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1、“ But why take the risk?


2、We assess the probability that our efforts will lead to the required performance level. The probability is called effort_performance expectancy.


3、We'retrying to save the manatees.


4、Our efforts will be worthwhile.


5、"We're getting there, " Bryant said. "The key for us is to continue to work at it and plug away.


6、Dong work hard with Long-Long.

7、I am working hard on my exams. 我在努力应对考试。


8、One must work hard to succeed.


9、Manager's behaviors are divided into productive efforts and opportunistic efforts and principal-agent theory is employed to establish a principal-agent model of the owner and the manager.


10、Try to increase your efficiency.

她靠努力学习取得进 步。

11、She made progress by working hard.


12、Work hard to improve collection procedures.


13、She works hardest in the class.

14、I am working hard on my English now. 我正努力学英文呢。


15、He thinks he should study hard.


16、It's GREat to try hard, but if you're not getting the job done well, it ultimately won't matter.


17、I will keep on keepin' on.

· 不要为成功而努力,要为做一个有价值的人而努力. 爱因斯坦

18、· Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value. A.Einstein


19、If the effort collapses, violence could break out.


20、He tried to vanquish his fears.

21、Please don't jeer at my efforts.请不要嘲笑我的努力。

22、.. My boss works too hard. 我的老板工作太努力了。

23、We reap a benefit from exertions.我们因努力得到利益。

24、Half a successed is hard work。成功的一半是努力。

25、keep striving for your dream 为了自己的梦不懈地努力

英文句子26:,26、I am an arduous-working man.我是个很努力工作的人。

27、Freedom from effort in the present merely means that there has been effort stored up in the past.目前不用作任何的努力,只是意味着在过去有过努力的积储。

28、He applied himself to his new job.他努力干好新工作。

29、He endeavoured to calm himself down.他努力使自己镇静下来。

30、I'm working hard on my English now.我正努力学英文呢。

31、True, they have tried, but their efforts have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition .当然,他们做了努力,但是他们努力的方式建立在一个捉襟见肘的传统上。

32、They work and play together.和龙龙一起努力工作。

33、I am working hard on my homework.我正努力学英文呢。

34、It would advantage you to work hard.努力工作对你会有益。

35、However hard you try, you can't have it all. But you get some if you try.但无论你怎么努力,都捡不完,但是只要你肯努力,你总会见到一些的。

36、He is a hard-working men.他是个努力的男人。

37、Their prodigious efforts, their resistance to distraction, would yield new cohorts of sandhill cranes, extending and rejuvenating the species.它们的惊人努力,它们抗拒分心的努力将产生新的沙丘鹤军团,将发展更新这个物种的活力。

38、"All I'm going to do is work as hard as I can, and see where that gets me, " she said.“我现在要做的就是努力、努力学习,看我能做到怎样,”她说。 罼。

39、So if we lower the synergy here, not only do I contribute less effort, but you know I contribute less effort, and therefore you contribute less effort and so on.如果我们减少协同参数,不但我会少付出努力,而且你也知道我会少付出努力,因此你也会少付出努力,以此类推

40、The world can be changed by man's endeavor, and that this endeavor can lead to something new and better .经过努力可以改变世界,这种努力可以使类达到新的、更美好的境界。

41、He always follows after knowledge.他总是努力追求知识。

42、" But why take the risk? " 努力工作不会导致死亡!

43、You’ve tried harder than the rest.你比所有人都更努力

44、But somehow it seems, the harder that I try to do that, The more it backfires on me.我努力的想让你们远离这些,但是好象我越努力这么做,就越事与愿违。

45、Eponine made a final effort.爱潘妮试作最后的努力。

46、Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value. -- A. Einstein.不要为成功而努力,要为做一个有价值的人而努力。 -- 一爱一因斯坦。

47、He made a feint of working hard.他装作努力工作。

48、Young people of the whole country, bestir yourselves!全国青年们,努力啊!

49、But let’s strive for proof.让我们为证据而努力。

50、Thank you for your support Xiaobin efforts will work out in the book, oh hey thanks.谢谢大家的支持尜彬一定会努力在努力的出书的谢谢了哦嘿嘿。

经典英文句子51:努力,51、Please join me in this effort.请加入我并为此努力。

52、We have worked for that.我们为那些付出了努力。

53、The more effort your partner provides into this project the more effort you want to provide in this project.你的合作伙伴付出越多努力,你也就越想付出越多努力

54、Success usually attends on one’s effort.成功常伴随努力而来。

55、You can work hard and contribute greatly, but if thats what you normally do it goes unrecognised!你努力工作,努力奉献。 但如果你一贯如此,那么之一切就不会受到重视了。

56、My efforts have brought about results.我的努力已见成效。

57、The soldiers were all out drilling.战士们正在努力训练。

58、Soli Ozel doesn't believe such efforts have much chance of success, but still thinks they are important.厄泽尔认为,这些努力不大可能成功,但他仍然认为这些努力非常重要。

59、Her success here depends upon effort and ability.她在这里的成功靠努力和能力。

60、I'll try my best in the relay race.接力比赛中我将尽我最大努力。

61、You promised. I promised I'd try. Well, that's all I'm asking for. I mean, just keep trying. Please.你答应了,我答应了我会努力。这就是我请求的。我是说,继续努力。拜托了。

62、These efforts are yielding results.这些努力正在产生成果。

63、Or have their efforts been rewarded?还是努力得到了回报呢?

64、Oriental Yuhong is devoted to supplying comprehensive and top-quality services to customers, and providing powerful guarantee for the development of customers.东方雨虹努力为客户提供全面、优质的服务,努力为客户的发展提供强有力的保障。

65、His efforts ended in failure.他的努力终告失败了。

66、And I pretty much worked hard, double harder and tried to get as much as I can in.我确实很努力,我付出了双倍的努力并且尝试着得到更多。

67、He essayed a faint smile.他努力露出了一丝笑容。

68、True they have tried, but their efforts have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition.他们也的确作了努力,但是他们的努力脱不开过时传统的巢臼。

69、Efforts to create world-class brand!努力争创国际一流品牌!

70、I have always strived for these values, and probably always will, to varying levels of success.我一直为这些价值努力着,也大概会为了不同层次的成功而不断努力下去。

71、On the other hand, our advantages can be enhanced and our shortcoming remedied by our efforts.我方反是,我之优点可因我之努力而加强,缺点则因我之努力而克服。

72、We redoubled our efforts [ zeal ].我们加倍努力[倍增热忱] 。

73、That effort will be bootless.那种努力将是无益的。

74、Mom found WangWang very hard.妈妈发现王望很努力。

75、John's working on a small slam.约翰正努力打满小满贯。

英文句子模板76:Effort,76、Mediocrity is not a lack of effort.平庸者并非缺少努力。



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