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关于”三个单词“的英语句子56个,句子主体:three words。以下是关于三个单词的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:three words


1、Meta-B -- This key binding goes back by one word.


2、It has aw ord you may not know.

词元化 是确定一个单词的固定的基本部分的过程。

3、Lemmatization is the process of identifying the base, non-inflected form of a word.


4、When my daughter finished remembering the left ten new words in lesson 143, it was almost half past eleven.


5、I learned how each sound was linked to another.

showed his small regular teeth.这三个词都可表示“一般的”“通常的”。

6、The conjurer…


7、It also allows us to take a word of a given category and form a new homophonous word of a different category.


8、This study explores the effects of three different teaching methods (two approaches) to polysemous words on learning results.

对原始代码的重写被证明是非常值得的,它有规律地在 40 代内产生三个字母的单词。

9、This rewrite of the original proved very rewarding, routinely yielding three-letter words within 40 generations.


10、I don't know how to pronounce this word.


11、After she finished doing one module of mathematics problems, she learned the rest part of new words in lesson 103.


12、It always take the third person singular form of the verb even though it's always plural in English.


13、What if you need to replace one word with another, or a series of spaces and tabs with a single space?


14、The word dates back to the 1600s.


15、A lot of the dictionaries I looked at don’t even include the word hobbit.


16、What will really happen if she misspells a word?


17、My daughter learned ten new words in lesson 143 when she finished her homework this evening.


18、The A-word was never used.


19、Callum: Spiel, it's not an English word, is it?


20、And she reviewed the rest words in lesson 103 this afternoon.

21、The action-measure words are divided into three categories: special action-measure words, which are used specially to express the unit of actions;把动量词分为三类:专用动量词,即专门用来表示动作行为单位的量词;

22、My daughter reviewed the ten new words in lesson 113 when she finished her homework this evening.今天晚上,我女儿做完家庭作业之后就复习了第一百一十三课的十个新单词。

23、The instructions said: Look at the word, try to visualize it (see "tree;" imagine "tree") and then go on to the next word.试验说明是:看着每个单词,努力将它形象化(看到”树“时,想像”树“),然后继续下一个单词。

24、For example, a text "abc def ghi" consists of three words, and that results in three index entries (all pointing to the same text document) being generated.例如,文本 “abc def ghi” 由三个单词组成,这导致生成三个索引条目(都指向相同的文本文档)。

25、Also, keep in mind that don't memorize too many words all at once, ok? Set a goal for yourself, 记住不要一次记太多的单词,建立一个目标,一天十个单词足矣,不要太多。

10 words each day, no more.

英文句子26:,26、Don't use quotation marks in search terms: Single words – including several words in a row – work better than demarcated phrases.输入多个单词作为单个搜索词条目时,无需使用标点符号。 我们的系统会忽略逗号。

27、My daughter learned the five new words and recited half of the content in lesson 139 today.今天,我女儿学习了第一百三十九课的五个新单词,并且背诵了该课将近一半的内容。

28、a word that implied the German word for “jewelry” for a jeweler, or “apartment” for a rental office.例如,对珠宝商而言,就是(德语中的)“珠宝”这个单词,对出租房屋的公司来说就是“公寓”这个单词。

29、He obliterated two words in ink / with a pen.他用钢笔把那两个单词涂去了。

30、When Adam introduced himself to Eve, what three words did he use which read the same backwards and forwards?当亚当把自己介绍给夏娃时,他用了哪三个单词正反念都一样。

31、So we agreed with that she learned only three new words and four conversations in lesson 106 tonight.因此我们一致同意,她今天晚上只学习了第一百零六课的三个新单词和四组对话。

32、In a third experiment, participants were asked questions estimating the influence of font size and study on their learning.在第三个试验里,被试者需要估计出单词的字体大小对于他们学习效果的影响程度。

33、The reader will become impatient or confused upon finding two or more versions of the same word or expression.读者会丧失耐心、会变得迷茫,会发现同一个单词或表述有两三个甚至更多的版本。

34、Write a memo in about 50 words.写一份50个单词左右的备忘录。

35、When we got home, she reviewed half of the words in lesson 103.当我们回到中之后,她复习了第一百零三课的一半单词。

36、Well, here's one that beats Disney. Sam found it in the Oxford English Dictionary. Their longest non-technical word is这里有一个词可以打败迪斯尼的那个。萨姆在牛津英语词典中找到了它,最长的非专业名词的单词是

37、The most selfish one-letter word is "I".最自私的一个字母的单词是:“I”(我)。

38、A listener—Heather—asked me about yacht saying it was spelled strangely.一个名叫希瑟的听众曾向我询问单词yacht,并说这个词的拼写怪怪的。

39、Meanwhile, we should divide the semantic characteristic of monosyllable verbs which have been included in studys scope into four groups, and consider some special conditions.《盐铁论》的动词研究必须满足三个条件,同时把列入考察范围的单音节动词的语义特征分为四大类,并考虑其特殊情况,然后确定其词项。

40、Power words are key words and phrases that you should try to use during the core part of your cover letter; paragraphs two and three.你需要在求职信的核心正文(第


41、During period 第三阶段患儿,封闭项词识别率达到72%,开放项词识别率是40%,能正确发出的单词数是42%;

3, words recognition in closed list and in opened list was 72% and 40%, respectively. 42% of words were produced correctly .

42、What is the longest word in the English?在英文中哪一个单词是最长的?

43、He swept Song of the Year, Best Composer and Best Lyricist for his single Jonathan's Song.他凭借他的单曲《给自己的歌》横扫最佳年度歌曲奖,最佳作曲奖和最佳作词奖三个奖项。

44、The same one word may have more than one meaning. This is what we call polysemy , and such a word is called a polysemic word.同一个单词可能有一个以上的意义,这就是我们所说的一词多义,这样的词叫多义词。

45、By the end of last month, we had learned 200 words.上个月末,我们已经学了200个单词。

46、English crossword clues are exercises in riddling—one of my favourites was “golden parent” in three letters, answer “mum.”(英文的填字游戏就像猜谜——我最喜欢的一条是golden parent,让猜三个字母的单词,答案是mum)。

47、Ginger is one of the first words she learned.“姜”是她学会的第一个单词。

48、One word stood between her and the world championship. With little hesitation, Katharine correctly spelled the word ursprache.她只要再拼出一个单词,即能勇夺世界冠军,虽然迟疑了一会儿,但凯撒琳仍然正确拼出「原始语」(ursprache)这个单词。

49、Girls, can you spell the word?女孩们,你们会拼读这个单词吗?

50、"Clock, " he says.“clock ”他说,这是他的第一个单词,还少发了“l”的音。

经典英文句子51:三个单词,51、My daughter learned the three new words and a half of the conversation in lesson 131 this evening.今天晚上,我女儿学习了第一百三十一课的三个新单词以及对话内容的一半。

52、There are three special negative Chinese features "Bai", "Bao"and "Hou"in Nanyang dialect which can make three negative phrases when they are affixed.南阳方言中有三个特殊的否定词“白”、“嫑”、“侯”,加词缀后构成三组否定词。

53、Wang Ping has learned thousands of English words.王萍已经学习了数千个英语单词。

54、The element iterates from 元素从

1 to the number of words in the word list.

1 开始,遍历单词列表中的每个词。

55、My favourite animal is panda. It's white and black. It eats(三单行为动词加s 怕你不理解加上这条。

56、OK. Here are some cards for you. Please color the words in group of three. (三个人一组,每组一张卡片,请你们用相应的颜色的蜡笔填涂卡片上的单词。

57、The single word gloss was usually interlined.对单个词的注释还常用间注法。

58、Why is "abbreviated" such a long word?为什么“缩写”是这么长的一个单词?

59、After the exit to read 3000 words dictation.出关后要能读说默写出3000个单词。

60、The teacher uncovers the card at one time to teach the new word: stapler, brush and disk.教师依次将白纸取下,讲授订书机、毛笔、磁盘三个新单词。

61、The antepenult is stressed in the word "superfluous".这个词当中倒数第三个音节重读。

62、I memorized 50 new words at one fling today.今天我一鼓作气背了50个单词。

63、或者 have a good apitite(这个单词你自己查,意思是 胃口)

64、One of the players acts as the wordmeister, which means they read the card while the other players build the words.其中一名玩家充当评委,他的任务就是向其他玩家宣读说明,其他玩家则用拿到的三个单词块摆置单词。

65、How to play: Ask 请三到四名幼儿围成一个小圆圈,教师将一些单词卡片放在小圆圈的周围。

3 or

4 kids to form a circle. The teacher puts some vocabulary cards around the circle.

66、OK, then, how many n-grams are in a genetic word?好,那么一个基因“单词”中有几个“字尾”呢?

67、A third group clenched their right fist ahead of memorising and their left ahead of recall and a fourth did the reverse.第三个小组在记单词前握紧右拳,在回忆前握紧左拳,第四个小组与其正相反。

68、What does this string of words really mean?这个 “单词串” 的真实含义是什么呢?


标签: 英文 单词

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