进行了比较、分析和描述。

34、Here, we present a crystal structure of WDR5 bound to an MLL peptide.此研究中,研究者解析了WDR5与MLL多肽结合的晶体结构。

35、Doing so ensures that I can parse the directory structure and read the target files.这样做是为了保证能够正确地解析目录结构并读取目标文件。

36、The composition of AQTs is also studied based on the software architecture and the process of interactions, which offers a solid foundation for constructing high quality Internetware.探讨了基于软件体系结构及软件交互过程的抽象质量类型的组合,这为构建高质量网构软件提供了一定的形式化基础。

37、The IPN structure was proved by solubility test, DSC and TEM.通过溶解性能,热分析及电镜,表征了IPN结构的存在。

38、JSR 94 does not address the structure of the rules file that contains your business rules (testRules1.drl in this article's sample application).JSR 94 不解析包含业务规则的规则文件(在本文示例应用程序中为 testRules1.drl)的结构。

39、System structure, scheme design, hard- ware design and software control process are introduced.介绍了系统结构,总体方案设计,硬件设计和软件控制流程。

40、Adopting high speed XML parser based on EDOM to make parse and creation of large EPA device description file much faster, the run speed of total software is improved.采用基于EDOM的高速XML解析器,对大型EPA设备描述文件的高速解析和创建,提高软件整体的运行速度。

41、Asset-based development is about developing software solutions by (re)using cohesive, documented software artifacts.基于资产的开发讨论的是通过使用(重用)具有内聚性且有恰当记录的软件构件开发软件解决方案。

42、Least formally, structural biologists solving a new atomic-resolution structure will sometimes assign its secondary structure "by eye" and record their assignments in the corresponding PDB file.也有一些结构生物学家以 肉眼观察通过软件显示的蛋白质结构来决定其二级结构。

43、Combining with computer and corresponding software, LSCM realizes series optical sectioning and is applied in 3dimensional reconstruction and dynamic assay of biological specimens widely.与计算机及相应的软件技术组合,LSCM 实现了连续光学切片,广泛应用于生物三维结构重组及动态分析。

44、The software structure design for Liquid Scintillation detector of tritium was introduced.介绍了一种液体闪烁氚测量仪的软件结构设计。

45、The hardware, software, and infrastructure issues will force managers to re-examine the cost issue.硬件、软件和基础结构的问题将迫使经理们重新考虑成本问题。

46、In recent years, in order to resolve "software crisis", object-oriented component software technology is developing rapidly.近年来,为解决软件危机,面向对象的构件化技术蓬勃发展。

47、Structure diagrams, such as a class diagram, represent static application structure.结构图,比如类图,代表静态应用软件的构架。

48、At the same time, the results of electromagnetic simulation using HFSS are given. With the comparison of numerical results and simulation results, the correctness of numerical results is proved.同时,使用HFSS仿真软件对垂直过孔结构进行了电磁仿真,并给出了计算结果与仿真结果的比对分析,验证了计算结果的正确性。

49、Maintenance: That's the cost of software development, including software test infrastructure development that everyone forgets to remember.维护:那是软件开发的成本,包括软件测试基础结构开发,这一点每个人都忘了去记住。

50、These patterns collectively capture the body of knowledge that represents our understanding of structures and mechanisms leading to well-architected software solutions.这些模式全面捕获了一个知识体系,以标识我们对可以实现设计良好的软件解决方案的结构和机制的理解。

经典英文句子51:解析结构的软件,51、Both the power and temperature distributions of an ESD protection structure during an ESD event are obtained using HSPICE.利用HSPICE电路模拟软件,对ESD保护结构进行了集总参数模拟,获得了保护结构在ESD事件中的功率和温度分布。

52、The parsing stage creates arbitrary tree structures on the basis of token lists.解析阶段在记号列表的基础上创建任意的树结构。

53、This article gives a detailed instruction on DS1216 and gives hardware structure and software lists.这里对DS1216作详细介绍,给出硬件结构和实用软件清单。

54、Software architecture identifies the architectural building blocks, at the right level of granularity.软件架构在恰当的粒度级别标识体系结构构建块。

55、It is proved that OSA has many advantages such as explicit structure, easy to understand and modify, better maintainability and portability and big reusable granularity.实践证明,正交软件体系结构具有结构清晰、易于理解、易修改、可维护性强、可移植性强、重用粒度大等优点。

56、The concept of component assembly involves the description of software architecture, assembly mechanisms, components retrieval, assembly structure checking and compiling, etc.构件组装涉及到软件体系结构描述、组装机制、构件查找匹配、程序验证和组装编译等诸多内容。

57、The concept of component composition involves the description of software architecture, composition mechanisms, components retrieving, composition structure checking and compiling.构件组装涉及到软件体系结构描述、组装机制、构件查找匹配、程序验证和组装编译等多方面的内容。

58、Pull parsing turns parse event reporting around.而 拉出解析将解析事件报告转了向。

59、Bonobo is the GNOME architecture for creating reusable software components and compound documents.Bonobo是用来创建可重用软件组件和复合文档的 GNOME 体系结构。

60、For example, an architectural overview is used by the software architect to present the solution to users, managers, projects sponsors, or project managers.例如,软件架构师使用体系结构概述向用户、管理人员、项目赞助商或者项目管理人员展示解决方案。

61、Based on software radio technology, we have designed IF digital receiver based on PCI bus architecture.本文基于软件无线电技术的思想,设计实现了基于PCI 总线结构的软件无线电接收机系统。

62、A use case model helps the architect or developer understand the software artifacts and service that need to be built.用例模型可帮助架构师或开发人员理解需要构建的软件构件和服务。

63、The per-CPU data structures used by the two networking software interrupts (softirqs) are initialized.每个CPU的数据结构是由两个网络软件中断(软中断)初始化所使用。

64、The author's main work include:SIP-based platform for value-added services framework, software architecture, designed for the business platform provides a solution.作者的主要工作包括:提出了基于SIP的增值业务平台的框架结构,软件结构,为业务平台的设计提供了一种解决方案。

65、RXP works by building a compact in-memory tree structure of the XML document being parsed.RXP 通过为所要解析的XML 文档构建一个紧凑的内存树结构而工作。

66、Len: One of the standard views for documenting software architectures is the module decomposition view.Len:一个标准的视图软件架构是模块分解视图。

67、SAX parsers produce a series of parsing events.SAX 解析器将生成一系列解析事件。

68、The method can parse HTML file, and extract the main part from the HTML file.该方法能够解析HTML文件的组成结构,并从中提取出主体文本以供处理。

69、XML can have lots of constructs and syntactic quirks and parsing is hard.XML 有很多结构和奇怪的语法习惯,很难进行解析。

70、In contrast, RXP builds the data structure right in the parser.相反, RXP 就在解析器中建立数据结构。

71、JES: The primary users of a software factory are software professionals building the solutions - these are the factory users that the factory builders design their factories for.JES:软件工厂的主要用户是构造解决方案的软件专家。

72、The SCADA the researching communication software in is introduced, such as the functions, the environment of software and hardware, the modes of net framework, and the frame of software.继而从功能、软硬件环境、组网方式和软件结构上对课题中通信软件所在的SCADA系统作了总体介绍。

73、Password Angel is an elegant solution to a problem of storage, structuring, and protection of sensitive data.密码天使是一个优雅的密码储存解决软件,优化结构和保护敏感数据。

74、With the help of P4 computer, three-dimensional reconstruction of the anatomic structures correlative to anterior cervical approach by 3D-DOCTOR software.运用3D-DOCTOR软件,在计算机上分割重建该手术入路相关的解剖结构并立体显示。

75、Using computer software, different structures within the head can be visualised.使用计算机软件,老鼠头部的不同结构得以成像。

英文句子模板76:Software for Analyzing Structures,76、The architect creates the architecture.架构师创造出软件构架。

77、Especially we use the method of" displacement"to calculate the structure internal force of rib beam in the software, which makes the software's function enhanced.在设计中引入位移法求解肋柱连梁结构内力,增强了软件本身的功能。

78、A solution to mobile police-service information platform based on VPM was described. It is used to soluted the software architecture and security of information platform.分析了一种基于VPM的移动警务开发平台的解决方案,用于解决警务系统信息平台的软件体系结构和安全性问题。

79、The software automatically adapts to each patient's anatomy, and the library grows as new patient data are added, Philips said.如见自动调整模型,适应每一个人的解剖结构,随着病人数量的增加,软件的数据也相应增大。



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