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1、I study in Shanghai Middle School.


2、Philatelic help me learn not to the classroom to learn things.


3、Lengthy talking about study skills is no better than learning it step by step, and keeping the habit of using and practising constantly.


4、Officially that is, in the past, teaching, teachers paid little attention to student interest in learning, learning orientation;


5、I began to learn from him as much as he probably learned from me.


6、Now he always says:"I will learn French the way I learned fencing ."


7、Learning the English songs is one of the efficient ways to learn English.


8、I will not sleep Mi computer learning, but learning more seriously. …


9、Learning of observation is the core of social theories of learning by Bandura.


10、In study time, the tuition including range balls and club rental fees.


11、In India and Bali students learn to vocalize music before ever picking up instruments.


12、A few bright and interested minds can leaven the whole lump .


13、Depth understanding of the learning needs of learners, mission-driven, creating a high-quality high-viscosity "Study Partners" community.


14、Based on the constructivism teaching theory, humanism theory and Subjectivity theory, the writer constructs a self-learning class model for chemistry teaching.

家教固然能促进学习,学习者自身才起主动作用 。

15、The tutor is the facilitator of learning, while the learner is active.


16、Small class size-more attention and practice.


17、Learning from experience is a fool, learn from history is the sage.


18、For the study involvement, students with less involvement tend to give good assessment to the teachers.


19、Idiom is the biggest barrier of English translation, hower cultural factor is the difficulty of translation learning.


20、This article propounded the conception of the reflective mathematics learning and mapped out the meaning and property of its, moreover, the content of the reflective mathematics learning given.

21、Our institute pays much attention to the construction of fine style of study, giving priority to the three parameters, such as study attitude, class attendance and self-study rate.学院下大力气严抓优良学风建设,将“学习态度”、“到课率”和“晚自习率”作为衡量学生学习的三项重要指标。

22、Study medium on, calls commissary in charge of study as a boss, not assertive work, commissary in charge of study said one he did not dare to say two.学习中等偏上,管学习委员叫老大,做事没主见,学习委员说一他不敢说


23、Watching lavishes students ' precious learning time , which can give rise to the decrease in their learning efficiency .看电视浪费了学生宝贵的学习时间,这将导致学生学习效率的下降。

24、Personal experience to explore the learning-based activities are the main way to learn science.亲身经历以探究为主的学习活动是学习科学的主要途径。

25、Many organizations also provide summer schools and social events for students.许多组织还为学生提供暑期班和社会活动。 这有利于建立一个虚拟的学习社区,对所有的学习者都有好处,特别对参加远程学习的学生会有帮助。

英文句子26:,26、 As for me, I have three ways to improve my study habits。现在,每个学生都很注意学习习惯,因为它很重要。

27、Cooperative learning can stimulate students' active and their spirit of cooperation.合作学习能更好地调动学生的学习积极性以及互助合作的精神。

28、Language Learning Machine.语言学习机“,”

29、In the training process, the adaptive learning rate and error batch-mode process are introduced to accelerate the training rate.在神经网络自学习过程中,引入了自适应学习速率和误差批处理法,加快了学习速度。

30、When studying a foreign language, idioms are often the most difficult thing to learn.学习外语时,习语常是其中最难学的部分。

31、I hate studying.我讨厌学习。

32、There are a number of factors which influence the success of foreign language learning - language aptitude, motivation, personality, learning styles, etc.外语学习成功与否取决于很多因素,例如:语言能力倾向,学习动机,性格因素,学习风格等等。

33、The new round of basic education curriculum reform calls for the reform of past mechanical learning and rote, teaches the students how to learn, and develops the capacity of life-long learning.新一轮基础教育课程改革,要求改革学生以往的机械式学习、死记硬背,教学生学会学习,培养学生的终身学习能力。

34、Jigsaw reading, as one of the cooperative learning methods, can stimulate independent learning.互补式阅读是合作学习的方式之一,可以促进学生自主学习。

35、Attaching importance to after-class is very useful to our study progress.重视课后学习能够有效地提高个人的学习进度。

36、Online college student's entry ability differ largely each other , consequently we shouldn't arrange learning materials just begin from the "learning starting point "but from little below.网络大学生的初始能力参差不齐,我们在安排学习内容时不能直接从学习起点线来开始,可以稍微从略低的学习起点起步以满足大多数学习者。

37、In accordance with the latest guiding line for college English teaching, the textbooks reflect the notion of individualized learning, interactive learning, and self-access learning.由清华大学出版社的《新时代交互英语》禀承最新大学英语教学的指导思想,体现了个性化学习、交互式学习、自主式学习的教学理念。

38、Kolb's Experience Learning Theory emphasizes the role of experience in learning.库伯经验学习理论强调经验在学习中的作用。

39、In theory, the source should be the product of the thought of lifelong education, lifelong learning , learning society and learning organization when they developed at a certain stage.从理论上讲,学习化社区理论研究的背景应该是终身教育、终身学习和学习化社会、学习型组织思想发展到一定阶段的产物;

40、Qualitative assessment' of students promotion varies due to school paragraph, gender, learning content varies.定性评价对学生体育学习的促进作用因学段、性别、学习内容的不同而不同。

41、Through simulated E-Learning experiments, the study probes into stale meta-cognition's influence on learners' cognition load in the course of online study.模拟网络学习实验,探讨网络学习过程中状态元认知对学习者认知负荷的影响。

42、If you do not have any more time allocated for today then stop working with SuperMemo.如果今天的学习时间到了,请停止学习。

43、According to Lozanov, foreign language learning is a process in which both conscious learning and unconscious acquisition are at work.其基本观点是,外语学习是有意识学习与无意识习得的过程。

44、Support vector machines(SVMs) are based on statistical learning theory( SLT ). It has been hot research in machine learning area.支持向量机是一种基于统计学习理论的机器学习方法,成为当前国际机器学习界的研究热点。

45、It can greatly motivate students'learning. 多媒体辅助听说教学大大丰富了学习者的语言输入形式与内容,提高了学生的学习动机,有效促进了学生的自主学习能力;

2) Computer-assisted English listening and speaking instruction further enriches both learners'forms and content of language input.

46、In doing we learn.边干边学。在实践中学习。

47、To view PSS from the aspect of organization, it is composed of learning objectives, preparing a lesson, in-class studying and evaluation feedback.高中语文学案从其构成来看,主要分为:学习目标、预习、课堂学习和测评反馈四个部门。

48、You want to study English . I want to study Chinese ; we can .你想学习英语我想学习汉语,我们可以互相帮助。

49、For now, access to China's secondary vocational schools the majority of young secondary school academic performance is poor, study and living habits of young people is not stable.就目前而言,进入我国中等职业学校学习的青少年大部分是初中学习成绩不佳,学习及生活习惯不太稳定的青少年。

50、Project-based Learning is an active & innovative learning model.基于项目的学习模式是一种主动的探究性学习模式。

经典英文句子51:学习,51、I would like to live to study, and not study to live. 我愿意为了学习而活着,不愿意为了活着而学习.

52、In these programs you will be required to take some challenging courses such as chemistry, physics, biology and math.在学习这些专业的同时也要学习一些颇具挑战的学科,如化学、物理学、生物学和数学。

53、Blended-learning needs the support of virtual learning environment. As an open source web-based instruction platform, moodle is much better than other commercial web-based instruction platforms.开展混合学习需要虚拟学习环境的支持,Moodle作为一种开源的网络教学平台,在支持混合学习方面具有一些其他商业化网络学习平台所不具备的优势。

54、The principal must be hard-working, good at learning and enterprising.校长必须是一个勤奋学习,善于学习,勇于进取的人。

55、Such programs are expensive, but we are considering it because she loves to learn.这类学习学费昂贵,但我们在给予考虑,原因是她喜欢学习。

56、The two roots of the alienation of learning are the psychological understanding of the nature of learning and the utilitarianism understanding of the value.心理主义的学习本质观和功利主义的学习价值观是学习异化的两大根源。

57、Investigation on Self-monitoring Ability in Physics Learning of High School Students in Tai an. ;学习自我监控能力是学生元学习能力的核心成分之

58、Study guides often recommend that student study vocabulary using small stacks of flashcards.学习指导者经常建议学生学习词汇时使用一小叠词汇抽认卡。

59、He studies physics in Berlin.他在柏林学习物理学。

60、The results suggested that implicit learning had predominance in pronunciation learning and the best learning style was to combine implicit and explicit learning.结果表明,语音学习中存在内隐学习的优势效应,内隐与外显结合的学习方式最好。

61、Learning is guaranteed by time. The students should arrange their study time and review with the teacher's guidance.学习是以时间做保证的,同学们要在各任课老师的指导下,合理安排学习时间,进行复习。

62、There were two hypotheses about the role that the effector played in the motor sequence learning.动作序列学习是动作技能学习的重要组成部分,其中大部分动作序列学习都有效应器参与。

63、I study in Beijing Primary School.我在北京小学学习。

64、Multi-tasking and information overload are the enemies of effective learning.学习任务多和信息超负荷是高效学习的大敌。

65、Self-regulated learning is advocated and required in the 21~(st) century. Promoting learner autonomy and cultivating autonomous learners have become the primary goal of education in the new era.自主学习是二十一世纪所倡导和要求的学习模式,促进学习自主性、培养自主学习者已成为新时期教育的首要目标。

66、Coming to Hpowerfulgzhou by train takes more or less 简单学习网 高考学习网乘火车到杭州要16个小时。

16 hours.

67、Pedagogical implications suggested that teachers attempt to promote learners' interests in learning English so as to increase learners' English learning motivation.本研究建议老师要试著提升学习者的兴趣,以便于增强学习者的英语学习动机。

68、Then, the theme Learning Network design students autonomous learning environment building strategy.接着提出主题学习网设计中中学生自主学习环境的建设策略。

69、Self-regulated learning ability, in my opinion, will make life-long learning possible.笔者认为,自主学习能力使终身学习成为可能。

70、We introduce the concepts of E-Learning and some related knowledge. We also bring up the importance of E-learning. Some cases of commercial e-learning will be introduced in the class.本课程首先介绍数位学习的基本概念,说明数位学习在学习领域的重要,我们同时让学生观摩国内数位学习业者之教材,并加以分析探讨。

71、Learning ability test: The learning ability of rats was tested by trisection Y-type maze and figured as attempting times.学习能力测试:大鼠学习能力测试用三等分Y型迷宫进行,以大鼠学习尝试次数表示。

72、I would like to live to study, and not study to live.我愿意为了学习而活着,不愿意为了活着而学习.

73、Meanwhile, it should be noticed to promote the students' ability of self-study and cooperation.强化自主学习与协作学习是搞好结构力学网络课程教学的必然要求;

74、Most of the students consider the online project-based learning strategies helpful.学生对线上专题学习活动设计的看法,大都认为是有助于学习的。

75、The language learning is different with mathematics learning.学习语言不同于学数学。

英文句子模板76:学习,76、小明现在正在家学习 xiao ming is studying at home now. 小明现在正在家学习 xiao ming is studying at home now.

77、Basic bones: First you learn about radiation exposure and radiation protection;基础学习:首先要学习辐射照射以及辐射防护知识;



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