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关于”互联网的好处“的英语句子34个,句子主体:Benefits of the Internet。以下是关于互联网的好处的六级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Benefits of the Internet


1、Our growing, global interconnectedness via the internet is a great opportunity, both for corporations, their employees and the public.


2、I often Antan, "Hun Jin" The more people, who know the Internet is less.


3、IoT refers to a network of real-world objects linked by the Internet and interacting through on-line services.


4、The Internet subverts Kismet.


5、Developed from electronic networking, the optical networking is pacing towards the high-level quantum networking.

标签: 互联网营销,互联网,市场营销,理财,赚钱。

6、Tags:- Internet Marketing , Marketing , Internet , Make Money , Onlin.


7、Internetworking refers to the industry, products, and procedures that meet the challenge of creating and administering internetworks.


8、The attack ads are everywhere - on television, radio and the Internet.


9、It is attack that innovates to Internet and Internet.


10、John Armstrong (Dataquest): "Internet

2 will revolutionize(

2) the Internet as we know today."


11、The interconnection preference of asymmetric IBPs (Internet Backbone Providers) was studied to promote internet development and make reasonable interconnection policy.


12、Relationships and Internet resources.


13、If the real-time Web and its fundamental characteristics are widely understood, its benefits and opportunities can extend throughout the Internet and across all industries.


14、Mobile Internet and Wireless Internet are the buz words widely seen today.


15、It arose out of very particular circumstances in the development of the Internet.

丰富互联网应用 (RIAs)

16、Rich Internet Applications (RIAs)


17、And the fact is that China's control of the Internet also hampers its own Internet companies.


18、Besides get a few information through internet beyond, the internet user that participates in investigation is right theadvantage very familiar with sth of internet.

像许多互联网精英[dot-commers]一样 他坚信互联网将增强个体。

19、Like many young dot-commers, he believed the Internet would empower the individual.


20、Brian: I suppose that the Internet has one advantage - it is fast!

21、New Media: Internet, wireless networkInternet新媒体:互联网、无线网

22、The Internet can be a great resource for learning how to draw animals.互联网是一个很好的资源,学习如何画动物。

23、The Internet of Things is a network of Internet-enabled objects, together with web services that interact with these objects.物联网是由联网物品构成的一个网络,其中包括与这些物品进行互动的互联网服务。

24、The essence of Internet is connection, the value of information lies in interflow.互联网的精髓在于互联,而信息的价值在于互通。

25、The more people use Internet, the more concerns about Internet security.互联网使用的越多,对互联网的安全就关注的越多。

英文句子26:,26、What happens, though, when the very telephone companies providing access to the Internet also attempt to provide their services and applications in an Internet model telephon internet attempt?既然如此,那么恰恰就是提供互联网接入的电信公司也开既然如此互联网公司始尝试在一个互联网模型上提供他们的服务和应用时会发互联网应用模型生什么呢?

27、A good domain name is the Internet's most valuable real estate!一个好域名是互联网最有价值的不动产!

28、Mobile Internet develops very rapidly in modern time, mobile becomes mostly approach to get on mobile internet, and mobile client is one of important instruments for customer to use mobile internet.当今移动互联网高速发展,手机上网成为移动互联网接入的主要方式,而手机客户端是用户体验移动互联网的主要工具。

29、Narrow sense ground says, the carrier that the network popularizes is Internet, the promotion that left Internet cannot be network promotion.狭义地说,网络推广的载体是互联网,离开了互联网的推广就不能算是网络推广。

30、The original architects of the Internet got the big things right.开发互联网的第一批工程师做对了一件大好事。

31、Okay, either that, or we're rather internet-savvy.好吧,要么就是,我们更是互联网专家。

32、Your best bet for finding love is to join an Internet dating site.最好去互联网上碰碰运气,参加一些网络交友。

33、Network routing experts have been aware of the limitations of IPv4 addressing since the 1980's--before most of the world even knew the Internet existed, and before the Web became ubiquitous.网络路由专家,早在xx年代在世界上大多数人还没知道互联网之前,在互联网变得无处不在之前就意识到IPv4的局限性。

34、The Web Journal of Current Legal Issues is published bi-monthly on the World Wide Web.现代法律互联网期刊是在互联网上刊载的双月刊。

35、There may be pre-compiled versions around on the Internet.互联网上有已经编译好们下一步就来作这个。

36、Second, put in place the preliminary network of connectivity.初步建成互联互通网络。

37、Nine trend: alliances, the Chinese Internet on the eve of a big merger.趋势


38、I learned Internet of Things is a network that can be applied to infrastructure and services.他们给我介绍什么是物联网,物联网就是传感器加互联网,也就是说通过传感器可以将互联网运用到基础设施和服务产业,它有着广阔的前景。

39、"The internet-savvy will grab more of the benefits, " Treasury said.熟悉互联网将获取更多的好处”。

40、Also, the laptops are able to connect wirelessly to each other, as well as the Internet if local service is available.此外,它还具有无线联网功能。 而且如果本地有提供互联网服务,还可以连接到互联网。

41、At the early stage interconnections issues are the manifestation of the lack of positive attitude, low telephone's put-through rate, inadequate network interconnection capacity and so on.互联互通监管问题早期表现为网间互联不积极、人为设置的接通率低、网间互联容量不足等;

42、The Interplanetary Internet will use spacecraft that have completed their mission to create a backbone for the new network.星际互联网将使用已发射的航天器来构造新互联网的主干网。

43、ROBERT SHAW: "Internet protocol-based networks, they're almost behind everything we do."基于互联网协议的网络几乎无处不在。

44、with distinctions between workflow and straight through processing, internet vs intranet etc. disappearing.工作流与直通式处理之间的区别,互联网与内联网的区别将会消失。

45、As a basis for networking, common Internet identity technologies are various networking and application of interconnection of the urgent need to develop basic technologies.作为网络基础,通用的物联网标识技术是各种物联网应用互联互通迫切需要发展的基础技术。

46、I think the Internet is a great thing. It is liberalizing.我认为互联网是很好的东西,它很自由。

47、DUCK faces and peace signs are all over the Internet.互联网上到处都是鸭子脸和剪刀手。

48、John Armstrong (Dataquest): "Internet 约翰。阿姆斯特朗:“互联网2将会更新现有的互联网。

2 will revolutionize the Internet as we know today."

49、China and India have a peculiar Internet economy -- in addition to the fastest growing Internet sectors.除飞速发展的互联网外,中国和印度的互联网经济很特殊。

50、The football websites are really good. I follow English football on the internet.A 足球网非常好。我在互联网上跟踪了解英国足球赛况。

经典英文句子51:互联网的好处,51、Network routing experts have been aware of the limitations of IPv4 addressing since the 1980s--before most of the world even knew the Internet existed, and before the Web became ubiquitous.网络路由专家,早在xx年代在世界上大多数人还没知道互联网之前,在互联网变得无处不在之前就意识到IPv4的局限性。

52、Wireless Internet are the buz words widely seen today.移动互联网和无线互联网是随处可见的热点词汇。

53、Last year after seismic happening, people is open-eyed be absent at the nowhere of Internet, be in especially so critical juncture, the effect of Internet is more profound popular.去年地震发生后,人们惊讶于互联网的无处不在,尤其在这样紧急的关头,互联网的作用更是深得人心。

54、Where the use of web-based resources is either recommended or required, what are we doing to accommodate students who find themselves unable to access the Internet?对基于互联网的资本的用处在哪里引荐什么或需求,本人们做着包容发现本身无法拜候互联网的学生?

55、China's net-work industry is now in its introducing period.中国互联网产业,目前正处于导入期;


标签: 互联网 好处

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